Пример #1
void f_ode(double eta, double* X, long X_len){
    double Xprime[X_len];
    f_ode_c(&eta, X, (double*)Xprime);
    MLPutReal64List(stdlink, (double*)Xprime, X_len);
Пример #2
void getA(double k){
    double res[14];
    a_c(&k, (double*)res);
    MLPutReal64List(stdlink, (double*)res, 14);
Пример #3
int mlput(K x,K y){
  int fstype=y->t,fsint=y->i,i=0,funcerr=0;
  K z;
  char b[2]={0,0};
  mlint64 j={0,0}; 
  case -KB: 
  case -KG: 
  case -KC:b[0]=x->g;R MLPutString(ml_lp,b); 
  case -KH:R MLPutInteger16(ml_lp,x->h);
  case -KI:R MLPutInteger32(ml_lp,x->i);
  case -KJ:*(J*)&j=x->j;R MLPutInteger64(ml_lp,j);
  case -KE:R MLPutReal32(ml_lp,x->e); 
  case -KF:R MLPutReal64(ml_lp,x->f); 
  case -KS:R MLPutSymbol(ml_lp,x->s);

  case KB: 
  case KG: 
  case KC:R MLPutByteString(ml_lp,kG(x),x->n);
  case KH:R MLPutInteger16List(ml_lp,kH(x),x->n);
  case KI:R MLPutInteger32List(ml_lp,kI(x),x->n);
  case KJ:R MLPutInteger64List(ml_lp,(mlint64*)kJ(x),x->n);
  case KE:R MLPutReal32List(ml_lp,kE(x),x->n); 
  case KF:R MLPutReal64List(ml_lp,kF(x),x->n);

  case KS:if(!MLPutFunction(ml_lp,"List",x->n)){
      R 0;
      for(i=0;i<x->n;i++)if(!MLPutSymbol(ml_lp,kS(x)[i]))R 0;
  case 0:
      R MLPutFunction(ml_lp, "List",0);
    }else if((3==x->n)&&(fstype==kK(x)[0]->t)){
      if(!MLPutFunction(ml_lp,kK(x)[1]->s,z->n)){R 0;}else{
	case 0:for(i=0;i<z->n;i++)if(!mlput(kK(z)[i],y))R 0;break;
	case KH:for(i=0;i<z->n;i++)if(!MLPutInteger16(ml_lp,kH(z)[i]))R 0;break;
	case KI:for(i=0;i<z->n;i++)if(!MLPutInteger32(ml_lp,kI(z)[i]))R 0;break;
	case KJ:for(i=0;i<z->n;i++){*(J*)&j=kJ(z)[i];if(!MLPutInteger64(ml_lp,j))R 0;}break;
	case KE:for(i=0;i<z->n;i++)if(!MLPutReal32(ml_lp,kE(z)[i]))R 0;break;
	case KF:for(i=0;i<z->n;i++)if(!MLPutReal64(ml_lp,kF(z)[i]))R 0;break;
	case KS:for(i=0;i<z->n;i++)if(!MLPutSymbol(ml_lp,kS(z)[i]))R 0;break;
	case KC:for(i=0;i<z->n;i++){b[0]=kC(z)[i];if(!MLPutString(ml_lp,b))R 0;}break;
      if(!MLPutFunction(ml_lp,"List",x->n)){R 0;}else{for(i=0;i<x->n;i++)if(!mlput(kK(x)[i],y)){MLPutSymbol(ml_lp,"ParaErr");funcerr=1;}if(funcerr)R 0;}
    R 0;
  R 1;
Пример #4
void time_evo(double* eta, long eta_len, 
              double* ps_in, long ps_len, 
              double* O_eta, long O_eta_len, 
              double* O_k, long O_k_len,
              double* OmegaBulk, long OBulk_len, 
              double* opts, long opts_len
    double ps_out[2*ps_len*(eta_len-1)];
    double growth_out[1000];

    time_evolution_c(eta, (int*)&eta_len, ps_in, (int*)&ps_len,
            O_eta, (int*)&O_eta_len, O_k, (int*)&O_k_len,
            OmegaBulk, (int*)&OBulk_len, (double*)ps_out, 
            (double*)growth_out, opts);
    MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", 2);
    MLPutReal64List(stdlink, (double*)ps_out, 2*ps_len*(eta_len-1));
    MLPutReal64List(stdlink, (double*)growth_out, 1000);
Пример #5
void mlData(void)
	/*int		x, y, c;
	int		*Data;
	ILubyte	*OrigData = ilGetData();

	Data = malloc(ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH) * ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) * 4 * sizeof(int));
	for (y = 0; y < ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT); y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH); x++) {
			for (c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
				Data[y * ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH) * 4 + x * 4 + c] = OrigData[y * ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH) * 4 + x * 4 + c];

	MLPutInteger32List(stdlink, Data, ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH) * ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) * 4);


	MLPutReal64List(stdlink, (ILdouble*)ilGetData(), ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH) * ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) * 4);

Пример #6
// Takes a MATLAB variable and writes in in Mathematica form to link
void toMma(const mxArray *var, MLINK link) {

    // the following may occur when retrieving empty struct fields
    // it showsup as [] in MATLAB so we return {}
    // note that non-existent variables are caught and handled in eng_get()
    if (var == NULL) {
        MLPutFunction(link, "List", 0);

    // get size information
    mwSize depth = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(var);
    const mwSize *mbDims = mxGetDimensions(var);

    // handle zero-size arrays
    if (mxIsEmpty(var)) {
        if (mxIsChar(var))
            MLPutString(link, "");
            MLPutFunction(link, "List", 0);

    // translate dimension information to Mathematica order
    std::vector<int> mmDimsVec(depth);
    std::reverse_copy(mbDims, mbDims + depth, mmDimsVec.begin());
    int *mmDims = &mmDimsVec[0];

    int len = mxGetNumberOfElements(var);

    // numerical (sparse or dense)
    if (mxIsNumeric(var)) {
        mxClassID classid = mxGetClassID(var);

        // verify that var is of a supported class
        switch (classid) {
        case mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
        case mxSINGLE_CLASS:
        case mxINT32_CLASS:
        case mxINT16_CLASS:
        case mxUINT16_CLASS:
        case mxINT8_CLASS:
        case mxUINT8_CLASS:
            putUnknown(var, link);

        if (mxIsSparse(var)) {
            // Note: I realised that sparse arrays can only hold double precision numerical types
            // in MATLAB R2013a.  I will leave the below implementation for single precision & integer
            // types in case future versions of MATLAB will add support for them.

            int ncols = mxGetN(var); // number of columns

            mwIndex *jc = mxGetJc(var);
            mwIndex *ir = mxGetIr(var);

            int nnz = jc[ncols]; // number of nonzeros

            MLPutFunction(link, CONTEXT "matSparseArray", 4);
            mlpPutIntegerList(link, jc, ncols + 1);
            mlpPutIntegerList(link, ir, nnz);

            // if complex, put as im*I + re
            if (mxIsComplex(var)) {
                MLPutFunction(link, "Plus", 2);
                MLPutFunction(link, "Times", 2);
                MLPutSymbol(link, "I");
                switch (classid) {
                 case mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
                    MLPutReal64List(link, mxGetPi(var), nnz); break;
                 case mxSINGLE_CLASS:
                    MLPutReal32List(link, (float *) mxGetImagData(var), nnz); break;
                 case mxINT16_CLASS:
                    MLPutInteger16List(link, (short *) mxGetImagData(var), nnz); break;
                 case mxINT32_CLASS:
                    MLPutInteger32List(link, (int *) mxGetImagData(var), nnz); break;
                    assert(false); // should never reach here

            switch (classid) {
             case mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
                MLPutReal64List(link, mxGetPr(var), nnz); break;
             case mxSINGLE_CLASS:
                MLPutReal32List(link, (float *) mxGetData(var), nnz); break;
             case mxINT16_CLASS:
                MLPutInteger16List(link, (short *) mxGetData(var), nnz); break;
             case mxINT32_CLASS:
                MLPutInteger32List(link, (int *) mxGetData(var), nnz); break;
                assert(false); // should never reach here

            MLPutInteger32List(link, mmDims, depth);
        else // not sparse
            MLPutFunction(link, CONTEXT "matArray", 2);

            // if complex, put as im*I + re
            if (mxIsComplex(var)) {
                MLPutFunction(link, "Plus", 2);
                MLPutFunction(link, "Times", 2);
                MLPutSymbol(link, "I");
                switch (classid) {
                 case mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
                    MLPutReal64Array(link, mxGetPi(var), mmDims, NULL, depth); break;
                 case mxSINGLE_CLASS:
                    MLPutReal32Array(link, (float *) mxGetImagData(var), mmDims, NULL, depth); break;
                 case mxINT32_CLASS:
                    MLPutInteger32Array(link, (int *) mxGetImagData(var), mmDims, NULL, depth); break;
                 case mxINT16_CLASS:
                    MLPutInteger16Array(link, (short *) mxGetImagData(var), mmDims, NULL, depth); break;
                 case mxUINT16_CLASS:
                    int *arr = new int[len];
                    unsigned short *mbData = (unsigned short *) mxGetImagData(var);
                    std::copy(mbData, mbData + len, arr);
                    MLPutInteger32Array(link, arr, mmDims, NULL, depth);
                    delete [] arr;
                 case mxINT8_CLASS:
                    short *arr = new short[len];
                    char *mbData = (char *) mxGetImagData(var);
                    std::copy(mbData, mbData + len, arr);
                    MLPutInteger16Array(link, arr, mmDims, NULL, depth);
                    delete [] arr;
                 case mxUINT8_CLASS:
                    short *arr = new short[len];
                    unsigned char *mbData = (unsigned char *) mxGetImagData(var);
                    std::copy(mbData, mbData + len, arr);
                    MLPutInteger16Array(link, arr, mmDims, NULL, depth);
                    delete [] arr;
                    assert(false); // should never reach here

            switch (classid) {
            case mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
                MLPutReal64Array(link, mxGetPr(var), mmDims, NULL, depth); break;
            case mxSINGLE_CLASS:
                MLPutReal32Array(link, (float *) mxGetData(var), mmDims, NULL, depth); break;
            case mxINT32_CLASS:
                MLPutInteger32Array(link, (int *) mxGetData(var), mmDims, NULL, depth); break;
            case mxINT16_CLASS:
                MLPutInteger16Array(link, (short *) mxGetData(var), mmDims, NULL, depth); break;
            case mxUINT16_CLASS:
                int *arr = new int[len];
                unsigned short *mbData = (unsigned short *) mxGetData(var);
                std::copy(mbData, mbData + len, arr);
                MLPutInteger32Array(link, arr, mmDims, NULL, depth);
                delete [] arr;
            case mxINT8_CLASS:
                short *arr = new short[len];
                char *mbData = (char *) mxGetData(var);
                std::copy(mbData, mbData + len, arr);
                MLPutInteger16Array(link, arr, mmDims, NULL, depth);
                delete [] arr;
            case mxUINT8_CLASS:
                short *arr = new short[len];
                unsigned char *mbData = (unsigned char *) mxGetData(var);
                std::copy(mbData, mbData + len, arr);
                MLPutInteger16Array(link, arr, mmDims, NULL, depth);
                delete [] arr;
                assert(false); // should never reach here

            MLPutInteger32List(link, mmDims, depth);
    // logical (sparse or dense)
    else if (mxIsLogical(var))
        if (mxIsSparse(var)) {
            int ncols = mxGetN(var); // number of columns

            mwIndex *jc = mxGetJc(var);
            mwIndex *ir = mxGetIr(var);
            mxLogical *logicals = mxGetLogicals(var);

            int nnz = jc[ncols]; // number of nonzeros

            MLPutFunction(link, CONTEXT "matSparseLogical", 4);
            mlpPutIntegerList(link, jc, ncols + 1);
            mlpPutIntegerList(link, ir, nnz);

            short *integers = new short[nnz];
            std::copy(logicals, logicals+nnz, integers);

            MLPutInteger16List(link, integers, nnz);

            MLPutInteger32List(link, mmDims, depth);

            delete [] integers;
        else // not sparse
            mxLogical *logicals = mxGetLogicals(var);

            short *integers = new short[len];
            std::copy(logicals, logicals+len, integers);

            MLPutFunction(link, CONTEXT "matLogical", 2);
            MLPutInteger16Array(link, integers, mmDims, NULL, depth);
            MLPutInteger32List(link, mmDims, depth);

            delete [] integers;
    // char array
    else if (mxIsChar(var)) {
        assert(sizeof(mxChar) == sizeof(unsigned short));
        // 1 by N char arrays (row vectors) are sent as a string
        if (depth == 2 && mbDims[0] == 1) {
            const mxChar *str = mxGetChars(var);
            MLPutFunction(link, CONTEXT "matString", 1);
            MLPutUTF16String(link, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short *>(str), len); // cast may be required on other platforms: (mxChar *) str
        // general char arrays are sent as an array of characters
        else {
            MLPutFunction(link, CONTEXT "matCharArray", 2);
            const mxChar *str = mxGetChars(var);
            MLPutFunction(link, "List", len);
            for (int i=0; i < len; ++i)
                MLPutUTF16String(link, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short *>(str + i), 1);
            MLPutInteger32List(link, mmDims, depth);
    // struct
    else if (mxIsStruct(var)) {
        int nfields = mxGetNumberOfFields(var);
        MLPutFunction(link, CONTEXT "matStruct", 2);
        MLPutFunction(link, "List", len);
        for (int j=0; j < len; ++j) {
            MLPutFunction(link, "List", nfields);
            for (int i=0; i < nfields; ++i) {
                const char *fieldname;

                fieldname = mxGetFieldNameByNumber(var, i);
                MLPutFunction(link, "Rule", 2);
                MLPutString(link, fieldname);
                toMma(mxGetFieldByNumber(var, j, i), link);
        MLPutInteger32List(link, mmDims, depth);
    // cell
    else if (mxIsCell(var)) {
        MLPutFunction(link, CONTEXT "matCell", 2);
        MLPutFunction(link, "List", len);
        for (int i=0; i < len; ++i)
            toMma(mxGetCell(var, i), link);
        MLPutInteger32List(link, mmDims, depth);
    // unknown or failure; TODO distinguish between unknown and failure
        putUnknown(var, link);