Пример #1
nsresult nsMacCommandLine::AddToCommandLine(const char* inOptionString, const FSSpec& inFileSpec)
  // Convert the filespec to a URL
  FSSpec nonConstSpec = inFileSpec;
  nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> inFile;
  nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFileWithFSSpec(&nonConstSpec, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(inFile));
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return rv;
  nsCAutoString specBuf;
  rv = NS_GetURLSpecFromFile(inFile, specBuf);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return rv;
  return NS_OK;
Пример #2
OSErr nsMacCommandLine::HandleOpenOneDoc(const FSSpec& inFileSpec, OSType inFileType)
  nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> inFile;
  nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFileWithFSSpec(&inFileSpec, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(inFile));
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return errAEEventNotHandled;

  if (!mStartedUp)
    // Is it the right type to be a command-line file?
    if (inFileType == 'TEXT' || inFileType == 'CMDL')
      // Can we open the file?
      FILE *fp = 0;
      rv = inFile->OpenANSIFileDesc("r", &fp);
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
        Boolean foundArgs = false;
        Boolean foundEnv = false;
        char chars[1024];
        static const char kCommandLinePrefix[] = "ARGS:";
        static const char kEnvVarLinePrefix[] = "ENV:";

        while (ReadLine(fp, chars, sizeof(chars)) != -1)
        {       // See if there are any command line or environment var settings
          if (PL_strstr(chars, kCommandLinePrefix) == chars)
            (void)AddToCommandLine(chars + sizeof(kCommandLinePrefix) - 1);
            foundArgs = true;
          else if (PL_strstr(chars, kEnvVarLinePrefix) == chars)
            (void)AddToEnvironmentVars(chars + sizeof(kEnvVarLinePrefix) - 1);
            foundEnv = true;

#ifndef XP_MACOSX
        // If we found any environment vars we need to re-init NSPR's logging
        // so that it knows what the new vars are
        if (foundEnv)
        // If we found a command line or environment vars we want to return now
        // raather than trying to open the file as a URL
        if (foundArgs || foundEnv)
          return noErr;
    // If it's not a command-line argument, and we are starting up the application,
    // add a command-line "-url" argument to the global list. This means that if
    // the app is opened with documents on the mac, they'll be handled the same
    // way as if they had been typed on the command line in Unix or DOS.
    return AddToCommandLine("-url", inFileSpec);

  // Final case: we're not just starting up. How do we handle this?
  nsCAutoString specBuf;
  rv = NS_GetURLSpecFromFile(inFile, specBuf);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return errAEEventNotHandled;
  return OpenURL(specBuf.get());
Пример #3
// GetData
// Pull data out of the  OS drag item at the requested index and stash it into the 
// given transferable. Only put in the data with the highest fidelity asked for and
// stop as soon as we find a match.
nsDragService::GetData ( nsITransferable * aTransferable, PRUint32 aItemIndex )
  nsresult errCode = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // make sure we have a good transferable
  if ( !aTransferable )

  // get flavor list that includes all acceptable flavors (including ones obtained through
  // conversion). Flavors are nsISupportsCStrings so that they can be seen from JS.
  nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> flavorList;
  errCode = aTransferable->FlavorsTransferableCanImport ( getter_AddRefs(flavorList) );
  if ( NS_FAILED(errCode) )
    return errCode;

  // get the data for the requested drag item. Remember that GetDragItemReferenceNumber()
  // is one-based NOT zero-based like |aItemIndex| is.   
  ItemReference itemRef;
  ::GetDragItemReferenceNumber ( mDragRef, aItemIndex + 1, &itemRef );
  // create a mime mapper to help us out based on data in a special flavor for this item
  char* mappings = LookupMimeMappingsForItem(mDragRef, itemRef);
  nsMimeMapperMac theMapper ( mappings );
  nsMemory::Free ( mappings );
  // Now walk down the list of flavors. When we find one that is actually present,
  // copy out the data into the transferable in that format. SetTransferData()
  // implicitly handles conversions.
  PRUint32 cnt;
  flavorList->Count ( &cnt );
  for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
    nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericWrapper;
    flavorList->GetElementAt ( i, getter_AddRefs(genericWrapper) );
    nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsCString> currentFlavor ( do_QueryInterface(genericWrapper) );
    if ( currentFlavor ) {
      // find MacOS flavor (but don't add it if it's not there)
      nsCAutoString flavorStr;
      FlavorType macOSFlavor = theMapper.MapMimeTypeToMacOSType(flavorStr.get(), PR_FALSE);
      printf("looking for data in type %s, mac flavor %ld\n", flavorStr.get(), macOSFlavor);

      // check if it is present in the current drag item.
      FlavorFlags unused;
      PRBool dataFound = PR_FALSE;
      void* dataBuff = nsnull;
      PRUint32 dataSize = 0;
      if ( macOSFlavor && ::GetFlavorFlags(mDragRef, itemRef, macOSFlavor, &unused) == noErr ) {	    
        nsresult loadResult = ExtractDataFromOS(mDragRef, itemRef, macOSFlavor, &dataBuff, &dataSize);
  	    if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && dataBuff )
  	      dataFound = PR_TRUE;
      else {
	      // if we are looking for text/unicode and we fail to find it on the clipboard first,
        // try again with text/plain. If that is present, convert it to unicode.
        if ( strcmp(flavorStr.get(), kUnicodeMime) == 0 ) {
          if ( ::GetFlavorFlags(mDragRef, itemRef, 'TEXT', &unused) == noErr ) {	 
            // if 'styl' is available, we can get a script of the first run
            // and use it for converting 'TEXT'
            nsresult loadResult = ExtractDataFromOS(mDragRef, itemRef, 'styl', &dataBuff, &dataSize);
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && 
                dataBuff &&
                (dataSize >= (sizeof(ScrpSTElement) + 2))) {
              StScrpRec *scrpRecP = (StScrpRec *) dataBuff;
              ScrpSTElement *styl = scrpRecP->scrpStyleTab;
              ScriptCode script = styl ? ::FontToScript(styl->scrpFont) : smCurrentScript;
              // free 'styl' and get 'TEXT'
              loadResult = ExtractDataFromOS(mDragRef, itemRef, 'TEXT', &dataBuff, &dataSize);
              if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && dataBuff ) {
                PRUnichar* convertedText = nsnull;
                PRInt32 convertedTextLen = 0;
                errCode = nsMacNativeUnicodeConverter::ConvertScripttoUnicode(script, 
                                                                              (const char *) dataBuff,
                if (NS_SUCCEEDED(errCode) && convertedText) {
                  dataBuff = convertedText;
                  dataSize = convertedTextLen * sizeof(PRUnichar);
                  dataFound = PR_TRUE;
            if (!dataFound) {
              loadResult = ExtractDataFromOS(mDragRef, itemRef, 'TEXT', &dataBuff, &dataSize);
              if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(loadResult) && dataBuff ) {
                const char* castedText = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, dataBuff);          
                PRUnichar* convertedText = nsnull;
                PRInt32 convertedTextLen = 0;
                nsPrimitiveHelpers::ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode ( castedText, dataSize, 
                                                                          &convertedText, &convertedTextLen );
                if ( convertedText ) {
                  // out with the old, in with the new 
                  dataBuff = convertedText;
                  dataSize = convertedTextLen * 2;
                  dataFound = PR_TRUE;
              } // if plain text data on clipboard
          } // if plain text flavor present
        } // if looking for text/unicode   
      } // else we try one last ditch effort to find our data

	  if ( dataFound ) {
      nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericDataWrapper;

	    if ( strcmp(flavorStr.get(), kFileMime) == 0 ) {
	      // we have a HFSFlavor struct in |dataBuff|. Create an nsLocalFileMac object.
	      HFSFlavor* fileData = NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(HFSFlavor*, dataBuff);
	      NS_ASSERTION ( sizeof(HFSFlavor) == dataSize, "Ooops, we really don't have a HFSFlavor" );
	      nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> file;
	      if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewLocalFileWithFSSpec(&fileData->fileSpec, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(file))) )
	        genericDataWrapper = do_QueryInterface(file);
      else if ((strcmp(flavorStr.get(), kURLDataMime) == 0) || (strcmp(flavorStr.get(), kURLDescriptionMime) == 0)) {