Пример #1
static void MCFontMeasureTextCallback(MCFontRef p_font, MCStringRef p_string, MCRange p_range, font_measure_text_context *ctxt)
    if (MCStringIsEmpty(p_string) || p_range.length == 0)
    MCGFont t_font;
	t_font = MCFontStructToMCGFont(p_font->fontstruct);
	// MW-2013-12-04: [[ Bug 11535 ]] Pass through the fixed advance.
	t_font . fixed_advance = p_font -> fixed_advance;
    ctxt -> m_width += MCGContextMeasurePlatformText(NULL, MCStringGetCharPtr(p_string) + p_range.offset, p_range.length*2, t_font, ctxt -> m_transform);
Пример #2
static void MCFontDrawTextCallback(MCFontRef p_font, MCStringRef p_text, MCRange p_range, font_draw_text_context *ctxt)
    MCGFont t_font;
	t_font = MCFontStructToMCGFont(p_font->fontstruct);

    // MW-2013-12-04: [[ Bug 11535 ]] Pass through the fixed advance.
	t_font . fixed_advance = p_font -> fixed_advance;
	// The drawing is done on the UTF-16 form of the text
	MCGContextDrawPlatformText(ctxt->m_gcontext, MCStringGetCharPtr(p_text) + p_range.offset, p_range.length*2, MCGPointMake(ctxt->x, ctxt->y), t_font, ctxt->rtl);

    // The draw position needs to be advanced
    // MM-2014-04-16: [[ Bug 11964 ]] Pass through the scale of the context to make sure the measurment is correct.
    ctxt -> x += MCGContextMeasurePlatformText(NULL, MCStringGetCharPtr(p_text) + p_range.offset, p_range.length*2, t_font, MCGContextGetDeviceTransform(ctxt->m_gcontext));
Пример #3
static void MCFontDrawTextCallback(MCFontRef p_font, const char *p_text, uint32_t p_length, bool p_is_unicode, font_draw_text_context *ctxt)
    MCGFont t_font;
	t_font = MCFontStructToMCGFont(p_font->fontstruct);
	// MW-2013-12-04: [[ Bug 11535 ]] Pass through the fixed advance.
	t_font . fixed_advance = p_font -> fixed_advance;
	// MW-2013-12-04: [[ Bug 11549 ]] Make sure unicode text is short-aligned.
	MCExecPoint ep;
	ep . setsvalue(MCString(p_text, p_length));
	if (!p_is_unicode)
		ep . nativetoutf16();
	else if ((((uintptr_t)ep . getsvalue() . getstring()) & 1) != 0)
		ep . grabsvalue();
	MCGContextDrawPlatformText(ctxt->m_gcontext, (unichar_t *) ep . getsvalue() . getstring(), ep . getsvalue() . getlength(), MCGPointMake(ctxt->x, ctxt->y), t_font);
    // The draw position needs to be advanced. Can this be done more efficiently?
    ctxt -> x += MCGContextMeasurePlatformText(NULL, (unichar_t*)ep.getsvalue().getstring(), ep.getsvalue().getlength(), t_font);
Пример #4
static void MCFontMeasureTextCallback(MCFontRef p_font, const char *p_text, uint32_t p_length, bool p_is_unicode, font_measure_text_context *ctxt)
    if (p_length == 0 || p_text == NULL)
    MCGFont t_font;
	t_font = MCFontStructToMCGFont(p_font->fontstruct);
	// MW-2013-12-04: [[ Bug 11535 ]] Pass through the fixed advance.
	t_font . fixed_advance = p_font -> fixed_advance;
	// MW-2013-12-04: [[ Bug 11549 ]] Make sure unicode text is short-aligned.
	MCExecPoint ep;
	ep . setsvalue(MCString(p_text, p_length));
	if (!p_is_unicode)
		ep . nativetoutf16();
	else if ((((uintptr_t)ep . getsvalue() . getstring()) & 1) != 0)
		ep . grabsvalue();
    ctxt -> m_width += MCGContextMeasurePlatformText(NULL, (unichar_t *) ep . getsvalue() . getstring(), ep . getsvalue() . getlength(), t_font);
Пример #5
bool MCFontCreate(MCNameRef p_name, MCFontStyle p_style, int32_t p_size, MCFontRef& r_font)
	for(MCFont *t_font = s_fonts; t_font != nil; t_font = t_font -> next)
		if (p_name == t_font -> name &&
			p_style == t_font -> style &&
			p_size == t_font -> size)
			t_font -> references += 1;
			r_font = t_font;
			return true;

	MCFontRef self;
	if (!MCMemoryNew(self))
		return false;

	self -> references = 1;
	/* UNCHECKED */ MCNameClone(p_name, self -> name);
	self -> style = p_style;
	self -> size = p_size;

	uint2 t_temp_size;
	t_temp_size = self -> size;
	self -> fontstruct = MCdispatcher -> loadfont(self -> name, t_temp_size, MCFontStyleToTextStyle(self -> style), (self -> style & kMCFontStylePrinterMetrics) != 0);

	// MW-2013-12-04: [[ Bug 11535 ]] Test to see if the font is fixed-width, at least for
	//   Roman script.
    MCGFont t_gfont;
	t_gfont = MCFontStructToMCGFont(self -> fontstruct);
	t_gfont . fixed_advance = 0;

	// We check the width of ' ', i, l, m and w. If they are all the same width
	// we assume the font is monospaced and subsequently set the fixed_advance
	// field to a suitable value.
	MCGFloat t_last_width;
	for(uindex_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		unichar_t t_char;
		t_char = (unichar_t)((" ilmw")[i]);
		// MM-2014-04-16: [[ Bug 11964 ]] MCGContextMeasurePlatformText prototype updated to take scale. Pass identity.
		MCGFloat t_this_width;
		t_this_width = MCGContextMeasurePlatformText(nil, &t_char, 2, t_gfont, MCGAffineTransformMakeIdentity());
		if (t_this_width == 0.0 ||
			(i != 0 && t_this_width != t_last_width))
			t_last_width = 0;
		t_last_width = t_this_width;
	self -> fixed_advance = floorf(t_last_width + 0.5);
	self -> next = s_fonts;
	s_fonts = self;

	r_font = self;

	return true;