int MR_Num_Edges(MRegion_ptr r) { List_ptr redges; int nre; redges = MR_Edges(r); nre = List_Num_Entries(redges); List_Delete(redges); #ifdef DEBUG { RepType RTYPE = MEnt_RepType((MEntity_ptr) r); if (RTYPE != R1 || RTYPE != R2) MSTK_Report("MR_Num_Vertices", "Inefficient to use this routine for this representation", MSTK_WARN); } #endif return nre; }
void MESH_Renumber(Mesh_ptr mesh, int renum_type, MType mtype) { MVertex_ptr mv, v0=NULL; MEdge_ptr me, e0=NULL; MFace_ptr mf, f0=NULL; MRegion_ptr mr, r0=NULL; int idx, idx2, idx3; int i, j; int done; MAttrib_ptr vidatt; List_ptr vlist; double xyz[3]; double rval; int bandwidth, maxbandwidth1, maxbandwidth2; double avebandwidth1, avebandwidth2; void *pval; if (renum_type == 0) { if (mtype == MVERTEX || mtype == MALLTYPE) { int nv = 0; idx = 0; while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) MV_Set_ID(mv,++nv); } if (mtype == MEDGE || mtype == MALLTYPE) { int ne = 0; idx = 0; while ((me = MESH_Next_Edge(mesh,&idx))) ME_Set_ID(me,++ne); } if (mtype == MFACE || mtype == MALLTYPE) { int nf = 0; idx = 0; while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) MF_Set_ID(mf,++nf); } if (mtype == MREGION || mtype == MALLTYPE) { int nr = 0; idx = 0; while ((mr = MESH_Next_Region(mesh,&idx))) MR_Set_ID(mr,++nr); } } else if (renum_type == 1) { double minx, miny, minz; int minid, maxid; int *nadj, *newmap, *adj, *offset, nconn; int nalloc, depth, maxwidth; #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS int mkid = MSTK_GetMarker(); #else MAttrib_ptr mkatt = MAttrib_New(mesh, "mkatt", INT, MALLTYPE); #endif if (mtype == MVERTEX || mtype == MALLTYPE) { int nv = MESH_Num_Vertices(mesh); /* Compute a graph of vertex connections across elements (faces for surface meshes, regions for solid meshes */ /* Start with the vertex in the lower leftmost corner */ minx = miny = minz = 1.0e+12; v0 = NULL; idx = 0; while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) { MV_Coords(mv,xyz); if (xyz[0] <= minx && xyz[1] <= miny && xyz[2] <= minz) { minx = xyz[0]; miny = xyz[1]; minz = xyz[2]; v0 = mv; } } nadj = (int *) malloc(nv*sizeof(int)); nalloc = nv*5; adj = (int *) malloc(nalloc*sizeof(int)); if (!MESH_Num_Regions(mesh)) { int nentries = 0; i = 0; idx = 0; while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) { List_ptr vfaces, adjvlist; MFace_ptr vf; MVertex_ptr adjv; adjvlist = List_New(0); vfaces = MV_Faces(mv); idx2 = 0; while ((vf = List_Next_Entry(vfaces,&idx2))) { List_ptr fverts = MF_Vertices(vf,1,0); idx3 = 0; while ((adjv = List_Next_Entry(fverts,&idx3))) { if (adjv != mv) { int vmarked; #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS vmarked = MEnt_IsMarked(adjv,mkid); #else MEnt_Get_AttVal(adjv, mkatt, &vmarked, &rval, &pval); #endif if (!vmarked) { List_Add(adjvlist,adjv); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS MEnt_Mark(adjv,mkid); #else MEnt_Set_AttVal(adjv, mkatt, 1, 0.0, NULL); #endif } } } List_Delete(fverts); } List_Delete(vfaces); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS List_Unmark(adjvlist,mkid); #endif nadj[i] = List_Num_Entries(adjvlist); if (nentries+nadj[i] > nalloc) { nalloc *= 2; adj = (int *) realloc(adj,nalloc*sizeof(int)); } idx2 = 0; while ((adjv = List_Next_Entry(adjvlist,&idx2))) adj[nentries++] = MV_ID(adjv)-1; List_Delete(adjvlist); i++; } } else { int nentries = 0; i = 0; idx = 0; while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) { List_ptr vregions, adjvlist; MRegion_ptr vr; MVertex_ptr adjv; adjvlist = List_New(0); vregions = MV_Regions(mv); idx2 = 0; while ((vr = List_Next_Entry(vregions,&idx2))) { List_ptr rverts = MR_Vertices(vr); idx3 = 0; while ((adjv = List_Next_Entry(rverts,&idx3))) { if (adjv != mv) { int vmarked; #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS vmarked = MEnt_IsMarked(adjv,mkid); #else MEnt_Get_AttVal(adjv, mkatt, &vmarked, &rval, &pval); #endif if (!vmarked) { List_Add(adjvlist,adjv); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS MEnt_Mark(adjv,mkid); #else MEnt_Set_AttVal(adjv, mkatt, 1, 0.0, NULL); #endif } } } List_Delete(rverts); } List_Delete(vregions); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS List_Unmark(adjvlist,mkid); #endif nadj[i] = List_Num_Entries(adjvlist); if (nentries+nadj[i] > nalloc) { nalloc *= 2; adj = (int *) realloc(adj,nalloc*sizeof(int)); } idx2 = 0; while ((adjv = List_Next_Entry(adjvlist,&idx2))) adj[nentries++] = MV_ID(adjv)-1; List_Delete(adjvlist); i++; } } /* Compute offsets into adj array */ offset = (int *) malloc(nv*sizeof(int)); offset[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < nv; i++) offset[i] = offset[i-1] + nadj[i-1]; /* Compute maximum bandwidth before renumbering */ maxbandwidth1 = 0; avebandwidth1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) { int off = offset[i]; int curid = i; for (j = 0; j < nadj[i]; j++) { int adjid = adj[off+j]; int diff = abs(adjid-curid); maxbandwidth1 = (diff > maxbandwidth1) ? diff : maxbandwidth1; avebandwidth1 += diff; nconn++; } } nconn = offset[nv-1]+nadj[nv-1]; avebandwidth1 /= nconn; fprintf(stderr, "Ave vertex ID difference on elements before renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth1); fprintf(stderr, "Max vertex ID difference on elements before renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth1); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); newmap = (int *) malloc(nv*sizeof(int)); Graph_Renumber_GPS(nv, MV_ID(v0)-1, nadj, adj, newmap, &depth, &maxwidth); /* Compute bandwidth after renumbering */ maxbandwidth2 = 0; avebandwidth2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) { int off = offset[i]; int curid = newmap[i]; for (j = 0; j < nadj[i]; j++) { int adjid = newmap[adj[off+j]]; int diff = abs(adjid-curid); maxbandwidth2 = (diff > maxbandwidth2) ? diff : maxbandwidth2; avebandwidth2 += diff; nconn++; } } nconn = offset[nv-1]+nadj[nv-1]; avebandwidth2 /= nconn; if (maxbandwidth2 < maxbandwidth1 && avebandwidth2 < avebandwidth1) { /* Renumber */ idx = 0; i = 0; while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) { MV_Set_ID(mv,newmap[i]+1); i++; } fprintf(stderr, "Ave vertex ID difference on elements after renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth2); fprintf(stderr, "Max vertex ID difference on elements after renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth2); } else { nv = 0; idx = 0; while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) MV_Set_ID(mv,++nv); fprintf(stderr,"Bandwidth did not improve. Keeping old numbering with gaps eliminated\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"\n\n\n"); free(nadj); free(adj); free(offset); free(newmap); } /* Reorder edges according to a breadth first algorithm applied to edges (differs from RCM in that it does not add adjacent nodes in ascending order of their valence) */ if (mtype == MEDGE || mtype == MALLTYPE) { int ne = MESH_Num_Edges(mesh); MEdge_ptr ve; List_ptr elist; /************************* renumbering code ****************************/ ne = MESH_Num_Edges(mesh); if (mtype == MALLTYPE) { /* RCM algorithm already applied on the vertices. Use an edge connected to the starting vertex as the first edge */ List_ptr vedges = MV_Edges(v0); e0 = List_Entry(vedges,0); List_Delete(vedges); } else { /* Find the edge whose mid point is a minimum point */ minx = miny = minz = 1.0e+12; e0 = NULL; idx = 0; while ((me = MESH_Next_Edge(mesh,&idx))) { double exyz[2][3]; MV_Coords(ME_Vertex(me,0),exyz[0]); MV_Coords(ME_Vertex(me,1),exyz[1]); xyz[0] = (exyz[0][0]+exyz[1][0])/2.0; xyz[1] = (exyz[0][1]+exyz[1][1])/2.0; xyz[2] = (exyz[0][2]+exyz[1][2])/2.0; if (xyz[0] < minx && xyz[1] < miny && xyz[2] < minz) { minx = xyz[0]; miny = xyz[1]; minz = xyz[2]; e0 = me; } } } nadj = (int *) malloc(ne*sizeof(int)); nalloc = ne*5; adj = (int *) malloc(nalloc*sizeof(int)); if (!MESH_Num_Regions(mesh)) { int nentries = 0; i = 0; idx = 0; while ((me = MESH_Next_Edge(mesh,&idx))) { List_ptr efaces, adjelist; MFace_ptr ef; MEdge_ptr adje; adjelist = List_New(0); efaces = ME_Faces(me); idx2 = 0; while ((ef = List_Next_Entry(efaces,&idx2))) { List_ptr fedges = MF_Edges(ef,1,0); idx3 = 0; while ((adje = List_Next_Entry(fedges,&idx3))) { if (adje != me) { int emarked; #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS emarked = MEnt_IsMarked(adje,mkid); #else MEnt_Get_AttVal(adje, mkatt, &emarked, &rval, &pval); #endif if (!emarked) { List_Add(adjelist,adje); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS MEnt_Mark(adje,mkid); #else MEnt_Set_AttVal(adje, mkatt, 1, 0.0, NULL); #endif } } } List_Delete(fedges); } List_Delete(efaces); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS List_Unmark(adjelist,mkid); #endif nadj[i] = List_Num_Entries(adjelist); if (nentries+nadj[i] > nalloc) { nalloc *= 2; adj = (int *) realloc(adj,nalloc*sizeof(int)); } idx2 = 0; while ((adje = List_Next_Entry(adjelist,&idx2))) adj[nentries++] = ME_ID(adje)-1; List_Delete(adjelist); i++; } } else { int nentries = 0; i = 0; idx = 0; while ((me = MESH_Next_Edge(mesh,&idx))) { List_ptr eregions, adjelist; MRegion_ptr er; MEdge_ptr adje; adjelist = List_New(0); eregions = ME_Regions(me); idx2 = 0; while ((er = List_Next_Entry(eregions,&idx2))) { List_ptr redges = MR_Edges(er); idx3 = 0; while ((adje = List_Next_Entry(redges,&idx3))) { if (adje != me) { int emarked; #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS emarked = MEnt_IsMarked(adje,mkid); #else MEnt_Get_AttVal(adje, mkatt, &emarked, &rval, &pval); #endif if (!emarked) { List_Add(adjelist,adje); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS MEnt_Mark(adje,mkid); #else MEnt_Set_AttVal(adje, mkatt, 1, 0.0, NULL); #endif } } } List_Delete(redges); } List_Delete(eregions); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS List_Unmark(adjelist,mkid); #endif nadj[i] = List_Num_Entries(adjelist); if (nentries+nadj[i] > nalloc) { nalloc *= 2; adj = (int *) realloc(adj,nalloc*sizeof(int)); } idx2 = 0; while ((adje = List_Next_Entry(adjelist,&idx2))) adj[nentries++] = ME_ID(adje)-1; List_Delete(adjelist); i++; } } /* Compute offsets into adj array */ offset = (int *) malloc(ne*sizeof(int)); offset[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < ne; i++) offset[i] = offset[i-1] + nadj[i-1]; /* Compute maximum bandwidth before renumbering */ maxbandwidth1 = 0; avebandwidth1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) { int off = offset[i]; int curid = i; for (j = 0; j < nadj[i]; j++) { int adjid = adj[off+j]; int diff = abs(adjid-curid); maxbandwidth1 = (diff > maxbandwidth1) ? diff : maxbandwidth1; avebandwidth1 += diff; nconn++; } } nconn = offset[ne-1]+nadj[ne-1]; avebandwidth1 /= nconn; fprintf(stderr, "Ave edge ID difference on elements before renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth1); fprintf(stderr, "Max edge ID difference on elements before renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth1); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); /* Call Graph Renumbering algorithm */ newmap = (int *) malloc(ne*sizeof(int)); Graph_Renumber_GPS(ne, ME_ID(e0)-1, nadj, adj, newmap, &depth, &maxwidth); /* Compute bandwidth after renumbering */ maxbandwidth2 = 0; avebandwidth2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) { int off = offset[i]; int curid = newmap[i]; for (j = 0; j < nadj[i]; j++) { int adjid = newmap[adj[off+j]]; int diff = abs(adjid-curid); maxbandwidth2 = (diff > maxbandwidth2) ? diff : maxbandwidth2; avebandwidth2 += diff; nconn++; } } nconn = offset[ne-1]+nadj[ne-1]; avebandwidth2 /= nconn; if (maxbandwidth2 < maxbandwidth1 && avebandwidth2 < avebandwidth1) { /* Renumber */ idx = 0; i = 0; while ((me = MESH_Next_Edge(mesh,&idx))) { ME_Set_ID(me,newmap[i]+1); i++; } fprintf(stderr, "Ave edge ID difference on elements after renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth2); fprintf(stderr, "Max edge ID difference on elements after renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth2); } else { ne = 0; idx = 0; while ((me = MESH_Next_Edge(mesh,&idx))) ME_Set_ID(me,++ne); fprintf(stderr,"Bandwidth did not improve. Keeping old numbering with gaps eliminated\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"\n\n\n"); free(nadj); free(adj); free(offset); free(newmap); } /* Reorder faces according to a breadth first algorithm applied to edges (differs from RCM in that it does not add adjacent graph nodes in ascending order of their valence) */ if (mtype == MFACE || mtype == MALLTYPE) { int nf = MESH_Num_Faces(mesh); if (mtype == MALLTYPE) { /* RCM algorithm already applied on the vertices. Use an edge connected to the starting vertex as the first edge */ List_ptr vfaces = MV_Faces(v0); f0 = List_Entry(vfaces,0); List_Delete(vfaces); } else { /* Find the face whose mid point is a minimum point */ minx = miny = minz = 1.0e+12; f0 = NULL; idx = 0; while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) { double fxyz[MAXPV2][3]; int nfv; MF_Coords(mf,&nfv,fxyz); xyz[0] = fxyz[0][0]; xyz[1] = fxyz[0][1]; xyz[2] = fxyz[0][2]; for (i = 1; i < nfv; i++) { xyz[0] += fxyz[i][0]; xyz[1] += fxyz[i][1]; xyz[2] += fxyz[i][2]; } xyz[0] /= nfv; xyz[1] /= nfv; xyz[2] /= nfv; if (xyz[0] < minx && xyz[1] < miny && xyz[2] < minz) { minx = xyz[0]; miny = xyz[1]; minz = xyz[2]; f0 = mf; } } } nadj = (int *) malloc(nf*sizeof(int)); nalloc = nf*5; adj = (int *) malloc(nalloc*sizeof(int)); if (!MESH_Num_Regions(mesh)) { int nentries = 0; i = 0; idx = 0; while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) { List_ptr vfaces, fverts, adjflist; MFace_ptr vf, adjf; MVertex_ptr fv; adjflist = List_New(0); fverts = MF_Vertices(mf,1,0); idx2 = 0; while ((fv = List_Next_Entry(fverts,&idx2))) { List_ptr vfaces = MV_Faces(fv); idx3 = 0; while ((adjf = List_Next_Entry(vfaces,&idx3))) { if (adjf != mf) { int fmarked; #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS fmarked = MEnt_IsMarked(adjf,mkid); #else MEnt_Get_AttVal(adjf, mkatt, &fmarked, &rval, &pval); #endif if (fmarked) { List_Add(adjflist,adjf); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS MEnt_Mark(adjf,mkid); #else MEnt_Set_AttVal(adjf, mkatt, 1, 0.0, NULL); #endif } } } List_Delete(vfaces); } List_Delete(fverts); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS List_Unmark(adjflist,mkid); #endif nadj[i] = List_Num_Entries(adjflist); if (nentries+nadj[i] > nalloc) { nalloc *= 2; adj = (int *) realloc(adj,nalloc*sizeof(int)); } idx2 = 0; while ((adjf = List_Next_Entry(adjflist,&idx2))) adj[nentries++] = MF_ID(adjf)-1; List_Delete(adjflist); i++; } } else { int nentries = 0; i = 0; idx = 0; while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) { List_ptr fregions, adjflist; MRegion_ptr fr; MFace_ptr adjf; adjflist = List_New(0); fregions = MF_Regions(mf); idx2 = 0; while ((fr = List_Next_Entry(fregions,&idx2))) { List_ptr rfaces = MR_Faces(fr); idx3 = 0; while ((adjf = List_Next_Entry(rfaces,&idx3))) { if (adjf != mf) { int fmarked; #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS fmarked = MEnt_IsMarked(adjf,mkid); #else MEnt_Get_AttVal(adjf, mkatt, &fmarked, &rval, &pval); #endif if (fmarked) { List_Add(adjflist,adjf); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS MEnt_Mark(adjf,mkid); #else MEnt_Set_AttVal(adjf, mkatt, 1, 0.0, NULL); #endif } } } List_Delete(rfaces); } List_Delete(fregions); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS List_Unmark(adjflist,mkid); #endif nadj[i] = List_Num_Entries(adjflist); if (nentries+nadj[i] > nalloc) { nalloc *= 2; adj = (int *) realloc(adj,nalloc*sizeof(int)); } idx2 = 0; while ((adjf = List_Next_Entry(adjflist,&idx2))) adj[nentries++] = MF_ID(adjf)-1; List_Delete(adjflist); i++; } } /* Compute offsets into adj array */ offset = (int *) malloc(nf*sizeof(int)); offset[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < nf; i++) offset[i] = offset[i-1] + nadj[i-1]; /* Compute maximum bandwidth before renumbering */ maxbandwidth1 = 0; avebandwidth1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) { int off = offset[i]; int curid = i; for (j = 0; j < nadj[i]; j++) { int adjid = adj[off+j]; int diff = abs(adjid-curid); maxbandwidth1 = (diff > maxbandwidth1) ? diff : maxbandwidth1; avebandwidth1 += diff; nconn++; } } nconn = offset[nf-1]+nadj[nf-1]; avebandwidth1 /= nconn; if (MESH_Num_Regions(mesh)) { fprintf(stderr, "Ave face ID difference on elements before renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth1); fprintf(stderr, "Max face ID difference on elements before renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth1); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Ave face ID difference before renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth1); fprintf(stderr, "Max face ID difference before renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth1); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); /* Call Graph Renumbering algorithm */ newmap = (int *) malloc(nf*sizeof(int)); Graph_Renumber_GPS(nf, MF_ID(f0)-1, nadj, adj, newmap, &depth, &maxwidth); /* Compute bandwidth after renumbering */ maxbandwidth2 = 0; avebandwidth2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) { int off = offset[i]; int curid = newmap[i]; for (j = 0; j < nadj[i]; j++) { int adjid = newmap[adj[off+j]]; int diff = abs(adjid-curid); maxbandwidth2 = (diff > maxbandwidth2) ? diff : maxbandwidth2; avebandwidth2 += diff; nconn++; } } nconn = offset[nf-1]+nadj[nf-1]; avebandwidth2 /= nconn; if (maxbandwidth2 < maxbandwidth1 && avebandwidth2 < avebandwidth1) { /* Renumber */ idx = 0; i = 0; while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) { MF_Set_ID(mf,newmap[i]+1); i++; } if (MESH_Num_Regions(mesh)) { fprintf(stderr, "Ave face ID difference on elements after renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth2); fprintf(stderr, "Max face ID difference on elements after renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth2); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Ave face ID difference after renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth2); fprintf(stderr, "Max face ID difference after renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth2); } } else { nf = 0; idx = 0; while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) MF_Set_ID(mf,++nf); fprintf(stderr,"Bandwidth did not improve. Keeping old numbering with gaps eliminated\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"\n\n\n"); free(nadj); free(adj); free(offset); free(newmap); } if (mtype == MREGION || mtype == MALLTYPE) { int nr = MESH_Num_Regions(mesh); if (nr) { if (mtype == MALLTYPE) { /* Renumbering algorithm already applied on the vertices. Use a region connected to the starting vertex as the first region */ List_ptr vregions = MV_Regions(v0); r0 = List_Entry(vregions,0); List_Delete(vregions); } else { /* Find the region whose center point is a minimum point */ minx = miny = minz = 1.0e+12; r0 = NULL; idx = 0; while ((mr = MESH_Next_Region(mesh,&idx))) { double rxyz[MAXPV3][3]; int nrv; MR_Coords(mr,&nrv,rxyz); xyz[0] = rxyz[0][0]; xyz[1] = rxyz[0][1]; xyz[2] = rxyz[0][2]; for (i = 1; i < nrv; i++) { xyz[0] += rxyz[i][0]; xyz[1] += rxyz[i][1]; xyz[2] += rxyz[i][2]; } xyz[0] /= nrv; xyz[1] /= nrv; xyz[2] /= nrv; if (xyz[0] < minx && xyz[1] < miny && xyz[2] < minz) { minx = xyz[0]; miny = xyz[1]; minz = xyz[2]; r0 = mr; } } } nadj = (int *) malloc(nr*sizeof(int)); nalloc = nr*5; adj = (int *) malloc(nalloc*sizeof(int)); int nentries = 0; i = 0; idx = 0; while ((mr = MESH_Next_Region(mesh,&idx))) { List_ptr vregions, rverts, adjrlist; MRegion_ptr vr, adjr; MVertex_ptr rv; adjrlist = List_New(0); rverts = MR_Vertices(mr); idx2 = 0; while ((rv = List_Next_Entry(rverts,&idx2))) { List_ptr vregions = MV_Regions(rv); idx3 = 0; while ((adjr = List_Next_Entry(vregions,&idx3))) { if (adjr != mr) { int rmarked; #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS rmarked = MEnt_IsMarked(adjr,mkid); #else MEnt_Get_AttVal(adjr, mkatt, &rmarked, &rval, &pval); #endif List_Add(adjrlist,adjr); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS MEnt_Mark(adjr,mkid); #else MEnt_Set_AttVal(adjr, mkatt, 1, 0.0, NULL); #endif } } List_Delete(vregions); } List_Delete(rverts); #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS List_Unmark(adjrlist,mkid); #endif nadj[i] = List_Num_Entries(adjrlist); if (nentries+nadj[i] > nalloc) { nalloc *= 2; adj = (int *) realloc(adj,nalloc*sizeof(int)); } idx2 = 0; while ((adjr = List_Next_Entry(adjrlist,&idx2))) adj[nentries++] = MR_ID(adjr)-1; List_Delete(adjrlist); i++; } /* Compute offsets into adj array */ offset = (int *) malloc(nr*sizeof(int)); offset[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < nr; i++) offset[i] = offset[i-1] + nadj[i-1]; /* Compute maximum bandwidth before renumbering */ maxbandwidth1 = 0; avebandwidth1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { int off = offset[i]; int curid = i; for (j = 0; j < nadj[i]; j++) { int adjid = adj[off+j]; int diff = abs(adjid-curid); maxbandwidth1 = (diff > maxbandwidth1) ? diff : maxbandwidth1; avebandwidth1 += diff; nconn++; } } nconn = offset[nr-1]+nadj[nr-1]; avebandwidth1 /= nconn; fprintf(stderr, "Ave region ID difference before renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth1); fprintf(stderr, "Max region ID difference before renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth1); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); /* Call Graph Renumbering algorithm */ newmap = (int *) malloc(nr*sizeof(int)); Graph_Renumber_GPS(nr, MR_ID(r0)-1, nadj, adj, newmap, &depth, &maxwidth); /* Compute bandwidth after renumbering */ maxbandwidth2 = 0; avebandwidth2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { int off = offset[i]; int curid = newmap[i]; for (j = 0; j < nadj[i]; j++) { int adjid = newmap[adj[off+j]]; int diff = abs(adjid-curid); maxbandwidth2 = (diff > maxbandwidth2) ? diff : maxbandwidth2; avebandwidth2 += diff; nconn++; } } nconn = offset[nr-1]+nadj[nr-1]; avebandwidth2 /= nconn; if (maxbandwidth2 < maxbandwidth1 && avebandwidth2 < avebandwidth1) { /* Renumber */ idx = 0; i = 0; while ((mr = MESH_Next_Region(mesh,&idx))) { MR_Set_ID(mr,newmap[i]+1); i++; } fprintf(stderr, "Ave region ID difference after renumbering: %-lf\n", avebandwidth2); fprintf(stderr, "Max region ID difference after renumbering: %-d\n", maxbandwidth2); } else { nr = 0; idx = 0; while ((mr = MESH_Next_Region(mesh,&idx))) MR_Set_ID(mr,++nr); fprintf(stderr,"Bandwidth did not improve. Keeping old numbering with gaps eliminated\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"\n\n\n"); free(nadj); free(adj); free(offset); free(newmap); } } #ifdef MSTK_USE_MARKERS MSTK_FreeMarker(mkid); #endif } vidatt = MAttrib_New(mesh,"vidrcm",INT,MVERTEX); idx = 0; while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) { MEnt_Set_AttVal(mv,vidatt,MV_ID(mv),0.0,NULL); } /* We have to reset the max IDs stored in the mesh so that we can correctly assign IDs to new entities */ MESH_Reset_Cached_MaxIDs(mesh); return; }
int MESH_ConcatSubMesh_Region(Mesh_ptr mesh, int num, Mesh_ptr *submeshes) { int nrf, nre, nrv, nfe, i, j, k, num_parbndry_verts, num_parbndry_edges, num_parbndry_faces, ival; MVertex_ptr mv, new_mv, sub_mv; MEdge_ptr me, new_me, sub_me; MFace_ptr mf, new_mf, sub_mf; MRegion_ptr new_mr, sub_mr; List_ptr mrfaces, mredges, mrverts, mfedges; int add_region, idx, global_id, iloc, *loc; double coor[3], rval; void *pval; Mesh_ptr submesh; List_ptr parbndry_verts = List_New(10); List_ptr parbndry_edges = List_New(10); List_ptr parbndry_faces = List_New(10); MFace_ptr *rfaces = (MFace_ptr *) malloc(MAXPF3*sizeof(MFace_ptr)); int *rfdirs = (int *) malloc(MAXPF3*sizeof(int)); MEdge_ptr *fedges = (MEdge_ptr *) malloc(MAXPV2*sizeof(MEdge_ptr)); int *fedirs = (int *) malloc(MAXPV2*sizeof(int)); MAttrib_ptr parbndryatt = MAttrib_New(mesh, "on_parbndry", INT, MVERTEX); /* collect faces, edges and vertices on the partition boundary */ idx = 0; num_parbndry_faces = 0; while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) if (MF_PType(mf) != PINTERIOR) { List_Add(parbndry_faces,mf); num_parbndry_faces++; } idx = 0; num_parbndry_edges = 0; while ((me = MESH_Next_Edge(mesh,&idx))) if (ME_PType(me) != PINTERIOR) { List_Add(parbndry_edges,me); num_parbndry_edges++; } idx = 0; num_parbndry_verts = 0; while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) if (MV_PType(mv) != PINTERIOR) { List_Add(parbndry_verts,mv); MEnt_Set_AttVal(mv, parbndryatt, 1, 0.0, NULL); num_parbndry_verts++; } /* sort based on global ID */ List_Sort(parbndry_faces,num_parbndry_faces,sizeof(MFace_ptr),compareGlobalID); List_Sort(parbndry_edges,num_parbndry_edges,sizeof(MEdge_ptr),compareGlobalID); List_Sort(parbndry_verts,num_parbndry_verts,sizeof(MVertex_ptr),compareGlobalID); int *parbndry_vert_gids = (int *)malloc(num_parbndry_verts*sizeof(int)); int *parbndry_edge_gids = (int *)malloc(num_parbndry_edges*sizeof(int)); int *parbndry_face_gids = (int *)malloc(num_parbndry_faces*sizeof(int)); /* store them in array for binary search */ for (i = 0; i < num_parbndry_faces; i++) { mf = List_Entry(parbndry_faces,i); parbndry_face_gids[i] = MF_GlobalID(mf); } for (i = 0; i < num_parbndry_edges; i++) { me = List_Entry(parbndry_edges,i); parbndry_edge_gids[i] = ME_GlobalID(me); } for (i = 0; i < num_parbndry_verts; i++) { mv = List_Entry(parbndry_verts,i); parbndry_vert_gids[i] = MV_GlobalID(mv); } /* Make list of new edges and vertices which will be updated with each mesh that is concatenated */ int max_vnew = 0, max_enew = 0, max_fnew = 0; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { max_vnew += MESH_Num_Vertices(submeshes[i]); max_enew += MESH_Num_Edges(submeshes[i]); max_fnew += MESH_Num_Faces(submeshes[i]); } int num_new_verts = 0, num_new_edges = 0, num_new_faces = 0; int *new_vert_gids = (int *) malloc(max_vnew*sizeof(int)); int *new_edge_gids = (int *) malloc(max_enew*sizeof(int)); int *new_face_gids = (int *) malloc(max_fnew*sizeof(int)); List_ptr new_verts = List_New(max_vnew); List_ptr new_edges = List_New(max_enew); List_ptr new_faces = List_New(max_fnew); /* Now process each mesh and add a layer of ghost elements from each of them to the main partition */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { submesh = submeshes[i]; MAttrib_ptr vidatt = MAttrib_New(submesh, "tempvid", POINTER, MVERTEX); MAttrib_ptr eidatt = MAttrib_New(submesh, "tempeid", POINTER, MEDGE); MAttrib_ptr fidatt = MAttrib_New(submesh, "tempfid", POINTER, MFACE); idx = 0; while ((sub_mr = MESH_Next_Region(submesh, &idx))) { add_region = 0; /* Find matching vertices between submesh and main mesh */ mrverts = MR_Vertices(sub_mr); nrv = List_Num_Entries(mrverts); for (j = 0; j < nrv; j++) { sub_mv = List_Entry(mrverts,j); MEnt_Get_AttVal(sub_mv, &vidatt, &ival, &rval, &mv); if (mv) { int on_parbndry=0; MEnt_Get_AttVal(mv, &parbndryatt, &on_parbndry, &rval, &pval); if (on_parbndry) add_region = 1; } else { /* Does the global ID of this vertex of the sub mesh region * match the global ID of a boundary vertex in the main * mesh? */ global_id = MV_GlobalID(sub_mv); loc = (int *) bsearch(&global_id, parbndry_vert_gids, num_parbndry_verts, sizeof(int), compareINT); if (loc) { add_region = 1; iloc = loc - parbndry_vert_gids; mv = List_Entry(parbndry_verts,iloc); /* here set the ghost vertex property, only necessary when the input submeshes are not consistent */ if(MV_PType(mv) == PGHOST && MV_PType(sub_mv) != PGHOST) { MV_Set_GEntDim(mv,MV_GEntDim(sub_mv)); MV_Set_GEntID(mv,MV_GEntID(sub_mv)); } MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_mv, vidatt, 0, 0.0, mv); } } } List_Delete(mrverts); /* Find matching edges between submesh and main mesh */ mredges = MR_Edges(sub_mr); nre = List_Num_Entries(mredges); for (j = 0; j < nre; j++) { sub_me = List_Entry(mredges,j); /* Does the edge already have a counterpart in the main mesh? */ MEnt_Get_AttVal(sub_me, eidatt, &ival, &rval, &me); if (!me) { /* Does the global ID of this edge of the sub mesh region * match the global ID of a boundary edge in the main * mesh? */ global_id = ME_GlobalID(sub_me); loc = (int *) bsearch(&global_id, parbndry_edge_gids, num_parbndry_edges, sizeof(int), compareINT); if (loc) { add_region = 1; iloc = loc - parbndry_edge_gids; me = List_Entry(parbndry_edges,iloc); /* here set the ghost edge property, only necessary when the input submeshes are not consistent */ if(ME_PType(me) == PGHOST && ME_PType(sub_me) != PGHOST) { ME_Set_GEntDim(me,ME_GEntDim(sub_me)); ME_Set_GEntID(me,ME_GEntID(sub_me)); } MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_me, eidatt, 0, 0.0, me); } } } List_Delete(mredges); /* Find matching faces between submesh and main mesh */ mrfaces = MR_Faces(sub_mr); nrf = List_Num_Entries(mrfaces); for (j = 0; j < nrf; j++) { sub_mf = List_Entry(mrfaces,j); MEnt_Get_AttVal(sub_mf, fidatt, &ival, &rval, &mf); if (!mf) { /* Does the global ID of this face of the sub mesh region * match the global ID of a boundary face in the main * mesh? */ global_id = MF_GlobalID(sub_mf); loc = (int *) bsearch(&global_id, parbndry_face_gids, num_parbndry_faces, sizeof(int), compareINT); if (loc) { iloc = loc - parbndry_face_gids; mf = List_Entry(parbndry_faces,iloc); /* here set the ghost edge property, only necessary when the input submeshes are not consistent */ if (MF_PType(mf) == PGHOST && MF_PType(sub_mf) != PGHOST) { MF_Set_GEntDim(mf,MF_GEntDim(sub_mf)); MF_Set_GEntID(mf,MF_GEntID(sub_mf)); } MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_mf, fidatt, 0, 0.0, mf); } } } if (!add_region) { List_Delete(mrfaces); continue; } new_mr = MR_New(mesh); /* add region */ MR_Set_GEntDim(new_mr,MR_GEntDim(sub_mr)); MR_Set_GEntID(new_mr,MR_GEntID(sub_mr)); MR_Set_PType(new_mr,PGHOST); MR_Set_MasterParID(new_mr,MR_MasterParID(sub_mr)); MR_Set_GlobalID(new_mr,MR_GlobalID(sub_mr)); nrf = List_Num_Entries(mrfaces); int i2; for(i2 = 0; i2 < nrf; i2++) { sub_mf = List_Entry(mrfaces,i2); global_id = MF_GlobalID(sub_mf); rfdirs[i2] = MR_FaceDir_i(sub_mr,i2) == 1 ? 1 : 0; new_mf = NULL; MEnt_Get_AttVal(sub_mf, fidatt, &ival, &rval, &new_mf); if (!new_mf) { /* search in the ghost layer if another face with * this global ID has been added */ loc = (int *) bsearch(&global_id, new_face_gids, num_new_faces, sizeof(int), compareINT); if (loc) { iloc = loc - new_face_gids; new_mf = List_Entry(new_faces, iloc); MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_mf, fidatt, 0, 0.0, new_mf); } } if (new_mf) { List_ptr mfverts = MF_Vertices(sub_mf,1,0); int fvgid0[2]; fvgid0[0] = MF_GlobalID(List_Entry(mfverts,0)); fvgid0[1] = MF_GlobalID(List_Entry(mfverts,1)); List_Delete(mfverts); mfverts = MF_Vertices(new_mf,1,0); int nfv = List_Num_Entries(mfverts); int fvgid1[MAXPV2]; for (j = 0; j < nfv; j++) fvgid1[j] = MF_GlobalID(List_Entry(mfverts,j)); List_Delete(mfverts); for (j = 0; j < nfv; j++) { if (fvgid1[j] == fvgid0[0]) { if (fvgid1[(j+nfv-1)%nfv] == fvgid0[1]) /* reverse dir */ rfdirs[i2] = !rfdirs[i2]; break; } } } else { /* add a new face to main mesh */ new_mf = MF_New(mesh); /* add face */ MF_Set_GEntDim(new_mf,MF_GEntDim(sub_mf)); MF_Set_GEntID(new_mf,MF_GEntID(sub_mf)); MF_Set_PType(new_mf,PGHOST); MF_Set_MasterParID(new_mf,MF_MasterParID(sub_mf)); MF_Set_GlobalID(new_mf,MF_GlobalID(sub_mf)); MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_mf, fidatt, 0, 0.0, new_mf); List_Add(new_faces, new_mf); mfedges = MF_Edges(sub_mf,1,0); nfe = List_Num_Entries(mfedges); for(j = 0; j < nfe; j++) { sub_me = List_Entry(mfedges,j); global_id = ME_GlobalID(sub_me); fedirs[j] = MF_EdgeDir_i(sub_mf,j) == 1 ? 1 : 0; new_me = NULL; MEnt_Get_AttVal(sub_me, eidatt, &ival, &rval, &new_me); if (!new_me) { /* search in the ghost layer if another edge with * this global ID has been added */ loc = (int *) bsearch(&global_id, new_edge_gids, num_new_edges, sizeof(int), compareINT); if (loc) { iloc = loc - new_edge_gids; new_me = List_Entry(new_edges, iloc); MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_me, eidatt, 0, 0.0, new_me); } } if (new_me) { if(MV_GlobalID(ME_Vertex(new_me,0)) != MV_GlobalID(ME_Vertex(sub_me,0))) fedirs[j] = 1 - fedirs[j]; /* if the edge dir is not the same, reverse the edge dir */ } else { /* add a new edge to main mesh */ new_me = ME_New(mesh); /* add new edge and copy information */ ME_Set_GEntDim(new_me,ME_GEntDim(sub_me)); ME_Set_GEntID(new_me,ME_GEntID(sub_me)); ME_Set_PType(new_me,PGHOST); ME_Set_MasterParID(new_me,ME_MasterParID(sub_me)); ME_Set_GlobalID(new_me,ME_GlobalID(sub_me)); MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_me, eidatt, 0, 0.0, new_me); List_Add(new_edges, new_me); for(k = 0; k < 2; k++) { sub_mv = ME_Vertex(sub_me,k); global_id = MV_GlobalID(sub_mv); new_mv = NULL; MEnt_Get_AttVal(sub_mv, vidatt, &ival, &rval, &new_mv); if (!new_mv) { /* search in the ghost layer if another vertex with * this global ID has been added */ loc = (int *) bsearch(&global_id, new_vert_gids, num_new_verts, sizeof(int), compareINT); if (loc) { iloc = loc - new_vert_gids; new_mv = List_Entry(new_verts, iloc); MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_mv, vidatt, 0, 0.0, new_mv); } } if (!new_mv) { /* add new vertex to main mesh */ new_mv = MV_New(mesh); /* add new vertex and copy information */ MV_Set_GEntDim(new_mv,MV_GEntDim(sub_mv)); MV_Set_GEntID(new_mv,MV_GEntID(sub_mv)); MV_Set_PType(new_mv,PGHOST); MV_Set_MasterParID(new_mv,MV_MasterParID(sub_mv)); MV_Set_GlobalID(new_mv,MV_GlobalID(sub_mv)); MV_Coords(sub_mv,coor); MV_Set_Coords(new_mv,coor); MEnt_Set_AttVal(sub_mv, vidatt, 0, 0.0, new_mv); List_Add(new_verts, new_mv); } ME_Set_Vertex(new_me,k,new_mv); /* set edge-vertex */ } } fedges[j] = new_me; } MF_Set_Edges(new_mf,nfe,fedges,fedirs); /* set face-edge */ List_Delete(mfedges); } rfaces[i2] = new_mf; } MR_Set_Faces(new_mr,nrf,rfaces,rfdirs); /* set region-face */ List_Delete(mrfaces); } idx = 0; while ((sub_mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(submesh, &idx))) MEnt_Rem_AttVal(sub_mv, vidatt); MAttrib_Delete(vidatt); idx = 0; while ((sub_me = MESH_Next_Edge(submesh, &idx))) MEnt_Rem_AttVal(sub_me, eidatt); MAttrib_Delete(eidatt); idx = 0; while ((sub_mf = MESH_Next_Face(submesh, &idx))) MEnt_Rem_AttVal(sub_mf, fidatt); MAttrib_Delete(fidatt); /* Sort the added entity lists by GlobalID */ num_new_faces = List_Num_Entries(new_faces); List_Sort(new_faces, num_new_faces, sizeof(MFace_ptr), compareGlobalID); for (j = 0; j < num_new_faces; j++) new_face_gids[j] = MF_GlobalID(List_Entry(new_faces, j)); num_new_edges = List_Num_Entries(new_edges); List_Sort(new_edges, num_new_edges, sizeof(MEdge_ptr), compareGlobalID); for (j = 0; j < num_new_edges; j++) new_edge_gids[j] = ME_GlobalID(List_Entry(new_edges, j)); num_new_verts = List_Num_Entries(new_verts); List_Sort(new_verts, num_new_verts, sizeof(MVertex_ptr), compareGlobalID); for (j = 0; j < num_new_verts; j++) new_vert_gids[j] = MV_GlobalID(List_Entry(new_verts, j)); } idx = 0; while ((mv = List_Next_Entry(parbndry_verts, &idx))) MEnt_Rem_AttVal(mv, parbndryatt); MAttrib_Delete(parbndryatt); List_Delete(parbndry_faces); List_Delete(parbndry_edges); List_Delete(parbndry_verts); List_Delete(new_faces); List_Delete(new_edges); List_Delete(new_verts); free(parbndry_vert_gids); free(parbndry_edge_gids); free(parbndry_face_gids); free(new_face_gids); free(new_edge_gids); free(new_vert_gids); free(fedges); free(fedirs); free(rfaces); free(rfdirs); return 1; }
MFace_ptr MR_Split_with_EdgeLoop(MRegion_ptr rsplit, int nfe, MEdge_ptr *fedges) { Mesh_ptr mesh; int i, j, idx1, idx2, fedirs[MAXPV2], rfdir_adj, curdir, edir, edir_adj;; int gid, mkid, nrf1, nrf2, rfdirs1[MAXPF3], rfdirs2[MAXPF3]; MEdge_ptr fe; MFace_ptr fnew, eface, rfarray1[MAXPF3], rfarray2[MAXPF3], curface; MRegion_ptr rnew[2]; List_ptr felist, efaces; #ifdef DEBUG List_ptr redges; #endif gid = MR_GEntID(rsplit); #ifdef DEBUG /* check to make sure we got meaningful input */ redges = MR_Edges(rsplit); for (i = 0; i < nfe; i++) if (!List_Contains(redges,fedges[i])) MSTK_Report("MR_Split","Input edges are not part of the region boundary", MSTK_FATAL); List_Delete(redges); #endif mesh = MR_Mesh(rsplit); /* Fix a set of directions for the edges */ fedirs[0] = 1; for (i = 1; i < nfe; i++) { MVertex_ptr vprev, v0, v1; vprev = ME_Vertex(fedges[i-1],fedirs[i-1]); v0 = ME_Vertex(fedges[i],0); v1 = ME_Vertex(fedges[i],1); if (vprev == v0) fedirs[i] = 1; else if (vprev == v1) fedirs[i] = 0; else MSTK_Report("MR_Split","Input edges do not form a loop as listed", MSTK_FATAL); } /* Create the splitting face */ fnew = MF_New(mesh); MF_Set_GEntDim(fnew,3); MF_Set_GEntID(fnew,gid); MF_Set_Edges(fnew,nfe,fedges,fedirs); /* Collect info for the first region */ List_ptr processed_faces = List_New(0); rfarray1[0] = fnew; rfdirs1[0] = 1; nrf1 = 1; List_Add(processed_faces,rfarray1[0]); i = 0; while (i < nrf1) { curface = rfarray1[i]; curdir = rfdirs1[i]; i++; /* Get adjacent faces in region of current face and if they are not already in the new region face list (not marked), then add them */ felist = MF_Edges(curface,1,0); idx1 = 0; j = 0; while ((fe = List_Next_Entry(felist,&idx1))) { edir = MF_EdgeDir_i(curface,j); j++; efaces = ME_Faces(fe); if (curface != fnew && List_Contains(efaces,fnew)) { /* we have come back to the starting or splitting face - don't go across this edge */ List_Delete(efaces); continue; } /* Add an adjacent unprocessed face of the region to the list of faces for the new region */ idx2 = 0; while ((eface = List_Next_Entry(efaces,&idx2))) { if (eface == curface) continue; if (List_Contains(processed_faces,eface)) continue; if (!MR_UsesEntity(rsplit,eface,MFACE)) continue; /* does not belong to region */ edir_adj = MF_EdgeDir(eface,fe); rfdir_adj = MR_FaceDir(rsplit,eface); /* add adjacent face based on the check that if two adjacent faces of region are used by the region in the same sense, then their common edge should be used by the two faces in opposite senses (or the opposite of both the conditions should be true) */ if ((edir != edir_adj && curdir == rfdir_adj) || (edir == edir_adj && curdir != rfdir_adj)) { rfarray1[nrf1] = eface; rfdirs1[nrf1] = rfdir_adj; List_Add(processed_faces,rfarray1[nrf1]); nrf1++; break; } } List_Delete(efaces); } List_Delete(felist); } /* collect info for the second region */ rfarray2[0] = fnew; rfdirs2[0] = !rfdirs1[0]; nrf2 = 1; List_Add(processed_faces,rfarray2[0]); i = 0; while (i < nrf2) { curface = rfarray2[i]; curdir = rfdirs2[i]; i++; /* Get adjacent faces in region of current face and if they are not already in the new region face list (not marked), then add them */ felist = MF_Edges(curface,1,0); idx1 = 0; j = 0; while ((fe = List_Next_Entry(felist,&idx1))) { edir = MF_EdgeDir_i(curface,j); j++; efaces = ME_Faces(fe); if (curface != fnew && List_Contains(efaces,fnew)) { /* we have come back to the starting or splitting face - don't go across this edge */ List_Delete(efaces); continue; } /* Add an adjacent unprocessed face of the region to the list of faces for the new region */ idx2 = 0; while ((eface = List_Next_Entry(efaces,&idx2))) { if (eface == curface) continue; if (List_Contains(processed_faces,eface)) continue; if (!MR_UsesEntity(rsplit,eface,MFACE)) continue; /* does not belong to region */ edir_adj = MF_EdgeDir(eface,fe); rfdir_adj = MR_FaceDir(rsplit,eface); /* add adjacent face based on the check that if two adjacent faces of region are used by the region in the same sense, then their common edge should be used by the two faces in opposite senses (or the opposite of both the conditions should be true) */ if ((edir != edir_adj && curdir == rfdir_adj) || (edir == edir_adj && curdir != rfdir_adj)) { rfarray2[nrf2] = eface; rfdirs2[nrf2] = rfdir_adj; List_Add(processed_faces,rfarray2[nrf2]); nrf2++; break; } } List_Delete(efaces); } List_Delete(felist); } /* Delete the original region */ MR_Delete(rsplit,0); /* Make the two new regions */ rnew[0] = MR_New(mesh); MR_Set_GEntDim(rnew[0],3); MR_Set_GEntID(rnew[0],gid); MR_Set_Faces(rnew[0],nrf1,rfarray1,rfdirs1); rnew[1] = MR_New(mesh); MR_Set_GEntDim(rnew[1],3); MR_Set_GEntID(rnew[1],gid); MR_Set_Faces(rnew[1],nrf2,rfarray2,rfdirs2); List_Delete(processed_faces); return fnew; }