Пример #1
bool MCRegionTransform(MCRegionRef p_region, const MCGAffineTransform &p_transform, MCRegionRef &r_transformed_region)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	MCRegionRef t_new_region;
	t_new_region = nil;

	t_success = MCRegionCreate(t_new_region);

	if (t_success)
		MCRegionTransformContext t_context;
		t_context.region = t_new_region;
		t_context.transform = p_transform;

		t_success = MCRegionForEachRect(p_region, MCRegionTransformCallback, &t_context);

	if (t_success)
		r_transformed_region = t_new_region;

	return t_success;
Пример #2
bool MCWin32ApplyMaskToRasterRegion(MCGRaster &p_raster, uint32_t p_x_origin, uint32_t p_y_origin, const MCGRaster &p_mask, MCRegionRef p_region)
	// IM-2013-09-11: [[ ResIndependence ]] reduce mask params to single MCGRaster
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	MCGContextRef t_gcontext;
	t_gcontext = nil;

	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCGContextCreateWithRaster(p_raster, t_gcontext);

	MCGImageRef t_mask_image;
	t_mask_image = nil;

	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCGImageCreateWithRasterNoCopy(p_mask, t_mask_image);

	if (t_success)
		// IM-2013-09-11: [[ ResIndependence ]] Apply scaled mask to target raster.
		// Drawing the mask directly will not work as the effective shape of the drawing operation
		// will be defined by the opaque parts of the mask - areas outside will be unaffected. Instead we
		// draw a solid rectangle over the intended areas using the mask as a pattern.
		MCGFloat t_scale;
		t_scale = MCResGetPixelScale();

		MCGContextSetFillPattern(t_gcontext, t_mask_image, MCGAffineTransformMakeScale(t_scale, t_scale), kMCGImageFilterNearest);
		MCGContextTranslateCTM(t_gcontext, -(MCGFloat)p_x_origin, -(MCGFloat)p_y_origin);
		MCGContextSetBlendMode(t_gcontext, kMCGBlendModeDestinationIn);

		t_success = MCRegionForEachRect(p_region, __MCApplyMaskCallback, t_gcontext);



	return t_success;