Пример #1
regio_write_surfacexform_to_register_dat(MATRIX *B, char *fname, 
                                         MRI_SURFACE *mris, MRI *mri, 
                                         char *subject, int float2int)
  MATRIX *Ta, *Sa, *invTa, *A, *R, *S, *invS, *T, *m1, *m2 ;
  MRI *mri_surf = MRIallocHeader(mris->vg.width, mris->vg.height, 
                                 mris->vg.depth, MRI_UCHAR,1) ;

  MRIcopyVolGeomToMRI(mri_surf, &mris->vg) ;

  T = MRIxfmCRS2XYZtkreg(mri) ;
  S = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri) ;
  invS = MatrixInverse(S, NULL) ;
  Ta = MRIxfmCRS2XYZtkreg(mri_surf);
  Sa = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri_surf);
  invTa = MatrixInverse(Ta,NULL);
  A  = MatrixMultiply(Sa,invTa, NULL);
  m1 = MatrixMultiply(A, B, NULL) ;
  m2 = MatrixMultiply(invS, m1, NULL) ;
  R = MatrixMultiply(T, m2, NULL) ;
  regio_write_register(fname,subject,mri->xsize, mri->zsize,1,R,float2int);
  MatrixFree(&A) ; MatrixFree(&Ta) ; MatrixFree(&Sa) ; MatrixFree(&invTa) ;
  MatrixFree(&R) ; MatrixFree(&m1) ; MatrixFree(&m2) ; MatrixFree(&S) ; 
  MatrixFree(&T) ;
  MRIfree(&mri_surf) ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
Пример #2
static int
test(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri3, MATRIX *m_vol1_to_vol2_ras) {
  VECTOR *v_test, *v_vox ;
  float  x_ras1, y_ras1, z_ras1, x_ras2, y_ras2, z_ras2, x_vox1, y_vox1,
  z_vox1, x_vox2, y_vox2, z_vox2 ;
  MATRIX  *m_vol2_vox2ras, *m_vol2_ras2vox, *m_vol1_ras2vox, *m_vol1_vox2ras,
  *m_vol3_ras2vox, *m_vol3_vox2ras ;
  int     val ;

  v_test = VectorAlloc(4, MATRIX_REAL) ;
  m_vol1_vox2ras = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri1) ;
  m_vol2_vox2ras = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri2) ;
  m_vol1_ras2vox = MRIgetRasToVoxelXform(mri1) ;
  m_vol2_ras2vox = MRIgetRasToVoxelXform(mri2) ;
  m_vol3_vox2ras = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri3) ;
  m_vol3_ras2vox = MRIgetRasToVoxelXform(mri3) ;

  x_ras1 = 126.50 ;
  y_ras1 = -125.500 ;
  z_ras1 = 127.50 ;
  V3_X(v_test) = x_ras1 ;
  V3_Y(v_test) = y_ras1 ;
  V3_Z(v_test) = z_ras1 ;
  *MATRIX_RELT(v_test, 4, 1) = 1.0 ;
  v_vox = MatrixMultiply(m_vol1_ras2vox, v_test, NULL) ;
  x_vox1 = V3_X(v_vox) ;
  y_vox1 = V3_Y(v_vox) ;
  z_vox1 = V3_Z(v_vox) ;
  val = MRISvox(mri1, nint(x_vox1), nint(y_vox1), nint(z_vox1)) ;
  printf("VOL1: ras (%1.1f, %1.1f, %1.1f) --> VOX (%1.1f, %1.1f, %1.1f) = %d\n",
         x_ras1, y_ras1, z_ras1, x_vox1, y_vox1, z_vox1, val) ;

  x_ras2 = 76.5421 ;
  y_ras2 = 138.5352 ;
  z_ras2 = 96.0910 ;
  V3_X(v_test) = x_ras2 ;
  V3_Y(v_test) = y_ras2 ;
  V3_Z(v_test) = z_ras2 ;
  *MATRIX_RELT(v_test, 4, 1) = 1.0 ;
  v_vox = MatrixMultiply(m_vol2_ras2vox, v_test, NULL) ;
  x_vox2 = V3_X(v_vox) ;
  y_vox2 = V3_Y(v_vox) ;
  z_vox2 = V3_Z(v_vox) ;
  val = MRISvox(mri2, nint(x_vox2), nint(y_vox2), nint(z_vox2)) ;
  printf("VOL2: ras (%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f) --> VOX (%2.1f, %2.1f, %2.1f) = %d\n",
         x_ras2, y_ras2, z_ras2, x_vox2, y_vox2, z_vox2, val) ;

  MatrixFree(&v_test) ;
  return(NO_ERROR) ;
Пример #3
regio_read_surfacexform_from_register_dat(char *fname, MRI_SURFACE *mris, 
                                          MRI *mri, char **subject)
  MATRIX *Ta, *Sa, *invT, *A, *R, *S, *invSa, *T, *m1, *m2, *B ;
  float  pres, bres, intensity ;
  int    float2int ;
  MRI *mri_surf = MRIallocHeader(mris->vg.width, mris->vg.height, 
                                 mris->vg.depth, MRI_UCHAR,1) ;

  if (regio_read_register(fname, subject, &pres, &bres, &intensity,&B,&float2int) != 0)
    ErrorReturn(NULL, (ERROR_NOFILE, 
                       "regio_read_surfacexform_from_register_dat(%s) failed",
                       fname)) ;

  MRIcopyVolGeomToMRI(mri_surf, &mris->vg) ;

  T = MRIxfmCRS2XYZtkreg(mri) ;
  S = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri) ;
  Ta = MRIxfmCRS2XYZtkreg(mri_surf);
  Sa = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri_surf);
  invSa = MatrixInverse(Sa, NULL) ;
  invT = MatrixInverse(T,NULL);
  A  = MatrixMultiply(S,invT, NULL);
  m1 = MatrixMultiply(A, B, NULL) ;
  m2 = MatrixMultiply(invSa, m1, NULL) ;
  R = MatrixMultiply(Ta, m2, NULL) ;
  MatrixFree(&A) ; MatrixFree(&Ta) ; MatrixFree(&Sa) ; MatrixFree(&invT) ;
  MatrixFree(&B) ; MatrixFree(&m1) ; MatrixFree(&m2) ; MatrixFree(&S) ; 
  MatrixFree(&T) ;
  MRIfree(&mri_surf) ;
  return(R) ;
Пример #4
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char         **av, *out_name ;
  int          ac, nargs ;
  int          msec, minutes, seconds ;
  struct timeb start ;
  GCA_MORPH    *gcam ;
  MRI          *mri = NULL ;
  MATRIX       *m;

  /* rkt: check for and handle version tag */
  nargs = handle_version_option (argc, argv, "$Id: mri_warp_convert.c,v 1.1 2012/02/13 23:05:52 jonp Exp $", "$Name:  $");
  if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1)
    exit (0);
  argc -= nargs;

  Progname = basename(argv[0]) ;
  ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
  DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;

  TimerStart(&start) ;

  ac = argc ;
  av = argv ;
  for ( ; argc > 1 && ISOPTION(*argv[1]) ; argc--, argv++)
    nargs = get_option(argc, argv) ;
    argc -= nargs ;
    argv += nargs ;

  if (argc < 3)
    usage_exit(1) ;

  // mri_convert expects a relative warp
  fprintf(stdout, "[%s]:  reading warp file '%s'\n", Progname, argv[1]);
  fprintf(stdout, "assuming RELATIVE warp convention\n");

  // TODO: add support for absolute warps as well, add option to specify convention

  mri = MRIread(argv[1]) ;
  if (mri == NULL)
    ErrorExit(ERROR_NOFILE, "%s: could not read warp volume %s\n", Progname,argv[1]) ;

  m = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri) ;

  // NOTE: this assumes a standard siemens image orientation in which
  // case a neurological orientation means that the first frame is
  // flipped

  if ( MatrixDeterminant(m) > 0 )
      fprintf(stdout, "non-negative Jacobian determinant -- converting to radiological ordering\n");
    // 2012/feb/08: tested with anisotropic voxel sizes

    MRI *mri2 = NULL ;
    int c=0,r=0,s=0;
    float v;

    mri2 = MRIcopy(mri,NULL);
    for(c=0; c < mri->width; c++)
        for(r=0; r < mri->height; r++)
            for(s=0; s < mri->depth; s++)
                // only flip first frame (by negating relative shifts)
                v = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, c,r,s,0) / mri->xsize;
                if ( MatrixDeterminant(m) > 0 )
                  MRIsetVoxVal(    mri2,c,r,s,0,-v);
                  MRIsetVoxVal(    mri2,c,r,s,0, v);

                v = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, c,r,s,1) / mri->ysize;
                MRIsetVoxVal(    mri2,c,r,s,1, v);

                v = MRIgetVoxVal(mri, c,r,s,2) / mri->zsize;
                MRIsetVoxVal(    mri2,c,r,s,2, v);

    mri = mri2;

  MatrixFree(&m) ;

  // this does all the work! (gcamorph.c)
  gcam = GCAMalloc(mri->width, mri->height, mri->depth) ;
  GCAMinitVolGeom(gcam, mri, mri) ;

  // not sure if removing singularities is ever a bad thing
#if 1
  GCAMremoveSingularitiesAndReadWarpFromMRI(gcam, mri) ;
  GCAMreadWarpFromMRI(gcam, mri) ;

  fprintf(stdout, "[%s]:  writing warp file '%s'\n", Progname, argv[2]);

  out_name = argv[2] ;
  GCAMwrite(gcam, out_name) ;

  msec = TimerStop(&start) ;
  seconds = nint((float)msec/1000.0f) ;
  minutes = seconds / 60 ;
  seconds = seconds % 60 ;
  fprintf(stderr, "conversion took %d minutes and %d seconds.\n", minutes, seconds) ;
  exit(0) ;
  return(0) ;