Пример #1
int NBC_Start(NBC_Handle *handle, NBC_Schedule *schedule) {
  int res;

  handle->schedule = schedule;

  /* kick off first round */
  res = NBC_Start_round(handle);
  if((NBC_OK != res)) { printf("Error in NBC_Start_round() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  opal_list_append(&mca_coll_libnbc_component.active_requests, &(handle->super.super.super));

  return NBC_OK;
Пример #2
int NBC_Start(NBC_Handle *handle, NBC_Schedule *schedule) {
  int res;

  handle->schedule = schedule;

  /* kick off first round */
  res = NBC_Start_round(handle);
    return res;
  opal_list_append(&mca_coll_libnbc_component.active_requests, &(handle->super.super.super));

  return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
int NBC_Start(NBC_Handle *handle) {
  int res;

  /* bozo case */
  if ((ompi_request_t *)handle == &ompi_request_empty) {
    return OMPI_SUCCESS;

  /* kick off first round */
  handle->super.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_ACTIVE;
  handle->super.req_status.MPI_ERROR = OMPI_SUCCESS;
  res = NBC_Start_round(handle);
    return res;

  opal_list_append(&mca_coll_libnbc_component.active_requests, &(handle->super.super.super));

  return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
/* progresses a request
 * to be called *only* from the progress thread !!! */
int NBC_Progress(NBC_Handle *handle) {
  int flag, res, ret=NBC_CONTINUE;
  unsigned long size;
  char *delim;

  /* the handle is done if there is no schedule attached */
  if (NULL == handle->schedule) {
    return NBC_OK;

  if ((handle->req_count > 0) && (handle->req_array != NULL)) {
    NBC_DEBUG(50, "NBC_Progress: testing for %i requests\n", handle->req_count);
    Test_time -= MPI_Wtime();
    res = ompi_request_test_all(handle->req_count, handle->req_array, &flag, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
    if(res != OMPI_SUCCESS) {
      NBC_Error ("MPI Error in MPI_Testall() (%i)", res);
      return res;
    Test_time += MPI_Wtime();
  } else {
    flag = 1; /* we had no open requests -> proceed to next round */

  /* a round is finished */
  if (flag) {
    /* adjust delim to start of current round */
    NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress: going in schedule %p to row-offset: %li\n", handle->schedule, handle->row_offset);
    delim = handle->schedule->data + handle->row_offset;
    NBC_DEBUG(10, "delim: %p\n", delim);
    nbc_get_round_size(delim, &size);
    NBC_DEBUG(10, "size: %li\n", size);
    /* adjust delim to end of current round -> delimiter */
    delim = delim + size;

    if (NULL != handle->req_array) {
      /* free request array */
      free (handle->req_array);
      handle->req_array = NULL;

    handle->req_count = 0;

    if (*delim == 0) {
      /* this was the last round - we're done */
      NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress last round finished - we're done\n");


      return NBC_OK;

    NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress round finished - goto next round\n");
    /* move delim to start of next round */
    /* initializing handle for new virgin round */
    handle->row_offset = (intptr_t) (delim + 1) - (intptr_t) handle->schedule->data;
    /* kick it off */
    res = NBC_Start_round(handle);
      NBC_Error ("Error in NBC_Start_round() (%i)", res);
      return res;

  return ret;
Пример #5
/* progresses a request
 * to be called *only* from the progress thread !!! */
int NBC_Progress(NBC_Handle *handle) {
  int flag, res, ret=NBC_CONTINUE;
  long size;
  char *delim;

  /* the handle is done if there is no schedule attached */
  if(handle->schedule != NULL) {

    if((handle->req_count > 0) && (handle->req_array != NULL)) {
      NBC_DEBUG(50, "NBC_Progress: testing for %i requests\n", handle->req_count);
      Test_time -= MPI_Wtime();
      res = ompi_request_test_all(handle->req_count, handle->req_array, &flag, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
      if(res != OMPI_SUCCESS) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Testall() (%i)\n", res); ret=res; goto error; }
      Test_time += MPI_Wtime();
    } else {
      flag = 1; /* we had no open requests -> proceed to next round */

    /* a round is finished */
    if(flag) {
      /* adjust delim to start of current round */
      NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress: going in schedule %p to row-offset: %li\n", *handle->schedule, handle->row_offset);
      delim = (char*)*handle->schedule + handle->row_offset;
      NBC_DEBUG(10, "delim: %p\n", delim);
      NBC_GET_ROUND_SIZE(delim, size);
      NBC_DEBUG(10, "size: %li\n", size);
      /* adjust delim to end of current round -> delimiter */
      delim = delim + size;

      if(handle->req_array != NULL) {
        /* free request array */
        handle->req_array = NULL;
      handle->req_count = 0;

      if(*delim == 0) {
        /* this was the last round - we're done */
        NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress last round finished - we're done\n");
        res = NBC_Free(handle);
        if((NBC_OK != res)) { printf("Error in NBC_Free() (%i)\n", res); ret=res; goto error; }

        return NBC_OK;
      } else {
        NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress round finished - goto next round\n");
        /* move delim to start of next round */
        delim = delim+1;
        /* initializing handle for new virgin round */
        handle->row_offset = (long)delim - (long)*handle->schedule;
        /* kick it off */
        res = NBC_Start_round(handle);
        if(NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Start_round() (%i)\n", res); ret=res; goto error; }
  } else {
    ret= NBC_OK;

  return ret;
Пример #6
/* progresses a request
 * to be called *only* from the progress thread !!! */
int NBC_Progress(NBC_Handle *handle) {
  int res, ret=NBC_CONTINUE;
  bool flag;
  unsigned long size = 0;
  char *delim;

  if (handle->nbc_complete) {
    return NBC_OK;

  flag = true;

  if ((handle->req_count > 0) && (handle->req_array != NULL)) {
    NBC_DEBUG(50, "NBC_Progress: testing for %i requests\n", handle->req_count);
    Test_time -= MPI_Wtime();
    /* don't call ompi_request_test_all as it causes a recursive call into opal_progress */
    while (handle->req_count) {
        ompi_request_t *subreq = handle->req_array[handle->req_count - 1];
        if (REQUEST_COMPLETE(subreq)) {
            if(OPAL_UNLIKELY( OMPI_SUCCESS != subreq->req_status.MPI_ERROR )) {
                NBC_Error ("MPI Error in NBC subrequest %p : %d", subreq, subreq->req_status.MPI_ERROR);
                /* copy the error code from the underlying request and let the
                 * round finish */
                handle->super.req_status.MPI_ERROR = subreq->req_status.MPI_ERROR;
        } else {
            flag = false;
    Test_time += MPI_Wtime();

  /* a round is finished */
  if (flag) {
    /* reset handle for next round */
    if (NULL != handle->req_array) {
      /* free request array */
      free (handle->req_array);
      handle->req_array = NULL;

    handle->req_count = 0;

    /* previous round had an error */
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != handle->super.req_status.MPI_ERROR)) {
      res = handle->super.req_status.MPI_ERROR;
      NBC_Error("NBC_Progress: an error %d was found during schedule %p at row-offset %li - aborting the schedule\n", res, handle->schedule, handle->row_offset);
      handle->nbc_complete = true;
      if (!handle->super.req_persistent) {
      return res;

    /* adjust delim to start of current round */
    NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress: going in schedule %p to row-offset: %li\n", handle->schedule, handle->row_offset);
    delim = handle->schedule->data + handle->row_offset;
    NBC_DEBUG(10, "delim: %p\n", delim);
    nbc_get_round_size(delim, &size);
    NBC_DEBUG(10, "size: %li\n", size);
    /* adjust delim to end of current round -> delimiter */
    delim = delim + size;

    if (*delim == 0) {
      /* this was the last round - we're done */
      NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress last round finished - we're done\n");

      handle->nbc_complete = true;
      if (!handle->super.req_persistent) {

      return NBC_OK;

    NBC_DEBUG(5, "NBC_Progress round finished - goto next round\n");
    /* move delim to start of next round */
    /* initializing handle for new virgin round */
    handle->row_offset = (intptr_t) (delim + 1) - (intptr_t) handle->schedule->data;
    /* kick it off */
    res = NBC_Start_round(handle);
      NBC_Error ("Error in NBC_Start_round() (%i)", res);
      return res;

  return ret;