Пример #1
// go searching through a single dir for a name match. use MyStrcmp()
// for case-insensitive compare. use '/' to separate directory components
// if more after '/' and we matched a dir, recurse down there
// RETURN: ptr to dir entry if found, else 0
// once any dir matched, don't return name which dir was matched
dir_t *FindNameSub( char *name, dir_t *this_dir ) {
   dir_t *dir_p = this_dir;
   int len = MyStrlen( name );
   char *p;

// if name ends in '/', chances are we need to decend into the dir
   if( ( p = strchr( name, '/' ) ) != NULL) len = p - name;

   for( ; dir_p->name; dir_p++ ) {
      if( 1 == MyStrcmp( name, dir_p->name, len ) ) {
         if( p && p[1] != 0 ) {
// user is trying for a sub-dir. if there are more components, make sure this
// is a dir. if name ends with "/" we don't check. thus "hello.html/" is legal
             while( *p == '/' ) {
                if( '\0' == *p ) return dir_p; // "/README/////" is OK

             name = p;
             return FindNameSub( name, (dir_t *)dir_p->data );
         return dir_p;

   return NULL;   // no match found
Пример #2
int main()
    char a[80];
    unsigned int len;

    printf("please enter a string:\n");
    len=MyStrlen( a);
    printf("The lenth you input is:%u",len);
Пример #3
// get info about a specific obj. if not found, returns an error code.
int ChkObj( char *name, attr_t *attr_p ) {
   dir_t *dir_p = FindName( name );

   if( ! dir_p ) return UNFOUND;

   Dir2Attr( dir_p, attr_p ); // copy what dir_p points to to where attr_p points to

// this should be included to pass the filename (add 1 to length for null)
   MyMemcpy( (char *)( attr_p + 1 ), dir_p->name, MyStrlen( dir_p->name ) + 1 );

   return GOOD;
Пример #4
// Copy bytes from file into user's buffer. Returns actual count of bytes
// transferred. Read from fd_array[fd].offset (initially given 0) for
// buff_size in bytes, and record the offset. may reach FM_EOF though...
int ReadObj( int fd, char *buff, int owner, int *lp_actual ) {
   int result;
   int remaining;
   dir_t *lp_dir;


   result = CanAccessFD( fd, owner ); // check if owner owns the fd

   if( result != GOOD ) return result;

   lp_dir = fd_array[fd].item;

   if( A_ISDIR(lp_dir->mode ) ) {  // it's a dir
// if reading directory, return attr_t structure followed by an obj name.
// a chunk returned per read. `offset' is index into root_dir[] table.
      dir_t *this_dir = lp_dir;
      attr_t *attr_p = (attr_t *)buff;
      dir_t *dir_p;

      if( 101 < sizeof( *attr_p ) + 2) return BUF_SMALL;

// use current dir, advance to next dir for next time when called
      do {
         dir_p = ( (dir_t *)this_dir->data );
         dir_p += fd_array[fd].offset ;

         if( dir_p->inode == END_DIR_INODE ) return FM_EOF;

         fd_array[fd].offset++;   // advance

      } while( dir_p->name == NULL );

// MyBzero() fills buff with 0's, necessary to clean buff
// since Dir2Attr may not completely overwrite whole buff...
      MyBzero( buff, 101 );
      Dir2Attr( dir_p, attr_p );

// copy obj name after attr_t, add 1 to length for null
      MyMemcpy((char *)( attr_p + 1 ), dir_p->name, MyStrlen( dir_p->name ) + 1);

//     *lp_actual = sizeof(*dir_p) + MyStrlen((char *)(attr_p + 1)) + 1;
      *lp_actual = sizeof( attr_t ) + MyStrlen( dir_p->name ) + 1;

   } else {  // a file, not dir
// compute max # of bytes can transfer then MyMemcpy()
      remaining = lp_dir->size - fd_array[fd].offset;

      if( remaining == 0 ) return FM_EOF;

      MyBzero( buff, 101 );  // null termination for any part of file read

      result = remaining<100?remaining:100; // -1 saving is for last NULL

      MyMemcpy( buff, &lp_dir->data[ fd_array[ fd ].offset ], result );

      fd_array[fd].offset += result;  // advance our "current" ptr

      *lp_actual = result;

   return GOOD;