Пример #1
WAVRecord::WAVRecord(const char *path, double SoundRate_arg, uint32 SoundChan_arg) : wavfile(path, FileStream::MODE_WRITE_SAFE)
 Finished = false;
 PCMBytesWritten = 0;

 SoundRate = SoundRate_arg;
 SoundChan = SoundChan_arg;

 memset(&raw_headers, 0, sizeof(raw_headers));

 MDFN_en32msb(&raw_headers[0x00], 0x52494646);	// "RIFF"
 // @ 0x04 = total file size - 8 bytes
 MDFN_en32msb(&raw_headers[0x08], 0x57415645);	// "WAVE"

 MDFN_en32msb(&raw_headers[0x0C], 0x666d7420);	// "fmt "
 MDFN_en32lsb(&raw_headers[0x10], 16);
 MDFN_en16lsb(&raw_headers[0x14], 1);		// PCM format
 MDFN_en16lsb(&raw_headers[0x16], SoundChan);	// Number of sound channels
 MDFN_en32lsb(&raw_headers[0x18], SoundRate);	// Sampling rate
 MDFN_en32lsb(&raw_headers[0x1C], SoundRate * SoundChan * sizeof(int16));	//Byte rate
 MDFN_en16lsb(&raw_headers[0x20], SoundChan * sizeof(int16));	// Block("audio frame" in Mednafen) alignment
 MDFN_en16lsb(&raw_headers[0x22], sizeof(int16) * 8);	// Bits per sample.

 MDFN_en32msb(&raw_headers[0x24], 0x64617461);	// "data"
 // @ 0x28 = bytes of PCM data following

 wavfile.write(raw_headers, sizeof(raw_headers));
Пример #2
 virtual void TransformInput(uint8* data, const bool DisableSR) override
   uint16 tmp = MDFN_de16lsb(data);

   if((tmp & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
    tmp &= ~0xC0;

   MDFN_en16lsb(data, tmp);
Пример #3
void WAVRecord::WriteSound(const int16 *SoundBuf, uint32 NumSoundFrames)
 uint32 NumSoundSamples = NumSoundFrames * SoundChan;

 while(NumSoundSamples > 0)
  int16 swap_buf[256];
  uint32 s_this_time = std::min((uint32)NumSoundSamples, (uint32)256);

  for(uint32 i = 0; i < s_this_time; i++)
   MDFN_en16lsb((uint8 *)&swap_buf[i], SoundBuf[i]);

  wavfile.write(swap_buf, s_this_time * sizeof(int16));
  PCMBytesWritten += s_this_time * sizeof(int16);
  NumSoundSamples -= s_this_time;
  SoundBuf += s_this_time;

Пример #4
void InputDevice_DualShock::UpdateInput(const void *data)
 uint8 *d8 = (uint8 *)data;
 uint8* const rumb_dp = &d8[3 + 16];

 buttons[0] = d8[0];
 buttons[1] = d8[1];
 cur_ana_button_state = d8[2] & 0x01;

 for(int stick = 0; stick < 2; stick++)
  for(int axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++)
   const uint8* aba = &d8[3] + stick * 8 + axis * 4;
   int32 tmp;

   tmp = 32767 + MDFN_de16lsb(&aba[0]) - MDFN_de16lsb(&aba[2]);
   tmp = (tmp * 0x100) / 0xFFFF;

   axes[stick][axis] = tmp;

 //printf("%3d:%3d, %3d:%3d\n", axes[0][0], axes[0][1], axes[1][0], axes[1][1]);

 //printf("RUMBLE: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", rumble_magic[0], rumble_magic[1], rumble_magic[2], rumble_magic[3], rumble_magic[4], rumble_magic[5]);
 //printf("%d, 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", da_rumble_compat, rumble_param[0], rumble_param[1]);

 if(da_rumble_compat == false)
  uint8 sneaky_weaky = 0;

  if(rumble_param[0] == 0x01)
   sneaky_weaky = 0xFF;

  MDFN_en16lsb(rumb_dp, (sneaky_weaky << 0) | (rumble_param[1] << 8));
  uint8 sneaky_weaky = 0;

  if(((rumble_param[0] & 0xC0) == 0x40) && ((rumble_param[1] & 0x01) == 0x01))
   sneaky_weaky = 0xFF;

  MDFN_en16lsb(rumb_dp, sneaky_weaky << 0);

 //printf("%d %d %d %d\n", axes[0][0], axes[0][1], axes[1][0], axes[1][1]);


 // Encode analog mode state last.
 d8[2] &= ~0x6;
 d8[2] |= (analog_mode ? 0x02 : 0x00);
 d8[2] |= (analog_mode_locked ? 0x04 : 0x00);