Пример #1
void Comb::getBasicCombingPath(unsigned int poly_idx, std::vector<Point>& pointList) 
    pointList.push_back(transformation_matrix.unapply(Point(minX[poly_idx] - MM2INT(0.2), transformed_startPoint.Y)));
    if ( (minIdx[poly_idx] - maxIdx[poly_idx] + boundary[poly_idx].size()) % boundary[poly_idx].size() > (maxIdx[poly_idx] - minIdx[poly_idx] + boundary[poly_idx].size()) % boundary[poly_idx].size())
    { // follow the path in the same direction as the winding order of the boundary polygon
        for(unsigned int point_idx = minIdx[poly_idx]; point_idx != maxIdx[poly_idx]; point_idx = (point_idx < boundary[poly_idx].size() - 1) ? (point_idx + 1) : (0))
            pointList.push_back(getBoundaryPointWithOffset(poly_idx, point_idx));
        if (minIdx[poly_idx] == 0)
            minIdx[poly_idx] = boundary[poly_idx].size() - 1;
        if (maxIdx[poly_idx] == 0)
            maxIdx[poly_idx] = boundary[poly_idx].size() - 1;
        for(unsigned int i=minIdx[poly_idx]; i != maxIdx[poly_idx]; i = (i > 0) ? (i - 1) : (boundary[poly_idx].size() - 1))
            pointList.push_back(getBoundaryPointWithOffset(poly_idx, i));
    pointList.push_back(transformation_matrix.unapply(Point(maxX[poly_idx] + MM2INT(0.2), transformed_startPoint.Y)));
Пример #2
Point Comb::getBounderyPointWithOffset(unsigned int polygonNr, unsigned int idx)
    Point p0 = boundery[polygonNr][(idx > 0) ? (idx - 1) : (boundery[polygonNr].size() - 1)];
    Point p1 = boundery[polygonNr][idx];
    Point p2 = boundery[polygonNr][(idx < (boundery[polygonNr].size() - 1)) ? (idx + 1) : (0)];
    Point off0 = crossZ(normal(p1 - p0, MM2INT(1.0)));
    Point off1 = crossZ(normal(p2 - p1, MM2INT(1.0)));
    Point n = normal(off0 + off1, MM2INT(0.2));
    return p1 + n;
Пример #3
Point getBoundaryPointWithOffset(PolygonRef poly, unsigned int point_idx, int64_t offset)
    Point p0 = poly[(point_idx > 0) ? (point_idx - 1) : (poly.size() - 1)];
    Point p1 = poly[point_idx];
    Point p2 = poly[(point_idx < (poly.size() - 1)) ? (point_idx + 1) : 0];
    Point off0 = crossZ(normal(p1 - p0, MM2INT(1.0))); // 1.0 for some precision
    Point off1 = crossZ(normal(p2 - p1, MM2INT(1.0))); // 1.0 for some precision
    Point n = normal(off0 + off1, -offset);
    return p1 + n;
Пример #4
Point Comb::getBoundaryPointWithOffset(unsigned int polygon_idx, unsigned int point_idx)
    int64_t offset = MM2INT(0.2); // hard coded value
    PolygonRef poly = boundary[polygon_idx];
    Point p0 = poly[(point_idx > 0) ? (point_idx - 1) : (poly.size() - 1)];
    Point p1 = poly[point_idx];
    Point p2 = poly[(point_idx < (poly.size() - 1)) ? (point_idx + 1) : 0];
    Point off0 = crossZ(normal(p1 - p0, MM2INT(1.0))); // hard coded value (?)
    Point off1 = crossZ(normal(p2 - p1, MM2INT(1.0))); // hard coded value (?)
    Point n = normal(off0 + off1, offset);
    return p1 + n;
void FffPolygonGenerator::processOozeShield(SliceDataStorage& storage, unsigned int total_layers)
    if (!getSettingBoolean("ooze_shield_enabled"))
    int ooze_shield_dist = getSettingInMicrons("ooze_shield_dist");
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=0; layer_nr<total_layers; layer_nr++)
        storage.oozeShield.push_back(storage.getLayerOutlines(layer_nr, true).offset(ooze_shield_dist));
    int largest_printed_radius = MM2INT(1.0); // TODO: make var a parameter, and perhaps even a setting?
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=0; layer_nr<total_layers; layer_nr++)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].offset(-largest_printed_radius).offset(largest_printed_radius); 
    int allowed_angle_offset = tan(getSettingInAngleRadians("ooze_shield_angle")) * getSettingInMicrons("layer_height");//Allow for a 60deg angle in the oozeShield.
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=1; layer_nr<total_layers; layer_nr++)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].unionPolygons(storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1].offset(-allowed_angle_offset));
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=total_layers-1; layer_nr>0; layer_nr--)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1].unionPolygons(storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].offset(-allowed_angle_offset));
Пример #6
    void SetUp()
        output << std::fixed;
        gcode.output_stream = &output;

        //Since GCodeExport doesn't support copying, we have to reset everything in-place.
        gcode.currentPosition = Point3(0, 0, MM2INT(20));
        gcode.layer_nr = 0;
        gcode.current_e_value = 0;
        gcode.current_e_offset = 0;
        gcode.current_extruder = 0;
        gcode.current_fan_speed = -1;
        gcode.total_print_times = std::vector<Duration>(static_cast<unsigned char>(PrintFeatureType::NumPrintFeatureTypes), 0.0);
        gcode.currentSpeed = 1;
        gcode.current_print_acceleration = -1;
        gcode.current_travel_acceleration = -1;
        gcode.current_jerk = -1;
        gcode.current_max_z_feedrate = -1;
        gcode.is_z_hopped = 0;
        gcode.initial_bed_temp = 0;
        gcode.fan_number = 0;
        gcode.total_bounding_box = AABB3D();
        gcode.current_layer_z = 0;
        gcode.relative_extrusion = false;

        gcode.new_line = "\n"; //Not BFB flavour by default.
        gcode.machine_name = "Your favourite 3D printer";
        gcode.machine_buildplate_type = "Your favourite build plate";

        //Set up a scene so that we may request settings.
        Application::getInstance().current_slice = new Slice(1);
        mock_communication = new MockCommunication();
        Application::getInstance().communication = mock_communication;
Пример #7
void FffPolygonGenerator::processOozeShield(SliceDataStorage& storage, unsigned int totalLayers)
    if (!getSettingBoolean("ooze_shield_enabled"))
    int ooze_shield_dist = getSettingInMicrons("ooze_shield_dist");
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=0; layer_nr<totalLayers; layer_nr++)
        Polygons oozeShield;
        for(SliceMeshStorage& mesh : storage.meshes)
            for(SliceLayerPart& part : mesh.layers[layer_nr].parts)
                oozeShield = oozeShield.unionPolygons(part.outline.offset(ooze_shield_dist)); 
    int largest_printed_radius = MM2INT(1.0); // TODO: make var a parameter, and perhaps even a setting?
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=0; layer_nr<totalLayers; layer_nr++)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].offset(-largest_printed_radius).offset(largest_printed_radius); 
    int offsetAngle = tan(getSettingInAngleRadians("ooze_shield_angle")) * getSettingInMicrons("layer_height");//Allow for a 60deg angle in the oozeShield.
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=1; layer_nr<totalLayers; layer_nr++)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].unionPolygons(storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1].offset(-offsetAngle));
    for(unsigned int layer_nr=totalLayers-1; layer_nr>0; layer_nr--)
        storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1] = storage.oozeShield[layer_nr-1].unionPolygons(storage.oozeShield[layer_nr].offset(-offsetAngle));
Пример #8
bool MergeInfillLines::isConvertible(unsigned int path_idx_first_move, Point& first_middle, Point& second_middle, int64_t& line_width, bool use_second_middle_as_first)
    int64_t max_line_width = nozzle_size * 3 / 2;
    unsigned int idx = path_idx_first_move;
    if (idx + 3 > paths.size()-1) return false;
    if (paths[idx+0].config != &travelConfig) return false;
    if (paths[idx+1].points.size() > 1) return false;
    if (paths[idx+1].config == &travelConfig) return false;
//                 if (paths[idx+2].points.size() > 1) return false;
    if (paths[idx+2].config != &travelConfig) return false;
    if (paths[idx+3].points.size() > 1) return false;
    if (paths[idx+3].config == &travelConfig) return false;
    Point& a = paths[idx+0].points.back(); // first extruded line from
    Point& b = paths[idx+1].points.back(); // first extruded line to
    Point& c = paths[idx+2].points.back(); // second extruded line from
    Point& d = paths[idx+3].points.back(); // second extruded line to
    Point ab = b - a;
    Point cd = d - c;
    int64_t prod = dot(ab,cd);
    if (std::abs(prod) + 400 < vSize(ab) * vSize(cd)) // 400 = 20*20, where 20 micron is the allowed inaccuracy in the dot product, introduced by the inaccurate point locations of a,b,c,d
        return false; // extrusion moves not in the same or opposite diraction
    if (prod < 0) { ab = ab * -1; }
    Point infill_vector = (cd + ab) / 2;
    if (!shorterThen(infill_vector, 5 * nozzle_size)) return false; // infill lines too far apart
    first_middle = (use_second_middle_as_first)?
                    second_middle :
                    (a + b) / 2;
    second_middle = (c + d) / 2;
    Point dir_vector_perp = crossZ(second_middle - first_middle);
    int64_t dir_vector_perp_length = vSize(dir_vector_perp); // == dir_vector_length
    if (dir_vector_perp_length == 0) return false;
    if (dir_vector_perp_length > 5 * nozzle_size) return false; // infill lines too far apart
    line_width = std::abs( dot(dir_vector_perp, infill_vector) / dir_vector_perp_length );
    if (line_width > max_line_width) return false; // combined lines would be too wide
    if (line_width == 0) return false; // dot is zero, so lines are in each others extension, not next to eachother
    { // check whether the two lines are adjacent
        Point ca = first_middle - c;
        double ca_size = vSizeMM(ca);
        double cd_size = vSizeMM(cd);
        double prod = INT2MM(dot(ca, cd));
        double fraction = prod / ( ca_size * cd_size );
        int64_t line2line_dist = MM2INT(cd_size * std::sqrt(1.0 - fraction * fraction));
        if (line2line_dist + 20 > paths[idx+1].config->getLineWidth()) return false; // there is a gap between the two lines
    return true;
Пример #9
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, std::vector<std::vector<Point>>& combPaths)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, MM2INT(1.5)))
//         DEBUG_PRINTLN("too short dist!");
        return true;
    bool addEndpoint = false;
    //Check if we are inside the comb boundaries
    if (!boundary.inside(startPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&startPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
//             std::cerr << " fail to move the start point inside the comb boundary we need to retract."<< std::endl;
            return false;
    if (!boundary.inside(endPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&endPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
//             std::cerr << " fail to move the end point inside the comb boundary we need to retract."<< std::endl;
            return false;
        addEndpoint = true;
    //Check if we are crossing any boundaries, and pre-calculate some values.
    if (!lineSegmentCollidesWithBoundary(startPoint, endPoint))
        //We're not crossing any boundaries. So skip the comb generation.
        if (!addEndpoint && combPaths.size() == 0) //Only skip if we didn't move the start and end point.
            return true;
//     std::cerr << "calcuklating comb path!" << std::endl;
    //Calculate the minimum and maximum positions where we cross the comb boundary
    std::vector<std::vector<Point>> basicCombPaths;
    getBasicCombingPaths(endPoint, basicCombPaths);
    bool succeeded = optimizePaths(startPoint, basicCombPaths, combPaths);
    if (addEndpoint)
//     std::cerr << "succeeded = " << succeeded << std::endl;
    return succeeded;
Пример #10
bool Comb::moveInside(Point* p, int distance)
    Point ret = *p;
    int64_t bestDist = MM2INT(2.0) * MM2INT(2.0);
    for(unsigned int n=0; n<boundery.size(); n++)
        if (boundery[n].size() < 1)
        Point p0 = boundery[n][boundery[n].size()-1];
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<boundery[n].size(); i++)
            Point p1 = boundery[n][i];
            //Q = A + Normal( B - A ) * ((( B - A ) dot ( P - A )) / VSize( A - B ));
            Point pDiff = p1 - p0;
            int64_t lineLength = vSize(pDiff);
            int64_t distOnLine = dot(pDiff, *p - p0) / lineLength;
            if (distOnLine < 10)
                distOnLine = 10;
            if (distOnLine > lineLength - 10)
                distOnLine = lineLength - 10;
            Point q = p0 + pDiff * distOnLine / lineLength;
            int64_t dist = vSize2(q - *p);
            if (dist < bestDist)
                bestDist = dist;
                ret = q + crossZ(normal(p1 - p0, distance));
            p0 = p1;
    if (bestDist < MM2INT(2.0) * MM2INT(2.0))
        *p = ret;
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #11
: output_stream(&std::cout)
, currentPosition(0,0,MM2INT(20))
, commandSocket(nullptr)
, layer_nr(0)
    current_e_value = 0;
    current_extruder = 0;
    currentFanSpeed = -1;
    totalPrintTime = 0.0;
    currentSpeed = 1;
    isZHopped = 0;
Пример #12
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, std::vector<Point>& combPoints)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, MM2INT(1.5)))
        return true;
    bool addEndpoint = false;
    //Check if we are inside the comb boundaries
    if (!boundary.inside(startPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&startPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
    if (!boundary.inside(endPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&endPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
        addEndpoint = true;
    //Check if we are crossing any boundaries, and pre-calculate some values.
    if (!lineSegmentCollidesWithBoundary(startPoint, endPoint))
        //We're not crossing any boundaries. So skip the comb generation.
        if (!addEndpoint && combPoints.size() == 0) //Only skip if we didn't move the start and end point.
            return true;
    //Calculate the minimum and maximum positions where we cross the comb boundary
    std::vector<Point> pointList;
    getBasicCombingPath(endPoint, pointList);
    bool succeeded = optimizePath(startPoint, pointList, combPoints);
    if (addEndpoint)
    return succeeded;
Пример #13
: output_stream(&std::cout)
, currentPosition(0,0,MM2INT(20))
, layer_nr(0)
    *output_stream << std::fixed;

    current_e_value = 0;
    current_extruder = 0;
    currentFanSpeed = -1;

    totalPrintTime = 0.0;

    currentSpeed = 1;
    current_acceleration = -1;
    current_jerk = -1;

    isZHopped = 0;
    initial_bed_temp = 0;

    extruder_count = 0;
Пример #14
void GCodePlannerTest::setUp()
    SettingsBase settings;
    settings.setSetting("machine_extruder_count", "1");
    MeshGroup meshgroup(&settings);
    storage = new SliceDataStorage(&meshgroup); //Empty data.
    storage->retraction_config_per_extruder[0].speed = 25; // set some semi realistic data
    storage->retraction_config_per_extruder[0].primeSpeed = 25;
    storage->retraction_config_per_extruder[0].distance = 10;

    // make a new GCodePathConfig and put it at a dummy place (note that the config is not an actual travel config!)
    storage->travel_config_per_extruder.emplace_back(&storage->retraction_config_per_extruder[0], PrintFeatureType::MoveCombing);
    storage->travel_config_per_extruder.back().init(60, MM2INT(0.4), 1.0);

    FanSpeedLayerTimeSettings fan_speed_layer_time_settings; //A dummy fan speed and layer time settings.
    fan_speed_layer_time_settings.cool_min_layer_time = 0;
    fan_speed_layer_time_settings.cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 1;
    fan_speed_layer_time_settings.cool_fan_speed_min = 0;
    fan_speed_layer_time_settings.cool_fan_speed_max = 1;
    fan_speed_layer_time_settings.cool_min_speed = 0.5;
    //                              Slice     layer  z  layer   last        current   is inside  fan speed and layer            combing           comb    travel  travel avoid
    //                              storage   nr        height  position    extruder  mesh       time settings                  mode              offset  avoid   distance
    gCodePlanner = new GCodePlanner(*storage, 0,     0, 0.1,    Point(0,0), 0,        false,     fan_speed_layer_time_settings, CombingMode::OFF, 100,    false,  50          );
Пример #15
void GCodeExport::writeMove(int x, int y, int z, double speed, double extrusion_mm3_per_mm)
    if (currentPosition.x == x && currentPosition.y == y && currentPosition.z == z)
    assert(speed < 200 && speed > 1); // normal F values occurring in UM2 gcode (this code should not be compiled for release)
    assert((Point3(x,y,z) - currentPosition).vSize() < MM2INT(300)); // no crazy positions (this code should not be compiled for release)
    if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm < 0)
        logWarning("Warning! Negative extrusion move!");
    double extrusion_per_mm = extrusion_mm3_per_mm;
    if (!is_volumatric)
        extrusion_per_mm = extrusion_mm3_per_mm / getFilamentArea(current_extruder);
    Point gcode_pos = getGcodePos(x,y, current_extruder);

    if (flavor == EGCodeFlavor::BFB)
        //For Bits From Bytes machines, we need to handle this completely differently. As they do not use E values but RPM values.
        float fspeed = speed * 60;
        float rpm = extrusion_per_mm * speed * 60;
        const float mm_per_rpm = 4.0; //All BFB machines have 4mm per RPM extrusion.
        rpm /= mm_per_rpm;
        if (rpm > 0)
            if (isRetracted)
                if (currentSpeed != double(rpm))
                    //fprintf(f, "; %f e-per-mm %d mm-width %d mm/s\n", extrusion_per_mm, lineWidth, speed);
                    //fprintf(f, "M108 S%0.1f\r\n", rpm);
                    *output_stream << "M108 S" << std::setprecision(1) << rpm << "\r\n";
                    currentSpeed = double(rpm);
                //Add M101 or M201 to enable the proper extruder.
                *output_stream << "M" << int((current_extruder + 1) * 100 + 1) << "\r\n";
                isRetracted = false;
            //Fix the speed by the actual RPM we are asking, because of rounding errors we cannot get all RPM values, but we have a lot more resolution in the feedrate value.
            // (Trick copied from KISSlicer, thanks Jonathan)
            fspeed *= (rpm / (roundf(rpm * 100) / 100));

            //Increase the extrusion amount to calculate the amount of filament used.
            Point3 diff = Point3(x,y,z) - getPosition();
            extrusion_amount += extrusion_per_mm * diff.vSizeMM();
            //If we are not extruding, check if we still need to disable the extruder. This causes a retraction due to auto-retraction.
            if (!isRetracted)
                *output_stream << "M103\r\n";
                isRetracted = true;
        *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << 
            "G1 X" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.X) << 
            " Y" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.Y) << 
            " Z" << INT2MM(z) << std::setprecision(1) << " F" << fspeed << "\r\n";
        //Normal E handling.
        if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm > 0.000001)
            Point3 diff = Point3(x,y,z) - getPosition();
            if (isZHopped > 0)
                // TinyG G1: Straight feed
                *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << "G1 Z" << INT2MM(currentPosition.z) << "\n";
                isZHopped = 0;
            extrusion_amount += (is_volumatric) ? last_coasted_amount_mm3 : last_coasted_amount_mm3 / getFilamentArea(current_extruder);   
            if (isRetracted)
                if (flavor == EGCodeFlavor::ULTIGCODE || flavor == EGCodeFlavor::REPRAP_VOLUMATRIC)
                    *output_stream << "G11\n"; //TODO try this code and see what happens
                    //Assume default UM2 retraction settings.
                    if (last_coasted_amount_mm3 > 0)
                        *output_stream << "G1 F" << (retractionPrimeSpeed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << extrusion_amount << "\n";
                    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusion_amount), 25.0);
                    // TinyG checked
                    *output_stream << "G1 F" << (retractionPrimeSpeed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << extrusion_amount << "\n";
                    currentSpeed = retractionPrimeSpeed;
                    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusion_amount), currentSpeed);
                if (getExtrusionAmountMM3(current_extruder) > 10000.0) //According to https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/issues/14 having more then 21m of extrusion causes inaccuracies. So reset it every 10m, just to be sure.
                isRetracted = false;
                if (last_coasted_amount_mm3 > 0)
                    *output_stream << "G1 F" << (retractionPrimeSpeed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << extrusion_amount << "\n";
                    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusion_amount), currentSpeed);
            last_coasted_amount_mm3 = 0;
            extrusion_amount += extrusion_per_mm * diff.vSizeMM();
            // TinyG TODO: add one axis
            *output_stream << "G1";
            *output_stream << "G0";
            if (commandSocket) {
                // we should send this travel as a non-retraction move
                cura::Polygons travelPoly;
                PolygonRef travel = travelPoly.newPoly();
                travel.add(Point(currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y));
                travel.add(Point(x, y));
                commandSocket->sendPolygons(isRetracted ? MoveRetractionType : MoveCombingType, layer_nr, travelPoly, isRetracted ? MM2INT(0.2) : MM2INT(0.1));

        if (currentSpeed != speed)
            *output_stream << " F" << (speed * 60);
            currentSpeed = speed;

        *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << 
            " X" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.X) << 
            " Y" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.Y);
        if (z != currentPosition.z)
            *output_stream << " Z" << INT2MM(z + isZHopped);
        if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm > 0.000001)
            *output_stream << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << extrusion_amount;
        *output_stream << "\n";
    currentPosition = Point3(x, y, z);
    startPosition = currentPosition;
    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), extrusion_amount), speed);
Пример #16
void SlicerLayer::makePolygons(Mesh* mesh, bool keep_none_closed, bool extensive_stitching)
    Polygons openPolygonList;
    for(unsigned int startSegment=0; startSegment < segmentList.size(); startSegment++)
        if (segmentList[startSegment].addedToPolygon)
        Polygon poly;
        unsigned int segmentIndex = startSegment;
        bool canClose;
            canClose = false;
            segmentList[segmentIndex].addedToPolygon = true;
            Point p0 = segmentList[segmentIndex].end;
            int nextIndex = -1;
            const MeshFace& face = mesh->faces[segmentList[segmentIndex].faceIndex];
            for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
                decltype(face_idx_to_segment_index.begin()) it;
                if (face.connected_face_index[i] > -1 && (it = face_idx_to_segment_index.find(face.connected_face_index[i])) != face_idx_to_segment_index.end())
                    int index = (*it).second;
                    Point p1 = segmentList[index].start;
                    Point diff = p0 - p1;
                    if (shorterThen(diff, MM2INT(0.01)))
                        if (index == static_cast<int>(startSegment))
                            canClose = true;
                        if (segmentList[index].addedToPolygon)
                        nextIndex = index;
            if (nextIndex == -1)
            segmentIndex = nextIndex;
        if (canClose)
    //Clear the segmentList to save memory, it is no longer needed after this point.

    //Connecting polygons that are not closed yet, as models are not always perfect manifold we need to join some stuff up to get proper polygons
    //First link up polygon ends that are within 2 microns.
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
        if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
        for(unsigned int j=0;j<openPolygonList.size();j++)
            if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1) continue;
            Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][0];
            int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);

            if (distSquared < MM2INT(0.02) * MM2INT(0.02))
                if (i == j)
                    for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[j].size(); n++)


    //Next link up all the missing ends, closing up the smallest gaps first. This is an inefficient implementation which can run in O(n*n*n) time.
        int64_t bestScore = MM2INT(10.0) * MM2INT(10.0);
        unsigned int bestA = -1;
        unsigned int bestB = -1;
        bool reversed = false;
        for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
            if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
            for(unsigned int j=0;j<openPolygonList.size();j++)
                if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1) continue;
                Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][0];
                int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);
                if (distSquared < bestScore)
                    bestScore = distSquared;
                    bestA = i;
                    bestB = j;
                    reversed = false;

                if (i != j)
                    Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][openPolygonList[j].size()-1];
                    int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);
                    if (distSquared < bestScore)
                        bestScore = distSquared;
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = j;
                        reversed = true;
        if (bestScore >= MM2INT(10.0) * MM2INT(10.0))
        if (bestA == bestB)
            if (reversed)
                if (openPolygonList[bestA].polygonLength() > openPolygonList[bestB].polygonLength())
                    for(unsigned int n=openPolygonList[bestB].size()-1; int(n)>=0; n--)
                    for(unsigned int n=openPolygonList[bestA].size()-1; int(n)>=0; n--)
                for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestB].size(); n++)

    if (extensive_stitching)
        //For extensive stitching find 2 open polygons that are touching 2 closed polygons.
        // Then find the sortest path over this polygon that can be used to connect the open polygons,
        // And generate a path over this shortest bit to link up the 2 open polygons.
        // (If these 2 open polygons are the same polygon, then the final result is a closed polyon)
            unsigned int bestA = -1;
            unsigned int bestB = -1;
            gapCloserResult bestResult;
            bestResult.len = POINT_MAX;
            bestResult.polygonIdx = -1;
            bestResult.pointIdxA = -1;
            bestResult.pointIdxB = -1;
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<openPolygonList.size(); i++)
                if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
                    gapCloserResult res = findPolygonGapCloser(openPolygonList[i][0], openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1]);
                    if (res.len > 0 && res.len < bestResult.len)
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = i;
                        bestResult = res;

                for(unsigned int j=0; j<openPolygonList.size(); j++)
                    if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1 || i == j) continue;
                    gapCloserResult res = findPolygonGapCloser(openPolygonList[i][0], openPolygonList[j][openPolygonList[j].size()-1]);
                    if (res.len > 0 && res.len < bestResult.len)
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = j;
                        bestResult = res;
            if (bestResult.len < POINT_MAX)
                if (bestA == bestB)
                    if (bestResult.pointIdxA == bestResult.pointIdxB)
                    else if (bestResult.AtoB)
                        PolygonRef poly = polygonList.newPoly();
                        for(unsigned int j = bestResult.pointIdxA; j != bestResult.pointIdxB; j = (j + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int j = openPolygonList[bestA].size() - 1; int(j) >= 0; j--)
                        unsigned int n = polygonList.size();
                        for(unsigned int j = bestResult.pointIdxB; j != bestResult.pointIdxA; j = (j + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                    if (bestResult.pointIdxA == bestResult.pointIdxB)
                        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestA].size(); n++)
                    else if (bestResult.AtoB)
                        Polygon poly;
                        for(unsigned int n = bestResult.pointIdxA; n != bestResult.pointIdxB; n = (n + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int n=poly.size()-1;int(n) >= 0; n--)
                        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestA].size(); n++)
                        for(unsigned int n = bestResult.pointIdxB; n != bestResult.pointIdxA; n = (n + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int n = openPolygonList[bestA].size() - 1; int(n) >= 0; n--)

    if (keep_none_closed)
        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList.size(); n++)
            if (openPolygonList[n].size() > 0)
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
        if (openPolygonList[i].size() > 0)
            openPolygons.newPoly() = openPolygonList[i];

    //Remove all the tiny polygons, or polygons that are not closed. As they do not contribute to the actual print.
    int snapDistance = MM2INT(1.0);
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<polygonList.size();i++)
        int length = 0;

        for(unsigned int n=1; n<polygonList[i].size(); n++)
            length += vSize(polygonList[i][n] - polygonList[i][n-1]);
            if (length > snapDistance)
        if (length < snapDistance)

    //Finally optimize all the polygons. Every point removed saves time in the long run.

    int xy_offset = mesh->getSettingInMicrons("xy_offset");
    if (xy_offset != 0)
        polygonList = polygonList.offset(xy_offset);
Пример #17
bool GCodePlanner::writePathWithCoasting(GCodePath& path, GCodePath& path_next, int64_t layerThickness, double coasting_volume, double coasting_speed, double coasting_min_volume, bool extruder_switch_retract)

    int64_t coasting_min_dist_considered = 100; // hardcoded setting for when to not perform coasting

    double extrude_speed = path.config->getSpeed() * getExtrudeSpeedFactor(); // travel speed 
    int64_t coasting_dist = MM2INT(MM2_2INT(coasting_volume) / layerThickness) / path.config->getLineWidth(); // closing brackets of MM2INT at weird places for precision issues
    int64_t coasting_min_dist = MM2INT(MM2_2INT(coasting_min_volume) / layerThickness) / path.config->getLineWidth(); // closing brackets of MM2INT at weird places for precision issues
    std::vector<int64_t> accumulated_dist_per_point; // the first accumulated dist is that of the last point! (that of the last point is always zero...)
    int64_t accumulated_dist = 0;
    bool length_is_less_than_min_dist = true;
    unsigned int acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist = NO_INDEX; // the index of the first point with accumulated_dist more than coasting_dist (= index into accumulated_dist_per_point)
     // == the point printed BEFORE the start point for coasting
    Point* last = &path.points[path.points.size() - 1];
    for (unsigned int backward_point_idx = 1; backward_point_idx < path.points.size(); backward_point_idx++)
        Point& point = path.points[path.points.size() - 1 - backward_point_idx];
        int64_t dist = vSize(point - *last);
        accumulated_dist += dist;
        if (acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist == NO_INDEX && accumulated_dist >= coasting_dist)
            acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist = backward_point_idx; // the newly added point
        if (accumulated_dist >= coasting_min_dist)
            length_is_less_than_min_dist = false;
        last = &point;
    if (accumulated_dist < coasting_min_dist_considered)
        return false;
    int64_t actual_coasting_dist = coasting_dist;
    if (length_is_less_than_min_dist)
        // in this case accumulated_dist is the length of the whole path
        actual_coasting_dist = accumulated_dist * coasting_dist / coasting_min_dist;
        for (acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist = 0 ; acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist < accumulated_dist_per_point.size() ; acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist++)
        { // search for the correct coast_dist_idx
            if (accumulated_dist_per_point[acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist] > actual_coasting_dist)
    if (acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist == NO_INDEX) 
    { // something has gone wrong; coasting_min_dist < coasting_dist ?
        return false;
    unsigned int point_idx_before_start = path.points.size() - 1 - acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist;
    Point start;
    { // computation of begin point of coasting
        int64_t residual_dist = actual_coasting_dist - accumulated_dist_per_point[acc_dist_idx_gt_coast_dist - 1];
        Point& a = path.points[point_idx_before_start];
        Point& b = path.points[point_idx_before_start + 1];
        start = b + normal(a-b, residual_dist);
    { // write normal extrude path:
        for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx <= point_idx_before_start; point_idx++)
            gcode.writeMove(path.points[point_idx], extrude_speed, path.getExtrusionMM3perMM());
        gcode.writeMove(start, extrude_speed, path.getExtrusionMM3perMM());
    if (path_next.retract)
        writeRetraction(extruder_switch_retract, path.config->retraction_config);
    for (unsigned int point_idx = point_idx_before_start + 1; point_idx < path.points.size(); point_idx++)
        gcode.writeMove(path.points[point_idx], coasting_speed * path.config->getSpeed(), 0);
    gcode.setLastCoastedAmountMM3(path.getExtrusionMM3perMM() * INT2MM(actual_coasting_dist));
    return true;
Пример #18
void GCodePlanner::writeGCode(bool liftHeadIfNeeded, int layerThickness)
    GCodePathConfig* last_extrusion_config = nullptr;
    int extruder = gcode.getExtruderNr();

    for(unsigned int path_idx = 0; path_idx < paths.size(); path_idx++)
        GCodePath& path = paths[path_idx];
        if (extruder != path.extruder)
            extruder = path.extruder;
        }else if (path.retract)
        if (path.config != &travelConfig && last_extrusion_config != path.config)
            last_extrusion_config = path.config;
        double speed = path.config->getSpeed();

        if (path.getExtrusionMM3perMM() != 0)// Only apply the extrudeSpeed to extrusion moves
            speed *= getExtrudeSpeedFactor();
            speed *= getExtrudeSpeedFactor();

        int64_t nozzle_size = 400; // TODO allow the machine settings to be passed on everywhere :: depends on which nozzle!
        if (MergeInfillLines(gcode, paths, travelConfig, nozzle_size).mergeInfillLines(speed, path_idx)) // !! has effect on path_idx !!
        { // !! has effect on path_idx !!
            // works when path_idx is the index of the travel move BEFORE the infill lines to be merged
        if (path.config == &travelConfig)
        { // early comp for travel paths, which are handled more simply
            for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < path.points.size(); point_idx++)
                gcode.writeMove(path.points[point_idx], speed, path.getExtrusionMM3perMM());
        bool spiralize = path.config->spiralize;
        if (spiralize)
            //Check if we are the last spiralize path in the list, if not, do not spiralize.
            for(unsigned int m=path_idx+1; m<paths.size(); m++)
                if (paths[m].config->spiralize)
                    spiralize = false;
        if (!spiralize) // normal (extrusion) move (with coasting
            CoastingConfig& coasting_config = storage.coasting_config[extruder];
            bool coasting = coasting_config.coasting_enable; 
            if (coasting)
                coasting = writePathWithCoasting(path_idx, layerThickness
                            , coasting_config.coasting_volume_move, coasting_config.coasting_speed_move, coasting_config.coasting_min_volume_move
                            , coasting_config.coasting_volume_retract, coasting_config.coasting_speed_retract, coasting_config.coasting_min_volume_retract);
            if (! coasting) // not same as 'else', cause we might have changed coasting in the line above...
            { // normal path to gcode algorithm
                if (  // change   ||||||   to  /\/\/\/\/ ...
                    false &&
                    path_idx + 2 < paths.size() // has a next move
                    && paths[path_idx+1].points.size() == 1 // is single extruded line
                    && paths[path_idx+1].config != &travelConfig // next move is extrusion
                    && paths[path_idx+2].config == &travelConfig // next next move is travel
                    && shorterThen(path.points.back() - gcode.getPositionXY(), 2 * nozzle_size) // preceding extrusion is close by
                    && shorterThen(paths[path_idx+1].points.back() - path.points.back(), 2 * nozzle_size) // extrusion move is small
                    && shorterThen(paths[path_idx+2].points.back() - paths[path_idx+1].points.back(), 2 * nozzle_size) // consecutive extrusion is close by
                    gcode.writeMove(paths[path_idx+2].points.back(), speed, paths[path_idx+1].getExtrusionMM3perMM());
                    path_idx += 2;
                    for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < path.points.size(); point_idx++)
                        gcode.writeMove(path.points[point_idx], speed, path.getExtrusionMM3perMM());
        { // SPIRALIZE
            //If we need to spiralize then raise the head slowly by 1 layer as this path progresses.
            float totalLength = 0.0;
            int z = gcode.getPositionZ();
            Point p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<path.points.size(); i++)
                Point p1 = path.points[i];
                totalLength += vSizeMM(p0 - p1);
                p0 = p1;

            float length = 0.0;
            p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
            for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < path.points.size(); point_idx++)
                Point p1 = path.points[point_idx];
                length += vSizeMM(p0 - p1);
                p0 = p1;
                gcode.setZ(z + layerThickness * length / totalLength);
                gcode.writeMove(path.points[point_idx], speed, path.getExtrusionMM3perMM());

    if (liftHeadIfNeeded && extraTime > 0.0)
        gcode.writeComment("Small layer, adding delay");
        if (last_extrusion_config)
            bool extruder_switch_retract = false;// TODO: check whether we should do a retractoin_extruderSwitch; is the next path with a different extruder?
            writeRetraction(extruder_switch_retract, last_extrusion_config->retraction_config);
        gcode.setZ(gcode.getPositionZ() + MM2INT(3.0));
        gcode.writeMove(gcode.getPositionXY(), travelConfig.getSpeed(), 0);
        gcode.writeMove(gcode.getPositionXY() - Point(-MM2INT(20.0), 0), travelConfig.getSpeed(), 0);
Пример #19
namespace cura

const int vertex_meld_distance = MM2INT(0.03);
static inline uint32_t pointHash(const Point3& p)
    return ((p.x + vertex_meld_distance/2) / vertex_meld_distance) ^ (((p.y + vertex_meld_distance/2) / vertex_meld_distance) << 10) ^ (((p.z + vertex_meld_distance/2) / vertex_meld_distance) << 20);

Mesh::Mesh(SettingsBaseVirtual* parent)
: SettingsBase(parent)

void Mesh::addFace(Point3& v0, Point3& v1, Point3& v2)
    int vi0 = findIndexOfVertex(v0);
    int vi1 = findIndexOfVertex(v1);
    int vi2 = findIndexOfVertex(v2);
    if (vi0 == vi1 || vi1 == vi2 || vi0 == vi2) return; // the face has two vertices which get assigned the same location. Don't add the face.

    int idx = faces.size(); // index of face to be added
    MeshFace& face = faces[idx];
    face.vertex_index[0] = vi0;
    face.vertex_index[1] = vi1;
    face.vertex_index[2] = vi2;

void Mesh::clear()

void Mesh::finish()
    // Finish up the mesh, clear the vertex_hash_map, as it's no longer needed from this point on and uses quite a bit of memory.

    // For each face, store which other face is connected with it.
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<faces.size(); i++)
        MeshFace& face = faces[i];
        face.connected_face_index[0] = getFaceIdxWithPoints(face.vertex_index[0], face.vertex_index[1], i); // faces are connected via the outside
        face.connected_face_index[1] = getFaceIdxWithPoints(face.vertex_index[1], face.vertex_index[2], i);
        face.connected_face_index[2] = getFaceIdxWithPoints(face.vertex_index[2], face.vertex_index[0], i);

Point3 Mesh::min() const
    return aabb.min;
Point3 Mesh::max() const
    return aabb.max;

int Mesh::findIndexOfVertex(const Point3& v)
    uint32_t hash = pointHash(v);

    for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < vertex_hash_map[hash].size(); idx++)
        if ((vertices[vertex_hash_map[hash][idx]].p - v).testLength(vertex_meld_distance))
            return vertex_hash_map[hash][idx];
    return vertices.size() - 1;

Returns the index of the 'other' face connected to the edge between vertices with indices idx0 and idx1.
In case more than two faces are connected via the same edge, the next face in a counter-clockwise ordering (looking from idx1 to idx0) is returned.

    For two faces abc and abd with normals n and m, we have that:
    n &=& \frac{ab \times ac}{\|ab \times ac\|}     \\
    m &=& \frac{ab \times ad}{\|ab \times ad\|}     \\
    n \times m &=& \|n\| \cdot \|m\| \mathbf{p} \sin \alpha  \\
    && (\mathbf{p} \perp n \wedge \mathbf{p} \perp m) \\
    \sin \alpha &=& \|n \times m \|
    &=& \left\| \frac{(ab \times ac) \times (ab \times ad)}{\|ab \times ac\| \cdot \|ab \times ad\|}  \right\|    \\
    &=& \left\| \frac{ (ab \cdot (ac \times ad)) ab  }{\|ab \times ac\| \cdot \|ab \times ad\|}  \right\|    \\
    &=&  \frac{ (ab \cdot (ac \times ad)) \left\| ab   \right\| }{\|ab\| \|ac\| \sin bac \cdot \|ab\| \|ad\| \sin bad}    \\
    &=&  \frac{  ab \cdot (ac \times ad)  }{\|ab\| \|ac\| \|ad\|  \sin bac \sin bad}    \\

See <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14066933/direct-way-of-computing-clockwise-angle-between-2-vectors">Direct way of computing clockwise angle between 2 vectors</a>

int Mesh::getFaceIdxWithPoints(int idx0, int idx1, int notFaceIdx) const
    std::vector<int> candidateFaces; // in case more than two faces meet at an edge, multiple candidates are generated
    int notFaceVertexIdx = -1; // index of the third vertex of the face corresponding to notFaceIdx
    for(int f : vertices[idx0].connected_faces) // search through all faces connected to the first vertex and find those that are also connected to the second
        if (f == notFaceIdx)
            for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) // find the vertex which is not idx0 or idx1
                if (faces[f].vertex_index[i] != idx0 && faces[f].vertex_index[i] != idx1)
                    notFaceVertexIdx = faces[f].vertex_index[i];
        if ( faces[f].vertex_index[0] == idx1 // && faces[f].vertex_index[1] == idx0 // next face should have the right direction!
          || faces[f].vertex_index[1] == idx1 // && faces[f].vertex_index[2] == idx0
          || faces[f].vertex_index[2] == idx1 // && faces[f].vertex_index[0] == idx0
            )  candidateFaces.push_back(f);


    if (candidateFaces.size() == 0) { cura::logError("Couldn't find face connected to face %i.\n", notFaceIdx); return -1; }
    if (candidateFaces.size() == 1) { return candidateFaces[0]; }

    if (notFaceVertexIdx < 0) { cura::logError("Couldn't find third point on face %i.\n", notFaceIdx); return -1; }

    if (candidateFaces.size() % 2 == 0) cura::log("Warning! Edge with uneven number of faces connecting it!(%i)\n", candidateFaces.size()+1);

    FPoint3 vn = vertices[idx1].p - vertices[idx0].p;
    FPoint3 n = vn / vn.vSize(); // the normal of the plane in which all normals of faces connected to the edge lie => the normalized normal
    FPoint3 v0 = vertices[idx1].p - vertices[idx0].p;

// the normals below are abnormally directed! : these normals all point counterclockwise (viewed from idx1 to idx0) from the face, irrespective of the direction of the face.
    FPoint3 n0 = FPoint3(vertices[notFaceVertexIdx].p - vertices[idx0].p).cross(v0);

    if (n0.vSize() <= 0) cura::log("Warning! Face %i has zero area!", notFaceIdx);

    double smallestAngle = 1000; // more then 2 PI (impossible angle)
    int bestIdx = -1;

    for (int candidateFace : candidateFaces)
        int candidateVertex;
        {// find third vertex belonging to the face (besides idx0 and idx1)
            for (candidateVertex = 0; candidateVertex<3; candidateVertex++)
                if (faces[candidateFace].vertex_index[candidateVertex] != idx0 && faces[candidateFace].vertex_index[candidateVertex] != idx1)

        FPoint3 v1 = vertices[candidateVertex].p -vertices[idx0].p;
        FPoint3 n1 = v1.cross(v0);

        double dot = n0 * n1;
        double det = n * n0.cross(n1);
        double angle = std::atan2(det, dot);
        if (angle < 0) angle += 2*M_PI; // 0 <= angle < 2* M_PI

        if (angle == 0)
            cura::log("Warning! Overlapping faces: face %i and face %i.\n", notFaceIdx, candidateFace);
            std::cerr<< n.vSize() <<"; "<<n1.vSize()<<";"<<n0.vSize() <<std::endl;
        if (angle < smallestAngle)
            smallestAngle = angle;
            bestIdx = candidateFace;
    if (bestIdx < 0) cura::logError("Couldn't find face connected to face %i.\n", notFaceIdx);
    return bestIdx;

}//namespace cura
Пример #20
bool Comb::moveInside(Point* from, int distance)
    Point ret = *from;
    int64_t maxDist2 =  MM2INT(2.0) * MM2INT(2.0);
    int64_t bestDist2 = maxDist2;
    for(PolygonRef poly : boundary)
        if (poly.size() < 2)
        Point p0 = poly[poly.size()-2];
        Point p1 = poly.back();
        bool projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = dot(p1 - p0, *from - p0) > vSize2(p1 - p0);
        for(Point& p2 : poly)
            // X = A + Normal( B - A ) * ((( B - A ) dot ( P - A )) / VSize( A - B ));
            // X = P projected on AB
            Point& a = p1;
            Point& b = p2;
            Point& p = *from;
            Point ab = b - a;
            Point ap = p - a;
            int64_t ab_length = vSize(ab);
            int64_t ax_length = dot(ab, ap) / ab_length;
            if (ax_length < 0) // x is projected to before ab
                if (projected_p_beyond_prev_segment)
                { //  case which looks like:   > .
                    projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = false;
                    Point& x = p1;
                    int64_t dist2 = vSize2(x - p);
                    if (dist2 < bestDist2)
                        bestDist2 = dist2;
                        ret = x + normal(crossZ(normal(a, distance*4) + normal(p1 - p0, distance*4)), distance); // *4 to retain more precision for the eventual normalization
                    projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = false;
                    p0 = p1;
                    p1 = p2;
            else if (ax_length > ab_length) // x is projected to beyond ab
                projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = true;
                p0 = p1;
                p1 = p2;
                projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = false;
                Point x = a + ab * ax_length / ab_length;
                int64_t dist2 = vSize2(x - *from);
                if (dist2 < bestDist2)
                    bestDist2 = dist2;
                    ret = x + crossZ(normal(ab, distance));
            p0 = p1;
            p1 = p2;
    if (bestDist2 < maxDist2)
        *from = ret;
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #21
void GCodeExport::writeMove(int x, int y, int z, double speed, double extrusion_mm3_per_mm)
    if (currentPosition.x == x && currentPosition.y == y && currentPosition.z == z)

    assert(speed < 200 && speed > 1); // normal F values occurring in UM2 gcode (this code should not be compiled for release)
    assert(currentPosition != no_point3);
    assert((Point3(x,y,z) - currentPosition).vSize() < MM2INT(300)); // no crazy positions (this code should not be compiled for release)

    if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm < 0)
        logWarning("Warning! Negative extrusion move!");

    if (flavor == EGCodeFlavor::BFB)
        writeMoveBFB(x, y, z, speed, extrusion_mm3_per_mm);

    double extrusion_per_mm = mm3ToE(extrusion_mm3_per_mm);

    Point gcode_pos = getGcodePos(x,y, current_extruder);

    if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm > 0.000001)
        Point3 diff = Point3(x,y,z) - getPosition();
        if (isZHopped > 0)
            *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << "G1 Z" << INT2MM(currentPosition.z) << new_line;
            isZHopped = 0;
        double prime_volume = extruder_attr[current_extruder].prime_volume;
        current_e_value += mm3ToE(prime_volume);
        if (extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current)
            if (firmware_retract)
            { // note that BFB is handled differently
                *output_stream << "G11" << new_line;
                //Assume default UM2 retraction settings.
                if (prime_volume > 0)
                    *output_stream << "G1 F" << (extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << current_e_value << new_line;
                    currentSpeed = extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed;
                estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), eToMm(current_e_value)), 25.0);
                current_e_value += extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current;
                *output_stream << "G1 F" << (extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << current_e_value << new_line;
                currentSpeed = extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed;
                estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), eToMm(current_e_value)), currentSpeed);
            if (getCurrentExtrudedVolume() > 10000.0) //According to https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/issues/14 having more then 21m of extrusion causes inaccuracies. So reset it every 10m, just to be sure.
            extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current = 0.0;
        else if (prime_volume > 0.0)
            *output_stream << "G1 F" << (extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed * 60) << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << current_e_value << new_line;
            currentSpeed = extruder_attr[current_extruder].last_retraction_prime_speed;
            estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), eToMm(current_e_value)), currentSpeed);
        extruder_attr[current_extruder].prime_volume = 0.0;
        current_e_value += extrusion_per_mm * diff.vSizeMM();
        *output_stream << "G1";
        *output_stream << "G0";

        CommandSocket::sendLineTo(extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current ? PrintFeatureType::MoveRetraction : PrintFeatureType::MoveCombing, Point(x, y), extruder_attr[current_extruder].retraction_e_amount_current ? MM2INT(0.2) : MM2INT(0.1));

    if (currentSpeed != speed)
        *output_stream << " F" << (speed * 60);
        currentSpeed = speed;

    *output_stream << std::setprecision(3) << 
        " X" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.X) << 
        " Y" << INT2MM(gcode_pos.Y);
    if (z != currentPosition.z + isZHopped)
        *output_stream << " Z" << INT2MM(z + isZHopped);
    if (extrusion_mm3_per_mm > 0.000001)
        *output_stream << " " << extruder_attr[current_extruder].extruderCharacter << std::setprecision(5) << current_e_value;
    *output_stream << new_line;
    currentPosition = Point3(x, y, z);
    estimateCalculator.plan(TimeEstimateCalculator::Position(INT2MM(currentPosition.x), INT2MM(currentPosition.y), INT2MM(currentPosition.z), eToMm(current_e_value)), speed);
Пример #22
void GCodePlanner::writeGCode(bool liftHeadIfNeeded, int layerThickness)
    GCodePathConfig* lastConfig = NULL;
    int extruder = gcode.getExtruderNr();

    for(unsigned int n=0; n<paths.size(); n++)
        GCodePath* path = &paths[n];
        if (extruder != path->extruder)
            extruder = path->extruder;
        }else if (path->retract)
        if (path->config != &travelConfig && lastConfig != path->config)
            gcode.writeComment("TYPE:%s", path->config->name);
            lastConfig = path->config;
        int speed = path->config->speed;
        if (path->config->lineWidth != 0)// Only apply the extrudeSpeedFactor to extrusion moves
            speed = speed * extrudeSpeedFactor / 100;
            speed = speed * travelSpeedFactor / 100;
        if (path->points.size() == 1 && path->config != &travelConfig && shorterThen(gcode.getPositionXY() - path->points[0], path->config->lineWidth * 2))
            //Check for lots of small moves and combine them into one large line
            Point p0 = path->points[0];
            unsigned int i = n + 1;
            while(i < paths.size() && paths[i].points.size() == 1 && shorterThen(p0 - paths[i].points[0], path->config->lineWidth * 2))
                p0 = paths[i].points[0];
                i ++;
            if (paths[i-1].config == &travelConfig)
                i --;
            if (i > n + 2)
                p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
                for(unsigned int x=n; x<i-1; x+=2)
                    int64_t oldLen = vSize(p0 - paths[x].points[0]);
                    Point newPoint = (paths[x].points[0] + paths[x+1].points[0]) / 2;
                    int64_t newLen = vSize(gcode.getPositionXY() - newPoint);
                    if (newLen > 0)
                        gcode.writeMove(newPoint, speed, path->config->lineWidth * oldLen / newLen);
                    p0 = paths[x+1].points[0];
                gcode.writeMove(paths[i-1].points[0], speed, path->config->lineWidth);
                n = i - 1;
        bool spiralize = path->config->spiralize;
        if (spiralize)
            //Check if we are the last spiralize path in the list, if not, do not spiralize.
            for(unsigned int m=n+1; m<paths.size(); m++)
                if (paths[m].config->spiralize)
                    spiralize = false;
        if (spiralize)
            //If we need to spiralize then raise the head slowly by 1 layer as this path progresses.
            float totalLength = 0.0;
            int z = gcode.getPositionZ();
            Point p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<path->points.size(); i++)
                Point p1 = path->points[i];
                totalLength += vSizeMM(p0 - p1);
                p0 = p1;
            float length = 0.0;
            p0 = gcode.getPositionXY();
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<path->points.size(); i++)
                Point p1 = path->points[i];
                length += vSizeMM(p0 - p1);
                p0 = p1;
                gcode.setZ(z + layerThickness * length / totalLength);
                gcode.writeMove(path->points[i], speed, path->config->lineWidth);
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<path->points.size(); i++)
                gcode.writeMove(path->points[i], speed, path->config->lineWidth);
    if (liftHeadIfNeeded && extraTime > 0.0)
        gcode.writeComment("Small layer, adding delay of %f", extraTime);
        gcode.setZ(gcode.getPositionZ() + MM2INT(3.0));
        gcode.writeMove(gcode.getPositionXY(), travelConfig.speed, 0);
        gcode.writeMove(gcode.getPositionXY() - Point(-MM2INT(20.0), 0), travelConfig.speed, 0);
Пример #23
template<> coord_t Settings::get<coord_t>(const std::string& key) const
    return MM2INT(get<double>(key)); //The settings are all in millimetres, but we need to interpret them as microns.
Пример #24
void SlicerLayer::makePolygons(OptimizedVolume* ov, bool keepNoneClosed, bool extensiveStitching)
    for(unsigned int startSegment=0; startSegment < segmentList.size(); startSegment++)
        if (segmentList[startSegment].addedToPolygon)
        Polygon poly;
        unsigned int segmentIndex = startSegment;
        bool canClose;
            canClose = false;
            segmentList[segmentIndex].addedToPolygon = true;
            Point p0 = segmentList[segmentIndex].end;
            int nextIndex = -1;
            OptimizedFace* face = &ov->faces[segmentList[segmentIndex].faceIndex];
            for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
                if (face->touching[i] > -1 && faceToSegmentIndex.find(face->touching[i]) != faceToSegmentIndex.end())
                    Point p1 = segmentList[faceToSegmentIndex[face->touching[i]]].start;
                    Point diff = p0 - p1;
                    if (shorterThen(diff, MM2INT(0.01)))
                        if (faceToSegmentIndex[face->touching[i]] == (int)startSegment)
                            canClose = true;
                        if (segmentList[faceToSegmentIndex[face->touching[i]]].addedToPolygon)
                        nextIndex = faceToSegmentIndex[face->touching[i]];
            if (nextIndex == -1)
            segmentIndex = nextIndex;
        if (canClose)
    //Clear the segmentList to save memory, it is no longer needed after this point.

    //Connecting polygons that are not closed yet, as models are not always perfect manifold we need to join some stuff up to get proper polygons
    //First link up polygon ends that are within 2 microns.
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
        if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
        for(unsigned int j=0;j<openPolygonList.size();j++)
            if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1) continue;
            Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][0];
            int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);

            if (distSquared < MM2INT(0.02) * MM2INT(0.02))
                if (i == j)
                    for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[j].size(); n++)


    //Next link up all the missing ends, closing up the smallest gaps first. This is an inefficient implementation which can run in O(n*n*n) time.
        int64_t bestScore = MM2INT(10.0) * MM2INT(10.0);
        unsigned int bestA = -1;
        unsigned int bestB = -1;
        bool reversed = false;
        for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
            if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
            for(unsigned int j=0;j<openPolygonList.size();j++)
                if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1) continue;
                Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][0];
                int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);
                if (distSquared < bestScore)
                    bestScore = distSquared;
                    bestA = i;
                    bestB = j;
                    reversed = false;

                if (i != j)
                    Point diff = openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1] - openPolygonList[j][openPolygonList[j].size()-1];
                    int64_t distSquared = vSize2(diff);
                    if (distSquared < bestScore)
                        bestScore = distSquared;
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = j;
                        reversed = true;
        if (bestScore >= MM2INT(10.0) * MM2INT(10.0))
        if (bestA == bestB)
            if (reversed)
                if (openPolygonList[bestA].polygonLength() > openPolygonList[bestB].polygonLength())
                    for(unsigned int n=openPolygonList[bestB].size()-1; int(n)>=0; n--)
                    for(unsigned int n=openPolygonList[bestA].size()-1; int(n)>=0; n--)
                for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestB].size(); n++)

    if (extensiveStitching)
        //For extensive stitching find 2 open polygons that are touching 2 closed polygons.
        // Then find the sortest path over this polygon that can be used to connect the open polygons,
        // And generate a path over this shortest bit to link up the 2 open polygons.
        // (If these 2 open polygons are the same polygon, then the final result is a closed polyon)
            unsigned int bestA = -1;
            unsigned int bestB = -1;
            gapCloserResult bestResult;
            bestResult.len = LLONG_MAX;
            bestResult.polygonIdx = -1;
            bestResult.pointIdxA = -1;
            bestResult.pointIdxB = -1;
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<openPolygonList.size(); i++)
                if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 1) continue;
                    gapCloserResult res = findPolygonGapCloser(openPolygonList[i][0], openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1]);
                    if (res.len > 0 && res.len < bestResult.len)
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = i;
                        bestResult = res;

                for(unsigned int j=0; j<openPolygonList.size(); j++)
                    if (openPolygonList[j].size() < 1 || i == j) continue;
                    gapCloserResult res = findPolygonGapCloser(openPolygonList[i][0], openPolygonList[j][openPolygonList[j].size()-1]);
                    if (res.len > 0 && res.len < bestResult.len)
                        bestA = i;
                        bestB = j;
                        bestResult = res;
            if (bestResult.len < LLONG_MAX)
                if (bestA == bestB)
                    if (bestResult.pointIdxA == bestResult.pointIdxB)
                    else if (bestResult.AtoB)
                        PolygonRef poly = polygonList.newPoly();
                        for(unsigned int j = bestResult.pointIdxA; j != bestResult.pointIdxB; j = (j + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int j = openPolygonList[bestA].size() - 1; int(j) >= 0; j--)
                        unsigned int n = polygonList.size();
                        for(unsigned int j = bestResult.pointIdxB; j != bestResult.pointIdxA; j = (j + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                    if (bestResult.pointIdxA == bestResult.pointIdxB)
                        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestA].size(); n++)
                    else if (bestResult.AtoB)
                        Polygon poly;
                        for(unsigned int n = bestResult.pointIdxA; n != bestResult.pointIdxB; n = (n + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int n=poly.size()-1;int(n) >= 0; n--)
                        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList[bestA].size(); n++)
                        for(unsigned int n = bestResult.pointIdxB; n != bestResult.pointIdxA; n = (n + 1) % polygonList[bestResult.polygonIdx].size())
                        for(unsigned int n = openPolygonList[bestA].size() - 1; int(n) >= 0; n--)

    int q=0;
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<openPolygonList.size();i++)
        if (openPolygonList[i].size() < 2) continue;
        if (!q) log("***\n");
        log("S: %f %f\n", float(openPolygonList[i][0].X), float(openPolygonList[i][0].Y));
        log("E: %f %f\n", float(openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1].X), float(openPolygonList[i][openPolygonList[i].size()-1].Y));
        q = 1;
    //if (q) exit(1);

    if (keepNoneClosed)
        for(unsigned int n=0; n<openPolygonList.size(); n++)
            if (openPolygonList[n].size() > 0)
    //Clear the openPolygonList to save memory, the only reason to keep it after this is for debugging.

    //Remove all the tiny polygons, or polygons that are not closed. As they do not contribute to the actual print.
    int snapDistance = MM2INT(1.0);
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<polygonList.size();i++)
        int length = 0;
        for(unsigned int n=1; n<polygonList[i].size(); n++)
            length += vSize(polygonList[i][n] - polygonList[i][n-1]);
            if (length > snapDistance)
        if (length < snapDistance)

    //Finally optimize all the polygons. Every point removed saves time in the long run.
Пример #25
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, vector<Point>& combPoints)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, MM2INT(1.5)))
        return true;
    bool addEndpoint = false;
    //Check if we are inside the comb boundaries
    if (!checkInside(startPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&startPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
    if (!checkInside(endPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&endPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
        addEndpoint = true;
    //Check if we are crossing any bounderies, and pre-calculate some values.
    if (!preTest(startPoint, endPoint))
        //We're not crossing any boundaries. So skip the comb generation.
        if (!addEndpoint && combPoints.size() == 0) //Only skip if we didn't move the start and end point.
            return true;
    //Calculate the minimum and maximum positions where we cross the comb boundary
    int64_t x = sp.X;
    vector<Point> pointList;
    //Now walk trough the crossings, for every boundary we cross, find the initial cross point and the exit point. Then add all the points in between
    // to the pointList and continue with the next boundary we will cross, until there are no more boundaries to cross.
    // This gives a path from the start to finish curved around the holes that it encounters.
        unsigned int n = getPolygonAbove(x);
        if (n == UINT_MAX) break;
        pointList.push_back(matrix.unapply(Point(minX[n] - MM2INT(0.2), sp.Y)));
        if ( (minIdx[n] - maxIdx[n] + boundery[n].size()) % boundery[n].size() > (maxIdx[n] - minIdx[n] + boundery[n].size()) % boundery[n].size())
            for(unsigned int i=minIdx[n]; i != maxIdx[n]; i = (i < boundery[n].size() - 1) ? (i + 1) : (0))
                pointList.push_back(getBounderyPointWithOffset(n, i));
            if (minIdx[n] == UINT_MAX) minIdx[n] = boundery[n].size() - 1;
            if (maxIdx[n] == UINT_MAX) maxIdx[n] = boundery[n].size() - 1;
            for(unsigned int i=minIdx[n]; i != maxIdx[n]; i = (i > 0) ? (i - 1) : (boundery[n].size() - 1))
                pointList.push_back(getBounderyPointWithOffset(n, i));
        pointList.push_back(matrix.unapply(Point(maxX[n] + MM2INT(0.2), sp.Y)));
        x = maxX[n];
    //Optimize the pointList, skip each point we could already reach by not crossing a boundary. This smooths out the path and makes it skip any unneeded corners.
    Point p0 = startPoint;
    for(unsigned int n=1; n<pointList.size(); n++)
        if (collisionTest(p0, pointList[n]))
            if (collisionTest(p0, pointList[n-1]))
                return false;
            p0 = pointList[n-1];
    if (addEndpoint)
    return true;