Пример #1
int board_late_init(void)
	const char *e;

	struct iomuxc_mux_ctl *muxctl;
	u32 gpio_mux_mode2 = MX25_PIN_MUX_MODE(2);
	u32 gpio_mux_mode5 = MX25_PIN_MUX_MODE(5);

	 * fec pin init is generic

	 * Set up LAN-RESET and FEC_RX_ERR
	 * LAN-RESET:  GPIO3[16] is ALT 5 mode of pin U20
	 * FEC_RX_ERR: FEC_RX_ERR is ALT 2 mode of pin R2
	muxctl = (struct iomuxc_mux_ctl *)IMX_IOPADMUX_BASE;

	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_upll_bypclk);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode2, &muxctl->pad_uart2_cts);

	/* assert PHY reset (low) */
	gpio_direction_output(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(3, 16), 0);


	/* deassert PHY reset */
	gpio_set_value(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(3, 16), 1);


	e = getenv("gs_base_board");
	if (e != NULL) {
		if (strcmp(e, "G283") == 0) {
			int key = gpio_get_value(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(2, 29));

			if (key) {
				/* Switch on both LEDs to inidcate boot mode */
				gpio_set_value(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(1, 29), 0);
				gpio_set_value(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(4, 21), 0);

				setenv("preboot", "run gs_slow_boot");
			} else
				setenv("preboot", "run gs_fast_boot");

	return 0;
Пример #2
int board_init()
	struct iomuxc_mux_ctl *muxctl;
	struct iomuxc_pad_ctl *padctl;
	struct iomuxc_pad_input_select *inputselect;
	u32 gpio_mux_mode0_sion = MX25_PIN_MUX_MODE(0) | MX25_PIN_MUX_SION;
	u32 gpio_mux_mode1 = MX25_PIN_MUX_MODE(1);
	u32 gpio_mux_mode5 = MX25_PIN_MUX_MODE(5);
	u32 gpio_mux_mode6 = MX25_PIN_MUX_MODE(6);
	u32 input_select1 = MX25_PAD_INPUT_SELECT_DAISY(1);
	u32 input_select2 = MX25_PAD_INPUT_SELECT_DAISY(2);


	muxctl = (struct iomuxc_mux_ctl *)IMX_IOPADMUX_BASE;
	padctl = (struct iomuxc_pad_ctl *)IMX_IOPADCTL_BASE;
	inputselect = (struct iomuxc_pad_input_select *)IMX_IOPADINPUTSEL_BASE;

	/* Setup of core volatage selection pin to run at 1.4V */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_ext_armclk); /* VCORE GPIO3[15] */
	gpio_direction_output(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(3, 15), 1);

	/* Setup of input daisy chains for SD card pins*/
	writel(gpio_mux_mode0_sion, &muxctl->pad_sd1_cmd);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode0_sion, &muxctl->pad_sd1_clk);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode0_sion, &muxctl->pad_sd1_data0);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode0_sion, &muxctl->pad_sd1_data1);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode0_sion, &muxctl->pad_sd1_data2);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode0_sion, &muxctl->pad_sd1_data3);

	/* Setup of digital output for USB power and OC */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_csi_d3); /* USB Power GPIO1[28] */
	gpio_direction_output(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(1, 28), 1);

	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_csi_d2); /* USB OC GPIO1[27] */
	gpio_direction_input(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(1, 18));

	/* Setup of digital output control pins */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_csi_d8); /* Ouput 1 Ctrl GPIO1[7] */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_csi_d7); /* Ouput 2 Ctrl GPIO1[6] */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_csi_d6); /* Ouput 1 Stat GPIO1[31]*/
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_csi_d5); /* Ouput 2 Stat GPIO1[30]*/

	writel(0, &padctl->pad_csi_d6); /* Ouput 1 Stat pull up off */
	writel(0, &padctl->pad_csi_d5); /* Ouput 2 Stat pull up off */

	/* Switch both output drivers off */
	gpio_direction_output(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(1, 7), 0);
	gpio_direction_output(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(1, 6), 0);

	/* Setup of key input pin GPIO2[29]*/
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5 | MX25_PIN_MUX_SION, &muxctl->pad_kpp_row0);
	writel(0, &padctl->pad_kpp_row0); /* Key pull up off */
	gpio_direction_input(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(2, 29));

	/* Setup of status LED outputs */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_csi_d9);	/* GPIO4[21] */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode5, &muxctl->pad_csi_d4);	/* GPIO1[29] */

	/* Switch both LEDs off */
	gpio_direction_output(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(4, 21), 0);
	gpio_direction_output(MXC_GPIO_PORT_TO_NUM(1, 29), 0);

	/* Setup of CAN1 and CAN2 signals */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode6, &muxctl->pad_gpio_a);	/* CAN1 TX */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode6, &muxctl->pad_gpio_b);	/* CAN1 RX */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode6, &muxctl->pad_gpio_c);	/* CAN2 TX */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode6, &muxctl->pad_gpio_d);	/* CAN2 RX */

	/* Setup of input daisy chains for CAN signals*/
	writel(input_select1, &inputselect->can1_ipp_ind_canrx); /* CAN1 RX */
	writel(input_select1, &inputselect->can2_ipp_ind_canrx); /* CAN2 RX */

	/* Setup of I2C3 signals */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode1, &muxctl->pad_cspi1_ss1);	/* I2C3 SDA */
	writel(gpio_mux_mode1, &muxctl->pad_gpio_e);	/* I2C3 SCL */

	/* Setup of input daisy chains for I2C3 signals*/
	writel(input_select1, &inputselect->i2c3_ipp_sda_in);	/* I2C3 SDA */
	writel(input_select2, &inputselect->i2c3_ipp_scl_in);	/* I2C3 SCL */

	gd->bd->bi_boot_params = PHYS_SDRAM + 0x100;

	return 0;
Пример #3
void tx25_fec_init(void)
	struct iomuxc_mux_ctl *muxctl;
	struct iomuxc_pad_ctl *padctl;
	u32 val;
	u32 gpio_mux_mode = MX25_PIN_MUX_MODE(5);
	struct gpio_regs *gpio4 = (struct gpio_regs *)IMX_GPIO4_BASE;
	struct gpio_regs *gpio3 = (struct gpio_regs *)IMX_GPIO3_BASE;
	u32 saved_rdata0_mode, saved_rdata1_mode, saved_rx_dv_mode;

	 * fec pin init is generic

	 * Set up the FEC_RESET_B and FEC_ENABLE GPIO pins.
	 * FEC_RESET_B: gpio4[7] is ALT 5 mode of pin D13
	 * FEC_ENABLE_B: gpio4[9] is ALT 5 mode of pin D11
	muxctl = (struct iomuxc_mux_ctl *)IMX_IOPADMUX_BASE;
	padctl = (struct iomuxc_pad_ctl *)IMX_IOPADCTL_BASE;

	writel(gpio_mux_mode, &muxctl->pad_d13);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode, &muxctl->pad_d11);

	writel(0x0, &padctl->pad_d13);
	writel(0x0, &padctl->pad_d11);

	/* drop PHY power and assert reset (low) */
	val = readl(&gpio4->gpio_dr) & ~((1 << 7) | (1 << 9));
	writel(val, &gpio4->gpio_dr);
	val = readl(&gpio4->gpio_dir) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 9);
	writel(val, &gpio4->gpio_dir);


	debug("resetting phy\n");

	/* turn on PHY power leaving reset asserted */
	val = readl(&gpio4->gpio_dr) | 1 << 9;
	writel(val, &gpio4->gpio_dr);


	 * Setup some strapping pins that are latched by the PHY
	 * as reset goes high.
	 * Set PHY mode to 111
	 *  mode0 comes from FEC_RDATA0 which is GPIO 3_10 in mux mode 5
	 *  mode1 comes from FEC_RDATA1 which is GPIO 3_11 in mux mode 5
	 *  mode2 is tied high so nothing to do
	 * Turn on RMII mode
	 *  RMII mode is selected by FEC_RX_DV which is GPIO 3_12 in mux mode
	 * save three current mux modes and set each to gpio mode
	saved_rdata0_mode = readl(&muxctl->pad_fec_rdata0);
	saved_rdata1_mode = readl(&muxctl->pad_fec_rdata1);
	saved_rx_dv_mode = readl(&muxctl->pad_fec_rx_dv);

	writel(gpio_mux_mode, &muxctl->pad_fec_rdata0);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode, &muxctl->pad_fec_rdata1);
	writel(gpio_mux_mode, &muxctl->pad_fec_rx_dv);

	 * set each to 1 and make each an output
	val = readl(&gpio3->gpio_dr) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 12);
	writel(val, &gpio3->gpio_dr);
	val = readl(&gpio3->gpio_dir) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 12);
	writel(val, &gpio3->gpio_dir);

	mdelay(22);		/* this value came from RedBoot */

	 * deassert PHY reset
	val = readl(&gpio4->gpio_dr) | 1 << 7;
	writel(val, &gpio4->gpio_dr);
	writel(val, &gpio4->gpio_dr);


	 * set FEC pins back
	writel(saved_rdata0_mode, &muxctl->pad_fec_rdata0);
	writel(saved_rdata1_mode, &muxctl->pad_fec_rdata1);
	writel(saved_rx_dv_mode, &muxctl->pad_fec_rx_dv);