Пример #1
int main() {
 FullTransform ft;
 IMatrix i(0);
 cout << "Generated Hadamard matrix of size " << FullTransform::hms  << ':' << endl;
 cout << "Generated negative Hadamard matrix of size " << FullTransform::hms << ':' << endl;
 MatrixProduct(ft.GetHad(), ft.GetHad(), i);
 cout << "Hadamard matrix product on its transpose:" << endl;
 CodeWord cw;
 for(int c = -128; c < 128; ++c) {
  ft.Code(c, cw);
  char cc = ft.Decode(cw);
  if(c == cc) {
   cout << "Test passed for char: " << (int)c << ", coded word:" << endl;
  } else {
   cout << "Test failed for char: " << (int)c << ", decoded char: " << (int)cc << ", coded word:" << endl;
 return 0;
Пример #2
void DrawCube(GLuint program)
	float w = (float)glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH);
	float h = (float)glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT);
	// passage des attributs de sommet au shader

#ifdef VAO
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, cubeVBO);
	GLint positionLocation = glGetAttribLocation(program, "a_position");
	glVertexAttribPointer(positionLocation, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float)*3, 0);

	// variables uniformes (constantes) durant le rendu de la primitive
	float projection[16];
	//Orthographic(projection, 0, w, h, 0, -1.f, 1.f);
	Perspective(projection, 45.f, w, h, 0.1f, 1000.f);
	GLint projLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_projectionMatrix");
	glUniformMatrix4fv(projLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, projection);
	int currentTime = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
	int delta = currentTime - previousTime;
	previousTime = currentTime;
	static float time = 1.f;
	time += delta/1000.f;
	GLint timeLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_time");
	glUniform1f(timeLocation, time);
	float viewTransform[16];
	viewTransform[14] = -7.0f;
	GLint viewLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_viewMatrix");
	glUniformMatrix4fv(viewLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, viewTransform);

	float worldTransform[16];
	//Translate(worldTransform, 5.f * sin(time), 0.0f, 0.0F);
	float A[16], B[16];
	//RotateX(A, time);
	Translate(A, 5.f * sin(time), 0.0f, 0.0F);
	RotateZ(B, time);
	MatrixProduct(worldTransform, A, B);
	GLint worldLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_worldMatrix");
	glUniformMatrix4fv(worldLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, worldTransform);

	glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6 * 2 * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
Пример #3
 inline char DecodeHalf(short s) const {
  IMatrix r;
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "Half word to decode: ";
Print(s, 8);
  MatrixProduct(ScanChar(s), hm, r);
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "Product Vector: ";
  return FindChar(r[0]); 
Пример #4
int GzScaleMat(GzCoord scale, GzMatrix mat)
// Create scaling matrix
// Pass back the matrix using mat value
	float scal[4][4] = { { scale[0], 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, scale[1], 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, scale[2], 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
	float prod[4][4];
	MatrixProduct(scal, mat, prod);
	for (int nCntRow = 0; nCntRow < 4; nCntRow++)
		for (int nCntLine = 0; nCntLine < 4; nCntLine++)
			mat[nCntRow][nCntLine] = prod[nCntRow][nCntLine];
	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Пример #5
int GzTrxMat(GzCoord translate, GzMatrix mat)
// Create translation matrix
// Pass back the matrix using mat value
	float trans[4][4] = { { 1, 0, 0, translate[0] }, { 0, 1, 0, translate[1] }, { 0, 0, 1, translate[2] }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } };
	float prod[4][4];
	MatrixProduct(trans, mat, prod);
	for (int nCntRow = 0; nCntRow < 4; nCntRow++)
		for (int nCntLine = 0; nCntLine < 4; nCntLine++)
			mat[nCntRow][nCntLine] = prod[nCntRow][nCntLine];
	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
int GzRotXMat(float degree, GzMatrix mat)
// Create rotate matrix : rotate along x axis
// Pass back the matrix using mat value
	float radius = degree*3.14 / 180;
	float Rx[4][4] = {{ 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, cos(radius), -sin(radius), 0 }, { 0, sin(radius), cos(radius), 0 }, {0, 0, 0, 1}};
	float prod[4][4];
	MatrixProduct(Rx, mat, prod);
	for (int nCntRow = 0; nCntRow < 4; nCntRow++)
		for (int nCntLine = 0; nCntLine < 4; nCntLine++)
			mat[nCntRow][nCntLine] = prod[nCntRow][nCntLine];
	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
void GetAMatrix (double *V, double *transferMatrix, double *A, int *eigenModesNumber, int *matDim)
    int i, j, k, K, N;
    double *E;

    E = malloc(sizeof(*E)*N*N);

    /*--- Vector rotation */
    MatrixProduct(&N, &N, (double*)&V[0], &N, &N, &transferMatrix[0], E);

    /*--- A is 3d array. First index is eigenmode, other 2 are rows and columns of A matrix */
    for (k=0; k<K; k++) {
        for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
            for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
Пример #8
void Matrix4::Uviewpoint(const Coord3D& v1,
                         const Coord3D& v2,
                         const Coord3D& up)
   // find the vector that points in the v21 direction
   Coord3D v_hat_21 = v2 - v1;

   // compute rotation matrix that takes -z axis to the v21 axis,
   // and y to the up direction
   Matrix4 rotMat;
   rotMat.UviewDirection(v_hat_21, up);

   // build matrix that translates the origin to v1
   Matrix4 transMat;
   transMat.m[3][0] = v1.cX;
   transMat.m[3][1] = v1.cY;
   transMat.m[3][2] = v1.cZ;

   // concatenate the matrices together
   MatrixProduct(rotMat, transMat);

Пример #9
int GzPushMatrix(GzRender *render, GzMatrix	matrix)
	- push a matrix onto the Ximage stack
	- check for stack overflow
	if (render->matlevel == 0)
		for (int nCntRow = 0; nCntRow < 4; nCntRow++)
			for (int nCntLine = 0; nCntLine < 4; nCntLine++)
				render->Ximage[render->matlevel][nCntRow][nCntLine] = matrix[nCntRow][nCntLine];
	else if (render->matlevel < MATLEVELS)
		float prodTemp[4][4];
		MatrixProduct(render->Ximage[render->matlevel - 1], matrix, prodTemp);
		for (int nCntRow = 0; nCntRow < 4; nCntRow++)
			for (int nCntLine = 0; nCntLine < 4; nCntLine++)
				render->Ximage[render->matlevel][nCntRow][nCntLine] = prodTemp[nCntRow][nCntLine];
		return GZ_FAILURE;

	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Пример #10
        static void run(int vectorsSize, int matrixRows, int matrixCols) {
            int randDispersion = 10;

            vector<int> vectorA_ = Generator::generateVector(vectorsSize, randDispersion);
            vector<int> vectorB_ = Generator::generateVector(vectorsSize, randDispersion);
            cout << "Test vectors: \na: ";
            cout << "b: ";
            cout << "\n\n";

            vector<vector<int> > matrixA_ = Generator::generateMatrixVector(matrixRows, matrixCols, randDispersion);
            vector<vector<int> > matrixB_ = Generator::generateMatrixVector(matrixRows, matrixCols, randDispersion);
            cout << "Test matrix: \nA:\n";
            cout << "\nB:\n";
            cout << "\n\n";

            clock_t start = clock();
            cout << "Task #2: \nSimple vectors product: a x b = ";
            Console::printVector(SimpleVectorsProduct(vectorA_, vectorB_));
            cout << "\n\n";

            cout << "Task #3: \nMatrix sum: A + B = \n";
            Console::printMatrix(MatrixSum(matrixA_, matrixB_));
            cout << "\n\n";

            cout << "Task #4: \nMatrix product: A x B = \n";
            Console::printMatrix(MatrixProduct(matrixA_, matrixB_));
            cout << "\n\n";

            cout << "Task #5: \nVectors products sum: Sum(a x b) = "
                    << VectorsProductsSum(vectorA_, vectorB_) << "\n\n";
            cout << "\n\nExec time: " << (clock() - start) / (double) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000) << " ms" << endl;
Пример #11
void Matrix4::UviewDirection(const Coord3D& v21,
                             const Coord3D& up)
   double sine, cosine;

    // find the unit vector that points in the v21 direction
    Coord3D v_hat_21(v21);
    double len = v_hat_21.Magnitude();

    Matrix4 amat;
    if (fabs(len) > stdEps)
        len = 1.0 / len;
        v_hat_21 *= len;

        // rotate z in the xz-plane until same latitude
        sine = sqrt (1.0 - v_hat_21.cZ * v_hat_21.cZ);

        amat.RotateY(-v_hat_21.cZ, -sine);

        // error condition: zero length vecotr passed in -- do nothing */

    // project v21 onto the xy plane
    Coord3D v_xy(v21);
    v_xy.cZ = 0.0;
    len = v_xy.Magnitude();

    // rotate in the x-y plane until v21 lies on z axis ---
    // but of course, if its already there, do nothing
    Matrix4 bmat, cmat;
    if (fabs(len) > stdEps)
      // want xy projection to be unit vector, so that sines/cosines pop out
      len = 1.0 / len;
      v_xy *= len;

      // rotate the projection of v21 in the xy-plane over to the x axis
      bmat.RotateZ(v_xy.cX, v_xy.cY);

      // concatenate these together
      cmat.MatrixProduct(amat, bmat);

        cmat = amat;

    /* up vector really should be perpendicular to the x-form direction --
     * Use up a couple of cycles, and make sure it is,
     * just in case the user blew it.
    Coord3D up_proj;
    up_proj.Perpendicular(up, v_hat_21);
    len = up_proj.Magnitude();
    if (fabs(len) > stdEps)
        // normalize the vector
        len = 1.0/len;
        up_proj *= len;

        // compare the up-vector to the  y-axis to get the cosine of the angle
        Coord3D tmp;
        tmp.cX = cmat.m[1][0];
        tmp.cY = cmat.m[1][1];
        tmp.cZ = cmat.m[1][2];
        cosine = tmp.Dot(up_proj);

        // compare the up-vector to the x-axis to get the sine of the angle
        tmp.cX = cmat.m[0][0];
        tmp.cY = cmat.m[0][1];
        tmp.cZ = cmat.m[0][2];
        sine = tmp.Dot(up_proj);

        // rotate to align the up vector with the y-axis
        amat.RotateZ(cosine, -sine);

        // This xform, although computed last, acts first
        MatrixProduct(amat, cmat);


        // error condition: up vector is indeterminate (zero length)
        // -- do nothing
        *this = cmat;
Пример #12
int GzPutTriangle(GzRender	*render, int numParts, GzToken *nameList, GzPointer	*valueList)
/* numParts : how many names and values */
- pass in a triangle description with tokens and values corresponding to 
      GZ_POSITION:3 vert positions in model space 
- Xform positions of verts using matrix on top of stack 
- Clip - just discard any triangle with any vert(s) behind view plane 
       - optional: test for triangles with all three verts off-screen (trivial frustum cull)
- invoke triangle rasterizer  
	if ((NULL == render) || (NULL == nameList) || (NULL == valueList))
		return GZ_FAILURE;
	for (int nCnt = 0; nCnt < numParts; nCnt++)
		if (nameList[nCnt] == GZ_POSITION)
			GzCoord* acGzCoord;
			acGzCoord = (GzCoord*)(valueList[nCnt]);
			GzMatrix topMat;
			int top = render->matlevel;
			memcpy(topMat, render->Ximage[top], sizeof(GzMatrix));
			float aCoordMat[4][4] = { { acGzCoord[0][0], acGzCoord[1][0], acGzCoord[2][0], 0 }, { acGzCoord[0][1], acGzCoord[1][1], acGzCoord[2][1], 0 }, { acGzCoord[0][2], acGzCoord[1][2], acGzCoord[2][2], 0 }, { 1, 1, 1, 0 } };
			float aCoordMatProduct[4][4];
			MatrixProduct(topMat, aCoordMat, aCoordMatProduct);
			if ((aCoordMatProduct[3][0] == 0) || (aCoordMatProduct[3][1] == 0) || (aCoordMatProduct[3][2] == 0))
#if 1
			GzCoord asGzCoordX = { aCoordMatProduct[0][0] / aCoordMatProduct[3][0], aCoordMatProduct[0][1] / aCoordMatProduct[3][1], aCoordMatProduct[0][2] / aCoordMatProduct[3][2] };
			GzCoord asGzCoordY = { aCoordMatProduct[1][0] / aCoordMatProduct[3][0], aCoordMatProduct[1][1] / aCoordMatProduct[3][1], aCoordMatProduct[1][2] / aCoordMatProduct[3][2] };
			GzCoord asGzCoordZ = { aCoordMatProduct[2][0] / aCoordMatProduct[3][0], aCoordMatProduct[2][1] / aCoordMatProduct[3][1], aCoordMatProduct[2][2] / aCoordMatProduct[3][2] };
			// clipping part
			if ((asGzCoordX[X] < 0 || asGzCoordX[X] > (render->display->xres)) && (asGzCoordX[Y] < 0 || asGzCoordX[Y] > (render->display->xres)) && (asGzCoordX[Z] < 0 || asGzCoordX[Z] > (render->display->xres)))
				return GZ_FAILURE;

			if ((asGzCoordY[X] < 0 || asGzCoordY[X] > (render->display->yres)) && (asGzCoordY[Y] < 0 || asGzCoordY[Y] > (render->display->yres)) && (asGzCoordY[Z] < 0 || asGzCoordY[Z] > (render->display->yres)))
				return GZ_FAILURE;

			if (asGzCoordZ[X] < 0 && asGzCoordZ[Y] < 0 && asGzCoordZ[Z] < 0)
				return GZ_FAILURE;

			GzCoord asGzCoordX = { acGzCoord[0][0], acGzCoord[1][0], acGzCoord[2][0] };
			GzCoord asGzCoordY = { acGzCoord[0][1], acGzCoord[1][1], acGzCoord[2][1] };
			GzCoord asGzCoordZ = { acGzCoord[0][2], acGzCoord[1][2], acGzCoord[2][2] };
			//Sort the matrix according to Y
			for (int anSortYCnt = 1; anSortYCnt < 3; anSortYCnt++)
				if (asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt - 1] > asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt])
					float afSortTemmp;
					afSortTemmp = asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt - 1];
					asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt - 1] = asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt];
					asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt] = afSortTemmp;
					afSortTemmp = asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt - 1];
					asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt - 1] = asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt];
					asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt] = afSortTemmp;
					afSortTemmp = asGzCoordZ[anSortYCnt - 1];
					asGzCoordZ[anSortYCnt - 1] = asGzCoordZ[anSortYCnt];
					asGzCoordZ[anSortYCnt] = afSortTemmp;
			float afGzCoordY_Min = asGzCoordY[0];			// find min y 
			float afGzCoordY_Max = asGzCoordY[2];			// find max y
			float tmp;
			for (int anSortYCnt = 1; anSortYCnt < 3; anSortYCnt++)
				if ((asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt - 1] == asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt]) && (asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt - 1] > asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt]))
					float afSortTemmp;
					afSortTemmp = asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt - 1];
					asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt - 1] = asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt];
					asGzCoordX[anSortYCnt] = afSortTemmp;
					afSortTemmp = asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt - 1];
					asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt - 1] = asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt];
					asGzCoordY[anSortYCnt] = afSortTemmp;
					afSortTemmp = asGzCoordZ[anSortYCnt - 1];
					asGzCoordZ[anSortYCnt - 1] = asGzCoordZ[anSortYCnt];
					asGzCoordZ[anSortYCnt] = afSortTemmp;
			float afCoefA = asGzCoordY[2] - asGzCoordY[0];
			float afCoefB = asGzCoordX[0] - asGzCoordX[2];
			float afCoefC = -afCoefB*asGzCoordY[0] - afCoefA * asGzCoordX[0];
			float acTestX = -(afCoefB*asGzCoordY[1] + afCoefC) / afCoefA;
			if (acTestX < asGzCoordX[1])
				tmp = asGzCoordY[2];
				asGzCoordY[2] = asGzCoordY[1];
				asGzCoordY[1] = tmp;
				tmp = asGzCoordX[2];
				asGzCoordX[2] = asGzCoordX[1];
				asGzCoordX[1] = tmp;
				tmp = asGzCoordZ[2];
				asGzCoordZ[2] = asGzCoordZ[1];
				asGzCoordZ[1] = tmp;
			//find the max and min for X and Y
			float afMaxX, afMinX, afMaxY, afMinY;
			afMaxX = asGzCoordX[0];
			afMinX = asGzCoordX[0];
			afMaxY = asGzCoordY[0];
			afMinY = asGzCoordY[0];
			for (int anCntMinMaxCnt = 1; anCntMinMaxCnt < 3; anCntMinMaxCnt++)
				if (afMaxX <= asGzCoordX[anCntMinMaxCnt])
					afMaxX = asGzCoordX[anCntMinMaxCnt];
				if (afMinX >= asGzCoordX[anCntMinMaxCnt])
					afMinX = asGzCoordX[anCntMinMaxCnt];
				if (afMaxY <= asGzCoordY[anCntMinMaxCnt])
					afMaxY = asGzCoordY[anCntMinMaxCnt];
				if (afMinY >= asGzCoordY[anCntMinMaxCnt])
					afMinY = asGzCoordY[anCntMinMaxCnt];
			//set the boundary of x and y
			if (afMinX < 0)
				afMinX = 0;
			else if (afMinX > 255)
				afMinX = 255;
			if (afMaxX < 0){
				afMaxX = 0;
			else if (afMaxX > 255)
				afMaxX = 255;
			if (afMinY < 0){
				afMinY = 0;
			else if (afMinY > 255)
				afMinY = 255;
			if (afMaxY < 0){
				afMaxY = 0;
			else if (afMaxY > 255)
				afMaxY = 255;
			//set the variants of vertex Ax + By + C = 0
			float afCoefA1, afCoefA2, afCoefA3, afCoefB1, afCoefB2, afCoefB3, afCoefC1, afCoefC2, afCoefC3;
			float AfDiff1, AfDiff2, AfDiff3;
			float afVar1, afVar2, afVar3, afVar4;
			GzIntensity asR, asG, asB, asAlpha;
			GzDepth anZ;
			int anInterZ;
			afCoefA1 = asGzCoordY[1] - asGzCoordY[0];
			afCoefA2 = asGzCoordY[2] - asGzCoordY[1];
			afCoefA3 = asGzCoordY[0] - asGzCoordY[2];
			afCoefB1 = -(asGzCoordX[1] - asGzCoordX[0]);
			afCoefB2 = -(asGzCoordX[2] - asGzCoordX[1]);
			afCoefB3 = -(asGzCoordX[0] - asGzCoordX[2]);
			afCoefC1 = ((-(afCoefB1)*asGzCoordY[1]) - (afCoefA1 * asGzCoordX[1]));
			afCoefC2 = ((-(afCoefB2)*asGzCoordY[2]) - (afCoefA2 * asGzCoordX[2]));
			afCoefC3 = ((-(afCoefB3)*asGzCoordY[0]) - (afCoefA3 * asGzCoordX[0]));
			afVar1 = (((asGzCoordY[1] - asGzCoordY[0])*(asGzCoordZ[2] - asGzCoordZ[0])) - ((asGzCoordY[2] - asGzCoordY[0])*(asGzCoordZ[1] - asGzCoordZ[0])));
			afVar2 = (((asGzCoordX[2] - asGzCoordX[0])*(asGzCoordZ[1] - asGzCoordZ[0])) - ((asGzCoordX[1] - asGzCoordX[0])*(asGzCoordZ[2] - asGzCoordZ[0])));
			afVar3 = (((asGzCoordX[1] - asGzCoordX[0])*(asGzCoordY[2] - asGzCoordY[0])) - ((asGzCoordX[2] - asGzCoordX[0])*(asGzCoordY[1] - asGzCoordY[0])));
			afVar4 = -((asGzCoordY[0] * (afVar2)) + (asGzCoordX[0] * (afVar1)) + (asGzCoordZ[0] * (afVar3)));
			for (int anCntRangeX = int(afMinX); (float)anCntRangeX < (afMaxX); anCntRangeX++){
				for (int anCntRangeY = int(afMinY); (float)anCntRangeY < (afMaxY); anCntRangeY++){
					AfDiff1 = (afCoefA1*anCntRangeX) + (afCoefB1*anCntRangeY) + afCoefC1;
					AfDiff2 = (afCoefA2*anCntRangeX) + (afCoefB2*anCntRangeY) + afCoefC2;
					AfDiff3 = (afCoefA3*anCntRangeX) + (afCoefB3*anCntRangeY) + afCoefC3;
					anInterZ = -(afVar1*anCntRangeX + afVar2*anCntRangeY + afVar4) / afVar3;
					if (!(AfDiff1 < 0 || AfDiff2 < 0 || AfDiff3 < 0)){
						asR = 0;
						asG = 0;
						asB = 0;
						asAlpha = 0;
						anZ = 0;
						if (GZ_FAILURE == GzGetDisplay(render->display, anCntRangeX, anCntRangeY, &asR, &asG, &asB, &asAlpha, &anZ))
							return GZ_FAILURE;
						if (anZ == 0 || anInterZ < anZ)
							if (GZ_FAILURE == GzPutDisplay(render->display, anCntRangeX, anCntRangeY, ctoi(render->flatcolor[RED]), ctoi(render->flatcolor[GREEN]), ctoi(render->flatcolor[BLUE]), asAlpha, anInterZ))
								return GZ_FAILURE;
		else if (nameList[nCnt] == GZ_NULL_TOKEN)
	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Пример #13
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    return 0;