Пример #1
NFtimeLine_p NCtimeLineExpand (NCaxis_p timeAxis, NFtime_p beginTime, NFtime_p endTime, cv_converter *cvConverter, NFtimeLine_p timeLine) {
	size_t timeStep = 0;
	NFtime_p timePtr = (NFtime_p) NULL;
	double variable;

	if ((timePtr = (NFtimeCreate ())) == (NFtime_p) NULL) {
		CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,"Time object creation error in %s:%d!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		return ((NFtimeLine_p) NULL);
	if (timeLine == (NFtimeLine_p) NULL) timeLine = NFtimeLineCreate ();
	for (timeStep = 0;timeStep < timeAxis->N; ++timeStep) {
		variable = cv_convert_double (cvConverter, timeAxis->Bounds [timeStep * 2]);
		if (NFtimeSetFromVariable (timePtr, variable) == false) {
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Time reading error in %s:%d!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
			NFtimeLineFree (timeLine);
			return ((NFtimeLine_p) NULL);
		if (NFtimeCompare (beginTime, timePtr) <= 0) break;
	if (timeStep < timeAxis->N) {
		for ( ;timeStep < timeAxis->N; ++timeStep) {
			variable = cv_convert_double (cvConverter, timeAxis->Bounds [timeStep * 2]);
			if (NFtimeSetFromVariable (timePtr, variable) == false) {
				CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Time reading error in %s:%d!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
				NFtimeLineFree (timeLine);
				return ((NFtimeLine_p) NULL);
			if (NFtimeLineAddStep (timeLine,timePtr) == false) {
				CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Time step insertion error in %s:%d!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
				return ((NFtimeLine_p) NULL);
			variable = cv_convert_double (cvConverter, timeAxis->Bounds [timeStep * 2 + 1]);
			if (NFtimeSetFromVariable (timePtr, variable) == false) {
				CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Time reading error in %s:%d!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
				NFtimeLineFree (timeLine);
				return ((NFtimeLine_p) NULL);
			if (NFtimeCompare (endTime, timePtr) < 0) break;			
		if (NFtimeSetFromVariable (timePtr, variable) == false) {
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Time reading error in %s:%d!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
			NFtimeLineFree (timeLine);
			return ((NFtimeLine_p) NULL);
		NFtimeCopy (timePtr,timeLine->TimeLine [timeLine->TimeStepNum]);
	else {
		CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Time axis outside of time period in %s:%d!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		NFtimeLineFree (timeLine);
		return ((NFtimeLine_p) NULL);
	if (timePtr != (NFtime_p) NULL) NFtimeFree (timePtr);
	return (timeLine);
Пример #2
bool NFtimeStepSetFromTimes(NFtimeStep_p timeStep, NFtime_p begin, NFtime_p end) {
    int ret;
    NFtime_p timePtr;

    if (timeStep == (NFtimeStep_p) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Time step Null pointer in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return (false);
    if ((begin == (NFtime_p) NULL) || (end == (NFtime_p) NULL)) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Time null pointers in %s:%d!\n");
        return (false);
    if ((ret = NFtimeCompare(begin, end)) == 0) return (false);
    else if (ret > 0) {
        timePtr = begin;
        begin = end;
        end = timePtr;
    if ((begin->Year == NFtimeUnset) || (end->Year == NFtimeUnset)) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Unset time in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return (false);
    if ((begin->Minute != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (end->Minute != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (begin->Minute != end->Minute)) {

        timeStep->Unit = NFtimeUnitMinute;
        timeStep->Length = (end->Hour - begin->Hour) * 60 + end->Minute - begin->Minute;
        return (true);
    if ((begin->Hour != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (end->Hour != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (begin->Hour != end->Hour)) {

        timeStep->Unit = NFtimeUnitHour;
        timeStep->Length = (end->Day - begin->Day) * 24 + end->Hour - begin->Hour;
        return (true);
    if ((begin->Day != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (end->Day != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (begin->Day != end->Day)) {

        timeStep->Unit = NFtimeUnitDay;
        timeStep->Length =
                (end->Month - begin->Month) * _NFtimeMonthLength(end->Year, end->Month) + end->Day - begin->Day;
        return (true);
    if ((begin->Month != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (end->Month != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (begin->Month != end->Month)) {

        timeStep->Unit = NFtimeUnitMonth;
        timeStep->Length = (end->Year - begin->Year) * 12 + end->Month - begin->Month;
        // TODO handle climatology years !
        return (true);
    if ((begin->Year != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (end->Year != NFtimeUnset) &&
        (begin->Year != end->Year)) {

        timeStep->Unit = NFtimeUnitYear;
        timeStep->Length = end->Year - begin->Year;
        return (true);

    return (false);
Пример #3
NFio_p Open_NCgrid(const char *url, NFtime_p beginTime, NFtime_p endTime, ut_system *utSystem) {
    int status, ncid;
    size_t i;
    const char *urlAddress;
    NCurlType urlType;
    NFio_p io = (NFio_p) NULL;
    NFtime_p timePtr = (NFtime_p) NULL;
    NFtime_p bundleTime = (NFtime_p) NULL;
    NFtimeUnit bundleTimeUnit;
    NFtimeStep_p bundleTimeStep = (NFtimeStep_p) NULL;
    NCgrid_p ncGrid = (NCgrid_p) NULL;
    ut_unit *baseTimeUnit = (ut_unit *) NULL;
    cv_converter *cvConverter = (cv_converter *) NULL;

    if ((baseTimeUnit = ut_parse(utSystem, "seconds since 2001-01-01 00:00:00", UT_ASCII)) == (ut_unit *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Total metal gebasz in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        switch (ut_get_status()) {
            case UT_BAD_ARG:
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "System or string is NULL!\n");
            case UT_SYNTAX:
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "String contained a syntax error!n");
            case UT_UNKNOWN:
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "String contained an unknown identifier!\n");
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "System error in %s:%d!n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        goto Abort;
    if ((bundleTime = NFtimeCreate()) == (NFtime_p) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Time object creation error in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        goto Abort;
    if ((bundleTimeStep = NFtimeStepCreate()) == (NFtimeStep_p) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Timestep object creation error in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        goto Abort;

    bundleTimeUnit = NCurlGetBundleTimeUnit(url);
    if (((urlType = NCurlGetType(url)) == NCurlInvalid) ||
        ((urlAddress = NCurlGetAddress(url)) == (const char *) NULL)) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Ivalid URL: %s!\n", url);
        goto Abort;
    if ((io = NFioCreate()) == (NFio_p) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Layout creation error in: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        goto Abort;
    if ((ncGrid = _NCgridCreate()) == (NCgrid_p) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Plugin data allocation error in: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        goto Abort;
    ncGrid->FileNames[0] = CMstrDuplicate(urlAddress);
    if (bundleTimeUnit != NFtimeUnitUnset) {
        ncGrid->FileNames[0] = NCcompleteURLaddress(urlAddress, ncGrid->FileNames[0], bundleTimeUnit, beginTime);
        NFtimeStepSet(bundleTimeStep, bundleTimeUnit, 1); // TODO handle return value

    if ((status = nc_open(ncGrid->FileNames[0], NC_NOWRITE, &(ncGrid->NCid))) != NC_NOERR) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "NetCDF (%s) Openining error \"%s\"!\n", ncGrid->FileNames[0], nc_strerror(status));
        goto Abort;
    ncGrid->Open = 0;
    if (!NCaxisInitialize(ncGrid->NCid, ncGrid->X[0], NCaxisX, utSystem)) goto Abort;
    if (!NCaxisInitialize(ncGrid->NCid, ncGrid->Y[0], NCaxisY, utSystem)) goto Abort;
    if (!NCaxisInitialize(ncGrid->NCid, ncGrid->Z[0], NCaxisZ, utSystem)) goto Abort;
    if (!NCaxisInitialize(ncGrid->NCid, ncGrid->Time[0], NCaxisTime, utSystem)) goto Abort;

    io->ItemNum = ncGrid->X[0]->N * ncGrid->Y[0]->N * ncGrid->Z[0]->N;
    io->ItemBoxMin.X = ncGrid->X[0]->IntervalMin;
    io->ItemBoxMin.Y = ncGrid->Y[0]->IntervalMin;
    io->ItemBoxMax.X = ncGrid->X[0]->IntervalMax;
    io->ItemBoxMax.Y = ncGrid->Y[0]->IntervalMax;
    io->Extent.LowerLeft.X = ncGrid->X[0]->Bounds[ncGrid->X[0]->N * 2 - 1] - ncGrid->X[0]->Bounds[0];
    io->Extent.LowerLeft.Y = ncGrid->Y[0]->Bounds[ncGrid->Y[0]->N * 2 - 1] - ncGrid->Y[0]->Bounds[0];

    if ((cvConverter = ut_get_converter(ncGrid->Time[0]->Unit, baseTimeUnit)) == (cv_converter *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Time converter error!n");
        switch (ut_get_status()) {
            case UT_BAD_ARG:
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "unit1 or unit2 is NULL.\n");
            case UT_NOT_SAME_SYSTEM:
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "unit1 and unit2 belong to different unit-systems.");
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Conversion between the units is not possible.");
    io->TimeLine = NCtimeLineExpand(ncGrid->Time[0], beginTime, endTime, cvConverter, io->TimeLine);
    if (io->TimeLine == (NFtimeLine_p) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Timeline expansion error in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        goto Abort;
    if ((ncGrid->TimeBundleIDs = (size_t *) realloc(ncGrid->TimeBundleIDs,
                                                    io->TimeLine->TimeStepNum * sizeof(size_t))) == (size_t *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        goto Abort;
    for (i = 0; i < io->TimeLine->TimeStepNum; ++i) ncGrid->TimeBundleIDs[i] = 0;
    if (bundleTimeUnit != NFtimeUnitUnset) {
        NFtimeCopy(beginTime, bundleTime); // TODO handle return value
        if ((ncGrid = _NCgridRealloc(ncGrid)) == (NCgrid_p) NULL) goto Abort;

        for (NFtimeAdvance(bundleTime, bundleTimeStep);
             NFtimeCompare(bundleTime, endTime) < 0; NFtimeAdvance(bundleTime, bundleTimeStep)) {

            ncGrid->FileNames[ncGrid->FileNum - 1] = NCcompleteURLaddress(urlAddress, CMstrDuplicate(urlAddress),
                                                                          bundleTimeUnit, bundleTime);
            if ((status = nc_open(ncGrid->FileNames[ncGrid->FileNum - 1], NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) != NC_NOERR) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "NetCDF (%s) Openining error \"%s\"!\n",
                           ncGrid->FileNames[ncGrid->FileNum - 1], nc_strerror(status));
                goto Abort;
            if (!NCaxisInitialize(ncid, ncGrid->X[ncGrid->FileNum - 1], NCaxisX, utSystem)) goto Abort;
            if (!NCaxisInitialize(ncid, ncGrid->Y[ncGrid->FileNum - 1], NCaxisY, utSystem)) goto Abort;
            if (!NCaxisInitialize(ncid, ncGrid->Z[ncGrid->FileNum - 1], NCaxisZ, utSystem)) goto Abort;
            if (!NCaxisInitialize(ncid, ncGrid->Time[ncGrid->FileNum - 1], NCaxisTime, utSystem)) goto Abort;
            if ((ncGrid->X[0]->N != ncGrid->X[ncGrid->FileNum - 1]->N) ||
                (ncGrid->Y[0]->N != ncGrid->Y[ncGrid->FileNum - 1]->N) ||
                (ncGrid->Z[0]->N != ncGrid->Z[ncGrid->FileNum - 1]->N) ||
                (ncGrid->Time[0]->N != ncGrid->Time[ncGrid->FileNum - 1]->N)) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Inconsisten NetCDF [%s] bundle!\n", urlAddress);
                goto Abort;
            if ((cvConverter = ut_get_converter(ncGrid->Time[ncGrid->FileNum - 1]->Unit, baseTimeUnit)) ==
                (cv_converter *) NULL) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Time converter error!n");
                switch (ut_get_status()) {
                    case UT_BAD_ARG:
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "unit1 or unit2 is NULL.\n");
                    case UT_NOT_SAME_SYSTEM:
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "unit1 and unit2 belong to different unit-systems.");
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Conversion between the units is not possible.");
            io->TimeLine = NCtimeLineExpand(ncGrid->Time[ncGrid->FileNum - 1], beginTime, endTime, cvConverter,
            if (io->TimeLine == (NFtimeLine_p) NULL) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Timeline expansion error in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                goto Abort;
            if ((ncGrid->TimeBundleIDs = (size_t *) realloc(ncGrid->TimeBundleIDs,
                                                            io->TimeLine->TimeStepNum * sizeof(size_t))) ==
                (size_t *) NULL) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                goto Abort;
            for (; i < io->TimeLine->TimeStepNum; ++i) ncGrid->TimeBundleIDs[i] = ncGrid->FileNum - 1;
    io->PluginData = (void *) ncGrid;
    io->GetItem = _NCgridGetItem;
    io->GetItemList = _NCgridGetItemList;
    io->GetVertexes = _NCgridGetVertexes;
    io->ProjectXY2UV = NFioDefaultProjectXY2UV; // TODO Handle proj4 entries
    io->Close = _NCgridClose;
    io->VarHandleFunc = _NCgridVariableHandle;
    io->VarTypeFunc = _NCgridVariableType;
    io->VarLoadFunc = _NCgridVariableLoad;
    return (io);
    if (ncGrid != (NCgrid_p) NULL) _NCgridFree(ncGrid);
    if (io != (NFio_p) NULL) NFioFree(io);
    if (timePtr != (NFtime_p) NULL) NFtimeFree(timePtr);
    if (bundleTime != (NFtime_p) NULL) NFtimeFree(bundleTime);
    if (bundleTimeStep != (NFtimeStep_p) NULL) NFtimeStepFree(bundleTimeStep);
    if (baseTimeUnit != (ut_unit *) NULL) ut_free(baseTimeUnit);
    return ((NFio_p) NULL);