Пример #1
 * FUNCTION: ControllerRun
 * DESCR:    Called after the Controller is initialized in ControllerBegin and after the command line has been
 *           parsed. Reads the key from the specified key file name. Calls ControllerEncryptDecrypt to encrypt
 *           or decrypt a message. Finally calls ViewPrintStr to print the encrypted or decrypted message.
 * RETURNS:  Nothing.
 * Define a char array named key which is of length MAX_MSG_LEN+1.
 * Define a char array named msgOut which is of length MAX_MSG_LEN+1.
 * Call ModelGetKeyFilename() to get the key file name that was parsed from the command line.
 * Call FileReadStr() and pass the key file name and the key array as parameters. This will read the key
 *     from the file.
 * Call ModelSetKey() to store the key that was read from the file.
 * Call ModelGetMode() to get the mode from the Model (the mode was parsed from the command line).
 * Call ControllerEncryptDecrypt() and pass the mode and msgOut as parameters.
 * Call ViewPrintStr() and pass msgOut as the parameter.
void ControllerRun()
    char *key[MAX_MSG_LEN+1];
    char *msgOut[MAX_MSG_LEN+1];
Пример #2
 * FUNCTION: ControllerRun
 * DESCR:    Called after the Controller is initialized in ControllerBegin and after the command line has been
 *           parsed. Reads the key from the specified key file name. Calls ControllerEncryptDecrypt to encrypt
 *           or decrypt a message. Finally calls ViewPrintStr to print the encrypted or decrypted message.
 * RETURNS:  Nothing.
 * Define a char array named key which is of length MAX_MSG_LEN+1.
 * Define a char array named msgOut which is of length MAX_MSG_LEN+1.
 * Call ModelGetKeyFilename() to get the key file name that was parsed from the command line.
 * Call FileReadStr() and pass the key file name and the key array as parameters. This will read the key
 *     from the file.
 * Call ModelSetKey() to store the key that was read from the file.
 * Call ModelGetMode() to get the mode from the Model (the mode was parsed from the command line).
 * Call ControllerEncryptDecrypt() and pass the mode and msgOut as parameters.
 * Call ViewPrintStr() and pass msgOut as the parameter.
void ControllerRun
    char key[MAX_MSG_LEN+1];
    char msgOut[MAX_MSG_LEN+1];
   ControllerEncryptDecrypt(ModelGetMode(), msgOut);