Пример #1
void MainLoop()
    // Main loop
    double currentTime = MyTime_GetSystemTime();
    float deltaTime = (float)(currentTime - g_LastTime);
    g_LastTime = currentTime;

    g_pGameCore->OnDrawFrameStart( 0 );
    g_pGameCore->Tick( deltaTime );
    g_pGameCore->OnDrawFrame( 0 );
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( 768, 432, 32, SDL_OPENGL );

    g_pGameCore = MyNew GameEmptyReplaceMe;

    g_pGameCore->OnSurfaceChanged( 0, 0, 768, 432 );//SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT );

    g_LastTime = MyTime_GetSystemTime();

    emscripten_set_main_loop( MainLoop, 60, false );
int LeaderboardStorage::FindDuplicateBlockOrReturnNew(int offset, int boardid)
    // check for old block containing this index.
    for( int i=0; i<NumLeaderboardStorageBlocksCached; i++ )
        if( m_Blocks[i].m_InUse == true )
            if( m_Blocks[i].m_Offset == offset && 
                m_Blocks[i].m_BoardID == boardid )
                return i;

    // find an empty block.
    for( int i=0; i<NumLeaderboardStorageBlocksCached; i++ )
        if( m_Blocks[i].m_InUse == false )
            return i;

    // find the oldest block in our list:
    double oldesttime = MyTime_GetSystemTime();
    int oldestblock = 0;
    for( int i=0; i<NumLeaderboardStorageBlocksCached; i++ )
        if( m_Blocks[i].m_TimeRetrieved < oldesttime )
            oldesttime = m_Blocks[i].m_TimeRetrieved;
            oldestblock = i;

    return oldestblock;

    //// shouldn't hit this, but if it does, just use the first block as a failsafe.
    //return 0;
void LeaderboardStorage::Tick(double TimePassed)
    if( m_pWebRequestObject )
    m_TimeSinceLastRequestSent += (float)TimePassed;
    if( m_TimeSinceLastRequestSent > m_MaxTimeToWaitToWebResponse )
    if( m_pWebRequestObject->DidSomethingGoWrong() )

    if( m_RequestedBoardID >= 0 && m_pWebRequestObject->IsBusy() == false && m_pWebRequestObject->GetResult() == 0 )

    // invalidate all blocks older than 3 minutes.
    if( true )
        for( int i=0; i<NumLeaderboardStorageBlocksCached; i++ )
            if( m_Blocks[i].m_InUse )
                double age = MyTime_GetSystemTime() - m_Blocks[i].m_TimeRetrieved;
                if( age > 3*60 )
                    m_Blocks[i].m_InUse = false;

    // if we received anything from the web, parse it and store it.
    if( m_pWebRequestObject->IsBusy() == false )
        char* result = m_pWebRequestObject->GetResult();
        if( result )
            cJSON* root = cJSON_Parse( result );
            if( root )
                cJSON* obj;

                obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem( root, "NumEntries" );
                if( obj )
                    g_pGame->m_pLeaderboardStorage->m_TotalPlayers[m_RequestedBoardID] = obj->valueint;

                // read in "UserOffset", only returned if we are looking for a user.
                obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem( root, "UserOffset" );
                if( obj )
                    m_UserIndices[m_RequestedBoardID] = obj->valueint - 1;

                int blockoffset = m_RequestedOffset;
                obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem( root, "BlockOffset" );
                if( obj )
                    blockoffset = obj->valueint;

                int boardid = m_RequestedBoardID;

                // find a block of names and scores to store this info into.
                int blocktouse = FindDuplicateBlockOrReturnNew( blockoffset, boardid );
                m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_InUse = true;
                m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_Offset = blockoffset;
                m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_BoardID = boardid;
                m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_TimeRetrieved = MyTime_GetSystemTime();
                m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_NumEntriesInBlock = 0;

                cJSON* NameArray = cJSON_GetObjectItem( root, "UserNames" );
                if( NameArray )
                    m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_NumEntriesInBlock = cJSON_GetArraySize( NameArray );

                    for( int i=0; i<m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_NumEntriesInBlock; i++ )
                        LeaderboardBlockEntry* pPlayer = &m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_Entries[i];
                        cJSON* temp;
                        temp = cJSON_GetArrayItem( NameArray, i ); if( temp ) strcpy_s( pPlayer->m_Username, 15+1, temp->valuestring );

                        // if we find our own name, then store it's index.
                        if( _stricmp( temp->valuestring, g_pGame->m_pProfileManager->m_CurrentProfile->m_Username ) == 0 )
                            m_UserIndices[m_RequestedBoardID] = blockoffset + i;

                    // if we got names, we should get Scores.
                    cJSON* ScoreArray = cJSON_GetObjectItem( root, "Scores" );
                    if( ScoreArray )
                        int numitems = cJSON_GetArraySize( ScoreArray );

                        for( int i=0; i<numitems; i++ )
                            LeaderboardBlockEntry* pPlayer = &m_Blocks[blocktouse].m_Entries[i];
                            cJSON* temp;
                            temp = cJSON_GetArrayItem( ScoreArray, i );
                            if( temp )
                                pPlayer->m_Score = temp->valueint;

                cJSON_Delete( root );
            m_RequestedOffset = -1;
            m_RequestedBoardID = -1;

Пример #5
void GameServiceManager::Tick(const char* customuseragentchunk)
    if( m_pWebRequestObject == 0 )

    m_pWebRequestObject->Tick( customuseragentchunk );

    if( char* result = m_pWebRequestObject->GetResult() )
        if( m_LastMessageTypeSent == GameServiceMessageType_SubmitScore )
            cJSON* root = cJSON_Parse( result );

            if( root )
                cJSON* obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem( root, "LeaderboardUpdated" );
                if( obj )
                    LOGInfo( LOGTag, "MyService - Leaderboard Submit succeeded!\n" );
                    MarkLeaderboardSubmitComplete( true, m_CopyOfEntryBeingSentToMyServer.m_Protocol,
                                    m_CopyOfEntryBeingSentToMyServer.m_Score );
                else // failed
                    LOGInfo( LOGTag, "MyService - Leaderboard Submit failed!\n" );
                    MarkLeaderboardSubmitComplete( false, m_CopyOfEntryBeingSentToMyServer.m_Protocol,
                                                  m_CopyOfEntryBeingSentToMyServer.m_Score );

                cJSON_Delete( root );

            m_LastMessageTypeSent = GameServiceMessageType_None;

        if( m_LastMessageTypeSent == GameServiceMessageType_GetPlayerList )
            cJSON* root = cJSON_Parse( result );

            if( root )
                cJSON* ips = cJSON_GetObjectItem( root, "IPExternals" );
                if( ips )
                    int numips = cJSON_GetArraySize( ips );


                    for( int i=0; i<numips; i++ )
                        cJSON* ipaddr = cJSON_GetArrayItem( ips, i );
                        if( ipaddr )
                            GameMatchmakingEntry* pEntry = m_MatchmakingEntries.MakeObjectActive();
                            if( pEntry )
                                int ip[4];
                                int port;

                                sscanf_s( ipaddr->valuestring, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", &ip[0], &ip[1], &ip[2], &ip[3], &port );
                                pEntry->ip = ip[0] | ip[1]<<8 | ip[2]<<16 | ip[3]<<24;
                                pEntry->port = port;

                cJSON_Delete( root );

            m_LastMessageTypeSent = GameServiceMessageType_None;
            m_SearchingForMatch = false;

    if( m_SearchingForMatch )
        if( m_pWebRequestObject->IsBusy() == false )
            m_pWebRequestObject->RequestWebPage( "/exgas/getplayerlist.php?game=%s",
                g_pGameCore->GetMatchmakingGameName() );

            m_LastMessageTypeSent = GameServiceMessageType_GetPlayerList;

    for( unsigned int i=0; i<m_Entries.m_ActiveObjects.Count(); i++ )
        GameServiceEntry* pEntry = m_Entries.m_ActiveObjects[i];

        if( pEntry->m_State == GameServiceSubmitState_New )
            if( pEntry->m_Type == GameServiceType_LeaderboardEntry )
                if( pEntry->m_Protocol == GameServiceProtocol_MyServer &&
                    m_pWebRequestObject->IsBusy() == false )
                    m_CopyOfEntryBeingSentToMyServer = *pEntry;

                    m_pWebRequestObject->RequestWebPage( "/mygameservice/leaderboard_post.php?user=%s&pass=%s&gameid=%d&boardid=%d&score=%d",
                                pEntry->m_Score );

                    m_LastMessageTypeSent = GameServiceMessageType_SubmitScore;
                    pEntry->m_State = GameServiceSubmitState_Started;
                    pEntry->m_TimeSendLastAttempted = MyTime_GetSystemTime();

                if( pEntry->m_Protocol == GameServiceProtocol_GameCenter && g_GameCenter_LoggedIn == true )
                    GameCenter_SubmitScore( pEntry->m_ID, pEntry->m_IDStr, pEntry->m_Score );
                    pEntry->m_State = GameServiceSubmitState_Started;
                    pEntry->m_TimeSendLastAttempted = MyTime_GetSystemTime();

                if( pEntry->m_Protocol == GameServiceProtocol_ScoreLoop && m_pScoreLoop->m_LoggedIn == true )
                    m_pScoreLoop->SubmitScore( pEntry, pEntry->m_ID, pEntry->m_IDStr, pEntry->m_Score );
                    pEntry->m_State = GameServiceSubmitState_Started;
                    pEntry->m_TimeSendLastAttempted = MyTime_GetSystemTime();
            else if( pEntry->m_Type == GameServiceType_Achievement )
                if( pEntry->m_Protocol == GameServiceProtocol_GameCenter && g_GameCenter_LoggedIn == true )
                    GameCenter_SubmitAchievement( pEntry->m_ID, pEntry->m_IDStr, pEntry->m_Percentage );
                    pEntry->m_State = GameServiceSubmitState_Started;
                    pEntry->m_TimeSendLastAttempted = MyTime_GetSystemTime();

                if( pEntry->m_Protocol == GameServiceProtocol_ScoreLoop && m_pScoreLoop->m_LoggedIn == true )
                    m_pScoreLoop->SubmitAchievement( pEntry, pEntry->m_ID, pEntry->m_IDStr, pEntry->m_Percentage );
                    pEntry->m_State = GameServiceSubmitState_Started;
                    pEntry->m_TimeSendLastAttempted = MyTime_GetSystemTime();
        else if( pEntry->m_State == GameServiceSubmitState_Started )
        else if( pEntry->m_State == GameServiceSubmitState_Failed )
            if( MyTime_GetSystemTime() - pEntry->m_TimeSendLastAttempted > 60*10 )
                pEntry->m_State = GameServiceSubmitState_New; // try again.
        else if( pEntry->m_State == GameServiceSubmitState_Done )
            m_Entries.MakeObjectInactiveByIndex( i );

    //// if our player is online, but not in a game, then update his status once a minute.
    //if( m_PlayerStatus == GameServicePlayerStatus_Online_Idle ||
    //    m_PlayerStatus == GameServicePlayerStatus_Online_Searching )
    //    if( m_pWebRequestObject->IsBusy() == false )
    //    {
    //        //&pass=%s
    //        //    pButtonPassword->m_Strings[1],
    //        m_pWebRequestObject->RequestWebPage( "/exgas/updateinfo.php?user=%s&game=%s&ipext=%s&ipint=%s",
    //            pButtonUsername->m_Strings[1],
    //            g_pGame->GetMatchmakingGameName(),
    //            "192",
    //            "192" );
    //    }