Пример #1
MVMObject * MVM_proc_getenvhash(MVMThreadContext *tc) {
    MVMInstance * const instance = tc->instance;
    MVMObject   *       env_hash;

#ifdef _WIN32
    const MVMuint16 acp = GetACP(); /* We should get ACP at runtime. */
    MVMuint32     pos = 0;
    MVMString *needle = MVM_string_ascii_decode(tc, instance->VMString, STR_WITH_LEN("="));
    char      *env;

    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&needle);

    env_hash = MVM_repr_alloc_init(tc,  MVM_hll_current(tc)->slurpy_hash_type);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&env_hash);

    while ((env = environ[pos++]) != NULL) {
#ifndef _WIN32
        MVMString    *str = MVM_string_utf8_c8_decode(tc, instance->VMString, env, strlen(env));
        char * const _env = ANSIToUTF8(acp, env);
        MVMString    *str = MVM_string_utf8_c8_decode(tc, instance->VMString, _env, strlen(_env));

        MVMuint32 index = MVM_string_index(tc, str, needle, 0);

        MVMString *key, *val;
        MVMObject *box;

#ifdef _WIN32
        MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&str);

        key  = MVM_string_substring(tc, str, 0, index);
        MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&key);

        val  = MVM_string_substring(tc, str, index + 1, -1);
        box  = MVM_repr_box_str(tc, MVM_hll_current(tc)->str_box_type, val);
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, env_hash, key, box);

        MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 2);

    MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 2);

    return env_hash;
Пример #2
/* Loads bytecode from the specified file name and runs it. */
void MVM_vm_run_file(MVMInstance *instance, const char *filename) {
    /* Map the compilation unit into memory and dissect it. */
    MVMThreadContext *tc = instance->main_thread;
    MVMCompUnit      *cu = MVM_cu_map_from_file(tc, filename);

    MVMROOT(tc, cu, {
        /* The call to MVM_string_utf8_decode() may allocate, invalidating the
           location cu->body.filename */
        MVMString *const str = MVM_string_utf8_c8_decode(tc, instance->VMString, filename, strlen(filename));
        cu->body.filename = str;

        /* Run deserialization frame, if there is one. */
        if (cu->body.deserialize_frame) {
            MVM_interp_run(tc, toplevel_initial_invoke, cu->body.deserialize_frame);
Пример #3
/* Reads a directory entry from a directory. */
MVMString * MVM_dir_read(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *oshandle) {
    MVMOSHandle  *handle = get_dirhandle(tc, oshandle, "readdir");
    MVMIODirIter *data   = (MVMIODirIter *)handle->body.data;
#ifdef _WIN32
    MVMString *result;
    TCHAR dir[MAX_PATH];
    WIN32_FIND_DATAW ffd;
    char *dir_str;

    if (data->dir_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileW(data->dir_name, &ffd);

        if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
            MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "read from dirhandle failed: %d", GetLastError());

        data->dir_handle = hFind;
        dir_str = UnicodeToUTF8(ffd.cFileName);
        result = MVM_string_utf8_c8_decode(tc, tc->instance->VMString, dir_str, strlen(dir_str));
        return result;
    else if (FindNextFileW(data->dir_handle, &ffd) != 0)  {
        dir_str = UnicodeToUTF8(ffd.cFileName);
        result  = MVM_string_decode(tc, tc->instance->VMString, dir_str, strlen(dir_str),
        return result;
    } else {
        return tc->instance->str_consts.empty;
    struct dirent entry;
    struct dirent *result;
    int ret;

    ret = readdir_r(data->dir_handle, &entry, &result);

    if (ret == 0) {
        if (result == NULL)
            return tc->instance->str_consts.empty;
        return MVM_string_decode(tc, tc->instance->VMString, entry.d_name, strlen(entry.d_name), data->encoding);

    MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Failed to read dirhandle: %d", errno);
Пример #4
/* Get the current working directory. */
MVMString * MVM_dir_cwd(MVMThreadContext *tc) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    char path[MAX_PATH];
    size_t max_path = MAX_PATH;
    int r;
    char path[PATH_MAX];
    size_t max_path = PATH_MAX;
    int r;

    if ((r = uv_cwd(path, (size_t *)&max_path)) < 0) {
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "chdir failed: %s", uv_strerror(r));

    return MVM_string_utf8_c8_decode(tc, tc->instance->VMString, path, strlen(path));
Пример #5
/* Dumps a call graph node. */
static MVMObject * dump_call_graph_node(MVMThreadContext *tc, ProfDumpStrs *pds,
                                        const MVMProfileCallNode *pcn) {
    MVMObject *node_hash  = new_hash(tc);
    MVMuint32  i;

    /* Let's see if we're dealing with a native call or a regular moar call */
    if (pcn->sf) {
        /* Try to resolve the code filename and line number. */
        MVMBytecodeAnnotation *annot = MVM_bytecode_resolve_annotation(tc,
            &(pcn->sf->body), 0);
        MVMint32 fshi = annot ? (MVMint32)annot->filename_string_heap_index : -1;

        /* Add name of code object. */
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->name,
            box_s(tc, pcn->sf->body.name));

        /* Add line number and file name. */
        if (fshi >= 0 && fshi < pcn->sf->body.cu->body.num_strings)
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->file,
                box_s(tc, MVM_cu_string(tc, pcn->sf->body.cu, fshi)));
        else if (pcn->sf->body.cu->body.filename)
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->file,
                box_s(tc, pcn->sf->body.cu->body.filename));
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->file,
                box_s(tc, tc->instance->str_consts.empty));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->line,
            box_i(tc, annot ? (MVMint32)annot->line_number : -1));

        /* Use static frame memory address to get a unique ID. */
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->id,
            box_i(tc, (MVMint64)pcn->sf));
    } else {
        MVMString *function_name_string =
            MVM_string_utf8_c8_decode(tc, tc->instance->VMString,
                                      pcn->native_target_name, strlen(pcn->native_target_name));

        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->name,
            box_s(tc, function_name_string));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->file,
            box_s(tc, pds->native_lib));

        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->line,
            box_i(tc, -2));

        /* Use the address of the name string as unique ID. a hack, but oh well. */
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->id,
            box_i(tc, (MVMint64)pcn->native_target_name));

    /* Entry counts. */
    if (pcn->total_entries)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->entries,
            box_i(tc, pcn->total_entries));
    if (pcn->specialized_entries)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->spesh_entries,
            box_i(tc, pcn->specialized_entries));
    if (pcn->jit_entries)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->jit_entries,
            box_i(tc, pcn->jit_entries));
    if (pcn->inlined_entries)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->inlined_entries,
            box_i(tc, pcn->inlined_entries));

    /* Total (inclusive) time. */
    MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->inclusive_time,
        box_i(tc, pcn->total_time / 1000));

    /* OSR and deopt counts. */
    if (pcn->osr_count)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->osr,
            box_i(tc, pcn->osr_count));
    if (pcn->deopt_one_count)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->deopt_one,
            box_i(tc, pcn->deopt_one_count));
    if (pcn->deopt_all_count)
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->deopt_all,
            box_i(tc, pcn->deopt_all_count));

    /* Visit successors in the call graph, dumping them and working out the
     * exclusive time. */
    if (pcn->num_succ) {
        MVMObject *callees        = new_array(tc);
        MVMuint64  exclusive_time = pcn->total_time;
        for (i = 0; i < pcn->num_succ; i++) {
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, callees,
                dump_call_graph_node(tc, pds, pcn->succ[i]));
            exclusive_time -= pcn->succ[i]->total_time;
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->exclusive_time,
            box_i(tc, exclusive_time / 1000));
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->callees, callees);
    else {
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->exclusive_time,
            box_i(tc, pcn->total_time / 1000));

    if (pcn->num_alloc) {
        /* Emit allocations. */
        MVMObject *alloc_list = new_array(tc);
        MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, node_hash, pds->allocations, alloc_list);
        for (i = 0; i < pcn->num_alloc; i++) {
            MVMObject *alloc_info = new_hash(tc);
            MVMProfileAllocationCount *alloc = &pcn->alloc[i];

            MVMObject *type       = pcn->alloc[i].type;

            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->id, box_i(tc, (MVMint64)type));
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->type, type);
            if (alloc->allocations_spesh)
                MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->spesh,
                    box_i(tc, alloc->allocations_spesh));
            if (alloc->allocations_jit)
                MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->jit,
                    box_i(tc, alloc->allocations_jit));
            MVM_repr_bind_key_o(tc, alloc_info, pds->count,
                box_i(tc, alloc->allocations_interp
                          + alloc->allocations_spesh
                          + alloc->allocations_jit));
            MVM_repr_push_o(tc, alloc_list, alloc_info);

    return node_hash;