Пример #1
double TetMesh::getTetDeterminant(Vec3d * a, Vec3d * b, Vec3d * c, Vec3d * d)
	// computes the determinant of the 4x4 matrix
	// [ a 1 ]
	// [ b 1 ]
	// [ c 1 ]
	// [ d 1 ]

	Mat3d m0 = Mat3d(*b, *c, *d);
	Mat3d m1 = Mat3d(*a, *c, *d);
	Mat3d m2 = Mat3d(*a, *b, *d);
	Mat3d m3 = Mat3d(*a, *b, *c);

	return (-det(m0) + det(m1) - det(m2) + det(m3));
Пример #2
void TetMesh::getElementInertiaTensor(int el, Mat3d & inertiaTensor) const
	Vec3d a = *getVertex(el, 0);
	Vec3d b = *getVertex(el, 1);
	Vec3d c = *getVertex(el, 2);
	Vec3d d = *getVertex(el, 3);

	Vec3d center = getElementCenter(el);
	a -= center;
	b -= center;
	c -= center;
	d -= center;

	double absdetJ = 6.0 * getElementVolume(el);

	double x1 = a[0], x2 = b[0], x3 = c[0], x4 = d[0];
	double y1 = a[1], y2 = b[1], y3 = c[1], y4 = d[1];
	double z1 = a[2], z2 = b[2], z3 = c[2], z4 = d[2];

	double A = absdetJ * (y1*y1 + y1*y2 + y2*y2 + y1*y3 + y2*y3 + y3*y3 + y1*y4 + y2*y4 + y3*y4 + y4*y4 + z1*z1 + z1 * z2 + z2 * z2 + z1 * z3 + z2 * z3 + z3 * z3 + z1 * z4 + z2 * z4 + z3 * z4 + z4 * z4) / 60.0;

	double B = absdetJ * (x1*x1 + x1*x2 + x2*x2 + x1*x3 + x2*x3 + x3*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x4 + x3*x4 + x4*x4 + z1*z1 + z1 * z2 + z2 * z2 + z1 * z3 + z2 * z3 + z3 * z3 + z1 * z4 + z2 * z4 + z3 * z4 + z4 * z4) / 60.0;

	double C = absdetJ * (x1*x1 + x1*x2 + x2*x2 + x1*x3 + x2*x3 + x3*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x4 + x3*x4 + x4*x4 + y1*y1 + y1 * y2 + y2 * y2 + y1 * y3 + y2 * y3 + y3 * y3 + y1 * y4 + y2 * y4 + y3 * y4 + y4 * y4) / 60.0;

	double Ap = absdetJ * (2*y1*z1 + y2*z1 + y3*z1 + y4*z1 + y1*z2 + 2*y2*z2 + y3*z2 + y4*z2 + y1*z3 + y2*z3 + 2*y3*z3 + y4*z3 + y1*z4 + y2*z4 + y3*z4 + 2*y4*z4) / 120.0;

	double Bp = absdetJ * (2*x1*z1 + x2*z1 + x3*z1 + x4*z1 + x1*z2 + 2*x2*z2 + x3*z2 + x4*z2 + x1*z3 + x2*z3 + 2*x3*z3 + x4*z3 + x1*z4 + x2*z4 + x3*z4 + 2*x4*z4) / 120.0;

	double Cp = absdetJ * (2*x1*y1 + x2*y1 + x3*y1 + x4*y1 + x1*y2 + 2*x2*y2 + x3*y2 + x4*y2 + x1*y3 + x2*y3 + 2*x3*y3 + x4*y3 + x1*y4 + x2*y4 + x3*y4 + 2*x4*y4) / 120.0;

	inertiaTensor = Mat3d(A, -Bp, -Cp,   -Bp, B, -Ap,   -Cp, -Ap, C);
Пример #3
static int position_orientationto(lua_State* l)
    CelxLua celx(l);

    celx.checkArgs(3, 3, "Two arguments expected for position:orientationto");
    UniversalCoord* src = this_position(l);
    UniversalCoord* target = to_position(l, 2);
    if (target == NULL)
        celx.doError("First argument to position:orientationto must be a position");
    Vec3d* upd = celx.toVector(3);
    if (upd == NULL)
        celx.doError("Second argument to position:orientationto must be a vector");
    Vec3d src2target = *target - *src;
    Vec3d v = src2target ^ *upd;
    Vec3d u = v ^ src2target;
    Quatd qd = Quatd(Mat3d(v, u, -src2target));
    return 1;
Пример #4
bool CornellBoxScene::Intersect( Ray& ray, Intersection& isect )
    bool intersected = false;

    for (auto& primitive : primitives)
        if (primitive->Intersect(ray, isect))
            intersected = true;
            isect.primitive = primitive;

    if (intersected)
        // Fill in the information in isect
        // Compute conversion to/from shading coordinates
        isect.worldToShading = Math::Transpose(Mat3d(isect.ss, isect.st, isect.sn));
        isect.shadingToWorld = Math::Inverse(isect.worldToShading);

    return intersected;
Пример #5
/* convert to camera matrix
Mat3d Intrinsic::toKMatrix()
	return Mat3d(focal_x,0.0,CC[0],0.0,focal_y,CC[1],0.0,0.0,1.0);
Пример #6
void proc_image(Mat &in, Mat &out, const ProcData & proc, const Idx & pos)
  int flags_remain;
  Mat curr_in;
  Mat curr_out = in;
  int flags = proc.flags();
  double min = proc.min();
  double max = proc.max();
  Datastore *store = proc.store();
  double depth = proc.depth();

  double focus_point = proc.focus_point();
  flags &= ~NO_MEM_CACHE;
  flags &= ~NO_DISK_CACHE;
  //add placeholder for image scaling
  if (proc.scale() != 1.0)
    flags |= Improc::_SCALE;
  bool sub = false;
  bool scale = false;
  double scale_val;
  if (!std::isnan(min))
    sub = true;
    min = 0.0;
  if (!std::isnan(max)) {
    scale = true;
    scale_val = max-min;
  else {
    scale_val = BaseType_max(in.type())-min;
    if (in.type() == BaseType::UINT32) {
      //UINT32 is converted to float by cvMat :-(
      scale_val = BaseType_max(BaseType::FLOAT)-min;
  int cv_interpolation = cv::INTER_LINEAR;
  if (flags & HQ) {
    cv_interpolation = cv::INTER_LANCZOS4;
    flags &= ~HQ;
  //FIXME hdr may need 4!
  assert(in.size() == 3);
  if (flags == 0)
    printf("FIXME implement copy!\n");
    out.create(in.type(), in);
  if (_handle_preproc(Improc::DEMOSAIC, curr_in, curr_out, out, flags)) {
    curr_out.create(curr_in.type(), {curr_in.r(0,1),3});
    cv::Mat cv_out;    
    cv::cvtColor(cvMat(curr_in.bind(2,0)), cv_out, order2cv_conf_flag(store->order()));
    //FIXME copy!
    //curr_out = Mat3d(cv_out);
  if (_handle_preproc(Improc::CVT_GRAY, curr_in, curr_out, out, flags)) {
    cv::Mat accumulate;
    //FIXME whats about images in double format?
    cvMat(curr_in.bind(2,0)).convertTo(accumulate, CV_32F);
    for(int c=1;c<curr_in[2];c++)
       cv::add(accumulate, cvMat(curr_in.bind(2,c)), accumulate, cv::noArray(), accumulate.type());
    accumulate *= 1.0/curr_in[2];
    Idx outsize = curr_in;
    outsize[2] = 1;
    curr_out.create(curr_in.type(), outsize);
  if (_handle_preproc(Improc::CVT_8U, curr_in, curr_out, out, flags)) {
    curr_out.create(BaseType::UINT8, curr_in);
    if (sub) {
      cv::Mat subbed = cvMat(curr_in) - min;
      subbed.convertTo(cvMat(curr_out), CV_8U, BaseType_max<uint8_t>()/scale_val);
      cvMat(curr_in).convertTo(cvMat(curr_out), CV_8U, BaseType_max<uint8_t>()/scale_val);
    sub = false;
    scale = false;
  if (sub || scale) {
    curr_in = curr_out;

    if (!flags)
      //write to final output  
      curr_out = out;  
      //use new matrix  
    curr_out.create(curr_in.type(), curr_in);
    cv::Mat tmp = (cvMat(curr_in)-min) * BaseType_max(curr_in.type())/scale_val;
  if (_handle_preproc(Improc::UNDISTORT, curr_in, curr_out, out, flags)) {
    //FIXME path logic? which undist to use?
    DepthDist *undist;
//#pragma omp critical
    undist = store->undist(depth);
    if (undist)
      undist->undistort(curr_in, curr_out, pos, cv_interpolation);
    else {
      printf("distortion model not supported\n");
    if (!std::isnan(focus_point) && focus_point != 0) {
    	std::cout << "focus_point: " << focus_point << std::endl;
    	//do rectification
		double step_length = proc.step_length();
		double fx = proc.f(0);
		double fy = proc.f(1);
		int w = proc.w();
		int h = proc.h();
    	double cx = w / 2.0;
    	double cy = h / 2.0;
    	double k[3][3] = {{fx, 0,  cx},
    					  {0,  fy, cy},
    				      {0,  0,   1}};
    	cv::Mat K = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_64F, k);
    	double init_trans;
    	double translation;
    	init_trans = (proc.img_count() - 1) * step_length / 2.0;
    	translation = init_trans - pos[3] * step_length;
        double alpha = -atan2(translation, focus_point);
        cv::Mat t = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64F); // translation vector
		t.at<double>(2, 0) = focus_point;
		//TODO for now we only support horizontal lines!
		t.at<double>(0, 0) = translation;
		// vertical: t.at<double>(1, 0) = translation;

		t = t / t.at<double>(2, 0); // normalize vector
		// construct translation matrix
		cv::Mat T = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
		// Define rotation matrix
		//TODO for now we only support horizontal lines!
		double r[3][3] = {{cos(alpha),  0, sin(alpha)},
						  {0,           1, 0         },
						  {-sin(alpha), 0, cos(alpha)}};
		/* vertical:
		double r[3][3] = {{1, 0,           0         },
						  {0, cos(alpha),  sin(alpha)},
						  {0, -sin(alpha), cos(alpha)}};*/
		cv::Mat R = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_64F, r);
		cv::Mat H = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_64F);
		H = K * R * T * K.inv(); // compute homography matrix
		H = H / H.at<double>(2, 2); // normalize matrix

		cv::Size img_size = cv::Size_<int>(w, h);
		// iterate color channels
		for(int c=0;c<curr_out[2];c++){
			cv::Mat out_mat = cvMat(curr_out.bind(2, c));
			cv::Mat in_mat = out_mat.clone();
			cv::warpPerspective(in_mat, out_mat, H, img_size,
  if (_handle_preproc(Improc::_SCALE, curr_in, curr_out, out, flags)) {
    float sigma = 0.5/proc.scale();
    int ks = int(sigma)*6+1;
    cv::Mat tmp;
    //FIXME sync size with opencv resize sizing (also in other places!)
    curr_out.create(curr_in.type(), {proc.scale(curr_in[0]), proc.scale(curr_in[1]), curr_in[2]});

    for(int c=0;c<curr_in[2];c++) {
      cv::GaussianBlur(cvMat(curr_in.bind(2,c)), tmp, cv::Size(ks,ks), sigma, sigma);
      cv::resize (tmp, cvMat(curr_out.bind(2,c)), cv::Size(0,0), proc.scale(), proc.scale(), cv::INTER_NEAREST);
  out = curr_out;
  if (flags) {
    printf("WARNING: proc_image() did not handle all processing flags!\n ");
Пример #7
void Primitive::InitializeTransform()
	worldToLocal = Math::Inverse(localToWorld);
	normalLocalToWorld = Mat3d(Math::Transpose(worldToLocal));