Пример #1
char *
_makearg(FIELDTYPE *t, va_list *ap, int *err)
 * invoke make_arg function associated with field type t.
 * return pointer to argument information or null if none.
 * increment err if an error is encountered.
	char *p = (char *)0;

	if (! t || ! Status(t, ARGS))
		return (p);

	if (Status(t, LINKED)) {
		LINK *n = (LINK *) 0;

		if (Alloc(n, LINK)) {
			ArgL(n) = _makearg(TypeL(t), ap, err);
			ArgR(n) = _makearg(TypeR(t), ap, err);
			p = (char *)n;
		} else
			++(*err);		/* out of space */
	} else
		if (!(p = (*MakeA(t)) (ap)))
			++(*err);		/* make_arg had problem */
	return (p);
Пример #2
set_fieldtype_arg(FIELDTYPE *t, PTF_charP makearg,
	PTF_charP copyarg, PTF_void freearg)
	if (t && makearg && copyarg && freearg) {
		Set(t, ARGS);
		MakeA(t) = makearg;
		CopyA(t) = copyarg;
		FreeA(t) = freearg;
		return (E_OK);
	return (E_BAD_ARGUMENT);
Пример #3
void CalcWcluster_C (double * MatKern, int * MxIter, int *nlin, double* MaxValA, double* niu, int* MnW, int* MaxW, double *AroundNull, double * VectorsYA ) {

double  W         = *MaxW;
double  ValW      = 0 ;
double  TabWPrec  = 0 ;
double  PreviousW = *MaxW ;
double  MinW      = *MnW ;
double  BoundSup  = 1E+10;
double  nu        = *niu;
double  MxValA	  = *MaxValA;
double  AroundNul = *AroundNull;
int     N	      = *nlin;
int     Iter      = 1;
int     MaxIter   = *MxIter;
int     i         = 0;
double * VWA      = 0;

//WYA	<- list(W="",Y="",A="")

//f = fopen("D:\\R\\library\\svcR\\data\\sortieyy.txt", "w");

//creation of a random vector (randomization uniforme runif) / (randomization gaussienne rnorm)
VWA       = (double*)MakeA( N , nu, AroundNul, MxValA );         // WYA$A

// computation of WYA$A bound sup
if( nu && N )
	BoundSup = MxValA ; // 1 / ( nu * N );

TabWPrec = MinW;

while( (W > TabWPrec &&  Iter <= MaxIter) ||  (Iter <= MaxIter) ) {
	PreviousW = W;
	W         = CritereWcluster(VWA, MatKern, N);

	if( Iter > 1 ){
		TabWPrec = ValW;

	if( W > TabWPrec ){
		ValW = W;
	else {
		ValW = TabWPrec;
		VWA =  MakeA( 2*N+1 , nu, AroundNul, MxValA);
			(ConstraintCluster1(BoundSup, VWA, N) == 0)
			(ConstraintCluster2(VWA, N, AroundNul) == 0)
		) {
                                VWA =  MakeA( N , nu, AroundNul, MxValA);
		} //#fin while
	} //#finif

	PreviousW = W;
	W         = CritereWcluster(VWA, MatKern, N);
	Iter      = Iter + 1;
} //finwhile

for ( i = 0; i < 2*N+1; i++){
        *(VectorsYA+i) = *(VWA+i);
        if( i == N )
                *(VectorsYA+N) = W;
        //fprintf(f, "%1.6lf \n",*(VectorsYA+i) );
} //endfor

//fprintf(f, "\n");
//fprintf(f, "%2.20lf \t %2.20lf \n",*(VectorsYA+N), W );

//f = 0;
