Пример #1
void MCPlatformHandleTextInputQueryTextRect(MCPlatformWindowRef p_window, MCRange p_range, MCRectangle& r_first_line_rect, MCRange& r_actual_range)
	if (!MCactivefield)
		r_first_line_rect = MCRectangleMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
		r_actual_range = MCRangeMake(UINDEX_MAX, 0);
	int32_t t_si, t_ei;
	t_si = 0;
	t_ei = INT32_MAX;
	MCactivefield -> resolvechars(0, t_si, t_ei, p_range . offset, p_range . length);
	MCRectangle t_rect;
	t_rect = MCactivefield -> firstRectForCharacterRange(t_si, t_ei);
	MCactivefield -> unresolvechars(0, t_si, t_ei);
	MCPoint t_top_left, t_bottom_right;
	t_top_left = MCactivefield -> getstack() -> stacktowindowloc(MCPointMake(t_rect . x, t_rect . y));
	t_bottom_right = MCactivefield -> getstack() -> stacktowindowloc(MCPointMake(t_rect . x + t_rect . width, t_rect . y + t_rect . height));
	r_first_line_rect = MCRectangleMake(t_top_left . x, t_top_left . y, t_bottom_right . x - t_top_left . x, t_bottom_right . y - t_top_left . y);
	r_actual_range = MCRangeMakeMinMax(t_si, t_ei);
Пример #2
void MCStack::view_update_transform(void)
	MCRectangle t_view_rect;
	MCGAffineTransform t_transform;
	// IM-2014-01-16: [[ StackScale ]] Use utility method to calculate new values
	view_calculate_viewports(m_view_requested_stack_rect, m_view_adjusted_stack_rect, t_view_rect, t_transform);
	// IM-2013-12-20: [[ ShowAll ]] Calculate new stack visible rect
	MCRectangle t_stack_visible_rect;
	t_stack_visible_rect = MCRectangleGetTransformedBounds(MCRectangleMake(0, 0, t_view_rect.width, t_view_rect.height), MCGAffineTransformInvert(t_transform));
	if (m_view_fullscreenmode == kMCStackFullscreenLetterbox || m_view_fullscreenmode == kMCStackFullscreenNoScale)
		t_stack_visible_rect = MCU_intersect_rect(t_stack_visible_rect, MCRectangleMake(0, 0, m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.width, m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.height));
	// IM-2013-10-03: [[ FullscreenMode ]] if the transform has changed, redraw everything
	// IM-2013-12-20: [[ ShowAll ]] if the stack viewport has changed, redraw everything
	if (!MCU_equal_rect(t_stack_visible_rect, m_view_stack_visible_rect) || !MCGAffineTransformIsEqual(t_transform, m_view_transform))
		m_view_transform = t_transform;
		m_view_stack_visible_rect = t_stack_visible_rect;
	// IM-2014-01-16: [[ StackScale ]] Update view rect if needed
Пример #3
bool MCX11GetWindowWorkarea(GdkDisplay *p_display, Window p_window, MCRectangle &r_workarea)
    x11::Atom t_ret;
	int t_format, t_status;
	unsigned long t_count, t_after;
	unsigned long *t_workarea = nil;

    x11::Atom XA_CARDINAL = x11::gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display(p_display, gdk_atom_intern_static_string("CARDINAL"));
    t_status = x11::XGetWindowProperty(x11::gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay(p_display),
                                       x11::gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display(p_display, MCworkareaatom),
                                       0, 4, False, XA_CARDINAL, &t_ret, &t_format, &t_count, &t_after,
                                       (unsigned char**)&t_workarea);
	bool t_success;
	t_success = t_status == Success && t_ret == XA_CARDINAL && t_format == 32 && t_count == 4;
	if (t_success)
		r_workarea = MCRectangleMake(t_workarea[0], t_workarea[1], t_workarea[2], t_workarea[3]);
	if (t_workarea != nil)
	return t_success;
Пример #4
	bool openpopup(MCNameRef p_kind, const MCPoint &p_at, MCArrayRef p_properties)
		if (!createwidget(p_kind, p_properties))
			return false;
		uint32_t t_width = 0;
		uint32_t t_height = 0;
		getwidgetgeometry(t_width, t_height);
		if (MCErrorIsPending())
			return false;
		MCdispatcher -> addmenu(this);
		m_widget->setrect(MCRectangleMake(0, 0, t_width, t_height));
		return ES_NORMAL == openrect(MCRectangleMake(p_at.x, p_at.y, t_width, t_height), WM_POPUP, NULL, WP_ASRECT, OP_NONE);
Пример #5
MCNativeLayerX11::MCNativeLayerX11(MCObject *p_object, x11::Window p_view) :
	m_object = p_object;
	m_intersect_rect = MCRectangleMake(0,0,0,0);
Пример #6
void MCStack::device_updatewindow(MCRegionRef p_region)
	if (m_window_shape == nil || m_window_shape -> is_sharp)
		InvalidateRgn((HWND)window -> handle . window, (HRGN)p_region, FALSE);
		UpdateWindow((HWND)window -> handle . window);
		MCRectangle t_device_rect;
		t_device_rect = MCGRectangleGetIntegerBounds(MCResUserToDeviceRect(MCRectangleMake(0, 0, m_window_shape->width, m_window_shape->height)));

		HBITMAP t_bitmap = nil;
		void *t_bits = nil;

		if (m_window_shape -> handle == nil)
			if (!create_temporary_dib(((MCScreenDC*)MCscreen)->getdsthdc(), t_device_rect.width, t_device_rect.height, t_bitmap, t_bits))

			m_window_shape -> handle = t_bitmap;
			t_bitmap = (HBITMAP)m_window_shape -> handle;

			BITMAP t_bitmap_struct;
			GetObjectA(t_bitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &t_bitmap_struct);
			t_bits = t_bitmap_struct.bmBits;

		MCGRaster t_raster;
		t_raster.width = t_device_rect.width;
		t_raster.height = t_device_rect.height;
		t_raster.pixels = t_bits;
		t_raster.stride = t_raster.width * sizeof(uint32_t);
		t_raster.format = kMCGRasterFormat_ARGB;

		MCGRaster t_mask;
		/* UNCHECKED */ MCWin32GetWindowShapeAlphaMask(m_window_shape, t_mask);

		MCWindowsLayeredStackSurface t_surface(t_raster, &t_mask);

		if (t_surface.Lock())
			if (s_update_callback == nil)
				device_redrawwindow(&t_surface, (MCRegionRef)p_region);
				s_update_callback(&t_surface, (MCRegionRef)p_region, s_update_context);


Пример #7
void MCStack::view_init(void)
	m_view_fullscreen = false;
	m_view_fullscreenmode = kMCStackFullscreenModeDefault;

	m_view_adjusted_stack_rect = m_view_requested_stack_rect = m_view_rect = MCRectangleMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
	m_view_stack_visible_rect = MCRectangleMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
	// MW-2011-08-26: [[ TileCache ]] Stacks start off with no tilecache.
	m_view_tilecache = nil;
	m_view_bg_layer_id = 0;
	// MW-2011-08-19: [[ Redraw ]] Initialize the view's update region
	m_view_update_region = nil;
	m_view_transform = MCGAffineTransformMakeIdentity();
	m_view_content_scale = 1.0;

	// IM-2014-01: [[ HiDPI ]] Initialize the view backing surface scale
	m_view_backing_scale = 1.0;
Пример #8
void MCStack::view_configure(bool p_user)
	MCRectangle t_view_rect;

	// IM-2014-09-23: [[ Bug 13349 ]] If window geometry change occurs while there's a pending resize
	//    then use the requested rect rather than the new one.
	if (m_view_need_resize)
		t_view_rect = m_view_rect;
	if (!MCU_equal_rect(t_view_rect, m_view_rect))
		// IM-2014-02-13: [[ StackScale ]] Test if the view size has changed
		bool t_resize;
		t_resize = t_view_rect.width != m_view_rect.width || t_view_rect.height != m_view_rect.height;
		m_view_rect = t_view_rect;
		if (view_getfullscreen())
			// IM-2014-01-16: [[ StackScale ]] recalculate fullscreenmode transform after view rect change
			uint32_t t_current_width, t_current_height;
			t_current_width = m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.width;
			t_current_height = m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.height;
			// IM-2014-01-16: [[ StackScale ]] set the stack rects to the scaled down view rect
			m_view_requested_stack_rect = m_view_adjusted_stack_rect = MCRectangleGetTransformedBounds(m_view_rect, MCGAffineTransformInvert(m_view_transform));
			// IM-2014-02-13: [[ StackScale ]] If the view size has not changed then make sure
			//   the stack size also remains the same
			if (!t_resize)
				//restore current logical width & height
				m_view_requested_stack_rect.width = m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.width = t_current_width;
				m_view_requested_stack_rect.height = m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.height = t_current_height;
			// IM-2014-02-06: [[ ShowAll ]] Update the visible stack rect
			m_view_stack_visible_rect = MCRectangleMake(0, 0, m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.width, m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.height);
Пример #9
void MCStack::view_updatetilecacheviewport(void)
	if (m_view_tilecache == nil)
	// IM-2013-10-02: [[ FullscreenMode ]] Use view rect when setting the size of the tilecache
	// IM-2013-10-10: [[ FullscreenMode ]] Align tilecache viewport to origin
	// IM-2014-01-24: [[ HiDPI ]] Set tilecache viewport in backing surface coords
	MCRectangle t_view_rect;
	t_view_rect = MCRectangleMake(0, 0, m_view_rect.width, m_view_rect.height);
	MCRectangle t_surface_rect;
	t_surface_rect = MCRectangleGetScaledBounds(t_view_rect, view_getbackingscale());
	MCTileCacheSetViewport(m_view_tilecache, t_surface_rect);
Пример #10
// IM-2014-01-29: [[ HiDPI ]] Refactored to handle display info caching in MCUIDC superclass
bool MCScreenDC::device_getdisplays(bool p_effective, MCDisplay * &r_displays, uint32_t &r_display_count)
	// NOTE: this code assumes that there is only one GdkScreen!
    GdkScreen *t_screen;
    t_screen = gdk_display_get_default_screen(dpy);
    // Get the number of monitors attached to this screen
    gint t_monitor_count;
    t_monitor_count = gdk_screen_get_n_monitors(t_screen);
    // Allocate the list of monitors
    MCDisplay *t_displays;
    MCMemoryNewArray(t_monitor_count, t_displays);
    // Get the geometry of each monitor
    for (gint i = 0; i < t_monitor_count; i++)
        GdkRectangle t_rect;
        gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(t_screen, i, &t_rect);
        MCRectangle t_mc_rect;
        t_mc_rect = MCRectangleMake(t_rect.x, t_rect.y, t_rect.width, t_rect.height);
        t_displays[i].index = i;
        t_displays[i].pixel_scale = 1.0;
        t_displays[i].viewport = t_displays[i].workarea = t_mc_rect;
    if (t_monitor_count == 1)
        apply_workarea(t_displays, t_monitor_count) || apply_partial_struts(t_displays, t_monitor_count);
        apply_partial_struts(t_displays, t_monitor_count);
    // All done
    r_displays = t_displays;
    r_display_count = t_monitor_count;
    return true;
Пример #11
void MCStack::composite(void)
	if (m_window_shape == nil || m_window_shape -> is_sharp || m_window_shape -> handle == nil)

	POINT t_offset;
	POINT t_location;
	SIZE t_size;

	HDC t_dst_dc;
	t_dst_dc = ((MCScreenDC *)MCscreen) -> getdsthdc();

	HGDIOBJ t_old_dst;
	HBITMAP t_bitmap;
	t_bitmap = (HBITMAP)m_window_shape -> handle;
	t_old_dst = SelectObject(t_dst_dc, t_bitmap);

	MCRectangle t_device_stack_rect;
	t_device_stack_rect = MCGRectangleGetIntegerInterior(MCResUserToDeviceRect(rect));

	MCRectangle t_device_shape_rect;
	t_device_shape_rect = MCGRectangleGetIntegerBounds(MCResUserToDeviceRect(MCRectangleMake(0, 0, m_window_shape->width, m_window_shape->height)));

	t_offset . x = 0;
	t_offset . y = 0;
	t_location . x = t_device_stack_rect . x;
	t_location . y = t_device_stack_rect . y;
	t_size . cx = t_device_shape_rect . width;;
	t_size . cy = t_device_shape_rect . height;

	t_blend . BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
	t_blend . BlendFlags = 0;
	t_blend . SourceConstantAlpha = blendlevel * 255 / 100;
	t_blend . AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;

	UpdateLayeredWindow((HWND)window -> handle . window, t_dst_dc, &t_location, &t_size, t_dst_dc, &t_offset, 0, &t_blend, ULW_ALPHA);

	SelectObject(t_dst_dc, t_old_dst);
Пример #12
// IM-2013-10-14: [[ FullscreenMode ]] Move update region tracking into view abstraction
void MCStack::view_dirty_rect(const MCRectangle &p_rect)
	MCRectangle t_view_rect;
	t_view_rect = MCRectangleMake(0, 0, m_view_rect.width, m_view_rect.height);
	MCRectangle t_dirty_rect;
	t_dirty_rect = MCU_intersect_rect(p_rect, t_view_rect);
	if (t_dirty_rect.width == 0 || t_dirty_rect.height == 0)
	// If there is no region yet, make one.
	if (m_view_update_region == nil)
		/* UNCHECKED */ MCRegionCreate(m_view_update_region);
	MCRegionIncludeRect(m_view_update_region, t_dirty_rect);
	// Mark the stack as needing a redraw and schedule an update.
	m_view_need_redraw = true;

Пример #13
// IM-2013-10-14: [[ FullscreenMode ]] Move update region tracking into view abstraction
void MCStack::view_dirty_all(void)
	view_dirty_rect(MCRectangleMake(0, 0, m_view_rect.width, m_view_rect.height));
Пример #14
MCRectangle MCStack::view_platform_setgeom(const MCRectangle &p_rect)
	return MCRectangleMake(0,0,0,0);
Пример #15
void MCStack::view_update_transform(bool p_ensure_onscreen)
	MCRectangle t_view_rect;
	MCGAffineTransform t_transform;
#if defined(_MOBILE)
    MCOrientation t_orientation;
    MCOrientationGetRectForOrientation(t_orientation ,m_view_requested_stack_rect);
	// IM-2014-01-16: [[ StackScale ]] Use utility method to calculate new values
	view_calculate_viewports(m_view_requested_stack_rect, m_view_adjusted_stack_rect, t_view_rect, t_transform);
	// IM-2013-12-20: [[ ShowAll ]] Calculate new stack visible rect
	MCRectangle t_stack_visible_rect;
	t_stack_visible_rect = MCRectangleGetTransformedBounds(MCRectangleMake(0, 0, t_view_rect.width, t_view_rect.height), MCGAffineTransformInvert(t_transform));
	if (m_view_fullscreenmode == kMCStackFullscreenLetterbox || m_view_fullscreenmode == kMCStackFullscreenNoScale)
		t_stack_visible_rect = MCU_intersect_rect(t_stack_visible_rect, MCRectangleMake(0, 0, m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.width, m_view_adjusted_stack_rect.height));
	// IM-2013-10-03: [[ FullscreenMode ]] if the transform has changed, redraw everything
	// IM-2013-12-20: [[ ShowAll ]] if the stack viewport has changed, redraw everything
	bool t_rect_changed, t_transform_changed;
	t_rect_changed = !MCU_equal_rect(t_stack_visible_rect, m_view_stack_visible_rect);
	t_transform_changed = !MCGAffineTransformIsEqual(t_transform, m_view_transform);
	if (t_rect_changed || t_transform_changed)
		m_view_transform = t_transform;
		m_view_stack_visible_rect = t_stack_visible_rect;
		if (t_transform_changed)
	// PM-2015-07-17: [[ Bug 13754 ]] Make sure stack does not disappear off screen when changing the scalefactor
    MCRectangle t_bounded_rect;
    if (p_ensure_onscreen)
        // AL-2015-10-01: [[ Bug 16017 ]] Remember location of stacks on a second monitor
        const MCDisplay* t_nearest_display;
        t_nearest_display = MCscreen -> getnearestdisplay(t_view_rect);
        if (t_nearest_display != nil)
			MCRectangle t_screen_rect;
            t_screen_rect = t_nearest_display -> viewport;
            t_bounded_rect = MCU_bound_rect(t_view_rect, t_screen_rect . x, t_screen_rect . y, t_screen_rect . width, t_screen_rect . height);
            // In noUI mode, we don't have a nearest display.
            t_bounded_rect = MCU_bound_rect(t_view_rect, 0, 0, MCscreen -> getwidth(), MCscreen -> getheight());
        t_bounded_rect = t_view_rect;
    // IM-2014-01-16: [[ StackScale ]] Update view rect if needed
Пример #16
static inline MCRectangle MCWinRectToMCRect(RECT p_rect)
	return MCRectangleMake(p_rect.left, p_rect.top, p_rect.right - p_rect.left, p_rect.bottom - p_rect.top);