Пример #1
static MidiEvPtr CopyPrivateEv( lifo* fl, MidiEvPtr ev)
	MidiEvPtr copy = MSNewCell( fl);
	if (copy) {
		MidiSTPtr ext = (MidiSTPtr)MSNewCell( fl);
		if (!ext) {
			MSFreeCell (copy, fl);
			return 0;
		*copy = *ev;
		*ext = *LinkST(ev);
		LinkST(copy) = ext;
	return copy;
Пример #2
static MidiEvPtr NewPrivateEv( lifo* fl, short typeNum)
	MidiEvPtr ev = MSNewCell( fl);
	if( ev) {
		MidiSTPtr ext= (MidiSTPtr)MSNewCell(fl);
		if ( !ext) {
			MSFreeCell (ev, fl);
			return 0;
		/* creates a clear extension block */
		ext->val[0]= ext->val[1]= ext->val[2]= ext->val[3]= 0;
		Link(ev)= 0;					/* initialize the header           */
		Date(ev)= defaultTime;
		EvType(ev)= (uchar)typeNum;
		RefNum(ev)= 0xff;
		Chan(ev) = Port(ev) = 0;
		LinkST(ev)= ext;				/* link the extension block        */
	return ev;
Пример #3
static MidiEvPtr NewSmallEv( lifo* fl, short typeNum)
	MidiEvPtr ev = MSNewCell( fl);
	if( ev) {
		Link(ev)= 0;
		Date(ev)= defaultTime;
		EvType(ev)= (uchar)typeNum;
		RefNum(ev)= 0xff;
		Chan(ev) = Port(ev) = 0;
		ev->info.longField = 0;
	return ev;
Пример #4
static void AddFSexEv( lifo* fl, MidiEvPtr e, long v)
	MidiSEXPtr nouv;
	MidiSEXPtr ext = LinkSE(e);
	int i = ext->data[11];

	if( i < 11) {			              /* If there remains place       */
		ext->data[i] = (Byte)v;	          /* store the value              */
		ext->data[11]++;				  /* update the busy space count  */
	} else { 
		nouv = (MidiSEXPtr)MSNewCell(fl); /* add a new cell               */
		if( nouv) {
			ext->data[11] = (Byte)v;      /* store the value              */
			nouv->data[11] = 0;			  /* busy space count             */
			nouv->link= ext->link;		  /* link the new cell            */
			ext->link= nouv;
			LinkSE(e)= nouv;			  /* link header to the last cell */
Пример #5
static MidiEvPtr CopySmallEv( lifo* fl, MidiEvPtr ev)
	MidiEvPtr copy = MSNewCell( fl);
	if (copy) *copy = *ev;
	return copy;
Пример #6
MidiEvPtr MIDISHAREAPI MidiNewCell(void) {
  	return MSNewCell(FreeList(Memory(gMem)));