Пример #1
ObjectArray* Java_java_lang_Class_getDeclaredMethods0(Env* env, Class* clazz, jboolean publicOnly) {
    if (CLASS_IS_PRIMITIVE(clazz) || CLASS_IS_ARRAY(clazz)) return NULL;

    Method* methods = rvmGetMethods(env, clazz);
    if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return NULL;

    Method* method;
    jint length = 0;
    for (method = methods; method != NULL; method = method->next) {
            if (!publicOnly || METHOD_IS_PUBLIC(method)) {

    ObjectArray* result = NULL;
    jint i = 0;
    for (method = methods; method != NULL; method = method->next) {
            if (!publicOnly || METHOD_IS_PUBLIC(method)) {
                Object* c = createMethodObject(env, method);
                if (!c) return NULL;
                if (!result) {
                    result = rvmNewObjectArray(env, length, c->clazz, NULL, NULL);
                    if (!result) return NULL;
                result->values[i++] = c;

    return result;
Пример #2
void* lookupInterfaceMethod(Env* env, ClassInfoHeader* header, Object* thiz, char* name, char* desc) {
    initializeClass(env, header);
    if (rvmExceptionCheck(env)) return NULL;
    Class* ownerInterface = header->clazz;
    if (!rvmIsInstanceOf(env, thiz, ownerInterface)) {
        char message[256];
        snprintf(message, 256, "Class %s does not implement the requested interface %s", 
            rvmToBinaryClassName(env, thiz->clazz->name), rvmToBinaryClassName(env, ownerInterface->name));
        rvmThrowIncompatibleClassChangeError(env, message);
        return NULL;
    Method* method = rvmGetInstanceMethod(env, thiz->clazz, name, desc);
    Object* throwable = rvmExceptionClear(env);
    if (!method && throwable->clazz != java_lang_NoSuchMethodError) { 
        rvmThrow(env, throwable);
        return NULL;
    if (!method || METHOD_IS_ABSTRACT(method)) {
        rvmThrowAbstractMethodError(env, ""); // TODO: Message
        return NULL;
    if (!METHOD_IS_PUBLIC(method)) {
        rvmThrowIllegalAccessError(env, ""); // TODO: Message
        return NULL;
    return method->synchronizedImpl ? method->synchronizedImpl : method->impl;
Пример #3
static jboolean addProxyMethods(Env* env, Class* proxyClass, Class* clazz, ProxyClassData* proxyClassData) {
    // Add constructors from the super class and override all overridable methods. Constructors will use 
    // the same impl as the superclass. Overridden methods will have _rvmProxy0 as its impl.

    if (clazz->superclass) {
        if (!addProxyMethods(env, proxyClass, clazz->superclass, proxyClassData)) return FALSE;

    Method* method = rvmGetMethods(env, clazz);
    if (rvmExceptionOccurred(env)) return FALSE;
    for (; method != NULL; method = method->next) {
        if (!METHOD_IS_STATIC(method) && !METHOD_IS_PRIVATE(method) && !METHOD_IS_FINAL(method)
                && (!METHOD_IS_CONSTRUCTOR(method) || clazz == proxyClass->superclass)) {

            void* impl = NULL;
            jint access = (method->access & (~ACC_ABSTRACT & ~ACC_NATIVE)) | ACC_FINAL;
            if (METHOD_IS_CONSTRUCTOR(method)) {
                impl = method->impl;
                // TODO: For now we make all constructors public to satisfy java.lang.reflect.Proxy. 
                access = ACC_PUBLIC;
                if (!addProxyMethod(env, proxyClass, method, access, impl)) return FALSE;
            } else {
                impl = _proxy0;
                if (METHOD_IS_PUBLIC(method)) { 
                    ProxyMethod* proxyMethod = hasMethod(env, proxyClass, method->name, method->desc);
                    if (rvmExceptionOccurred(env)) return FALSE;
                    if (!proxyMethod) {
                        proxyMethod = addProxyMethod(env, proxyClass, method, access, impl);
                        if (!proxyMethod) return FALSE;
                    // Record the lookup function in proxyClassData
                    LookupEntry* entry = rvmAllocateMemory(env, sizeof(LookupEntry));
                    if (!entry) return FALSE;
                    entry->key.name = method->name;
                    entry->key.desc = method->desc;
                    entry->method = proxyMethod;
                    HASH_ADD(hh, proxyClassData->lookupsHash, key, sizeof(LookupKey), entry);

    return TRUE;