Пример #1
ErrorCode ReadNC::read_header()
  dbgOut.tprint(1, "Reading header...\n");

  // Get the global attributes
  int numgatts;
  int success;
  success = NCFUNC(inq_natts )(fileId, &numgatts);
  if (success)
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Couldn't get number of global attributes");

  // Read attributes into globalAtts
  ErrorCode result = get_attributes(NC_GLOBAL, numgatts, globalAtts);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Trouble getting global attributes");
  dbgOut.tprintf(1, "Read %u attributes\n", (unsigned int) globalAtts.size());

  // Read in dimensions into dimNames and dimLens
  result = get_dimensions(fileId, dimNames, dimLens);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Trouble getting dimensions");
  dbgOut.tprintf(1, "Read %u dimensions\n", (unsigned int) dimNames.size());

  // Read in variables into varInfo
  result = get_variables();MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Trouble getting variables");
  dbgOut.tprintf(1, "Read %u variables\n", (unsigned int) varInfo.size());

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
ErrorCode SpectralMeshTool::create_spectral_elems(const T *conn, int num_fine_elems, int dim,
                                                  Range &output_range, int start_idx, Range *local_gids) 
  assert(spectralOrder && num_fine_elems);
    // now create num_coarse_elems
    // compute the number of local elems, accounting for coarse or fine representation
    // spectral_unit is the # fine elems per coarse elem, or spectralOrder^2
  int spectral_unit = spectralOrder*spectralOrder;
  int num_coarse_elems = num_fine_elems / spectral_unit;

  EntityHandle *new_conn;
  EntityHandle start_elem;
  ReadUtilIface *rmi;
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->query_interface(rmi);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
  int verts_per_felem = spectralOrderp1*spectralOrderp1,
      verts_per_celem = std::pow((double)2.0, dim);

  rval = rmi->get_element_connect(num_coarse_elems, verts_per_celem,
                                  (2 == dim ? MBQUAD : MBHEX), 0,
                                  start_elem, new_conn);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Failed to create elems");

  output_range.insert(start_elem, start_elem + num_coarse_elems - 1);

    // read connectivity into that space

    // permute_array takes a 4*order^2-long vector of integers, representing the connectivity of order^2
    // elems (fine elems in a coarse elem), and picks out the ids of the vertices necessary
    // to get a lexicographically-ordered array of vertices in a spectral element of that order
    //assert(verts_per_felem == (sizeof(permute_array)/sizeof(unsigned int)));
    // we're assuming here that elems was empty on input
  int count;
  EntityHandle *sv_ptr = NULL;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(spectral_vertices_tag(true), output_range.begin(), output_range.end(), count,
                            (void*&)sv_ptr);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Failed to get SPECTRAL_VERTICES ptr");
  assert(count == num_coarse_elems);
  int f = start_idx, fs = 0, fl = 0;
  for (int c = 0; c < num_coarse_elems; c++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < verts_per_celem; i++)
      new_conn[fl+i] = conn[f+lin_permute_array[i]];
    fl += verts_per_celem;
    for (int i = 0; i < verts_per_felem; i++) 
      sv_ptr[fs+i] = conn[f+permute_array[i]];
    f += verts_per_celem*spectral_unit;
    fs += verts_per_felem;
  if (local_gids) 
    std::copy(sv_ptr, sv_ptr+verts_per_felem*num_coarse_elems, range_inserter(*local_gids));

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
moab::ErrorCode test_hv_cube_mesh( double A_f, double valence, double &ray_fire_time, double worst_split_ratio )

  std::cout << "TESTING MESH - Valence: " << valence << " Area Fraction: " << A_f << std::endl;
	  prep_mesh( A_f, valence);
	  ////////////// START OF MOAB STUFF \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\	\

	  moab::OrientedBoxTreeTool::Settings settings; 
	  settings.max_leaf_entities = 8; 
	  settings.max_depth = 0;
	  settings.worst_cost = worst_split_ratio; 
	  settings.best_cost = 0.4;
	  settings.set_options = MESHSET_SET;

	  //now we'll try to load this mesh-file into a dagmc instance
	  moab::DagMC *dag = new moab::DagMC( mbi );
	  moab::ErrorCode result;
	  //load the mesh data from the moab instance into dag
	  result = dag->load_existing_contents(); 
	  if( MB_SUCCESS != result) return MB_FAILURE;

	  result = dag->setup_impl_compl();
	  MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Could not setup implicit compliment.");

	  moab::Range surfs,vols;
	  result = dag->setup_geometry(surfs,vols);
	  MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result,"Failed to setup the geometry.");
	  // build obbs
	  result = build_obbs(dag,surfs,vols,settings);
	  MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Failed to setup the OBBs");
	  // setup indices
	  result = dag->setup_indices();
	  MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Failed to setup problem indices");
	  //analyze mesh here
	  double avg_fire_time;
	  CartVect source;
	  source[0] = 0; source [1] = 0; source [2] = 0;
	  //call into the new functions for firing random rays and get the avg time
	  fire_rand_rays( dag, vols[0], 100000, avg_fire_time, source);
	  //write time to data file

	  std::cout << "The average fire time for this mesh was: " << avg_fire_time << "s" << std::endl;
	  ray_fire_time = avg_fire_time;
	  return MB_SUCCESS;

Пример #4
ErrorCode ReadCGNS::create_sets(char *sectionName,
                                const Tag *file_id_tag,
                                EntityType /*element_type*/,
                                const Range& elements,
                                const std::vector<int>& set_ids,
                                int /*set_type*/)
  ErrorCode result;

  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(globalId, elements, &set_ids[0]);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
    return result;

  if (file_id_tag) {
    result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(*file_id_tag, elements, &set_ids[0]);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      return result;

  result = MB_SUCCESS;
  EntityHandle set_handle;

  Tag tag_handle;

  const char* setName = sectionName;

  mbImpl->tag_get_handle(setName, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag_handle, MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT);

  // Create set
  result = mbImpl->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, set_handle);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": Trouble creating set");

  //// Add dummy values to current set
  //std::vector<int> tags(set_ids.size(), 1);
  //result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(tag_handle, elements, &tags[0]);
  //if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

  // Add them to the set
  result = mbImpl->add_entities(set_handle, elements);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": Trouble putting entities in set");

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #5
//! Read/create sets
ErrorCode ReadTemplate::create_sets(int num_sets, EntityHandle /*start_vertex*/, int /*num_verts*/,
                                    EntityHandle /*start_elem*/, int /*num_elems*/, Range &read_ents)
  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
  EntityHandle this_set;

  for (int i = 0; i < num_sets; i++) {
    // Create set
    result = mbImpl->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, this_set);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": Trouble creating set");

    Range set_ents;
    // Read/compute what's in this set; REMEMBER TO CONVERT THESE TO MOAB HANDLES

    // Add them to the set
    result = mbImpl->add_entities(this_set, set_ents);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": Trouble putting entities in set");

    // Add the new set to read_ents

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
//! Read/create elements
ErrorCode ReadTemplate::read_elements(int num_elems, EntityHandle start_vertex,
                                      EntityHandle &start_elem, Range &read_ents)
  // Get the entity type being read
  EntityType ent_type = MBHEX;

  // Get the number of vertices per entity
  int verts_per_elem = 8;

  // Create the element sequence; passes back a pointer to the internal storage for connectivity and the
  // starting entity handle
  EntityHandle* conn_array;
  ErrorCode result = readMeshIface->get_element_connect(num_elems, verts_per_elem, ent_type,
                                                        1, start_elem, conn_array);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": Trouble reading elements");

  // Read connectivity into conn_array directly
  for (long i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) {
    // Read connectivity

  // Convert file-based connectivity indices to vertex handles in-place; be careful, if indices are smaller than handles,
  // need to do from the end of the list so we don't overwrite data
  // Here, we assume indices are smaller than handles, just for demonstration; create an integer-type pointer to connectivity
  // initialized to same start of connectivity array
  int *ind_array = reinterpret_cast<int*>(conn_array);
  // OFFSET is value of first vertex index in file; most files are 1-based, but some might be 0-based
  int OFFSET = 1;
  for (long i = num_elems*verts_per_elem - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    conn_array[i] = ind_array[i] + start_vertex + OFFSET;

    // This assert assumes last handle in read_ents is highest vertex handle in this file
    assert(conn_array[i] >= start_vertex && conn_array[i] <= *read_ents.rbegin());

  // Notify MOAB of the new elements
  result = readMeshIface->update_adjacencies(start_elem, num_elems, verts_per_elem, conn_array);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
    return result;

  // Add elements to read_ents
  if (num_elems)
    read_ents.insert(start_elem, start_elem + num_elems - 1);

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
ErrorCode ReadCGNS::create_elements(char *sectionName,
                                    const Tag *file_id_tag,
                                    const EntityType &ent_type,
                                    const int& verts_per_elem,
                                    long &section_offset,
                                    int elems_count,
                                    const std::vector<cgsize_t>& elemsConn)
  ErrorCode result;

  // Create the element sequence; passes back a pointer to the internal storage for connectivity and the
  // starting entity handle
  EntityHandle* conn_array;
  EntityHandle handle = 0;

  result = readMeshIface->get_element_connect(elems_count, verts_per_elem, ent_type, 1, handle,
                                              conn_array);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": Trouble reading elements");

  memcpy(conn_array, &elemsConn[0], elemsConn.size() * sizeof(EntityHandle));

  // Notify MOAB of the new elements
  result = readMeshIface->update_adjacencies(handle, elems_count, verts_per_elem, conn_array);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
    return result;

  // //////////////////////////////////
  // Create sets and tags

  Range elements(handle, handle + elems_count - 1);

  // Store element IDs

  std::vector<int> id_list(elems_count);

  // Add 1 to offset id to 1-based numbering
  for (cgsize_t i = 0; i < elems_count; ++i)
    id_list[i] = i + 1 + section_offset;
  section_offset += elems_count;

  create_sets(sectionName, file_id_tag, ent_type, elements, id_list, 0);

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
ErrorCode ReadTemplate::read_vertices(int num_verts, EntityHandle &start_vertex, Range &read_ents)
  // Allocate nodes; these are allocated in one shot, get contiguous handles starting with start_handle,
  // and the reader is passed back double*'s pointing to MOAB's native storage for vertex coordinates
  // for those verts
  std::vector<double*> coord_arrays;
  ErrorCode result = readMeshIface->get_node_coords(3, num_verts, 1, start_vertex,
                                                    coord_arrays);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": Trouble reading vertices");

  // Fill in vertex coordinate arrays
  double *x = coord_arrays[0], 
         *y = coord_arrays[1],
         *z = coord_arrays[2];
  for (long i = 0; i < num_verts; ++i) {
    // Read x/y/z; do something with them for now to avoid warning
    if (x || y || z) {}

  if (num_verts)
    read_ents.insert(start_vertex, start_vertex + num_verts - 1);

  return result;
Пример #9
ErrorCode ReadNC::get_variables()
  // First cache the number of time steps
  std::vector<std::string>::iterator vit = std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), "time");
  if (vit == dimNames.end())
    vit = std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), "t");

  int ntimes = 0;
  if (vit != dimNames.end())
    ntimes = dimLens[vit - dimNames.begin()];
  if (!ntimes)
    ntimes = 1;

  // Get the number of variables
  int num_vars;
  int success = NCFUNC(inq_nvars)(fileId, &num_vars);
  if (success)
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble getting number of variables");

  if (num_vars > NC_MAX_VARS) {
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "ReadNC: File contains " << num_vars << " vars but NetCDF library supports only " << NC_MAX_VARS);

  char var_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
  int var_ndims;

  for (int i = 0; i < num_vars; i++) {
    // Get the name first, so we can allocate a map iterate for this var
    success = NCFUNC(inq_varname )(fileId, i, var_name);
    if (success)
      MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble getting variable name");
    VarData &data = varInfo[std::string(var_name)];
    data.varName = std::string(var_name);
    data.varId = i;
    data.varTags.resize(ntimes, 0);

    // Get the data type
    success = NCFUNC(inq_vartype)(fileId, i, &data.varDataType);
    if (success)
      MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble getting data type for variable " << data.varName);

    // Get the number of dimensions, then the dimensions
    success = NCFUNC(inq_varndims)(fileId, i, &var_ndims);
    if (success)
      MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble getting number of dims for variable " << data.varName);

    success = NCFUNC(inq_vardimid)(fileId, i, &data.varDims[0]);
    if (success)
      MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble getting dimensions for variable " << data.varName);

    // Finally, get the number of attributes, then the attributes
    success = NCFUNC(inq_varnatts)(fileId, i, &data.numAtts);
    if (success)
      MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble getting number of dims for variable " << data.varName);

    // Print debug info here so attribute info comes afterwards
    dbgOut.tprintf(2, "Variable %s: Id=%d, numAtts=%d, datatype=%d, num_dims=%u\n", data.varName.c_str(), data.varId, data.numAtts,
        data.varDataType, (unsigned int) data.varDims.size());

    ErrorCode rval = get_attributes(i, data.numAtts, data.varAtts, "   ");MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble getting attributes for variable " << data.varName);

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #10
ErrorCode ReadNC::load_file(const char* file_name, const EntityHandle* file_set, const FileOptions& opts,
                            const ReaderIface::SubsetList* /*subset_list*/, const Tag* file_id_tag)
  // See if opts has variable(s) specified
  std::vector<std::string> var_names;
  std::vector<int> tstep_nums;
  std::vector<double> tstep_vals;

  // Get and cache predefined tag handles
  int dum_val = 0;
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, mGlobalIdTag, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT,
                                &dum_val);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble getting global ID tag");

  // Store the pointer to the tag; if not null, set when global id tag
  // is set too, with the same data, duplicated
  mpFileIdTag = file_id_tag;

  rval = parse_options(opts, var_names, tstep_nums, tstep_vals);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble parsing option string");

  // Open the file
  dbgOut.tprintf(1, "Opening file %s\n", file_name);
  fileName = std::string(file_name);
  int success;

  if (isParallel)
    success = NCFUNC(open)(myPcomm->proc_config().proc_comm(), file_name, 0, MPI_INFO_NULL, &fileId);
    success = NCFUNC(open)(MPI_COMM_SELF, file_name, 0, MPI_INFO_NULL, &fileId);
  success = NCFUNC(open)(file_name, 0, &fileId);
  if (success)
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble opening file " << file_name);

  // Read the header (num dimensions, dimensions, num variables, global attribs)
  rval = read_header();MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble reading file header");

  // Make sure there's a file set to put things in
  EntityHandle tmp_set;
  if (noMesh && !file_set) {
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "NOMESH option requires non-NULL file set on input");
  else if (!file_set || (file_set && *file_set == 0)) {
    rval = mbImpl->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, tmp_set);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble creating file set");
    tmp_set = *file_set;

  // Get the scd interface
  scdi = NULL;
  rval = mbImpl->query_interface(scdi);
  if (NULL == scdi)
    return MB_FAILURE;

  if (NULL != myHelper)
    delete myHelper;

  // Get appropriate NC helper instance based on information read from the header
  myHelper = NCHelper::get_nc_helper(this, fileId, opts, tmp_set);
  if (NULL == myHelper) {
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Failed to get NCHelper class instance");

  // Initialize mesh values
  rval = myHelper->init_mesh_vals();MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble initializing mesh values");

  // Check existing mesh from last read
  if (noMesh && !noVars) {
    rval = myHelper->check_existing_mesh();MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble checking mesh from last read");

  // Create some conventional tags, e.g. __NUM_DIMS
  // For multiple reads to a specified file set, we assume a single file, or a series of
  // files with separated timesteps. Keep a flag on the file set to prevent conventional
  // tags from being created again on a second read
  Tag convTagsCreated = 0;
  int def_val = 0;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("__CONV_TAGS_CREATED", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, convTagsCreated,
                                MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &def_val);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble getting _CONV_TAGS_CREATED tag");
  int create_conv_tags_flag = 0;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(convTagsCreated, &tmp_set, 1, &create_conv_tags_flag);
  // The first read to the file set
  if (0 == create_conv_tags_flag) {
    // Read dimensions (coordinate variables) by default to create tags like __<var_name>_DIMS
    // This is done only once (assume that all files read to the file set have the same dimensions)
    rval = myHelper->read_variables(dimNames, tstep_nums);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble reading dimensions");

    rval = myHelper->create_conventional_tags(tstep_nums);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble creating NC conventional tags");

    create_conv_tags_flag = 1;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data(convTagsCreated, &tmp_set, 1, &create_conv_tags_flag);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble setting data to _CONV_TAGS_CREATED tag");
  // Another read to the file set
  else {
    if (tStepBase > -1) {
      // If timesteps spread across files, merge time values read
      // from current file to existing time tag
      rval = myHelper->update_time_tag_vals();MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble updating time tag values");

  // Create mesh vertex/edge/face sequences
  Range faces;
  if (!noMesh) {
    rval = myHelper->create_mesh(faces);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble creating mesh");

  // Read specified variables onto grid
  if (!noVars) {
    if (var_names.empty()) {
      // If VARIABLE option is missing, read all variables
      rval = myHelper->read_variables(var_names, tstep_nums);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble reading all variables");
    else {
      // Exclude dimensions that are read to the file set by default
      std::vector<std::string> non_dim_var_names;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < var_names.size(); i++) {
        if (std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), var_names[i]) == dimNames.end())

      if (!non_dim_var_names.empty()) {
        rval = myHelper->read_variables(non_dim_var_names, tstep_nums);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble reading specified variables");

  // Create partition set, and populate with elements
  if (isParallel) {
    EntityHandle partn_set;
    rval = mbImpl->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, partn_set);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble creating partition set");

    rval = mbImpl->add_entities(partn_set, faces);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Couldn't add new faces to partition set");

    Range verts;
    rval = mbImpl->get_connectivity(faces, verts);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Couldn't get verts of faces");

    rval = mbImpl->add_entities(partn_set, verts);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Couldn't add new verts to partition set");


    // Write partition tag name on partition set
    Tag part_tag = myPcomm->partition_tag();
    int dum_rank = myPcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
    rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data(part_tag, &partn_set, 1, &dum_rank);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Trouble writing partition tag name on partition set");

  scdi = NULL;

  // Close the file
  success = NCFUNC(close)(fileId);
  if (success)
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble closing file");

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #11
ErrorCode ReadTemplate::load_file(const char* filename,
                                  const EntityHandle *file_set,
                                  const FileOptions& opts,
                                  const ReaderIface::SubsetList* subset_list,
                                  const Tag* /*file_id_tag*/)
  if (subset_list) {
    // See src/moab/ReaderIface.hpp, definition of SubsetList struct; this basically specifies
    // an integer tag and tag values for sets to read on this proc, or a part number and total # parts
    // for reading a trivial partition of entities

  // Save filename to member variable so we don't need to pass as an argument
  // to called functions
  fileName = filename;

  // Process options; see src/FileOptions.hpp for API for FileOptions class, and doc/metadata_info.doc for
  // a description of various options used by some of the readers in MOAB
  ErrorCode result = process_options(opts);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": problem reading options");

  // Open file; filePtr is member of ReadTemplate, change to whatever mechanism is used to identify file
  FILE* filePtr = fopen(fileName, "r");
  if (!filePtr) {
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, fileName << ": fopen returned error");

  // Read number of verts, elements, sets
  long num_verts = 0, num_elems = 0, num_sets = 0;

  // read_ents keeps a running set of entities read from this file, including vertices, elements, and sets;
  // these will get added to file_set (if input) at the end of the read
  Range read_ents;

  // start_vertex is passed back so we know how to convert indices from the file into vertex handles; most
  // of the time this is done by adding start_vertex to the (0-based) index; if the index is 1-based, you also
  // need to subtract one; see read_elements for details
  EntityHandle start_vertex;
  result = read_vertices(num_verts, start_vertex, read_ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    return result;

  // Create/read elements; this template assumes that all elements are the same type, so can be read in a single
  // call to read_elements, and kept track of with a single start_elem handle. If there are more entity types,
  // might have to keep these start handles in an array/vector. start_elem is only really needed if you're reading
  // sets later, and need to convert some file-based index to an entity handle
  EntityHandle start_elem;
  result = read_elements(num_elems, start_vertex, start_elem, read_ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    return result;

  // Read/create entity sets; typically these sets have some tag identifying what they're for, see doc/metadata_info.doc
  // for examples of different kinds of sets and how they're marked
  result = create_sets(num_sets, start_vertex, num_verts, start_elem, num_elems, read_ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    return result;

  // Finally, add all read_ents into the file set, if one was input
  if (file_set && *file_set) {
    result = mbImpl->add_entities(*file_set, read_ents);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
      return result;


  return result;
Пример #12
ErrorCode ReadCGNS::load_file(const char* filename,
                              const EntityHandle * /*file_set*/,
                              const FileOptions& opts,
                              const ReaderIface::SubsetList* subset_list,
                              const Tag* file_id_tag)
  int num_material_sets = 0;
  const int* material_set_list = 0;

  if (subset_list) {
    if (subset_list->tag_list_length > 1 &&
        !strcmp(subset_list->tag_list[0].tag_name, MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME)) {
      MB_SET_ERR(MB_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, "CGNS supports subset read only by material ID");
    material_set_list = subset_list->tag_list[0].tag_values;
    num_material_sets = subset_list->tag_list[0].num_tag_values;

  ErrorCode result;

  result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                                  globalId, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, 0);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
    return result;

  // Create set for more convienient check for material set ids
  std::set<int> blocks;
  for (const int* mat_set_end = material_set_list + num_material_sets;
       material_set_list != mat_set_end; ++material_set_list)

  // Map of ID->handle for nodes
  std::map<long, EntityHandle> node_id_map;

  // Save filename to member variable so we don't need to pass as an argument
  // to called functions
  fileName = filename;

  // Process options; see src/FileOptions.hpp for API for FileOptions class, and doc/metadata_info.doc for
  // a description of various options used by some of the readers in MOAB
  result = process_options(opts);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": problem reading options");

  // Open file
  int filePtr = 0;

  cg_open(filename, CG_MODE_READ, &filePtr);

  if (filePtr <= 0) {
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, fileName << ": fopen returned error");

  // Read number of verts, elements, sets
  long num_verts = 0, num_elems = 0, num_sets = 0;
  int num_bases = 0, num_zones = 0, num_sections = 0;

  char zoneName[128];
  cgsize_t size[3];

  mesh_dim = 3; // Default to 3D

  // Read number of bases;
  cg_nbases(filePtr, &num_bases);

  if (num_bases > 1) {
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, fileName << ": support for number of bases > 1 not implemented");

  for (int indexBase = 1; indexBase <= num_bases; ++indexBase) {
    // Get the number of zones/blocks in current base.
    cg_nzones(filePtr, indexBase, &num_zones);

    if (num_zones > 1) {
      MB_SET_ERR(MB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, fileName << ": support for number of zones > 1 not implemented");

    for (int indexZone = 1; indexZone <= num_zones; ++indexZone) {
      // Get zone name and size.
      cg_zone_read(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, zoneName, size);

      // Read number of sections/Parts in current zone.
      cg_nsections(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, &num_sections);

      num_verts = size[0];
      num_elems = size[1];
      num_sets = num_sections;

      std::cout << "\nnumber of nodes = " << num_verts;
      std::cout << "\nnumber of elems = " << num_elems;
      std::cout << "\nnumber of parts = " << num_sets << std::endl;

      // //////////////////////////////////
      // Read Nodes

      // Allocate nodes; these are allocated in one shot, get contiguous handles starting with start_handle,
      // and the reader is passed back double*'s pointing to MOAB's native storage for vertex coordinates
      // for those verts
      std::vector<double*> coord_arrays;
      EntityHandle handle = 0;
      result = readMeshIface->get_node_coords(3, num_verts, MB_START_ID, handle,
                                              coord_arrays);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, fileName << ": Trouble reading vertices");

      // Fill in vertex coordinate arrays
      cgsize_t beginPos = 1, endPos = num_verts;

      // Read nodes coordinates.
      cg_coord_read(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, "CoordinateX",
                    RealDouble, &beginPos, &endPos, coord_arrays[0]);
      cg_coord_read(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, "CoordinateY",
                    RealDouble, &beginPos, &endPos, coord_arrays[1]);
      cg_coord_read(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, "CoordinateZ",
                    RealDouble, &beginPos, &endPos, coord_arrays[2]);

      // CGNS seems to always include the Z component, even if the mesh is 2D.
      // Check if Z is zero and determine mesh dimension.
      // Also create the node_id_map data.
      double sumZcoord = 0.0;
      double eps = 1.0e-12;
      for (long i = 0; i < num_verts; ++i, ++handle) {
        int index = i + 1;

        node_id_map.insert(std::pair<long, EntityHandle>(index, handle)).second;

        sumZcoord += *(coord_arrays[2] + i);
      if (std::abs(sumZcoord) <= eps) mesh_dim = 2;

      // Create reverse map from handle to id
      std::vector<int> ids(num_verts);
      std::vector<int>::iterator id_iter = ids.begin();
      std::vector<EntityHandle> handles(num_verts);
      std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator h_iter = handles.begin();
      for (std::map<long, EntityHandle>::iterator i = node_id_map.begin();
          i != node_id_map.end(); ++i, ++id_iter, ++h_iter) {
        *id_iter = i->first;
        * h_iter = i->second;
      // Store IDs in tags
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(globalId, &handles[0], num_verts, &ids[0]);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
        return result;
      if (file_id_tag) {
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(*file_id_tag, &handles[0], num_verts, &ids[0]);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
          return result;

      // //////////////////////////////////
      // Read elements data

      EntityType ent_type;

      long section_offset = 0;

      // Define which mesh parts are volume families.
      // Mesh parts with volumeID[X] = 0 are boundary parts.
      std::vector<int> volumeID(num_sections, 0);

      for (int section = 0; section < num_sections; ++section) {
        ElementType_t elemsType;
        int iparent_flag, nbndry;
        char sectionName[128];
        int verts_per_elem;

        int cgSection = section + 1;

        cg_section_read(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, cgSection, sectionName,
                        &elemsType, &beginPos, &endPos, &nbndry, &iparent_flag);

        size_t section_size = endPos - beginPos + 1;

        // Read element description in current section

        switch (elemsType) {
          case BAR_2:
            ent_type = MBEDGE;
            verts_per_elem = 2;
          case TRI_3:
            ent_type = MBTRI;
            verts_per_elem = 3;
            if (mesh_dim == 2)
              volumeID[section] = 1;
          case QUAD_4:
            ent_type = MBQUAD;
            verts_per_elem = 4;
            if (mesh_dim == 2)
              volumeID[section] = 1;
          case TETRA_4:
            ent_type = MBTET;
            verts_per_elem = 4;
            if (mesh_dim == 3)
              volumeID[section] = 1;
          case PYRA_5:
            ent_type = MBPYRAMID;
            verts_per_elem = 5;
            if (mesh_dim == 3) volumeID[section] = 1;
          case PENTA_6:
            ent_type = MBPRISM;
            verts_per_elem = 6;
            if (mesh_dim == 3) volumeID[section] = 1;
          case HEXA_8:
            ent_type = MBHEX;
            verts_per_elem = 8;
            if (mesh_dim == 3) volumeID[section] = 1;
          case MIXED:
            ent_type = MBMAXTYPE;
            verts_per_elem = 0;
            MB_SET_ERR(MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE, fileName << ": Trouble determining element type");

        if (elemsType == TETRA_4 || elemsType == PYRA_5 || elemsType == PENTA_6 || elemsType == HEXA_8 ||
            elemsType == TRI_3   || elemsType == QUAD_4 || ((elemsType == BAR_2) && mesh_dim == 2)) {
          // Read connectivity into conn_array directly

          cgsize_t iparentdata;
          cgsize_t connDataSize;

          // Get number of entries on the connectivity list for this section
          cg_ElementDataSize(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, cgSection, &connDataSize);

          // Need a temporary vector to later cast to conn_array.
          std::vector<cgsize_t> elemNodes(connDataSize);

          cg_elements_read(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, cgSection, &elemNodes[0], &iparentdata);

          // //////////////////////////////////
          // Create elements, sets and tags

          create_elements(sectionName, file_id_tag,
                          ent_type, verts_per_elem, section_offset, section_size , elemNodes);
        } // Homogeneous mesh type
        else if (elemsType == MIXED) {
          // We must first sort all elements connectivities into continuous vectors

          cgsize_t connDataSize;
          cgsize_t iparentdata;

          cg_ElementDataSize(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, cgSection, &connDataSize);

          std::vector< cgsize_t > elemNodes(connDataSize);

          cg_elements_read(filePtr, indexBase, indexZone, cgSection, &elemNodes[0], &iparentdata);

          std::vector<cgsize_t> elemsConn_EDGE;
          std::vector<cgsize_t> elemsConn_TRI, elemsConn_QUAD;
          std::vector<cgsize_t> elemsConn_TET, elemsConn_PYRA, elemsConn_PRISM, elemsConn_HEX;
          cgsize_t count_EDGE, count_TRI, count_QUAD;
          cgsize_t count_TET, count_PYRA, count_PRISM, count_HEX;

          // First, get elements count for current section

          count_EDGE = count_TRI = count_QUAD = 0;
          count_TET = count_PYRA = count_PRISM = count_HEX = 0;

          int connIndex = 0;
          for (int i = beginPos; i <= endPos; i++) {
            elemsType = ElementType_t(elemNodes[connIndex]);

            // Get current cell node count.
            cg_npe(elemsType, &verts_per_elem);

            switch (elemsType) {
              case BAR_2:
                count_EDGE += 1;
              case TRI_3:
                count_TRI += 1;
              case QUAD_4:
                count_QUAD += 1;
              case TETRA_4:
                count_TET += 1;
              case PYRA_5:
                count_PYRA += 1;
              case PENTA_6:
                count_PRISM += 1;
              case HEXA_8:
                count_HEX += 1;
                MB_SET_ERR(MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE, fileName << ": Trouble determining element type");

            connIndex += (verts_per_elem + 1); // Add one to skip next element descriptor

          if (count_EDGE  > 0) elemsConn_EDGE.resize(count_EDGE * 2);
          if (count_TRI   > 0) elemsConn_TRI.resize(count_TRI * 3);
          if (count_QUAD  > 0) elemsConn_QUAD.resize(count_QUAD * 4);
          if (count_TET   > 0) elemsConn_TET.resize(count_TET * 4);
          if (count_PYRA  > 0) elemsConn_PYRA.resize(count_PYRA * 5);
          if (count_PRISM > 0) elemsConn_PRISM.resize(count_PRISM * 6);
          if (count_HEX   > 0) elemsConn_HEX.resize(count_HEX * 8);

          // Grab mixed section elements connectivity

          int idx_edge, idx_tri, idx_quad;
          int idx_tet, idx_pyra, idx_prism, idx_hex;
          idx_edge = idx_tri = idx_quad = 0;
          idx_tet = idx_pyra = idx_prism = idx_hex = 0;

          connIndex = 0;
          for (int i = beginPos; i <= endPos; i++) {
            elemsType = ElementType_t(elemNodes[connIndex]);

            // Get current cell node count.
            cg_npe(elemsType, &verts_per_elem);

            switch (elemsType) {
              case BAR_2:
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                  elemsConn_EDGE[idx_edge + j] = elemNodes[connIndex + j + 1];
                idx_edge += 2;
              case TRI_3:
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                  elemsConn_TRI[idx_tri + j] = elemNodes[connIndex + j + 1];
                idx_tri += 3;
              case QUAD_4:
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                  elemsConn_QUAD[idx_quad + j] = elemNodes[connIndex + j + 1];
                idx_quad += 4;
              case TETRA_4:
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                  elemsConn_TET[idx_tet + j] = elemNodes[connIndex + j + 1];
                idx_tet += 4;
              case PYRA_5:
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
                  elemsConn_PYRA[idx_pyra + j] = elemNodes[connIndex + j + 1];
                idx_pyra += 5;
              case PENTA_6:
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
                  elemsConn_PRISM[idx_prism + j] = elemNodes[connIndex + j + 1];
                idx_prism += 6;
              case HEXA_8:
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
                  elemsConn_HEX[idx_hex + j] = elemNodes[connIndex + j + 1];
                idx_hex += 8;
                MB_SET_ERR(MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE, fileName << ": Trouble determining element type");

            connIndex += (verts_per_elem + 1); // Add one to skip next element descriptor

          // //////////////////////////////////
          // Create elements, sets and tags

          if (count_EDGE > 0)
            create_elements(sectionName, file_id_tag, MBEDGE, 2, section_offset, count_EDGE, elemsConn_EDGE);

          if (count_TRI > 0)
            create_elements(sectionName, file_id_tag, MBTRI, 3, section_offset, count_TRI, elemsConn_TRI);

          if (count_QUAD > 0)
            create_elements(sectionName, file_id_tag, MBQUAD, 4, section_offset, count_QUAD, elemsConn_QUAD);

          if (count_TET > 0)
            create_elements(sectionName, file_id_tag, MBTET, 4, section_offset, count_TET, elemsConn_TET);

          if (count_PYRA > 0)
            create_elements(sectionName, file_id_tag, MBPYRAMID, 5, section_offset, count_PYRA, elemsConn_PYRA);

          if (count_PRISM > 0)
            create_elements(sectionName, file_id_tag, MBPRISM, 6, section_offset, count_PRISM, elemsConn_PRISM);

          if (count_HEX > 0)
            create_elements(sectionName, file_id_tag, MBHEX, 8, section_offset, count_HEX, elemsConn_HEX);
        } // Mixed mesh type
      } // num_sections


      return result;
    } // indexZone for
  } // indexBase for

  return MB_SUCCESS;