Пример #1

 * @brief
 *   Writes data to flash memory. This function is interrupt safe, but slower than
 *   MSC_WriteWordFast(), which writes to flash with interrupts disabled.
 *   Write data must be aligned to words and contain a number of bytes that is
 *   divisable by four.
 * @note
 *   It is recommended to erase the flash page before performing a write.
 *   It is recommended to run this code from RAM. On the Gecko family, it is required
 *   to run this function from RAM.
 *   For IAR, Rowley, SimplicityStudio, Atollic and armgcc this will be achieved
 *   automatically by using attributes in the function proctype. For Keil uVision you
 *   must define a section called "ram_code" and place this manually in your
 *   project's scatter file.
 *   This function requires a system core clock at 1MHz or higher.
 * @param[in] address
 *   Pointer to the flash word to write to. Must be aligned to words.
 * @param[in] data
 *   Data to write to flash.
 * @param[in] numBytes
 *   Number of bytes to write from flash. NB: Must be divisable by four.
 * @return
 *   Returns the status of the write operation
 * @verbatim
 *   flashReturnOk - Operation completed successfully.
 *   flashReturnInvalidAddr - Operation tried to erase a non-flash area.
 *   flashReturnLocked - Operation tried to erase a locked area of the flash.
 *   flashReturnTimeOut - Operation timed out waiting for flash operation
 *       to complete. Or the MSC timed out waiting for the software to write
 *       the next word into the DWORD register.
 * @endverbatim
MSC_Status_TypeDef MSC_WriteWord(uint32_t *address,
                                 void const *data,
                                 uint32_t numBytes)
  return MSC_WriteWordI(address, data, numBytes, mscWriteIntSafe);
Пример #2
/* "Possible rom access from within a __ramfunc function"               */
#pragma diag_suppress=Ta022
#pragma diag_suppress=Ta023
#endif /* !EM_MSC_RUN_FROM_FLASH */
MSC_Status_TypeDef MSC_WriteWordFast(uint32_t *address,
                                  void const *data,
                                  uint32_t numBytes)
  return MSC_WriteWordI(address, data, numBytes, mscWriteFast);