Пример #1
static bit findVoidAsMatrix(BoardPieces* config,int* i,int* j)
           // printf("(%d,%d)\n",*i,*j);
            if(config[MIndex(*i, *j, boardRows)]==Void)
                return True;
    return False;
Пример #2
void MPrint(Matrix A,int n)
    int i,j;
        printf("| ");
            printf("%c ",A[MIndex(i,j,n)]);
Пример #3
static void SetParameters(enum multiCommand command, unsigned short *dataq,
    double* rvalues, int* ivalues, char svalues[][CMD_STRING_LEN])
  int i, dataqind;
  char type;
  int index = MIndex(command);

  char** dataqc = (char**) dataq;
  /* compute renormalised values - SIPSS FIFO version */
  for (i = dataqind = 0; i < mcommands[index].numparams; ++i) {
    type = mcommands[index].params[i].type;
    if (type == 'i')  /* 15 bit unsigned integer */ {
      ivalues[i] = atoi(dataqc[dataqind++]);
      bprintf(info, "Commands: param%02i: integer: %i\n", i, ivalues[i]);
    } else if (type == 'l')  /* 30 bit unsigned integer */ {
      ivalues[i] = atoi(dataqc[dataqind++]);
      bprintf(info, "Commands: param%02i: long   : %i\n", i, ivalues[i]);
    } else if (type == 'f')  /* 15 bit floating point */ {
      rvalues[i] = atof(dataqc[dataqind++]);
      bprintf(info, "Commands: param%02i: float  : %f\n", i, rvalues[i]);
    } else if (type == 'd') { /* 30 bit floating point */
      rvalues[i] = atof(dataqc[dataqind++]);
      bprintf(info, "Commands: param%02i: double : %f\n", i, rvalues[i]);
    } else if (type == 's') { /* string */
      strncpy(svalues[i], dataqc[dataqind++], CMD_STRING_LEN - 1);
      svalues[i][CMD_STRING_LEN - 1] = 0;
      bprintf(info, "Commands: param%02i: string: %s\n", i, svalues[i]);
    } else
          "Commands: Unknown parameter type ('%c') param%02i: ignored", type,

  bprintf(info, "Commands: Multiword Command: %d (%s)\n", command,
Пример #4
static void LoadSchedFile(const char* file, struct ScheduleType* S, int lband)
  FILE *fp;
  char line_in[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
  char *token[MAX_N_PARAMS + 4];
  char *ptr;
  double hours;
  struct tm ts;
  double dt;
  double d_lon;
  int day, command, type;
  double check_lat = NOMINAL_LATITUDE + lband * (LATITUDE_BAND

  double az1, az2, el1, el2, height;

  int i, j, k, entry_ok;
  int n_fields, mindex;
  int el_range_warning;
  int discarded_lines;

          "*** Schedule: %s\n", file);
  /*** Count number of schedule file lines ***/
  if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
    berror(err, "Scheduler: Unable to open schedule file %s", file);
    S->n_sched = 0;

  while (GetLine(fp, line_in))

  S->n_sched--; /* don't count date line */

  if (S->n_sched > MAX_NSCHED) {
    berror(err, "Scheduler: schedule '%s' has too many commands", file);
    S->n_sched = MAX_NSCHED;

  S->event = (struct ScheduleEvent*)balloc(fatal, S->n_sched *
      sizeof(struct ScheduleEvent));

  blast_sched("*** Lines: %i\n", S->n_sched);

  if (fclose(fp) == EOF)
    berror(err, "Scheduler: Error on close");

  /*** Read Starting Time ***/
  if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
    berror(err, "Scheduler: Unable to open schedule file");
    S->n_sched = 0;
  GetLine(fp, line_in);
  strncpy(lst0str, line_in, 80);
  sscanf(line_in, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &(ts.tm_year), &(ts.tm_mon),
      &(ts.tm_mday), &(ts.tm_hour), &(ts.tm_min), &(ts.tm_sec));

  if (ts.tm_year < 50)
    ts.tm_year += 100;
    ts.tm_year -= 1900;

  ts.tm_isdst = 0;
  ts.tm_mon--; /* Jan is 0 in struct tm.tm_mon, not 1 */

  S->t0 = mktime(&ts) - timezone;

  /** find local comoving siderial date (in siderial seconds) **/ //166 east lon
  dt = (mcp_systime(NULL) - S->t0) * 1.002737909; /* Ref Siderial Time */
  d_lon = CHECK_LON;
  while (d_lon < 0)
    d_lon += 360.0;
  while (d_lon >= 360.0)
    d_lon -= 360.0;
  dt -= (d_lon * 3600.00 * 24.00 / 360.0); /* add longitude correction */

  dt /= 3600.0;

  if (lband>-10) {
    blast_sched("*** Current LST (hours) %g\n"  //relative to schedule epoch
          "*** For checks: LAT=%g, LON=%g\n", dt, check_lat, CHECK_LON);

  /*** Read the events ***/
  discarded_lines = 0;
  for (i = j = 0; i < S->n_sched; i++) {
    entry_ok = 1;
    GetLine(fp, line_in);

    /* Tokenise the string */
    k = 0;
    n_fields = 1;
    ptr = line_in;
    token[0] = ptr;
    for (;;) {
      if (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' || *ptr == '\n' || *ptr == '\r') {
        if (k)
          *(ptr - 1) = '\0';
          k = 1;
      } else {
        if (k) {
          *(ptr - 1) = '\0';
          token[n_fields++] = ptr;
        k = 0;
      if (*ptr == '\0' || *ptr == '#' || *ptr == '\n')

    /* decrypt tag to find command */
    command = MCommand(token[0]);
    if (command == -1) {
      S->event[j].is_multi = 0;
      command = SCommand(token[0]);
      if (command == -1) {
        blast_sched("Scheduler: *** ERROR: command not recognised: %s\n",
        entry_ok = 0;
    } else
      S->event[j].is_multi = 1;

    S->event[j].command = command;

    /* lst */
    if (n_fields < 3) {
      blast_sched("Scheduler: *** ERROR: cannot find lst!\n");
      entry_ok = 0;
    } else {
      day = atoi(token[1]);
      hours = atof(token[2]);
      S->event[j].t = day * 24l * 3600l + hours * 3600l;

    /* Parameters */
    if (entry_ok && S->event[j].is_multi) {
      mindex = MIndex(command);
      if (n_fields < 3 + mcommands[mindex].numparams) {
        blast_sched("Scheduler: *** ERROR: insufficient parameters for "
            "command (wanted %i; got %i)\n", mcommands[mindex].numparams,
            n_fields - 3);
        entry_ok = 0;
      } else
        for (k = 0; k < mcommands[mindex].numparams; ++k) {
          type = mcommands[mindex].params[k].type;
          if (type == 'i')  /* 15 bit unsigned integer */
            S->event[j].ivalues[k] = atoi(token[k + 3]);
          else if (type == 'l')  /* 30 bit unsigned integer */
            S->event[j].ivalues[k] = atoi(token[k + 3]);
          else if (type == 'f')  /* 15 bit floating point */
            S->event[j].rvalues[k] = atof(token[k + 3]);
          else if (type == 'd') /* 30 bit floating point */
            S->event[j].rvalues[k] = atof(token[k + 3]);

    if (!entry_ok) {
      blast_sched(          "Scheduler: ****** Warning Line %i is Malformed: Skipping *****\n",
    } else
  S->n_sched -= discarded_lines;

  if (lband>-10) {
    for (i = 0; i < S->n_sched; i++) {
      if (S->event[i].command == box || S->event[i].command == vbox ||
        S->event[i].command == cap || S->event[i].command == vcap) {
        radec2azel(S->event[i].rvalues[0], S->event[i].rvalues[1], S->event[i].t,
                   check_lat, &az1, &el1);
        if (i == S->n_sched - 1)
          radec2azel(S->event[i].rvalues[0], S->event[i].rvalues[1],
                     S->event[i].t, check_lat, &az2, &el2);
            radec2azel(S->event[i].rvalues[0], S->event[i].rvalues[1],
                       S->event[i + 1].t, check_lat, &az2, &el2);
            height = S->event[i].rvalues[3];
          if (S->event[i].command == box || S->event[i].command == vbox)
            height /= 2;
          el_range_warning = 0;
          if (el1 > el2) {
            el1 += height;
            el2 -= height;
            if (el1 > 60.0)
              el_range_warning = 1;
            if (el2 < 25.0)
              el_range_warning = 1;
          } else {
            el1 -= height;
            el2 += height;
            if (el2 > 60.0)
              el_range_warning = 1;
            if (el1 < 25.0)
              el_range_warning = 1;
          if (el_range_warning && 0) { // FIXME: reenable
            blast_sched("Scheduler: ******************************************\n"
                           "Scheduler: *** Warning: El Range of Event %i (%s)\n", i,
                    CommandName(S->event[i].is_multi, S->event[i].command));
            blast_sched("Scheduler: *** LST: %i/%7.4f Ra: %8.3f  Dec: %8.3f\n",
                    (int)(S->event[i].t / 86400), fmod(S->event[i].t / 3600.0, 24),
                    S->event[i].rvalues[0], S->event[i].rvalues[1]);
            blast_sched("Scheduler: *** LST: %7.4f Az: %8.3f - %8.3f El: "
                           "%8.3f - %8.3f\n", S->event[i].t / 3600.0, az1, az2, el1, el2);
    bputs(sched, "********************************************\n");
  if (discarded_lines)
    blast_warn("Discarded %i malformed lines from schedule file.",

  if (fclose(fp) == EOF)
    berror(err, "Scheduler: Error on close");
Пример #5
void DoSched(void)
  time_t t;
  double dt;
  double d_lon;
  double d_lat;
  static int last_is = -1;
  static int last_s = -1;
  static int last_l = -1;
  static int last_slot = -1;
  static int last_up = -1;
  int i_sched, i_point;
  int i, index;
  struct ScheduleType *S = &_S[CommandData.sucks][CommandData.lat_range];
  struct ScheduleEvent event;

  i_point = GETREADINDEX(point_index);
  d_lat = PointingData[i_point].lat - NOMINAL_LATITUDE;
  if (last_up != CommandData.uplink_sched) {
    last_up = CommandData.uplink_sched;
    last_is = -1;
  // Check for invalid uplinked schedule file
  if (CommandData.uplink_sched) {
    if (Uplink_S == 0) {
      CommandData.uplink_sched = 0;
    } else if (Uplink_S->n_sched<2) { 
      CommandData.uplink_sched = 0;
  if (CommandData.uplink_sched) {
    if (last_slot != CommandData.slot_sched) {
      last_slot = CommandData.slot_sched;
      last_is = -1;
    S = Uplink_S;
  } else {
    /* check our latitude band */
    if (CommandData.lat_range == 2) { /* southern band */
      if (d_lat > -(LATITUDE_BAND / 2) + LATITUDE_OVERLAP) {
        blast_info("Scheduler: Entering middle latitude band. (%g)\n", d_lat);
        CommandData.lat_range = 1;
    } else if (CommandData.lat_range == 1) { /* middle band */
      if (d_lat < -(LATITUDE_BAND / 2)) {
        blast_info("Scheduler: Entering southern latitude band. (%g)\n", d_lat);
        CommandData.lat_range = 2;
      } else if (d_lat > (LATITUDE_BAND / 2)) {
        blast_info("Scheduler: Entering northern latitude band. (%g)\n", d_lat);
        CommandData.lat_range = 0;
    } else if (CommandData.lat_range == 0) { /* norhtern band */
      if (d_lat < (LATITUDE_BAND / 2) - LATITUDE_OVERLAP) {
        blast_info("Scheduler: Entering middle latitude band. (%g)\n", d_lat);
        CommandData.lat_range = 1;
    } else {
      blast_warn("Scheduler: Unexpected latitude band: %i\n",
      CommandData.lat_range = 1;
    S = &_S[CommandData.sucks][CommandData.lat_range];
    /* check to see if we've changed schedule files */
    if (last_l != CommandData.lat_range) {
      last_is = -1;
      last_l = CommandData.lat_range;
    if (last_s != CommandData.sucks) {
      last_is = -1;
      last_s = CommandData.sucks;

  /* no schedule file case */
  if (S->n_sched < 1) {
    doing_schedule = 0;

  /** find local comoving siderial date (in siderial seconds) **/
  dt = (PointingData[i_point].t - S->t0) * 1.002737909; /*Ref Siderial Time */
  d_lon = PointingData[i_point].lon;

  while (d_lon < -170)
    d_lon += 360.0;
  while (d_lon >= 190.0)
    d_lon -= 360.0;

  dt -= ((d_lon) * 3600.00 * 24.00 / 360.0); /* add longitude correction */

  sched_lst = dt;
  t = PointingData[i_point].t;
  if (t < CommandData.pointing_mode.t) {
    doing_schedule = 0;
    last_is = -1;

  if (PointingData[i_point].at_float && !CommandData.at_float) {
    bputs(info, "Scheduler: *** Executing initial float commands. ***\n");
    /* el on */
    event.command = el_on;
    event.is_multi = 0;
    /* unlock */
    event.command = unlock;
    /* az on */
    event.command = az_on;
    /* point antisolar */
    event.command = antisun;
    /* enable hwpr autostepping */
    event.command = hwpr_step_on;
    /* pot_valve_open */
    event.command = pot_valve_open;
    event.command = pot_valve_on;
    /* turn off lock motor hold current */
    event.command = lock_i;
    event.is_multi = 1;
    event.ivalues[0] = 50;
    event.ivalues[1] = 0;
    /* fridge autocylce system active */
    event.command = auto_cycle;
    event.is_multi = 0;

    // out of sched mode for a while
    CommandData.pointing_mode.t = t + 30;
    doing_schedule = 0;

    /* Remember we're at float */
    CommandData.at_float = 1;
    bputs(info, "Scheduler: *** Initial float commands complete. ***\n");

  /** find i_sched **/
  i_sched = last_is;
  if (i_sched < 0)
    i_sched = 0;
  while ((i_sched < S->n_sched - 1) && (dt > S->event[i_sched].t))
  while ((i_sched > 0) && (dt < S->event[i_sched].t))

  /** Execute initial controls **/
  if (!doing_schedule) {
    bputs(info, "Scheduler: *** Entering schedule file mode.  ***\n"
        "Scheduler: *** Running initial schedule controls.  ***\n");
    /* bias fixed */
    event.command = fixed;
    event.is_multi = 0;
    /* cal repeat */
    event.command = cal_repeat;
    event.is_multi = 1;
    event.ivalues[0] = 130; /* ms */
    event.ivalues[1] = 600; /* s */

    bputs(info, "Scheduler: *** Searching for current pointing mode. ***\n");

    /* find last pointing command */
    for (i = i_sched; i >= 0; --i)
      if (S->event[i].is_multi) {
        index = MIndex(S->event[i].command);
        if (mcommands[index].group & GR_POINT)
      } else {
        index = SIndex(S->event[i].command);
        if (scommands[index].group & GR_POINT)

    if (i == -1) {
          "Scheduler: *** No previous pointing mode, turning antisolar. ***\n");
      event.command = antisun;
      event.is_multi = 0;
    } else if (i == i_sched) {
      bputs(info, "Scheduler: *** Pointing mode change imminent. ***\n");
    } else {
      blast_info(          "Scheduler: *** Recovering scheduled pointing mode (event %i). ***\n",
  doing_schedule = 1;

  /** Execute scheduled command **/
  dt /= 3600;
  if (i_sched != last_is) {
    blast_info("Scheduler: Submitting event %i from %s to command "
        "subsystem (LST = %i/%f)", i_sched,
        filename[CommandData.sucks][CommandData.lat_range], (int)(dt / 24),
        fmod(dt, 24));
  last_is = i_sched;
Пример #6
void WatchFIFO ()
  unsigned char buf[1];
  char command[100];
  char pbuf[30];
  int fifo;

  int mcommand = -1;
  int mcommand_count = 0;
  char *mcommand_data[DATA_Q_SIZE];

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < DATA_Q_SIZE; ++i) {
    mcommand_data[i] = NULL;

  double rvalues[MAX_N_PARAMS];
  int ivalues[MAX_N_PARAMS];
  char svalues[MAX_N_PARAMS][CMD_STRING_LEN];

  int index, pindex = 0;

  bputs(startup, "WatchFIFO startup\n");

  if ((fifo = open("/data/etc/SIPSS.FIFO", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) == -1)
    berror(tfatal, "Unable to open FIFO");

  for (;;) {
    index = 0;
    do {
      /* Loop until data come in */
      while (read(fifo, buf, 1) <= 0)
        usleep(10000); /* sleep for 10ms */
      command[index++] = buf[0];
    } while (buf[0] != '\n');
    command[index - 1] = command[index] = 0;
    bprintf(info, "Command received: %s\n", command);
    index = -1;
    while((command[++index] != ' ') && command[index]);
    command[index++] = 0;

    pindex = 0;
    mcommand_count = 0;
    do {
      if ((command[index] == ' ' || command[index] == 0) && pindex > 0) {
        pbuf[pindex] = 0;
        mcommand_data[mcommand_count] =
          reballoc(tfatal, mcommand_data[mcommand_count], pindex + 2);

        strncpy(mcommand_data[mcommand_count++], pbuf, pindex + 1);
        pindex = 0;
      } else {
        pbuf[pindex++] = command[index];
    } while (command[index++] != 0);
    bprintf(info, "%i parameters found.\n", mcommand_count);


    /* Process data */
    if (mcommand_count == 0) {
      mcommand = SCommand(command);
      SingleCommand(mcommand, 0);
      mcommand = -1;
    } else {
      mcommand = MCommand(command);
      bputs(info, "Multi word command received\n");
      if (mcommand_count == mcommands[MIndex(mcommand)].numparams) {
        SetParameters(mcommand, (unsigned short*)mcommand_data, rvalues, ivalues,
        MultiCommand(mcommand, rvalues, ivalues, svalues, 0);
      } else {
        bputs(warning, "Ignoring mal-formed command!\n");
      mcommand = -1;

    /* Relinquish control of memory */

Пример #7
static const char* MName(enum multiCommand command)
  int i = MIndex(command);
  return (i == -1) ? UnknownCommand : mcommands[i].name;