Пример #1
static void	MyAddDirtyRect (MIOWinInfoPtr pmInfoPtr, MYRECT pmRect)
    MYRECTLIST  *myDirtyRect, *myLastDirtyRect, *myNewRect;
    MYRECT	myWindowRect;

    myWindowRect.left = 0;
    myWindowRect.top = 0;
    myWindowRect.right = pmInfoPtr -> width - 1;
    myWindowRect.bottom = pmInfoPtr -> height - 1;
    if (!MIO_RectanglesSetIntersect (&pmRect, &myWindowRect))

    myDirtyRect = pmInfoPtr -> dirtyRectHead;
    while (myDirtyRect != NULL)
	if (MIO_RectanglesIntersect (&myDirtyRect -> rect, &pmRect))
	    // There is an intersection.  Replace the new rectangle with
	    // a union of the two and remove this rectangle from the
	    // dirty list.  Then start at the beginniong
	    MIO_RectanglesUnion (&pmRect, &myDirtyRect -> rect);
	    if (pmInfoPtr -> dirtyRectHead == myDirtyRect)
		pmInfoPtr -> dirtyRectHead = myDirtyRect -> next;
		myLastDirtyRect -> next = myDirtyRect -> next;
	    free (myDirtyRect);
	    myLastDirtyRect = myDirtyRect;
	    myDirtyRect = pmInfoPtr -> dirtyRectHead;
	    myLastDirtyRect = myDirtyRect;
	    myDirtyRect = myDirtyRect -> next;

    // Add the new rect to the beginning of the list
    myNewRect = (MYRECTLIST *) malloc (sizeof (MYRECTLIST));
    myNewRect -> rect = pmRect;
    myNewRect -> next = pmInfoPtr -> dirtyRectHead;
    pmInfoPtr -> dirtyRectHead = myNewRect;
} // MyAddDirtyRect
Пример #2
void	MDIOSprite_UpdateWindow (MIOWinInfoPtr pmInfoPtr, 
				 BOOL pmCopyToOffscreen)
    MYRECTLIST  *myDirtyRect, *myNextDirtyRect;
    MYRECT	myRect;
    SpriteInfo	*mySpritePtr;
    BOOL	mySpriteNotDrawn, myBackgroundNotDrawn;
    int		myWidth, myHeight;

//int gdiRes, userRes, gdiRes1, userRes1;
//gdiRes = GetGuiResources (GetCurrentProcess(), GR_GDIOBJECTS);
//userRes = GetGuiResources (GetCurrentProcess(), GR_USEROBJECTS);
    myDirtyRect = pmInfoPtr -> dirtyRectHead;

    // Set up the window.
    // TW

    // Now, if there are no items that are behind the offscreen window (i.e.
    // all sprites have positive height), then simply do a copy of the 
    // offscreen window.  However, if there are, then we start by filling
    // the entire area with the transparent colour of the offscreen window, 
    // then drawing the non-postive height sprites in MERGE mode, then drawing
    // the offscreen window in MERGE mode, then drawing the rest of the 
    // sprites in MERGE mode.
    while (myDirtyRect != NULL)
	myRect = myDirtyRect -> rect;

	// Convert from Turing coordinates to Windows coordinates
	myWidth = myRect.right - myRect.left;
	myHeight = myRect.bottom - myRect.top;

	// Now draw each sprite 
	mySpritePtr = (SpriteInfo *) (pmInfoPtr -> spriteQueueHead);
	mySpriteNotDrawn = TRUE;
	myBackgroundNotDrawn = TRUE;

	while (mySpritePtr != NULL)
	    // If the sprite is not visible or does not intersect with the
	    // dirty rectangle, ignore it.
	    if ((!mySpritePtr -> visible) ||
		!MIO_RectanglesIntersect (&myDirtyRect -> rect, 
					  &mySpritePtr -> spriteRect))
		// Sprite not visible or doesn't intersect, don't draw it!
		mySpritePtr = mySpritePtr -> next;

	    // If we haven't drawn a sprite before we either have to draw the
	    // offscreen window (if the first sprite's height is positive, 
	    // or just fill the sprite space with the transparent colour).
	    if (mySpriteNotDrawn)
		if (mySpritePtr -> spriteHeight >= 0)
		    // The lowest sprite is above the background.  Draw the
		    // background using COPY
		    BitBlt (pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, 
			    myRect.left, myRect.top, myWidth, myHeight, 
			    pmInfoPtr -> offscreenDeviceContext, 
			    myRect.left, myRect.top, SRCCOPY);
		    myBackgroundNotDrawn = FALSE;
		    // Fill the background with the offscreen window's
		    // transparent color
		    HPEN 	myNewPen, myOldPen;
		    HBRUSH	myNewBrush, myOldBrush;
		    COLORREF	myTransparentColour;

		    myTransparentColour = 
			(COLORREF) MIORGB_ConvertColour (
					pmInfoPtr -> transparentColour);
		    myNewPen = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 1, myTransparentColour);
		    myNewBrush = CreateSolidBrush (myTransparentColour);
		    myOldPen = SelectPen (pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, 
		    myOldBrush = SelectBrush (pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, 
		    Rectangle (pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, myRect.left, 
			       myRect.top, myRect.right + 1, myRect.bottom + 1);
		    SelectBrush (pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, myOldBrush);
		    DeleteBrush (myNewBrush);
    		    SelectPen (pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, myOldPen);
		    DeletePen (myNewPen);
		mySpriteNotDrawn = FALSE;
		// If we haven't drawn the background before, and this sprite
		// is above the background (height >= 0), then its time to
		// draw the background in MERGE mode
		if (myBackgroundNotDrawn && (mySpritePtr -> spriteHeight >= 0))
		    MDIOPic_SpriteDraw (pmInfoPtr, NULL, myRect.left, myRect.top, 
					myWidth, myHeight, 
					pmInfoPtr -> transparentColour);
		    myBackgroundNotDrawn = FALSE;

	    // Draw Sprite
	    MDIOPic_SpriteDraw (pmInfoPtr, mySpritePtr -> picMDPicInfo, 
				mySpritePtr -> x, mySpritePtr -> y,
				mySpritePtr -> picWidth, 
				mySpritePtr -> picHeight,
				mySpritePtr -> picTransparentColour);

	    mySpritePtr = mySpritePtr -> next;
	// If we still haven't drawn the background after having drawn all the
	// sprites, then it is time to draw the background.  If we've drawn
	// any sprites above, then the background has already been drawn, and
	// we draw in MERGE mode.  If we haven't drawn a sprite, then we draw
	// the background in copy mode.
	if (myBackgroundNotDrawn)
	    if (mySpriteNotDrawn)
		BitBlt (pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, 
			myRect.left, myRect.top, myWidth, myHeight, 
			pmInfoPtr -> offscreenDeviceContext, 
			myRect.left, myRect.top, SRCCOPY);
		MDIOPic_SpriteDraw (pmInfoPtr, NULL, myRect.left, myRect.top, 
				    myWidth, myHeight, 
				    pmInfoPtr -> transparentColour);
	    myBackgroundNotDrawn = FALSE;

	// Finally, draw the completed sprite surface to the on-screen window.
	BitBlt (pmInfoPtr -> deviceContext, myRect.left, myRect.top, 
		myWidth, myHeight, pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, 
		myRect.left, myRect.top, SRCCOPY);

	// Okay, if pmCopyToOffscreen is true, then copy all of this to the
	// offscreen bitmap as well.  This is used when Turing is finished and
	// the sprites are about to be deallocated.
	if (pmCopyToOffscreen)
	    BitBlt (pmInfoPtr -> offscreenDeviceContext, myRect.left, 
		    myRect.top, myWidth, myHeight, 
		    pmInfoPtr -> spriteDeviceContext, 
		    myRect.left, myRect.top, SRCCOPY);

	// Free the current dirty rect and get the next dirty rectangle.
	myNextDirtyRect = myDirtyRect -> next;
	free (myDirtyRect);
	myDirtyRect = myNextDirtyRect;
    } // while

    pmInfoPtr -> dirtyRectHead = NULL;
//gdiRes1 = GetGuiResources (GetCurrentProcess(), GR_GDIOBJECTS);
//userRes1 = GetGuiResources (GetCurrentProcess(), GR_USEROBJECTS);
} // MDIOSprite_UpdateWindow