Пример #1
// Reset and initialize the motor controller.
bool Motor::Initialize()
    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;
    // perform a software reset
    if (!MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_RESET).Send(_i2cDevice))
        return false;
    // wait for the reset to complete before sending any commands
    // (that would otherwise be erased as part of the reset)
    usleep(DELAY_AFTER_RESET_MSEC * 1000);
    // set up parameters applying to all Z motions
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_STEP_ANGLE,
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_UNITS_PER_REV, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_MICROSTEPPING, 

    // set up parameters applying to all rotations
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_STEP_ANGLE, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_UNITS_PER_REV, 
                   _settings.GetInt(R_MILLIDEGREES_PER_REV) / R_SCALE_FACTOR));
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_MICROSTEPPING, 

    // enable the motors
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_ENABLE));
    // no interrupt is needed here since no movement was requested 
    return SendCommands(commands);        
Пример #2
// Clear pending motor command(s).  Used when canceling a print, after a pause.
// Interrupt should be requested if the motor may not have completed the 
// preceding pause yet.
bool Motor::ClearPendingCommands(bool withInterrupt)
    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_CLEAR));
    if (withInterrupt)
        // request an interrupt, to avoid sending new motor commands before the 
        // clear has been completed
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));
    return SendCommands(commands);  
Пример #3
void BarrettHand::smoothSpreadParams()
	fprintf(stderr,"SAMPLE 50\n");
	fprintf(stderr,"ACCEL 1\n");
	MotorCommand(BARRETT_SPREAD,"FSET MCV 18");
	fprintf(stderr,"MCV 18\n");
	MotorCommand(BARRETT_SPREAD,"FSET MOV 18");
	fprintf(stderr,"MOV 18\n");
	fprintf(stderr,"All smooth spread params sent to hand\n");
Пример #4
// Rotate the tray and (if CanInspect is true) lift the build head to inspect 
// the print in progress.
bool Motor::PauseAndInspect(const CurrentLayerSettings& cls)
    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;
    // use same speeds & jerks as used for homing, since we're already separated     
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                   R_SPEED_FACTOR * _settings.GetInt(R_HOMING_SPEED)));

    // rotate the tray to cover stray light from the projector
    int rotation = cls.RotationMilliDegrees / R_SCALE_FACTOR;
    if (rotation != 0)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, -rotation));
    if (cls.CanInspect)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK,
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED,
                       Z_SPEED_FACTOR * _settings.GetInt(Z_HOMING_SPEED)));

        // lift the build head for inspection
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, 
    // request an interrupt when these commands are completed
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));
    return SendCommands(commands);
Пример #5
// Rotate the tray and (if CanInspect is true) lower the build head from the 
// inspection position, to resume printing. 
bool Motor::ResumeFromInspect(const CurrentLayerSettings& cls)
    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;

    // use same speeds & jerks as used for moving to start position, 
    // since we're already calibrated     
    // set rotation parameters
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                   R_SPEED_FACTOR * _settings.GetInt(R_START_PRINT_SPEED)));

    // rotate the tray back into exposing position
    int rotation = cls.RotationMilliDegrees / R_SCALE_FACTOR;
    if (rotation != 0)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, rotation));
    if (cls.CanInspect)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK,
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED,
                       Z_SPEED_FACTOR * _settings.GetInt(Z_START_PRINT_SPEED)));

        // lower the build head for exposure
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, 
    // request an interrupt when these commands are completed
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));
    return SendCommands(commands);
Пример #6
// Separate the current layer 
bool Motor::Separate(const CurrentLayerSettings& cls)
    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;

    // rotate the previous layer from the PDMS
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                                    cls.SeparationRPM * R_SPEED_FACTOR));
    int rotation = cls.RotationMilliDegrees / R_SCALE_FACTOR;
    if (rotation != 0)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, -rotation));
    // lift the build platform
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                                 cls.SeparationMicronsPerSec * Z_SPEED_FACTOR));
    if (cls.ZLiftMicrons != 0)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, 
    // request an interrupt when these commands are completed
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));
    return SendCommands(commands);
Пример #7
// Move the tray back up into position for exposing the next layer, allowing
// resin to fill in for the height of a full layer. 
bool Motor::Unpress(const CurrentLayerSettings& cls)
    // reuse existing jerk settings from approach

    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;
    // lift up on the tray
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                                    cls.UnpressMicronsPerSec * Z_SPEED_FACTOR));
    if (cls.PressMicrons != 0)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, 
    // request an interrupt when these commands are completed
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));
    return SendCommands(commands);
Пример #8
// Attempt to recover from a jam by homing the build tray.  It's up to the 
// caller to determine if the anti-jam sensor is successfully triggered
// during the attempt.  This move (without the interrupt request)is also 
// required before resuming after a manual recovery, in order first to  
// align the tray correctly.
bool Motor::UnJam(const CurrentLayerSettings& cls, bool withInterrupt)
    // assumes speed & jerk have already 
    // been set as needed for separation from the current layer type 

    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;
    // rotate to the home position (but no more than a full rotation)
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_HOME,
    int rotation = cls.RotationMilliDegrees / R_SCALE_FACTOR;
    if (rotation != 0)      
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, -rotation));
    if (withInterrupt)
        // request an interrupt when these commands are completed
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));

    return SendCommands(commands);    
Пример #9
// Go to the position for exposing the next layer (with optional jam recovery
// motion first). 
bool Motor::Approach(const CurrentLayerSettings& cls, bool unJamFirst)
    if (unJamFirst)
        if (!UnJam(cls, false))
            return false;

    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;
    // rotate back to the PDMS
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                                    cls.ApproachRPM * R_SPEED_FACTOR));
    int rotation = cls.RotationMilliDegrees / R_SCALE_FACTOR;
    if (rotation != 0)
        // see if we should use homing on approach, to avoid not rotating far 
        // enough back when there's been drag (a partial jam) on separation
        if (_settings.GetInt(HOME_ON_APPROACH) != 0)
            commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_HOME, 
                                                                 2 * rotation));
            commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, 
    // lower into position to expose the next layer
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                                   cls.ApproachMicronsPerSec * Z_SPEED_FACTOR));
    int deltaZ = cls.LayerThicknessMicrons - cls.ZLiftMicrons;
    if (deltaZ != 0)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, deltaZ));
    // request an interrupt when these commands are completed
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));
    return SendCommands(commands);
Пример #10
// Move the motors to their home position, with optional interrupt such that
// it may be chained with GoToStartPosition() with only a single interrupt at 
// the end of both.  Also with options to not do a rotation homing (to avoid 
// crashing into a completed print, when there's been partial jams) and/or to 
// keep the tray's window in the open position, in support of demo mode.
bool Motor::GoHome(bool withInterrupt, bool rotateHome, bool stayOpen)
    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;
    // set rotation parameters
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                   R_SPEED_FACTOR * _settings.GetInt(R_HOMING_SPEED)));
        // rotate to the home position (but no more than a full rotation)
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_HOME,
    int homeAngle = _settings.GetInt(R_HOMING_ANGLE) / R_SCALE_FACTOR;
    if (homeAngle != 0 && !stayOpen)
        // rotate 60 degrees back
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, homeAngle));
    // set Z motion parameters
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK,
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED,
                   Z_SPEED_FACTOR * _settings.GetInt(Z_HOMING_SPEED)));
    // go up to the Z home position (but no more than twice the max Z travel)
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_ACTION_REG, MC_HOME,
                               -2 * _settings.GetInt(Z_START_PRINT_POSITION)));
    if (withInterrupt)
        // request an interrupt when these commands are completed
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));
    return SendCommands(commands);
Пример #11
void StateMachine(unsigned int SetPoint[row][col]){

	if ( (flagM1 == 1) && (flagM2 == 1) && (flagM3 == 1) && (flagM4 == 1) && (flagM5 == 1) && (j < row) ){
                flagM1 = 0;
                flagM2 = 0;
                flagM3 = 0;
                flagM4 = 0;
                flagM5 = 0;
        if ( j == row){
	 SetTarget[i] = SetPoint[j][i]; // Seta posição destino do motor em questão.
	 MotorCommand(SetTarget, Gap); //lógica para acionamento do motor

Пример #12
// Goes to home position (without interrupt), then lowers the build platform to
// the PDMS in order to calibrate and/or start a print
bool Motor::GoToStartPosition()
    std::vector<MotorCommand> commands;
    // set rotation parameters
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK, 
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED, 
                   R_SPEED_FACTOR * _settings.GetInt(R_START_PRINT_SPEED)));
    int startAngle = _settings.GetInt(R_START_PRINT_ANGLE) / R_SCALE_FACTOR;
    if (startAngle != 0)
        // rotate to the start position
        commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_ROT_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, 
    // set Z motion parameters
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_JERK,
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_SETTINGS_REG, MC_SPEED,
                   Z_SPEED_FACTOR * _settings.GetInt(Z_START_PRINT_SPEED)));

    // move down to the PDMS
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_Z_ACTION_REG, MC_MOVE, 
    // request an interrupt when these commands are completed
    commands.push_back(MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_INTERRUPT));
    return SendCommands(commands);
Пример #13
// Resume the  motor command(s) pending at last pause (if any).
bool Motor::Resume()
    return MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_RESUME).Send(_i2cDevice);
Пример #14
// Pause the current motor command(s) in progress (if any).
bool Motor::Pause()
    return MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_PAUSE).Send(_i2cDevice);
Пример #15
// Disable (disengage) both motors.  Return false if they can't be disabled.
bool Motor::DisableMotors()
    return MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_DISABLE).Send(_i2cDevice);    
Пример #16
// Enable (engage) both motors.  Return false if they can't be enabled.
bool Motor::EnableMotors()
    return MotorCommand(MC_GENERAL_REG, MC_ENABLE).Send(_i2cDevice);