Пример #1

  Synopsis    [Verify one useful property.]

  Description [This procedure verifies one useful property. After
  the FRAIG construction with choice nodes is over, each primary node
  should have fanins that are primary nodes. The primary nodes is the
  one that does not have pNode->pRepr set to point to another node.]

  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Map_ManCheckConsistency( Map_Man_t * p )
    Map_Node_t * pNode;
    Map_NodeVec_t * pVec;
    int i;
    pVec = Map_MappingDfs( p, 0 );
    for ( i = 0; i < pVec->nSize; i++ )
        pNode = pVec->pArray[i];
        if ( Map_NodeIsVar(pNode) )
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Primary input %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
        else if ( Map_NodeIsConst(pNode) )
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Constant 1 %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
            if ( Map_Regular(pNode->p1)->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d has first fanin that is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
            if ( Map_Regular(pNode->p2)->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d has second fanin that is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
    Map_NodeVecFree( pVec );
    return 1;
Пример #2

  Synopsis    [Computes the maximum and minimum levels of the choice nodes.]

  Description []

  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Map_MappingCountUsedNodes( Map_Man_t * pMan, int fChoices )
    Map_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
    int Result;
    vNodes = Map_MappingDfs( pMan, fChoices );
    Result = vNodes->nSize;
    Map_NodeVecFree( vNodes );
    return Result;
Пример #3

  Synopsis    [Performs technology mapping for the given object graph.]

  Description [The object graph is stored in the mapping manager.
  First, the AND nodes that fanout into POs are collected in the DFS order.
  Two preprocessing steps are performed: the k-feasible cuts are computed 
  for each node and the truth tables are computed for each cut. Next, the 
  delay-optimal matches are assigned for each node, followed by several 
  iterations of area recoveryd: using area flow (global optimization) 
  and using exact area at a node (local optimization).]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Map_Mapping( Map_Man_t * p )
    int fShowSwitching         = 1;
    int fUseAreaFlow           = 1;
    int fUseExactArea          = !p->fSwitching;
    int fUseExactAreaWithPhase = !p->fSwitching;
    int clk;

    // perform pre-mapping computations
    // collect the nodes reachable from POs in the DFS order (including the choices)
    p->vAnds = Map_MappingDfs( p, 1 );
    if ( p->fVerbose )
        Map_MappingReportChoices( p ); 
    Map_MappingSetChoiceLevels( p ); // should always be called before mapping!
//    return 1;

    // compute the cuts of nodes in the DFS order
    clk = clock();
    Map_MappingCuts( p );
    p->timeCuts = clock() - clk;
    // derive the truth tables 
    clk = clock();
    Map_MappingTruths( p );
    p->timeTruth = clock() - clk;
//PRT( "Truths", clock() - clk );

    // compute the minimum-delay mapping
    clk = clock();
    p->fMappingMode = 0;
    if ( !Map_MappingMatches( p ) )
        return 0;
    p->timeMatch = clock() - clk;
    // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
    Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
    p->AreaBase = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Delay    : %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    Map_MappingGetAreaFlow(p), p->AreaBase, 0.0 );
PRT( "Time", p->timeMatch );

    if ( !p->fAreaRecovery )
        if ( p->fVerbose )
            Map_MappingPrintOutputArrivals( p );
        return 1;

    // perform area recovery using area flow
    clk = clock();
    if ( fUseAreaFlow )
        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover area flow
        p->fMappingMode = 1;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "AreaFlow : %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    Map_MappingGetAreaFlow(p), p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
    p->timeArea += clock() - clk;

    // perform area recovery using exact area
    clk = clock();
    if ( fUseExactArea )
        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover area
        p->fMappingMode = 2;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Area     : %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    0.0, p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
    p->timeArea += clock() - clk;

    // perform area recovery using exact area
    clk = clock();
    if ( fUseExactAreaWithPhase )
        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover area
        p->fMappingMode = 3;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Area     : %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    0.0, p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
    p->timeArea += clock() - clk;

    // perform area recovery using exact area
    clk = clock();
    if ( p->fSwitching )
        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover switching activity
        p->fMappingMode = 4;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Switching: %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    0.0, p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );

        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover switching activity
        p->fMappingMode = 4;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Switching: %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    0.0, p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
    p->timeArea += clock() - clk;

    // print the arrival times of the latest outputs
    if ( p->fVerbose )
        Map_MappingPrintOutputArrivals( p );
    return 1;
Пример #4

///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Performs technology mapping for the given object graph.]

  Description [The object graph is stored in the mapping manager.
  First, the AND nodes that fanout into POs are collected in the DFS order.
  Two preprocessing steps are performed: the k-feasible cuts are computed 
  for each node and the truth tables are computed for each cut. Next, the 
  delay-optimal matches are assigned for each node, followed by several 
  iterations of area recoveryd: using area flow (global optimization) 
  and using exact area at a node (local optimization).]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Map_Mapping( Map_Man_t * p )
    int fShowSwitching         = 0;
    int fUseAreaFlow           = 1;
    int fUseExactArea          = !p->fSwitching;
    int fUseExactAreaWithPhase = !p->fSwitching;
    abctime clk;

    // perform pre-mapping computations
    // collect the nodes reachable from POs in the DFS order (including the choices)
    p->vAnds = Map_MappingDfs( p, 1 );
    if ( p->fVerbose )
        Map_MappingReportChoices( p ); 
    Map_MappingSetChoiceLevels( p ); // should always be called before mapping!
//    return 1;

    // compute the cuts of nodes in the DFS order
    clk = Abc_Clock();
    Map_MappingCuts( p );
    p->timeCuts = Abc_Clock() - clk;
    // derive the truth tables 
    clk = Abc_Clock();
    Map_MappingTruths( p );
    p->timeTruth = Abc_Clock() - clk;
//ABC_PRT( "Truths", Abc_Clock() - clk );

    // compute the minimum-delay mapping
    clk = Abc_Clock();
    p->fMappingMode = 0;
    if ( !Map_MappingMatches( p ) )
        return 0;
    p->timeMatch = Abc_Clock() - clk;
    // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
    Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
    p->AreaBase = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Delay    : %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    Map_MappingGetAreaFlow(p), p->AreaBase, 0.0 );
ABC_PRT( "Time", p->timeMatch );

    if ( !p->fAreaRecovery )
        if ( p->fVerbose )
            Map_MappingPrintOutputArrivals( p );
        return 1;

    // perform area recovery using area flow
    clk = Abc_Clock();
    if ( fUseAreaFlow )
        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover area flow
        p->fMappingMode = 1;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "AreaFlow : %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    Map_MappingGetAreaFlow(p), p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
ABC_PRT( "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
    p->timeArea += Abc_Clock() - clk;

    // perform area recovery using exact area
    clk = Abc_Clock();
    if ( fUseExactArea )
        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover area
        p->fMappingMode = 2;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Area     : %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    0.0, p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
ABC_PRT( "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
    p->timeArea += Abc_Clock() - clk;

    // perform area recovery using exact area
    clk = Abc_Clock();
    if ( fUseExactAreaWithPhase )
        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover area
        p->fMappingMode = 3;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Area     : %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    0.0, p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
ABC_PRT( "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
    p->timeArea += Abc_Clock() - clk;

    // perform area recovery using exact area
    clk = Abc_Clock();
    if ( p->fSwitching )
        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover switching activity
        p->fMappingMode = 4;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Switching: %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    0.0, p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
ABC_PRT( "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );

        // compute the required times
        Map_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
        // recover switching activity
        p->fMappingMode = 4;
        Map_MappingMatches( p );
        // compute the references and collect the nodes used in the mapping
        Map_MappingSetRefs( p );
        p->AreaFinal = Map_MappingGetArea( p, p->vMapping );
if ( p->fVerbose )
printf( "Switching: %s = %8.2f  Flow = %11.1f  Area = %11.1f  %4.1f %%   ", 
                    fShowSwitching? "Switch" : "Delay", 
                    fShowSwitching? Map_MappingGetSwitching(p,p->vMapping) : p->fRequiredGlo, 
                    0.0, p->AreaFinal, 
                    100.0*(p->AreaBase-p->AreaFinal)/p->AreaBase );
ABC_PRT( "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
    p->timeArea += Abc_Clock() - clk;

    // print the arrival times of the latest outputs
    if ( p->fVerbose )
        Map_MappingPrintOutputArrivals( p );
    return 1;