Пример #1
void structHyperPage :: v_createChildren () {
	int height = Machine_getTextHeight ();
	int y = Machine_getMenuBarHeight () + 4;

	/***** Create navigation buttons. *****/

	if (v_hasHistory ()) {
		GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 4, 48, y, y + height,
			L"<", gui_button_cb_back, this, 0);
		GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 54, 98, y, y + height,
			L">", gui_button_cb_forth, this, 0);
	if (v_isOrdered ()) {
		GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 174, 218, y, y + height,
			L"< 1", gui_button_cb_previousPage, this, 0);
		GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 224, 268, y, y + height,
			L"1 >", gui_button_cb_nextPage, this, 0);

	/***** Create scroll bar. *****/

	createVerticalScrollBar (this, d_windowForm);

	/***** Create drawing area. *****/

	drawingArea = GuiDrawingArea_createShown (d_windowForm, 0, - Machine_getScrollBarWidth (), y + height + 8, - Machine_getScrollBarWidth (),
		gui_drawingarea_cb_expose, gui_drawingarea_cb_click, NULL, gui_drawingarea_cb_resize, this, GuiDrawingArea_BORDER);
	drawingArea -> f_setSwipable (NULL, verticalScrollBar);
Пример #2
static void createVerticalScrollBar (HyperPage me, GuiForm parent) {
	my verticalScrollBar = GuiScrollBar_createShown (parent,
		- Machine_getScrollBarWidth (), 0,
		Machine_getMenuBarHeight () + Machine_getTextHeight () + 12, - Machine_getScrollBarWidth (),
		0, PAGE_HEIGHT * 5, 0, 25, 1, 24,
		gui_cb_verticalScroll, me, 0);
Пример #3
void structManual :: v_createChildren () {
	Manual_Parent :: v_createChildren ();
	ManPages pages = (ManPages) data;   // has been installed here by Editor_init ()
	#if defined (macintosh)
		#define STRING_SPACING 8
		#define STRING_SPACING 2
	int height = Machine_getTextHeight (), y = Machine_getMenuBarHeight () + 4;
	homeButton = GuiButton_createShown (holder, 104, 168, y, y + height,
		L"Home", gui_button_cb_home, this, 0);
	if (pages -> dynamic) {
		#if motif
			XtVaSetValues (drawingArea, XmNtopOffset, y + height * 2 + 16, NULL);
			XtVaSetValues (verticalScrollBar, XmNtopOffset, y + height * 2 + 16, NULL);
		recordButton = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 4, 79, y+height+8, y+height+8 + height,
			L"Record", gui_button_cb_record, this, 0);
		playButton = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 85, 160, y+height+8, y+height+8 + height,
			L"Play", gui_button_cb_play, this, 0);
		publishButton = GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 166, 166 + 175, y+height+8, y+height+8 + height, 
			L"Copy last played to list", gui_button_cb_publish, this, 0);
	GuiButton_createShown (holder, 274, 274 + 69, y, y + height,
		L"Search:", gui_button_cb_search, this, GuiButton_DEFAULT);
	searchText = GuiText_createShown (holder, 274+69 + STRING_SPACING, 452 + STRING_SPACING - 2, y, Gui_AUTOMATIC, 0);
	#if motif
		/* TODO */
		XtAddCallback (searchText, XmNactivateCallback, gui_cb_search, (XtPointer) this);
Пример #4
void structTableEditor :: v_createChildren () {
	Table table = static_cast<Table> (data);
	int y = Machine_getMenuBarHeight () + 4, scrollWidth = Machine_getScrollBarWidth ();

	our text = GuiText_createShown (our d_windowForm, 0, 0, y, y + Machine_getTextHeight (), 0);
	GuiText_setChangedCallback (our text, gui_text_cb_changed, this);
	y += Machine_getTextHeight () + 4;

	our drawingArea = GuiDrawingArea_createShown (our d_windowForm, 0, - scrollWidth, y, - scrollWidth,
		gui_drawingarea_cb_expose, gui_drawingarea_cb_click, NULL, gui_drawingarea_cb_resize, this, 0);

	our verticalScrollBar = GuiScrollBar_createShown (our d_windowForm, - scrollWidth, 0, y, - scrollWidth,
		1, table -> rows.size + 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, gui_cb_scrollVertical, this, 0);

	our horizontalScrollBar = GuiScrollBar_createShown (our d_windowForm, 0, - scrollWidth, - scrollWidth, 0,
		1, table -> numberOfColumns + 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, gui_cb_scrollHorizontal, this, GuiScrollBar_HORIZONTAL);

	GuiDrawingArea_setSwipable (our drawingArea, our horizontalScrollBar, our verticalScrollBar);
Пример #5
void structOTMultiEditor :: v_createChildren () {
	OTMultiEditor_Parent :: v_createChildren ();
	#if defined (macintosh)
		#define STRING_SPACING 8
		#define STRING_SPACING 2
	int height = Machine_getTextHeight (), y = Machine_getMenuBarHeight () + 4;
	GuiButton_createShown (d_windowForm, 4, 124, y, y + height,
		U"Partial forms:", gui_button_cb_limit, this, GuiButton_DEFAULT);
	form1Text = GuiText_createShown (d_windowForm,
	form2Text = GuiText_createShown (d_windowForm,
		274 + 2 * STRING_SPACING, 424 + 2 * STRING_SPACING, y, y + Gui_TEXTFIELD_HEIGHT, 0);
Пример #6
void structManual :: v_createChildren () {
	ManPages pages = (ManPages) our data;   // has been installed here by Editor_init ()
	our d_hasExtraRowOfTools = pages -> dynamic;
	Manual_Parent :: v_createChildren ();
	#if defined (macintosh)
		#define STRING_SPACING 8
		#define STRING_SPACING 2
	int height = Machine_getTextHeight (), y = Machine_getMenuBarHeight () + 4;
	our homeButton = GuiButton_createShown (our d_windowForm, 104, 168, y, y + height,
		U"Home", gui_button_cb_home, this, 0);
	if (pages -> dynamic) {
		our recordButton = GuiButton_createShown (our d_windowForm, 4, 79, y+height+8, y+height+8 + height,
			U"Record", gui_button_cb_record, this, 0);
		our playButton = GuiButton_createShown (our d_windowForm, 85, 160, y+height+8, y+height+8 + height,
			U"Play", gui_button_cb_play, this, 0);
		our publishButton = GuiButton_createShown (our d_windowForm, 166, 166 + 175, y+height+8, y+height+8 + height,
			U"Copy last played to list", gui_button_cb_publish, this, 0);
	GuiButton_createShown (our d_windowForm, 274, 274 + 69, y, y + height,
		U"Search:", gui_button_cb_search, this, GuiButton_DEFAULT);
	our searchText = GuiText_createShown (our d_windowForm, 274+69 + STRING_SPACING, 452 + STRING_SPACING - 2, y, y + Gui_TEXTFIELD_HEIGHT, 0);