Пример #1
void VideoDecoder::initVideo(uint32 width, uint32 height) {
	_width  = width;
	_height = height;

	// The real texture dimensions. Have to be a power of 2
	int realWidth  = NEXTPOWER2(width);
	int realHeight = NEXTPOWER2(height);

	// Dimensions of the actual video part of texture
	_textureWidth  = ((float) _width ) / ((float) realWidth );
	_textureHeight = ((float) _height) / ((float) realHeight);

	delete _surface;
	_surface = new Graphics::Surface(realWidth, realHeight);

	_surface->fill(0, 0, 0, 0);

Пример #2
void SBM::readData(Common::SeekableReadStream &sbm, bool deswizzle) {
	if ((sbm.size() % 1024) != 0)
		throw Common::Exception("Invalid SBM (%u)", (uint)sbm.size());

	const size_t rowCount = (sbm.size() / 1024);

	_mipMaps.push_back(new MipMap);

	_mipMaps[0]->width  = 4 * 32;
	_mipMaps[0]->height = NEXTPOWER2((uint32) rowCount * 32);
	_mipMaps[0]->size   = _mipMaps[0]->width * _mipMaps[0]->height * 4;

	_mipMaps[0]->data.reset(new byte[_mipMaps[0]->size]);

	// SBM data consists of character sized 32 * 32 pixels, with 2 bits per pixel.
	// 4 characters each are on top of each other, occupying the same x/y
	// coordinates but different planes.
	// We'll unpack them and draw them next to each other instead.

	static const int masks [4] = { 0x03, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0 };
	static const int shifts[4] = {    0,    2,    4,    6 };

	byte *data = _mipMaps[0]->data.get();
	byte buffer[1024];
	for (size_t c = 0; c < rowCount; c++) {

		if (sbm.read(buffer, 1024) != 1024)
			throw Common::Exception(Common::kReadError);

		for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) {
			for (int plane = 0; plane < 4; plane++) {
				for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
					const uint32 offset = deswizzle ? deSwizzleOffset(x, y, 32, rowCount) : (y * 32 + x);

					const byte a = ((buffer[offset] & masks[plane]) >> shifts[plane]) * 0x55;

					*data++ = 0xFF; // B
					*data++ = 0xFF; // G
					*data++ = 0xFF; // R
					*data++ = a;    // A

	byte *dataEnd = _mipMaps[0]->data.get() + _mipMaps[0]->size;
	std::memset(data, 0, dataEnd - data);