Пример #1
static void IntervalTier_removeEmptyIntervals (IntervalTier me, IntervalTier boss) {
	IntervalTier_removeBoundariesBetweenIdenticallyLabeledIntervals (me, U"");
	if (my intervals.size < 2) return;
	TextInterval firstInterval = my intervals.at [1];
	if (Melder_equ (firstInterval -> text, U"")) {
		IntervalTier_removeLeftBoundary (me, 2);
	if (my intervals.size < 2) return;
	TextInterval lastInterval = my intervals.at [my intervals.size];
	if (Melder_equ (lastInterval -> text, U"")) {
		IntervalTier_removeLeftBoundary (me, my intervals.size);
	if (my intervals.size < 3) return;
	for (long iinterval = my intervals.size - 1; iinterval >= 2; iinterval --) {
		TextInterval interval = my intervals.at [iinterval];
		if (Melder_equ (interval -> text, U"")) {
			 * Distribute the empty interval between its neigbours.
			double newBoundaryTime =
				boss ?
				IntervalTier_boundaryTimeClosestTo (boss, interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax) :
				0.5 * (interval -> xmin + interval -> xmax);
			TextInterval previous = my intervals.at [iinterval - 1];
			TextInterval next = my intervals.at [iinterval + 1];
			previous -> xmax = newBoundaryTime;
			next -> xmin = newBoundaryTime;
			my intervals. removeItem (iinterval);
Пример #2
void EditDistanceTable_drawEditOperations (EditDistanceTable me, Graphics graphics) {
    const char32 *oinsertion = U"i", *insertion = U"*", *odeletion = U"d", *deletion = U"*", *osubstitution = U"s", *oequal = U"";
    Graphics_setWindow (graphics, 0.5, my warpingPath -> pathLength - 0.5, 0, 1); // pathLength-1 symbols
    double lineSpacing = getLineSpacing (graphics);
    double ytarget = 1 - lineSpacing, ysource = ytarget - 2 * lineSpacing, yoper = ysource - lineSpacing;
    Graphics_setTextAlignment (graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_BOTTOM);
    for (long i = 2; i <= my warpingPath -> pathLength; i++) {
        structPairOfInteger p = my warpingPath -> path[i], p1 = my warpingPath -> path[i - 1];
        double x = i - 1;
        if (p.x == p1.x) { // insertion
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, my rowLabels[p.y]);
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, deletion);
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, oinsertion);
        } else if (p.y == p1.y) { // deletion
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, insertion);
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, my columnLabels[p.x]);
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, odeletion);
        } else { // substitution ?
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, ytarget, my rowLabels[p.y]);
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, ysource, my columnLabels[p.x]);
            Graphics_text (graphics, x, yoper, (Melder_equ (my rowLabels[p.y], my columnLabels[p.x]) ? oequal : osubstitution));
        Graphics_line (graphics, x, ysource + lineSpacing, x, ytarget - 0.1 * lineSpacing);
Пример #3
void IntervalTier_removeBoundariesBetweenIdenticallyLabeledIntervals (IntervalTier me, const char32 *label) {
    try {
        for (long iint = my intervals -> size; iint > 1; iint--) {
            TextInterval ti = (TextInterval) my intervals -> item[iint];
            if (Melder_equ (ti -> text, label)) {
                TextInterval tim1 = (TextInterval) my intervals -> item[iint - 1];
                if (Melder_equ (tim1 -> text, label)) {
                    Melder_free (tim1 -> text);
                    IntervalTier_removeLeftBoundary (me, iint);
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (me, U": boundaries not removed.");
Пример #4
long Regression_getFactorIndexFromFactorName_e (Regression me, const char32 *factorName) {
	for (long iparm = 1; iparm <= my parameters -> size; iparm ++) {
		RegressionParameter parm = static_cast<RegressionParameter> (my parameters -> item [iparm]);
		if (Melder_equ (factorName, parm -> label)) return iparm;
	Melder_throw (Thing_messageName (me), U" has no parameter named \"", factorName, U"\".");
autoTextGrid TextGrid_and_IntervalTier_cutPartsMatchingLabel (TextGrid me, IntervalTier thee, const char32 *label, double precision) {
    try {
        if (my xmin != thy xmin || my xmax != thy xmax) {
            Melder_throw (U"Domains must be equal.");
        double cutDurations = 0;
        for (long i = 1; i <= thy intervals.size; i ++) {
            TextInterval cut = thy intervals.at [i];
            if (Melder_equ (cut -> text, label)) {
                cutDurations += cut -> xmax - cut -> xmin;
        if (cutDurations <= precision) { // Nothing to patch
            return Data_copy (me);
        autoTextGrid him = TextGrid_createWithoutTiers (0, thy xmax - thy xmin - cutDurations);
        for (long itier = 1; itier <= my tiers->size; itier ++) {
            Function anyTier = my tiers->at [itier];
            if (anyTier -> classInfo == classIntervalTier) {
                autoIntervalTier newTier = IntervalTier_and_IntervalTier_cutPartsMatchingLabel ((IntervalTier) anyTier, thee, label, precision);
                his tiers -> addItem_move (newTier.move());
            } else {
                autoTextTier newTier = TextTier_and_IntervalTier_cutPartsMatchingLabel ((TextTier) anyTier, thee, label, precision);
                his tiers -> addItem_move (newTier.move());
        return him;
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (me, U": no parts cut.");
Пример #6
autoConfusion Confusion_groupStimuli (Confusion me, const char32 *labels, const char32 *newLabel, long newpos) {
	try {
		long ncondense = Melder_countTokens (labels);
		autoNUMvector<long> irow (1, my numberOfRows);

		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfRows; i++) {
			irow[i] = i;

		for (char32 *token = Melder_firstToken (labels); token != nullptr; token = Melder_nextToken ()) {
			for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfRows; i++) {
				if (Melder_equ (token, my rowLabels[i])) {
					irow[i] = 0;
		long nfound = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfRows; i++) {
			if (irow[i] == 0) {
				nfound ++;
		if (nfound == 0) {
			Melder_throw (U"Invalid stimulus labels.");
		if (nfound != ncondense) {
			Melder_warning (U"One or more of the given stimulus labels are suspect.");
		long newnstim = my numberOfRows - nfound + 1;
		if (newpos < 1) {
			newpos = 1;
		if (newpos > newnstim) {
			newpos = newnstim;
		autoConfusion thee = Confusion_create (newnstim, my numberOfColumns);
		NUMstrings_copyElements (my columnLabels, thy columnLabels, 1, my numberOfColumns);

		TableOfReal_setRowLabel (thee.get(), newpos, newLabel);
		long inewrow = 1;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfRows; i++) {
			long rowpos = newpos;
			if (irow[i] > 0) {
				if (inewrow == newpos) {
				rowpos = inewrow;
				TableOfReal_setRowLabel (thee.get(), rowpos, my rowLabels[i]);
			for (long j = 1; j <= my numberOfColumns; j++) {
				thy data[rowpos][j] += my data[i][j];
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": stimuli not grouped.");
static autoTextTier TextTier_and_IntervalTier_cutPartsMatchingLabel (TextTier me, IntervalTier thee, const char32 *label, double precision) {
    try {
        if (my xmin != thy xmin || my xmax != thy xmax) {
            Melder_throw (U"Domains must be equal.");
        long myIndex = 1;
		double timeCut = 0.0;
        autoTextTier him = TextTier_create (0.0, my xmax - my xmin);
        for (long j = 1; j <= thy intervals.size; j ++) {
            TextInterval cut = thy intervals.at [j];
            if (Melder_equ (cut -> text, label)) {
                timeCut += cut -> xmax - cut -> xmin;
            } else {
                 while (myIndex <= my points.size) {
                    TextPoint tp = my points.at [myIndex];
                    if (tp -> number < cut -> xmin - precision) {
                        // point is left of cut
                    } else if (tp -> number < cut -> xmax + precision) {
                        // point is in (no)cut
                        double time = tp -> number - my xmin - timeCut;
                        TextTier_addPoint (him.peek(), time, tp -> mark);
                    } else {
        his xmax -= timeCut;
        return him;
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (me, U": parts not cut.");
Пример #8
autoStringsIndex Stringses_to_StringsIndex (Strings me, Strings classes) {
	try {
		autoStringsIndex tmp = Strings_to_StringsIndex (classes);
		long numberOfClasses = tmp -> classes->size;

		autoStringsIndex him = StringsIndex_create (my numberOfStrings);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfClasses; i ++) {
			SimpleString t = (SimpleString) tmp -> classes->at [i];   // FIXME cast
			autoSimpleString t2 = Data_copy (t);
			his classes -> addItem_move (t2.move());
		for (long j = 1; j <= my numberOfStrings; j ++) {
			long index = 0;
			char32 *stringsj = my strings [j];
			for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfClasses; i ++) {
				SimpleString ss = (SimpleString) his classes->at [i];   // FIXME cast
				if (Melder_equ (stringsj, ss -> string)) {
					index = i;
			his classIndex [j] = index;
		return him;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no StringsIndex created.");
Пример #9
autoConfusion Confusion_groupResponses (Confusion me, const char32 *labels, const char32 *newLabel, long newpos) {
	try {
		long ncondense = Melder_countTokens (labels);
		autoNUMvector<long> icol (1, my numberOfColumns);

		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfColumns; i++) {
			icol[i] = i;

		for (char32 *token = Melder_firstToken (labels); token != 0; token = Melder_nextToken ()) {
			for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfColumns; i++) {
				if (Melder_equ (token, my columnLabels[i])) {
					icol[i] = 0;
		long nfound = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfColumns; i++) {
			if (icol[i] == 0) {
				nfound ++;
		if (nfound == 0) {
			Melder_throw (U"Invalid response labels.");
		if (nfound != ncondense) {
			Melder_warning (U"One or more of the given response labels are suspect.");
		long newnresp = my numberOfColumns - nfound + 1;
		if (newpos < 1) {
			newpos = 1;
		if (newpos > newnresp) {
			newpos = newnresp;
		autoConfusion thee = Confusion_create (my numberOfRows, newnresp);
		NUMstrings_copyElements (my rowLabels, thy rowLabels, 1, my numberOfRows);
		TableOfReal_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), newpos, newLabel);
		long inewcol = 1;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfColumns; i++) {
			long colpos = newpos;
			if (icol[i] > 0) {
				if (inewcol == newpos) {
				colpos = inewcol;
				TableOfReal_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), colpos, my columnLabels[i]);
			for (long j = 1; j <= my numberOfRows; j++) {
				thy data[j][colpos] += my data[j][i];
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": responses not grouped.");
Пример #10
long Strings_findString (Strings me, const char32 *string) {
	for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfStrings; i++) {
		if (Melder_equ (my strings[i], string)) {
			return i;
	return 0;
Пример #11
long ERPTier_getChannelNumber (ERPTier me, const char32 *channelName) {
	for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= my numberOfChannels; ichan ++) {
		if (Melder_equ (my channelNames [ichan], channelName)) {
			return ichan;
	return 0;
static void IntervalTier_getLabelInfo (IntervalTier me, const char32 *label, double *labelDurations, long *numberOfOccurences) {
    *labelDurations = 0;
    *numberOfOccurences = 0;
    for (long i = 1; i <= my intervals.size; i ++) {
        TextInterval ti = my intervals.at [i];
        if (Melder_equ (ti -> text, label)) {
            *labelDurations += ti -> xmax - ti -> xmin;
Пример #13
long FileInMemorySet_getIndexFromId (FileInMemorySet me, const char32 *id) {
	long index = 0;
	for (long i = 1; i <= my size; i ++) {
		FileInMemory fim = my at [i];
		if (Melder_equ (id, fim -> d_id)) {
			index = i;
	return index;
Пример #14
static void IntervalTier_mergeSpecialIntervals (IntervalTier me) {
	long intervalIndex = my intervals.size;
	TextInterval right = my intervals.at [intervalIndex];
	long labelLength_right = TextInterval_labelLength (right);
	bool isEmptyInterval_right = labelLength_right == 0 || (labelLength_right == 1 && Melder_equ (right -> text, U"\001"));
	while (intervalIndex > 1) {
		TextInterval left = my intervals.at [intervalIndex - 1];
		long labelLength_left = TextInterval_labelLength (left);
		bool isEmptyInterval_left = labelLength_left == 0 || (labelLength_left == 1 && Melder_equ (left -> text, U"\001"));
		if (isEmptyInterval_right && isEmptyInterval_left) {
			// remove right interval and empty left interval
			left -> xmax = right -> xmax;
			TextInterval_setText (left, U""); 
			my intervals. removeItem (intervalIndex);
		right = left; 
		isEmptyInterval_right = isEmptyInterval_left;
		intervalIndex --;
static autoIntervalTier IntervalTiers_patch (IntervalTier me, IntervalTier thee, const char32 *patchLabel, double precision) {
    try {
        autoIntervalTier him = IntervalTier_create (thy xmin, thy xmax);
        long myInterval = 1, hisInterval = 1;
        double xmax = thy xmin;
        for (long i = 1; i <= thy intervals.size; i ++) {
            TextInterval myti, ti = thy intervals.at [i];
            if (Melder_equ (ti -> text, patchLabel)) {
                bool splitInterval = false; double endtime, split = 0;
                if (i > 0) {
                    while (myInterval <= my intervals.size) {
                        myti = my intervals.at [myInterval];
                        endtime = xmax + myti -> xmax - myti -> xmin;
                        if (endtime <= ti -> xmin + precision) {
                            xmax = endtime;
                            IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), xmax, myti -> text, hisInterval, precision);
                        } else {
                            if (xmax < ti -> xmin - precision) { // split interval ???
                                splitInterval = true;
                                xmax = ti -> xmin;
                                split = endtime - xmax;
                                IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), xmax, myti -> text, hisInterval, precision);
                                hisInterval ++; myInterval++;
                xmax += ti -> xmax - ti -> xmin;
                IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), xmax, U"", hisInterval, precision);
                if (splitInterval) {
                    xmax += split;
                    IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), xmax, myti -> text, hisInterval, precision);
                    hisInterval ++;
            } else if (i == thy intervals.size) { // copy remaining if last interval doesn't match
                while (myInterval <= my intervals.size) {
                    myti = my intervals.at [myInterval];
                    xmax += myti -> xmax - myti -> xmin;
                    IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), xmax, myti -> text, hisInterval, precision);
        return him;
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (me, U": not patched.");
Пример #16
void Strings_replace (Strings me, long position, const char32 *text) {
	if (position < 1 || position > my numberOfStrings) {
		Melder_throw (U"You supplied a position of ", position, U", but for this string it has to be in the range [1, ", my numberOfStrings, U"].");
	if (Melder_equ (my strings [position], text))
		return;   // nothing to change
	 * Create without change.
	autostring32 newString = Melder_dup (text);
	 * Change without error.
	Melder_free (my strings [position]);
	my strings [position] = newString.transfer();
Пример #17
static void do_replace (TextEditor me) {
	if (! theReplaceString) return;   // e.g. when the user does "Replace again" before having done any "Replace"
	autostring32 selection = GuiText_getSelection (my textWidget);
	if (! Melder_equ (selection.peek(), theFindString)) {
		do_find (me);
	long left, right;
	autostring32 text = GuiText_getStringAndSelectionPosition (my textWidget, & left, & right);
	GuiText_replace (my textWidget, left, right, theReplaceString);
	GuiText_setSelection (my textWidget, left, left + str32len (theReplaceString));
	GuiText_scrollToSelection (my textWidget);
	#ifdef _WIN32
		GuiThing_show (my d_windowForm);
static double TextGrid_getEndTimeOfLastOccurence (TextGrid thee, long tierNumber, const char32 *label) {
	TextGrid_checkSpecifiedTierNumberWithinRange (thee, tierNumber);
	IntervalTier intervalTier = (IntervalTier) thy tiers->at [tierNumber];
	if (intervalTier -> classInfo != classIntervalTier) {
		Melder_throw (U"Tier ", tierNumber, U" is not an interval tier.");
	double end = NUMundefined;
	for (long iint = intervalTier -> intervals.size; iint > 0; iint --) {
		TextInterval ti = intervalTier -> intervals.at [iint];
		if (Melder_equ (ti -> text, label)) {
			end = ti -> xmax;
	return end;
Пример #19
autoVocalTract VocalTract_createFromPhone (const char32 *phone) {
    try {
        int i = 0;
        for (;; i ++) {
            if (! theVocalTract::data [i]. phone)
                Melder_throw (U"Unknown phone ", phone);
            if (Melder_equ (theVocalTract::data [i]. phone, phone))
        autoVocalTract me = VocalTract_create (theVocalTract::data [i]. numberOfSections, 0.005);
        for (int isection = 1; isection <= my nx; isection ++)
            my z [1] [isection] = theVocalTract::data [i]. area [isection - 1] * 0.0001;
        return me;
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (U"VocalTract not created from phone.");
Пример #20
static long *EEG_channelNames_to_channelNumbers (EEG me, char32 **channelNames, long numberOfChannelNames) {
	try {
		autoNUMvector<long> channelNumbers (1, numberOfChannelNames);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfChannelNames; i++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= my numberOfChannels; j++) {
				if (Melder_equ (channelNames[i], my channelNames[j])) {
					channelNumbers[i] = j;
			if (channelNumbers[i] == 0) {
				Melder_throw (U"Channel name \"", channelNames[i], U"\" not found.");
		return channelNumbers.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": channelNames not found.");
Пример #21
void SpeechSynthesizer_changeLanguageNameToCurrent (SpeechSynthesizer me) {
	try {
		struct espeakLanguagestruct { const char32 *oldName, *currentName; } names[] = {
			{ U"Akan-test", nullptr}, 
			{ U"Bulgarian-test", U"Bulgarian"}, 
			{ U"Dari-test", nullptr}, 
			{ U"Divehi-test", nullptr}, { U"Dutch-test", U"Dutch"}, 
			{ U"French (Belgium)", U"French-Belgium"},
			{ U"Georgian-test", U"Georgian"}, 
			{ U"Haitian", nullptr},
			{ U"Icelandic-test", U"Icelandic"}, { U"Indonesian-test", U"Indonesian"},
			{ U"Irish-test", U"Irish-gaeilge"}, 
			{ U"Kazakh", nullptr}, { U"Kinyarwanda-test", nullptr}, { U"Korean", U"Korean-test"}, 
			{ U"Lancashire", nullptr},
			{ U"Macedonian-test", U"Macedonian"}, { U"Maltese-test", nullptr},
			{ U"Nahuatl - classical", U"Nahuatl-classical"}, { U"Nepali-test", U"Nepali"}, { U"Northern-sotho", nullptr},
			{ U"Punjabi-test", U"Punjabi"},
			{ U"Russian_test", U"Russian"}, // yes, underscore
			{ U"Setswana-test", nullptr}, { U"Sinhala", U"Sinhala-test"},
			{ U"Spanish-latin-american", U"Spanish-latin-am"}, { U"Tatar-test", nullptr},
			{ U"Telugu", U"Telugu-test"}, 
			{ U"Welsh-test", U"Welsh"}, { U"Wolof-test", nullptr},
		long index = 0;
		while (const char32 *oldName = names [index]. oldName) {
			if (Melder_equ (oldName, my d_voiceLanguageName)) {
				if (names [index]. currentName) {
					autostring32 newLabel = Melder_dup (names [index]. currentName);
					Melder_free (my d_voiceLanguageName);
					my d_voiceLanguageName = newLabel.transfer();
				} else {
					Melder_throw (U"Language ", oldName, U" is not available any longer.");
			++ index;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U"Cannot change language name.");
static autoTextTier TextTier_and_IntervalTier_patch (TextTier me, IntervalTier thee, const char32 *patchLabel, double precision) {
    try {
        long myIndex = 1;
        autoTextTier him = TextTier_create (thy xmin, thy xmax);
        double xShift = thy xmin - my xmin;
        for (long i = 1; i <= thy intervals.size; i ++) {
            TextInterval ti = thy intervals.at [i];
            if (Melder_equ (ti -> text, patchLabel)) {
                if (i > 1) {
                    while (myIndex <= my points.size) {
                        TextPoint tp = my points.at [myIndex];
                        double time = tp -> number + xShift;
                        if (time < ti -> xmin + precision) {
                            autoTextPoint newPoint = TextPoint_create (time, tp -> mark);
                            his points. addItem_move (newPoint.move());
                        } else {
                xShift += ti -> xmax - ti -> xmin;
           } else if (i == thy intervals.size) {
                while (myIndex <= my points.size) {
                    TextPoint tp = my points.at [myIndex];
                    double time = tp -> number + xShift;
                    if (time < ti -> xmin + precision) {
                        autoTextPoint newPoint = TextPoint_create (time, tp -> mark);
                        his points. addItem_move (newPoint.move());
        return him;
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (me, U": cannot patch TextTier.");
Пример #23
void TextGrid_anySound_alignInterval (TextGrid me, Function anySound, long tierNumber, long intervalNumber, const char32 *languageName, bool includeWords, bool includePhonemes) {
	try {
		IntervalTier headTier = TextGrid_checkSpecifiedTierIsIntervalTier (me, tierNumber);
		if (intervalNumber < 1 || intervalNumber > headTier -> intervals.size)
			Melder_throw (U"Interval ", intervalNumber, U" does not exist.");
		TextInterval interval = headTier -> intervals.at [intervalNumber];
		if (! includeWords && ! includePhonemes)
			Melder_throw (U"Nothing to be done, because you asked neither for word alignment nor for phoneme alignment.");
		if (str32str (headTier -> name, U"/") )
			Melder_throw (U"The current tier already has a slash (\"/\") in its name. Cannot create a word or phoneme tier from it.");
		autoSound part =
			anySound -> classInfo == classLongSound ? 
				LongSound_extractPart (static_cast <LongSound> (anySound), interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax, true) :
				Sound_extractPart (static_cast <Sound> (anySound), interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax, kSound_windowShape_RECTANGULAR, 1.0, true);
		autoSpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = SpeechSynthesizer_create (languageName, U"default");
		double silenceThreshold = -35, minSilenceDuration = 0.1, minSoundingDuration = 0.1;
		autoTextGrid analysis;
		if (! Melder_equ (interval -> text, U"")) {
			try {
				analysis = SpeechSynthesizer_and_Sound_and_TextInterval_align
					(synthesizer.get(), part.get(), interval, silenceThreshold, minSilenceDuration, minSoundingDuration);
			} catch (MelderError) {
				Melder_clearError ();   // ignore all error messages from DTW and the like
		if (analysis) {
			 * Clean up the analysis.
			Melder_assert (analysis -> xmin == interval -> xmin);
			Melder_assert (analysis -> xmax == interval -> xmax);
			Melder_assert (analysis -> tiers->size == 4);
			Thing_cast (IntervalTier, analysisWordTier, analysis -> tiers->at [3]);
			if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisWordTier))
				Melder_throw (U"Analysis word tier out of order.");
			IntervalTier_removeEmptyIntervals (analysisWordTier, nullptr);
			Melder_assert (analysisWordTier -> xmax == analysis -> xmax);
			Melder_assert (analysisWordTier -> intervals.size >= 1);
			TextInterval firstInterval = analysisWordTier -> intervals.at [1];
			TextInterval lastInterval = analysisWordTier -> intervals.at [analysisWordTier -> intervals.size];
			firstInterval -> xmin = analysis -> xmin;
			lastInterval  -> xmax = analysis -> xmax;
			if (lastInterval -> xmax != analysis -> xmax)
				Melder_fatal (U"analysis ends at ", analysis -> xmax, U", but last interval at ", lastInterval -> xmax, U" seconds");
			if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisWordTier))
				Melder_throw (U"Analysis word tier out of order (2).");
			Thing_cast (IntervalTier, analysisPhonemeTier, analysis -> tiers->at [4]);
			if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisPhonemeTier))
				Melder_throw (U"Analysis phoneme tier out of order.");
			IntervalTier_removeEmptyIntervals (analysisPhonemeTier, analysisWordTier);
			Melder_assert (analysisPhonemeTier -> xmax == analysis -> xmax);
			Melder_assert (analysisPhonemeTier -> intervals.size >= 1);
			firstInterval = analysisPhonemeTier -> intervals.at [1];
			lastInterval  = analysisPhonemeTier -> intervals.at [analysisPhonemeTier -> intervals.size];
			firstInterval -> xmin = analysis -> xmin;
			lastInterval  -> xmax = analysis -> xmax;
			Melder_assert (lastInterval -> xmax == analysis -> xmax);
			if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisPhonemeTier))
				Melder_throw (U"Analysis phoneme tier out of order (2).");
		long wordTierNumber = 0, phonemeTierNumber = 0;
		IntervalTier wordTier = nullptr, phonemeTier = nullptr;
		 * Include a word tier.
		if (includeWords) {
			 * Make sure that the word tier exists.
			autoMelderString newWordTierName;
			MelderString_copy (& newWordTierName, headTier -> name, U"/word");
			for (long itier = 1; itier <= my tiers->size; itier ++) {
				IntervalTier tier = static_cast <IntervalTier> (my tiers->at [itier]);
				if (Melder_equ (newWordTierName.string, tier -> name)) {
					if (tier -> classInfo != classIntervalTier)
						Melder_throw (U"A tier with the prospective word tier name (", tier -> name, U") already exists, but it is not an interval tier."
							U"\nPlease change its name or remove it.");
					wordTierNumber = itier;
			if (! wordTierNumber) {
				autoIntervalTier newWordTier = IntervalTier_create (my xmin, my xmax);
				Thing_setName (newWordTier.get(), newWordTierName.string);
				my tiers -> addItemAtPosition_move (newWordTier.move(), wordTierNumber = tierNumber + 1);
			Melder_assert (wordTierNumber >= 1 && wordTierNumber <= my tiers->size);
			wordTier = static_cast <IntervalTier> (my tiers->at [wordTierNumber]);
			 * Make sure that the word tier has boundaries at the edges of the interval.
			IntervalTier_insertIntervalDestructively (wordTier, interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax);
			 * Copy the contents of the word analysis into the interval in the word tier.
			long wordIntervalNumber = IntervalTier_hasTime (wordTier, interval -> xmin);
			Melder_assert (wordIntervalNumber != 0);
			if (analysis) {
				Thing_cast (IntervalTier, analysisWordTier, analysis -> tiers->at [3]);
				if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisWordTier))
					Melder_throw (U"Analysis word tier out of order (3).");
				if (! IntervalTier_check (wordTier))
					Melder_throw (U"Word tier out of order (3).");
				for (long ianalysisInterval = 1; ianalysisInterval <= analysisWordTier -> intervals.size; ianalysisInterval ++) {
					TextInterval analysisInterval = analysisWordTier -> intervals.at [ianalysisInterval];
					TextInterval wordInterval = nullptr;
					double tmin = analysisInterval -> xmin, tmax = analysisInterval -> xmax;
					if (tmax == analysis -> xmax) {
						wordInterval = wordTier -> intervals.at [wordIntervalNumber];
						TextInterval_setText (wordInterval, analysisInterval -> text);
					} else {
						wordInterval = wordTier -> intervals.at [wordIntervalNumber];
						autoTextInterval newInterval = TextInterval_create (tmin, tmax, analysisInterval -> text);
						wordInterval -> xmin = tmax;
						wordTier -> intervals. addItem_move (newInterval.move());
						wordIntervalNumber ++;
				if (! IntervalTier_check (analysisWordTier))
					Melder_throw (U"Analysis word tier out of order (4).");
				if (! IntervalTier_check (wordTier))
					Melder_throw (U"Word tier out of order (4).");
		 * Include a phoneme tier.
		if (includePhonemes) {
			 * Make sure that the phoneme tier exists.
			autoMelderString newPhonemeTierName;
			MelderString_copy (& newPhonemeTierName, headTier -> name, U"/phon");
			for (long itier = 1; itier <= my tiers->size; itier ++) {
				IntervalTier tier = (IntervalTier) my tiers->at [itier];
				if (Melder_equ (newPhonemeTierName.string, tier -> name)) {
					if (tier -> classInfo != classIntervalTier)
						Melder_throw (U"A tier with the prospective phoneme tier name (", tier -> name, U") already exists, but it is not an interval tier."
							U"\nPlease change its name or remove it.");
					phonemeTierNumber = itier;
			if (! phonemeTierNumber) {
				autoIntervalTier newPhonemeTier = IntervalTier_create (my xmin, my xmax);
				Thing_setName (newPhonemeTier.get(), newPhonemeTierName.string);
				my tiers -> addItemAtPosition_move (newPhonemeTier.move(),
					phonemeTierNumber = wordTierNumber ? wordTierNumber + 1 : tierNumber + 1);
			Melder_assert (phonemeTierNumber >= 1 && phonemeTierNumber <= my tiers->size);
			phonemeTier = static_cast <IntervalTier> (my tiers->at [phonemeTierNumber]);
			 * Make sure that the phoneme tier has boundaries at the edges of the interval.
			IntervalTier_insertIntervalDestructively (phonemeTier, interval -> xmin, interval -> xmax);
			 * Copy the contents of the phoneme analysis into the interval in the phoneme tier.
			long phonemeIntervalNumber = IntervalTier_hasTime (phonemeTier, interval -> xmin);
			Melder_assert (phonemeIntervalNumber != 0);
			if (analysis.get()) {
				Thing_cast (IntervalTier, analysisPhonemeTier, analysis -> tiers->at [4]);
				for (long ianalysisInterval = 1; ianalysisInterval <= analysisPhonemeTier -> intervals.size; ianalysisInterval ++) {
					TextInterval analysisInterval = analysisPhonemeTier -> intervals.at [ianalysisInterval];
					TextInterval phonemeInterval = nullptr;
					double tmin = analysisInterval -> xmin, tmax = analysisInterval -> xmax;
					if (tmax == analysis -> xmax) {
						phonemeInterval = phonemeTier -> intervals.at [phonemeIntervalNumber];
						TextInterval_setText (phonemeInterval, analysisInterval -> text);
					} else {
						phonemeInterval = phonemeTier -> intervals.at [phonemeIntervalNumber];
						autoTextInterval newInterval = TextInterval_create (tmin, tmax, analysisInterval -> text);
						phonemeInterval -> xmin = tmax;
						phonemeTier -> intervals. addItem_move (newInterval.move());
						phonemeIntervalNumber ++;
			if (includeWords) {
				 * Synchronize the boundaries between the word tier and the phoneme tier.
				//for (long iinterval = 1; iinterval <=
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U" & ", anySound, U": interval not aligned.");
Пример #24
bool structEditCostsTable :: v_matchTargetWithSourceSymbol (const char32 *targetSymbol, const char32 *sourceSymbol) {
    return Melder_equ (targetSymbol, sourceSymbol);
Пример #25
bool structEditCostsTable :: v_matchSourceSymbol (const char32 *sourceSymbol, const char32 *symbol) {
    return Melder_equ (sourceSymbol, symbol);
// Cut parts from me marked by labels in thee
autoIntervalTier IntervalTier_and_IntervalTier_cutPartsMatchingLabel (IntervalTier me, IntervalTier thee, const char32 *label, double precision) {
    try {
        if (my xmin != thy xmin || my xmax != thy xmax) {
            Melder_throw (U"Domains must be equal.");
        autoNUMvector<double> durations (1, my intervals.size);
        for (long i = 1; i <= my intervals.size; i ++) {
            TextInterval ti = my intervals.at [i];
            durations[i] = ti -> xmax - ti -> xmin;
        long myInterval = 1;
        for (long j = 1; j <= thy intervals.size; j ++) {
            TextInterval cut = thy intervals.at [j];
            if (Melder_equ (cut -> text, label)) { // trim
                while (myInterval <= my intervals.size) {
                    TextInterval ti = my intervals.at [myInterval];
                    if (ti -> xmin > cut -> xmin - precision && ti -> xmax < cut -> xmax + precision) {
                        // 1. interval completely within cut
                        durations[myInterval] = 0;
                    } else if (ti -> xmin < cut -> xmin + precision && cut -> xmin < ti -> xmax + precision) {
                        // 2. cut start is within interval
                        if (cut -> xmax > ti -> xmax - precision) {
                            // interval end is in cut, interval start before
                            durations[myInterval] -= ti -> xmax - cut -> xmin;
                        } else {
                            // 3. cut completely within interval
                            durations[myInterval] -= cut -> xmax - cut -> xmin;
                    } else if (cut -> xmax > ti -> xmin - precision && cut -> xmin < ti -> xmax + precision) {
                        // +1+2 : cut end is within interval, cut start before
                        durations[myInterval] -= cut -> xmax - ti -> xmin;
                    } else if (ti -> xmax < cut -> xmin + precision) {
        double totalDuration = 0;
        for (long i = 1; i <= my intervals.size; i ++) {
            if (durations[i] < precision) {
                durations[i] = 0;
            totalDuration += durations[i];
        autoIntervalTier him = IntervalTier_create (0, totalDuration);
        double time = 0; long hisInterval = 1;
        for (long i = 1; i <= my intervals.size; i ++) {
            if (durations[i] <= 0) continue;
            TextInterval ti = my intervals.at [i];
            time += durations[i];
            if (fabs (time - totalDuration) > precision) {
                IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), time, ti -> text, hisInterval, precision);
            } else { // last interval
                TextInterval histi = his intervals.at [hisInterval];
                TextInterval_setText (histi, ti -> text);
        return him;
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (me, U": parts not cut.");
// Patch thy intervals that match patchLabel into my intervals
// The resulting IntervalTier has thy xmin as starting time and thy xmax as end time
autoIntervalTier IntervalTiers_patch_noBoundaries (IntervalTier me, IntervalTier thee, const char32 *patchLabel, double precision) {
    try {
		autoNUMvector<double> durations (0L, my intervals.size + 1);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my intervals.size; i ++) {
			TextInterval myti = my intervals.at [i];
			durations [i] = myti -> xmax - myti -> xmin;
		long myInterval = 1;
		double xShift = thy xmin - my xmin;
        for (long j = 1; j <= thy intervals.size; j ++) {
            TextInterval patch = thy intervals.at [j];
            if (Melder_equ (patch -> text, patchLabel)) {
				if (j == 1) {
					xShift += durations[0] = patch -> xmax - patch -> xmin;
				} else if (j == thy intervals.size) {
					durations [my intervals.size + 1] = patch -> xmax - patch -> xmin;
				} else {
					while (myInterval <= my intervals.size) {
						TextInterval ti = my intervals.at [myInterval];
						double tixmin = ti -> xmin + xShift;
						double tixmax = ti -> xmax + xShift;
						if ((patch -> xmin > tixmin - precision) && (patch -> xmin < tixmax + precision)) {
							durations[myInterval] += patch -> xmax - patch -> xmin;
            } else {
				while (myInterval <= my intervals.size) {
					TextInterval ti = my intervals.at [myInterval];
					double tixmax = ti -> xmax + xShift;
					if (tixmax < patch -> xmin + precision) {
					} else {
        autoIntervalTier him = IntervalTier_create (thy xmin, thy xmax);
        // first interval
		double time = thy xmin + durations[0];
		long hisInterval = 1;
		if (durations [0] > 0) {
			IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), time , U"", hisInterval, precision);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my intervals.size; i ++) {
			TextInterval ti = my intervals.at [i];
			time += durations [i];
			IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), time, ti -> text, hisInterval, precision);
		if (durations [my intervals.size + 1] > 0) {
			time += durations [my intervals.size + 1];
			IntervalTier_splitInterval (him.peek(), time , U"", hisInterval, precision);
        return him;
    } catch (MelderError) {
        Melder_throw (me, U": not patched.");
autoTable IntervalTiers_to_Table_textAlignmentment (IntervalTier target, IntervalTier source, EditCostsTable costs) {
	try {
		long numberOfTargetIntervals = target -> intervals.size;
		long numberOfSourceIntervals = source -> intervals.size;
		autoNUMvector<long> targetOrigin (1, numberOfTargetIntervals);
		autoNUMvector<long> sourceOrigin (1, numberOfSourceIntervals);
		autoStrings targets = IntervalTier_to_Strings_withOriginData (target, targetOrigin.peek());
		autoStrings sources = IntervalTier_to_Strings_withOriginData (source, sourceOrigin.peek());
		autoEditDistanceTable edit = EditDistanceTable_create (targets.peek(), sources.peek());
		if (costs != 0) {
			EditDistanceTable_setEditCosts (edit.peek(), costs);
			EditDistanceTable_findPath (edit.peek(), nullptr);
		long pathLength = edit -> warpingPath -> pathLength;
		autoTable thee = Table_createWithColumnNames (pathLength - 1, U"targetInterval targetText targetStart targetEnd sourceInterval sourceText sourceStart sourceEnd operation");
		for (long i = 2; i <= pathLength; i++) {
			structPairOfInteger p = edit -> warpingPath -> path[i];
			structPairOfInteger p1 = edit -> warpingPath -> path[i - 1];
			double targetStart = NUMundefined, targetEnd =  NUMundefined;
			double sourceStart = NUMundefined, sourceEnd =  NUMundefined;
			const char32 * targetText = U"", *sourceText = U"";
			long targetInterval = p.y > 1 ? targetOrigin[p.y - 1] : 0;
			long sourceInterval = p.x > 1 ? sourceOrigin[p.x - 1] : 0;
			if (targetInterval > 0) {
				TextInterval ti = target -> intervals.at [targetInterval];
				targetStart = ti -> xmin;
				targetEnd =  ti -> xmax;
				targetText = ti -> text;
			if (sourceInterval > 0) {
				TextInterval ti = source -> intervals.at [sourceInterval];
				sourceStart = ti -> xmin;
				sourceEnd =  ti -> xmax;
				sourceText = ti -> text;
			long irow = i - 1;
			if (p.y == p1.y) { // deletion
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 1, 0);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 2, U"");
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 3, NUMundefined);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 4, NUMundefined);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 5, sourceInterval);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 6, sourceText);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 7, sourceStart);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 8, sourceEnd);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 9, U"d");
			} else if (p.x == p1.x) { // insertion
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 1, targetInterval);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 2, targetText);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 3, targetStart);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 4, targetEnd);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 5, 0);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 6, U"");
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 7, NUMundefined);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 8, NUMundefined);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 9, U"i");
			} else { // substitution ?
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 1, targetInterval);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 2, targetText);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 3, targetStart);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 4, targetEnd);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 5, sourceInterval);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 6, sourceText);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 7, sourceStart);
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), irow, 8, sourceEnd);
				Table_setStringValue  (thee.peek(), irow, 9, Melder_equ (targetText, sourceText) ? U" " : U"s");
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (target, U" and ", source, U" not aligned.");