bool DebugFrontend::InitializeBackend(const char* symbolsDirectory) { if (GetIsBeingDebugged(m_processId)) { MessageEvent("Error: The process cannot be debugged because it contains hooks from a previous session", MessageType_Error); return false; } char eventChannelName[256]; _snprintf(eventChannelName, 256, "Decoda.Event.%x", m_processId); char commandChannelName[256]; _snprintf(commandChannelName, 256, "Decoda.Command.%x", m_processId); // Setup communication channel with the process that is used to receive events // back to the frontend. if (!m_eventChannel.Create(eventChannelName)) { return false; } // Setup communication channel with the process that is used to send commands // to the backend. if (!m_commandChannel.Create(commandChannelName)) { return false; } // Inject our debugger DLL into the process so that we can monitor from // inside the process's memory space. if (!InjectDll(m_processId, "LuaInject.dll")) { MessageEvent("Error: LuaInject.dll could not be loaded into the process", MessageType_Error); return false; } // Wait for the client to connect. m_eventChannel.WaitForConnection(); // Read the initialization function from the event channel. if (!ProcessInitialization(symbolsDirectory)) { MessageEvent("Error: Backend couldn't be initialized", MessageType_Error); return false; } m_state = State_Running; // Start a new thread to handle the incoming event channel. DWORD threadId; m_eventThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, StaticEventThreadProc, this, 0, &threadId); return true; }
void wxGISStatusBar::SetMessage(const wxString& text, int i) { wxCommandEvent MessageEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED ); // Keep it simple, don't give a specific event ID MessageEvent.SetString(text); MessageEvent.SetInt(i); wxPostEvent(this, MessageEvent); }
void CTriggerEvent::MessageEvent(ETriggerStateType eType, uint32 uFromID, uint32 uToID, ESpecialEventType eArg1, bool bArg2) { CEntityServer* pEntityFrom = CEntityServerManager::GetEntityByID(uFromID); CFighterDictator* pFrom = pEntityFrom ? pEntityFrom->GetFighter() : NULL; CEntityServer* pEntityTo = CEntityServerManager::GetEntityByID(uToID); CFighterDictator* pTo = pEntityTo ? pEntityTo->GetFighter() : NULL; MessageEvent(eType, pFrom, pTo, eArg1, bArg2); }
void CTriggerEvent::MessageEvent(ETriggerStateType eType, uint32 uFromID, uint32 uToID, EHurtResult eArg1, bool bArg2, ESkillType eArg3, EAttackType eArg4) { CEntityServer* pEntityFrom = CEntityServerManager::GetEntityByID(uFromID); CFighterDictator* pFrom = pEntityFrom ? pEntityFrom->GetFighter() : NULL; CEntityServer* pEntityTo = CEntityServerManager::GetEntityByID(uToID); CFighterDictator* pTo = pEntityTo ? pEntityTo->GetFighter() : NULL; MessageEvent(eType, pFrom, pTo, eArg1, bArg2, eArg3, eArg4); }
void DebugFrontend::OutputError(DWORD error) { char buffer[1024]; if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, error, 0, buffer, 1024, NULL)) { std::string message = "Error: "; message += buffer; MessageEvent(message, MessageType_Error); } }
void Hud::AddMessageEvent(char* string) { MessageEvent message = MessageEvent(); message.type = MESSAGEEVENT; strcpy(message.string,string); mMessageEvents.push_back(message); if (mMessageEvents.size() > 9) { mMessageEvents.erase(mMessageEvents.begin()); } if (mMessageEventCounter < 3) { mMessageEventCounter++; mMessageEventTimer = 0; } }
void Hud::AddChatEvent(char* name, char* string, int team, bool isdead, bool isteamonly) { MessageEvent message = MessageEvent(); message.type = CHATEVENT; strcpy(,name); strcpy(message.chatevent.string,string); = team; message.chatevent.isDead = isdead; message.chatevent.isTeamOnly = isteamonly; mMessageEvents.push_back(message); if (mMessageEvents.size() > 9) { mMessageEvents.erase(mMessageEvents.begin()); } if (mMessageEventCounter < 3) { mMessageEventCounter++; mMessageEventTimer = 0; } }
bool DebugFrontend::Attach(unsigned int processId, const char* symbolsDirectory) { m_processId = processId; m_process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, processId); if (m_process == NULL) { MessageEvent("Error: The process could not be opened", MessageType_Error); m_processId = 0; return false; } if (!InitializeBackend(symbolsDirectory)) { CloseHandle(m_process); m_process = NULL; m_processId = 0; return false; } return true; }
bool DebugFrontend::Start(const char* command, const char* commandArguments, const char* currentDirectory, const char* symbolsDirectory, bool debug, bool startBroken) { Stop(false); STARTUPINFO startUpInfo = { 0 }; startUpInfo.cb = sizeof(startUpInfo); char commandLine[8191]; _snprintf(commandLine, sizeof(commandLine), "\"%s\" %s", command, commandArguments); // If no directory was specified, then use the directory from the exe. std::string directory = TrimSpaces(currentDirectory); if (directory.empty()) { directory = GetDirectory(command); } PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo; if (debug) { if (!StartProcessAndRunToEntry(command, commandLine, directory.c_str(), processInfo)) { return false; } } else { if (!CreateProcess(NULL, commandLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, directory.c_str(), &startUpInfo, &processInfo)) { OutputError(GetLastError()); return false; } // We're not debugging, so no need to proceed. CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(processInfo.hProcess); return true; } DWORD exitCode; if (GetExitCodeProcess(processInfo.hProcess, &exitCode) && exitCode != STILL_ACTIVE) { MessageEvent("The process has terminated unexpectedly", MessageType_Error); return false; } m_process = processInfo.hProcess; m_processId = processInfo.dwProcessId; if (!InitializeBackend(symbolsDirectory)) { Stop(true); return false; } if (startBroken) { Break(0); } // Now that our initialization is complete, let the process run. ResumeThread(processInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(processInfo.hThread); return true; }
bool DebugFrontend::StartProcessAndRunToEntry(LPCSTR exeFileName, LPSTR commandLine, LPCSTR directory, PROCESS_INFORMATION& processInfo) { STARTUPINFO startUpInfo = { 0 }; startUpInfo.cb = sizeof(startUpInfo); ExeInfo info; if (!GetExeInfo(exeFileName, info) || info.entryPoint == 0) { MessageEvent("Error: The entry point for the application could not be located", MessageType_Error); return false; } if (!info.i386) { MessageEvent("Error: Debugging 64-bit applications is not supported", MessageType_Error); return false; } DWORD flags = DEBUG_PROCESS | DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS; if (!CreateProcess(NULL, commandLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, flags, NULL, directory, &startUpInfo, &processInfo)) { OutputError(GetLastError()); return false; } // Running to the entry point currently doesn't work for managed applications, so // just start it up. if (!info.managed) { unsigned long entryPoint = info.entryPoint; BYTE breakPointData; bool done = false; while (!done) { DEBUG_EVENT debugEvent; WaitForDebugEvent(&debugEvent, INFINITE); DWORD continueStatus = DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED; if (debugEvent.dwDebugEventCode == EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT) { if (debugEvent.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP || debugEvent.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT) { CONTEXT context; context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; GetThreadContext(processInfo.hThread, &context); if (context.Eip == entryPoint + 1) { // Restore the original code bytes. SetBreakpoint(processInfo.hProcess, (LPVOID)entryPoint, false, &breakPointData); done = true; // Backup the instruction pointer so that we execute the original instruction. --context.Eip; SetThreadContext(processInfo.hThread, &context); // Suspend the thread before we continue the debug event so that the program // doesn't continue to run. SuspendThread(processInfo.hThread); } continueStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; } } else if (debugEvent.dwDebugEventCode == EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT) { done = true; } else if (debugEvent.dwDebugEventCode == CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT) { // Offset the entry point by the load address of the process. entryPoint += reinterpret_cast<size_t>(debugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.lpBaseOfImage); // Write a break point at the entry point of the application so that we // will stop when we reach that point. SetBreakpoint(processInfo.hProcess, reinterpret_cast<void*>(entryPoint), true, &breakPointData); CloseHandle(debugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile); } else if (debugEvent.dwDebugEventCode == LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT) { CloseHandle(debugEvent.u.LoadDll.hFile); } ContinueDebugEvent(debugEvent.dwProcessId, debugEvent.dwThreadId, continueStatus); } } DebugActiveProcessStop(processInfo.dwProcessId); return true; }