//  CBasePropertyPage::ScParseProperties
//  Description:
//      Parse the properties of the resource.  This is in a separate function
//      from HrInit so that the optimizer can do a better job.
//  Arguments:
//      rcplIn
//          Cluster property list to parse.
//  Return Values:
//          Properties were parsed successfully.
//      Other HRESULTs
//          Error parsing the properties.  (Includes any error returned from
//          ScParseUnknownProperty().)
//  Exceptions Thrown:
//      Any exceptions from CString::operator=().
    CClusPropList & rcplIn
    DWORD                   sc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    DWORD                   cprop;
    const CObjectProperty * pprop;

    ASSERT( rcplIn.PbPropList() != NULL );

    sc = rcplIn.ScMoveToFirstProperty();
    while ( sc == ERROR_SUCCESS )
        // Parse known properties.

        for ( pprop = Pprops(), cprop = Cprops() ; cprop > 0 ; pprop++, cprop-- )
            if ( NIStringCompareW( 
                                 , pprop->m_pwszName
                                 , rcplIn.CbhCurrentPropertyName().pName->cbLength / sizeof( WCHAR )
                                 ) == 0
                if ( rcplIn.CpfCurrentValueFormat() == pprop->m_propFormat )
                    switch ( pprop->m_propFormat )
                        case CLUSPROP_FORMAT_SZ:
                        case CLUSPROP_FORMAT_EXPAND_SZ:
                            ASSERT(     (rcplIn.CbCurrentValueLength() == (lstrlenW( rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz ) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ))
                                    ||  (   (rcplIn.CbCurrentValueLength() == 0)
                                        &&  (rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz[ 0 ] == L'\0') ) );
                            *pprop->m_value.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;
                            *pprop->m_valuePrev.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;

                            //  See if we need to find an expanded version

                            if ( pprop->m_valueEx.pstr != NULL )
                                // Copy the non-expanded one just in case there isn't an expanded version
                                *pprop->m_valueEx.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;

                                // See if they included an expanded version
                                rcplIn.ScMoveToNextPropertyValue( );
                                if ( rcplIn.CpfCurrentValueFormat( ) == CLUSPROP_FORMAT_EXPANDED_SZ )
                                    *pprop->m_valueEx.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;
                                } // if: found expanded version

                            } // if: *pprop->m_valueEx.pstr is present

                        case CLUSPROP_FORMAT_EXPANDED_SZ:
                            ASSERT(     (rcplIn.CbCurrentValueLength() == (lstrlenW( rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz ) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ))
                                    ||  (   (rcplIn.CbCurrentValueLength() == 0)
                                        &&  (rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz[ 0 ] == L'\0') ) );
                            *pprop->m_value.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;
                            *pprop->m_valuePrev.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;

                            //  See if we need to find an expanded version

                            if ( *pprop->m_valueEx.pstr ) // can not use != NULL because overloading tries to do a string compare!
                                // Copy the expanded version
                                *pprop->m_valueEx.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;

                                // See if they included a non-expanded version
                                rcplIn.ScMoveToNextPropertyValue( );
                                if ( rcplIn.CpfCurrentValueFormat( ) == CLUSPROP_FORMAT_SZ )
                                    *pprop->m_value.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;
                                    *pprop->m_valuePrev.pstr = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz;
                                } // if: found non-expanded version

                            } // if: *pprop->m_valueEx.pstr is present

                        case CLUSPROP_FORMAT_DWORD:
                        case CLUSPROP_FORMAT_LONG:
                            ASSERT( rcplIn.CbCurrentValueLength() == sizeof( DWORD ) );
                            *pprop->m_value.pdw = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pDwordValue->dw;
                            *pprop->m_valuePrev.pdw = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pDwordValue->dw;

                        case CLUSPROP_FORMAT_BINARY:
                        case CLUSPROP_FORMAT_MULTI_SZ:
                            *pprop->m_value.ppb = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pBinaryValue->rgb;
                            *pprop->m_value.pcb = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pBinaryValue->cbLength;
                            *pprop->m_valuePrev.ppb = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pBinaryValue->rgb;
                            *pprop->m_valuePrev.pcb = rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue().pBinaryValue->cbLength;

                            ASSERT(0);  // don't know how to deal with this type
                    } // switch: property format

                    //  Exit the loop since we found the parameter.

                }// if: found a type match
            } // if: found a string match
        } // for: each property that we know about

        // If the property wasn't known, ask the derived class to parse it.

        if ( cprop == 0 )
            sc = ScParseUnknownProperty(
                        , rcplIn.CbhCurrentValue()
                        , rcplIn.RPvlPropertyValue().CbDataLeft()
            if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS )
                return sc;
            } // if: error parsing the unknown property
        } // if: property not parsed

        // Advance the buffer pointer past the value in the value list.

        sc = rcplIn.ScMoveToNextProperty();
    } // while: more properties to parse

    // If we reached the end of the properties, fix the return code.

    if ( sc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS )
        sc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
    } // if: ended loop after parsing all properties

    return sc;

} //*** CBasePropertyPage::ScParseProperties
Пример #2
//  CPartitionInfo::HrIsNTFS
//  Description:
//      Is this an NTFS partition?
//  Arguments:
//      None.
//  Return Value:
//      S_OK
//          Success, the partition is NTFS.
//      S_FALSE
//          Success, the partition is not NTFS.
//      Other
//          An error occurred.
//  Remarks:
//      None.
CPartitionInfo::HrIsNTFS( void )
    HRESULT             hr = S_FALSE;
    VARIANT             var;
    ULONG               idx;
    IWbemClassObject *  piwco = NULL;

    VariantInit( &var );

    for ( idx = 0; idx < m_idxNextLogicalDisk; idx++ )
        hr = ((*m_prgLogicalDisks)[ idx ])->TypeSafeQI( IWbemClassObject, &piwco );
        if ( FAILED( hr ) )
            goto Cleanup;
        } // if:

        VariantClear( &var );

        hr = HrGetWMIProperty( piwco, L"FileSystem", VT_BSTR, &var );
        if ( ( hr == E_PROPTYPEMISMATCH ) && ( var.vt == VT_NULL ) )
            VariantClear( &var );

            hr = S_FALSE;
            HrGetWMIProperty( piwco, L"DeviceID", VT_BSTR, &var );
                    , TASKID_Minor_Disk_No_File_System
                    , IDS_ERROR_DISK_NO_FILE_SYSTEM
                    , var.bstrVal
                    , IDS_ERROR_DISK_NO_FILE_SYSTEM_REF
                    , hr
        } // if:
        else if ( FAILED( hr ) )
            goto Cleanup;
        } // else if:

        if ( NIStringCompareW( var.bstrVal, SysStringLen( var.bstrVal ), L"NTFS", RTL_NUMBER_OF( L"NTFS" ) ) != 0 )
            VariantClear( &var );

            hr = S_FALSE;
            HrGetWMIProperty( piwco, L"DeviceID", VT_BSTR, &var );
                    , TASKID_Minor_Disk_Not_NTFS
                    , IDS_WARN_DISK_NOT_NTFS
                    , var.bstrVal
                    , IDS_WARN_DISK_NOT_NTFS_REF
                    , hr
        } // if:

        piwco = NULL;
    } // for:


    VariantClear( &var );

    if ( piwco != NULL )
    } // if:

    return hr;

} //*** CPartitionInfo::HrIsNTFS