Пример #1
// Traj_AmberNetcdf::openTrajin()
int Traj_AmberNetcdf::openTrajin() {
  // If already open, return
  if (Ncid()!=-1) return 0;
  if ( NC_openRead( filename_.Full() ) != 0 ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Opening Netcdf file %s for reading.\n", filename_.base()); 
    return 1;
  return 0;
Пример #2
// Traj_AmberRestartNC::openTrajin()
int Traj_AmberRestartNC::openTrajin() {
  // If already open, return
  if (Ncid()!=-1) return 0;
  if ( NC_openRead( filename_.Full() ) != 0 ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Opening Netcdf restart file %s for reading.\n", filename_.base());
    return 1;
  if (debug_>1) NetcdfDebug();
  return 0;
Пример #3
// Traj_NcEnsemble::openTrajin()
int Traj_NcEnsemble::openTrajin() {
  // If already open, return
  if (Ncid()!=-1) return 0;
  int err = ncmpi_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename_.full(), NC_NOWRITE, MPI_INFO_NULL, &ncid_);
  //err += ncmpi_begin_indep_data( ncid_ ); // Disable independent data mode
# else
  int err = NC_openRead( filename_.Full() );
# endif
  if ( err != 0 ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Opening Netcdf file %s for reading.\n", filename_.base());
    return 1;
  return 0;
Пример #4
// Traj_NcEnsemble::setupTrajin()
int Traj_NcEnsemble::setupTrajin(FileName const& fname, Topology* trajParm)
# ifdef MPI
  if (NoPnetcdf()) return TRAJIN_ERR;
# endif
  readAccess_ = true;
  filename_ = fname;
  //if (openTrajin()) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Open single thread for now
  if (NC_openRead( filename_.Full() )) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Sanity check - Make sure this is a Netcdf ensemble trajectory
  if ( GetNetcdfConventions() != NC_AMBERENSEMBLE ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Netcdf file %s conventions do not include \"AMBERENSEMBLE\"\n",
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // This will warn if conventions are not 1.0 
  // Get title
  SetTitle( GetNcTitle() );
  // Get Frame info
  if ( SetupFrameDim()!=0 ) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  if ( Ncframe() < 1 ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Netcdf file is empty.\n");
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Get ensemble info
  int ensembleSize = SetupEnsembleDim();
  if (ensembleSize < 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not get ensemble dimension info.\n");
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Setup Coordinates/Velocities
  if ( SetupCoordsVelo( useVelAsCoords_, useFrcAsCoords_ )!=0 ) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Check that specified number of atoms matches expected number.
  if (Ncatom() != trajParm->Natom()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Number of atoms in NetCDF file %s (%i) does not\n"
              "Error:   match number in associated parmtop (%i)!\n",
              filename_.base(), Ncatom(), trajParm->Natom());
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Setup Time - FIXME: Allowed to fail silently
  // Box info
  Box nc_box; 
  if (SetupBox(nc_box, NC_AMBERENSEMBLE) == 1) // 1 indicates an error
    return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Replica Temperatures - FIXME: Allowed to fail silently
  // Replica Dimensions
  ReplicaDimArray remdDim;
  if ( SetupMultiD(remdDim) == -1 ) return TRAJIN_ERR;
  // Set traj info: FIXME - no forces yet
  SetCoordInfo( CoordinateInfo(ensembleSize, remdDim, nc_box, HasVelocities(),
                               HasTemperatures(), HasTimes(), false) ); 
  if (debug_>1) NetcdfDebug();
  // Close single thread for now
  // Set up local ensemble parameters
# ifdef MPI
  ensembleStart_ = Parallel::World().Rank();
  ensembleEnd_ = Parallel::World().Rank() + 1;
# else
  ensembleStart_ = 0;
  ensembleEnd_ = ensembleSize;
# endif
  // DEBUG: Print info for all ranks
  // Allocate float array
  if (Coord_ != 0) delete[] Coord_;
  Coord_ = new float[ Ncatom3() ];
  return Ncframe();