Пример #1
/* ************************************************************************* */
int compare_array_3d(N_array_3d * a, N_array_3d * b)
    int rows, cols, depths, type;
    int i, j, k, res = 0;

    rows = a->rows;
    cols = a->cols;
    depths = a->depths;
    type = N_get_array_3d_type(a);

    #pragma omp parallel for private (i, j, k) shared (depths, rows, cols, type, a, b) reduction(+:res)
    for (k = 0; k < depths; k++) {
        for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
                if (type == FCELL_TYPE) {
                    if (N_get_array_3d_f_value(a, i, j, k) !=
                            N_get_array_3d_f_value(b, i, j, k))
                if (type == DCELL_TYPE) {
                    if (N_get_array_3d_d_value(a, i, j, k) !=
                            N_get_array_3d_d_value(b, i, j, k))

    return res;
Пример #2
/* ************************************************************************* */
int fill_array_3d(N_array_3d * a)
    int rows, cols, depths, type;
    int i, j, k, res = 0;

    cols = a->cols;
    rows = a->rows;
    depths = a->depths;
    type = N_get_array_3d_type(a);

    #pragma omp parallel for private (i, j, k) shared (depths, rows, cols, type, a) reduction(+:res)
    for (k = 0; k < depths; k++) {
        for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
            for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
                if (type == FCELL_TYPE) {
                    N_put_array_3d_f_value(a, i, j, k,
                                           (float)i * (float)j * (float)k);
                    if (N_get_array_3d_f_value(a, i, j, k) !=
                            (float)i * (float)j * (float)k)
                if (type == DCELL_TYPE) {
                    N_put_array_3d_d_value(a, i, j, k,
                                           (double)i * (double)j * (double)k);
                    if (N_get_array_3d_d_value(a, i, j, k) !=
                            (double)i * (double)j * (double)k)

    return res;
Пример #3
/* **************************************************************** */
int make_les_entry_3d(int i, int j, int k, int offset_i, int offset_j,
		      int offset_k, int count, int pos, N_les * les,
		      G_math_spvector * spvect, N_array_3d * cell_count,
		      N_array_3d * status, N_array_3d * start_val,
		      double entry, int cell_type)
    int K;
    int di = offset_i;
    int dj = offset_j;
    int dk = offset_k;

    K = (int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(cell_count, i + di, j + dj, k + dk) -
	(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(cell_count, i, j, k);

    if (cell_type == N_CELL_ACTIVE) {
	if ((int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i + di, j + dj, k + dk) >
	    (int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i + di, j + dj,
					k + dk) < N_MAX_CELL_STATE)
	    les->b[count] -=
		N_get_array_3d_d_value(start_val, i + di, j + dj,
				       k + dk) * entry;
	else if ((int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i + di, j + dj, k + dk)
		 == N_CELL_ACTIVE) {
	    if ((count + K) >= 0 && (count + K) < les->cols) {
			" make_les_entry_3d: (N_CELL_ACTIVE) create matrix entry at row[%i] col[%i] value %g\n",
			count, count + K, entry);
		if (les->type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
		    spvect->index[pos] = count + K;
		    spvect->values[pos] = entry;
		else {
		    les->A[count][count + K] = entry;
    else if (cell_type == N_CELL_DIRICHLET) {
	if ((int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i + di, j + dj, k + dk)
	    != N_CELL_INACTIVE) {
	    if ((count + K) >= 0 && (count + K) < les->cols) {
			" make_les_entry_3d: (N_CELL_DIRICHLET) create matrix entry at row[%i] col[%i] value %g\n",
			count, count + K, entry);
		if (les->type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
		    spvect->index[pos] = count + K;
		    spvect->values[pos] = entry;
		else {
		    les->A[count][count + K] = entry;

    return pos;
Пример #4
 * \brief Write info and content of the array data to stdout
 * Offsets are ignored
 * \param data N_array_2d *
 * \return void
 * */
void N_print_array_3d(N_array_3d * data)
    int i, j, k;


    for (k = 0; k < data->depths; k++) {
	for (j = 0; j < data->rows; j++) {
	    for (i = 0; i < data->cols; i++) {
		if (data->type == FCELL_TYPE)
		    printf("%6.6f ", N_get_array_3d_f_value(data, i, j, k));
		else if (data->type == DCELL_TYPE)
		    printf("%6.6f ", N_get_array_3d_d_value(data, i, j, k));

Пример #5
/*! \brief This is just a placeholder
 * */
N_data_star *N_callback_solute_transport_3d(void *solutedata,
					    N_geom_data * geom, int col,
					    int row, int depth)
    double Df_e = 0, Df_w = 0, Df_n = 0, Df_s = 0, Df_t = 0, Df_b = 0;
    double dx, dy, dz, Az;
    double diff_x, diff_y, diff_z;
    double diff_xw, diff_yn;
    double diff_xe, diff_ys;
    double diff_zt, diff_zb;
    double cin = 0, cg, cg_start;
    double R, nf, cs, q;
    double C, W, E, N, S, T, B, V;
    double vw = 0, ve = 0, vn = 0, vs = 0, vt = 0, vb = 0;
    double Ds_w = 0, Ds_e = 0, Ds_n = 0, Ds_s = 0, Ds_t = 0, Ds_b = 0;
    double Dw = 0, De = 0, Dn = 0, Ds = 0, Dt = 0, Db = 0;
    double rw = 0.5, re = 0.5, rn = 0.5, rs = 0.5, rt = 0.5, rb = 0.5;

    N_solute_transport_data3d *data = NULL;
    N_data_star *mat_pos;
    N_gradient_3d grad;

    /*cast the void pointer to the right data structure */
    data = (N_solute_transport_data3d *) solutedata;

    N_get_gradient_3d(data->grad, &grad, col, row, depth);

    dx = geom->dx;
    dy = geom->dy;
    dz = geom->dz;
    Az = N_get_geom_data_area_of_cell(geom, row);

    /*read the data from the arrays */
    cg_start = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->c_start, col, row, depth);
    cg = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->c, col, row, depth);

    /*get the surrounding diffusion tensor entries */
    diff_x = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_x, col, row, depth);
    diff_y = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_y, col, row, depth);
    diff_z = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_z, col, row, depth);
    diff_xw = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_x, col - 1, row, depth);
    diff_xe = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_x, col + 1, row, depth);
    diff_yn = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_y, col, row - 1, depth);
    diff_ys = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_y, col, row + 1, depth);
    diff_zt = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_z, col, row, depth + 1);
    diff_zb = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->diff_z, col, row, depth - 1);

    /* calculate the diffusion on the cell borders using the harmonical mean */
    Df_w = N_calc_harmonic_mean(diff_xw, diff_x);
    Df_e = N_calc_harmonic_mean(diff_xe, diff_x);
    Df_n = N_calc_harmonic_mean(diff_yn, diff_y);
    Df_s = N_calc_harmonic_mean(diff_ys, diff_y);
    Df_t = N_calc_harmonic_mean(diff_zt, diff_z);
    Df_b = N_calc_harmonic_mean(diff_zb, diff_z);

    /* calculate the dispersion */
    /*todo */

    /* calculate the velocity parts  with full upwinding scheme */
    vw = grad.WC;
    ve = grad.EC;
    vn = grad.NC;
    vs = grad.SC;
    vt = grad.TC;
    vb = grad.BC;

    /* put the diffusion and dispersion together */
    Dw = ((Df_w + Ds_w)) / dx;
    De = ((Df_e + Ds_e)) / dx;
    Dn = ((Df_n + Ds_n)) / dy;
    Ds = ((Df_s + Ds_s)) / dy;
    Dt = ((Df_t + Ds_t)) / dz;
    Db = ((Df_b + Ds_b)) / dz;

    rw = N_exp_upwinding(-1 * vw, dx, Dw);
    re = N_exp_upwinding(ve, dx, De);
    rs = N_exp_upwinding(-1 * vs, dy, Ds);
    rn = N_exp_upwinding(vn, dy, Dn);
    rb = N_exp_upwinding(-1 * vb, dz, Dn);
    rt = N_exp_upwinding(vt, dz, Dn);

    /*mass balance center cell to western cell */
    W = -1 * (Dw) * dy * dz - vw * (1 - rw) * dy * dz;
    /*mass balance center cell to eastern cell */
    E = -1 * (De) * dy * dz + ve * (1 - re) * dy * dz;
    /*mass balance center cell to southern cell */
    S = -1 * (Ds) * dx * dz - vs * (1 - rs) * dx * dz;
    /*mass balance center cell to northern cell */
    N = -1 * (Dn) * dx * dz + vn * (1 - rn) * dx * dz;
    /*mass balance center cell to bottom cell */
    B = -1 * (Db) * Az - vb * (1 - rb) * Az;
    /*mass balance center cell to top cell */
    T = -1 * (Dt) * Az + vt * (1 - rt) * Az;

    /* Retardation */
    R = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->R, col, row, depth);
    /* Inner sources */
    cs = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->cs, col, row, depth);
    /* effective porosity */
    nf = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->nf, col, row, depth);
    /* groundwater sources and sinks */
    q = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->q, col, row, depth);
    /* concentration of influent water */
    cin = N_get_array_3d_d_value(data->cin, col, row, depth);

    /*the diagonal entry of the matrix */
    C = ((Dw - vw) * dy * dz +
	 (De + ve) * dy * dz +
	 (Ds - vs) * dx * dz +
	 (Dn + vn) * dx * dz +
	 (Db - vb) * Az + (Dt + vt) * Az + Az * dz * R / data->dt - q / nf);

    /*the entry in the right side b of Ax = b */
    V = (cs + cg_start * Az * dz * R / data->dt - q / nf * cin);

     * printf("nf %g\n", nf);
     * printf("q %g\n", q);
     * printf("cs %g\n", cs);
     * printf("cin %g\n", cin);
     * printf("cg %g\n", cg);
     * printf("cg_start %g\n", cg_start);
     * printf("Az %g\n", Az);
     * printf("z %g\n", z);
     * printf("R %g\n", R);
     * printf("dt %g\n", data->dt);
    G_debug(6, "N_callback_solute_transport_3d: called [%i][%i][%i]", row,
	    col, depth);

    /*create the 7 point star entries */
    mat_pos = N_create_7star(C, W, E, N, S, T, B, V);

    return mat_pos;
Пример #6
 * \brief Integrate Dirichlet or Transmission boundary conditions into the les (3d)
 * Dirichlet and Transmission boundary conditions will be integrated into
 * the provided linear equation system. This is meaningfull if
 * the les was created with #N_assemble_les_2d_dirichlet, because in
 * this case Dirichlet boundary conditions are not automatically included.
 * The provided les will be modified:
 * Ax = b will be splitted into Ax_u + Ax_d = b
 * x_u - the unknowns
 * x_d - the Dirichlet cells
 * Ax_u = b -Ax_d will be computed. Then the matrix A will be modified to
 * | A_u  0 | x_u
 * |  0   I | x_d
 * \param les N_les* -- the linear equation system
 * \param geom N_geom_data* -- geometrical data information
 * \param status N_array_2d* -- the status array containing the cell types
 * \param start_val N_array_2d* -- an array with start values
 * \return int -- 1 = success, 0 = failure
 * */
int N_les_integrate_dirichlet_3d(N_les * les, N_geom_data * geom,
				 N_array_3d * status, N_array_3d * start_val)
    int rows, cols, depths;
    int count = 0;
    int i, j, x, y, z, stat;
    double *dvect1;
    double *dvect2;

	    "N_les_integrate_dirichlet_3d: integrating the dirichlet boundary condition");

    rows = geom->rows;
    cols = geom->cols;
    depths = geom->depths;

    /*we nned to additional vectors */
    dvect1 = (double *)G_calloc(les->cols, sizeof(double));
    dvect2 = (double *)G_calloc(les->cols, sizeof(double));

    /*fill the first one with the x vector data of Dirichlet cells */
    count = 0;
    for (z = 0; z < depths; z++) {
	for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
	    for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
		stat = (int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, x, y, z);
		if (stat > N_CELL_ACTIVE && stat < N_MAX_CELL_STATE) {
		    dvect1[count] =
			N_get_array_3d_d_value(start_val, x, y, z);
		else if (stat == N_CELL_ACTIVE) {
		    dvect1[count] = 0.0;

#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
	/*perform the matrix vector product and */
	if (les->type == N_SPARSE_LES)
	    G_math_Ax_sparse(les->Asp, dvect1, dvect2, les->rows);
	    G_math_d_Ax(les->A, dvect1, dvect2, les->rows, les->cols);
#pragma omp for schedule (static) private(i)
	for (i = 0; i < les->cols; i++)
	    les->b[i] = les->b[i] - dvect2[i];

    /*now set the Dirichlet cell rows and cols to zero and the 
     * diagonal entry to 1*/
    count = 0;
    for (z = 0; z < depths; z++) {
	for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
	    for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
		stat = (int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, x, y, z);
		if (stat > N_CELL_ACTIVE && stat < N_MAX_CELL_STATE) {
		    if (les->type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
			/*set the rows to zero */
			for (i = 0; i < les->Asp[count]->cols; i++)
			    les->Asp[count]->values[i] = 0.0;
			/*set the cols to zero */
			for (i = 0; i < les->rows; i++) {
			    for (j = 0; j < les->Asp[i]->cols; j++) {
				if (les->Asp[i]->index[j] == count)
				    les->Asp[i]->values[j] = 0.0;

			/*entry on the diagonal */
			les->Asp[count]->values[0] = 1.0;

		    else {
			/*set the rows to zero */
			for (i = 0; i < les->cols; i++)
			    les->A[count][i] = 0.0;
			/*set the cols to zero */
			for (i = 0; i < les->rows; i++)
			    les->A[i][count] = 0.0;

			/*entry on the diagonal */
			les->A[count][count] = 1.0;

    return 0;

Пример #7
 * \brief Assemble a linear equation system (les) based on 3d location data (g3d)
 * The linear equation system type can be set to N_NORMAL_LES to create a regular
 * matrix, or to N_SPARSE_LES to create a sparse matrix. This function returns
 * a new created linear equation system which can be solved with 
 * linear equation solvers. An 3d array with start values and an 3d status array
 * must be provided as well as the location geometry and a void pointer to data 
 * passed to the callback which creates the les row entries. This callback
 * must be defined in the N_les_callback_3d structure.
 * The creation of the les is parallelized with OpenMP. 
 * If you implement new callbacks, please make sure that the 
 * function calls are thread safe.
 * the les can be created in two ways, with dirichlet and similar cells and without them,
 * to spare some memory. If the les is created with dirichlet cell, the dirichlet boundary condition
 * must be added.
 * \param les_type int
 * \param geom      N_geom_data*
 * \param status    N_array_3d *
 * \param start_val N_array_3d *
 * \param data void *
 * \param call N_les_callback_3d *
 * \param cell_type int  -- les assemble based on N_CELL_ACTIVE or N_CELL_DIRICHLET
 * \return N_les *
 * */
N_les *N_assemble_les_3d_param(int les_type, N_geom_data * geom,
			       N_array_3d * status, N_array_3d * start_val,
			       void *data, N_les_callback_3d * call,
			       int cell_type)
    int i, j, k, count = 0, pos = 0;
    int cell_type_count = 0;
    N_array_3d *cell_count;
    N_les *les = NULL;
    int **index_ij;

	    "N_assemble_les_3d: starting to assemble the linear equation system");

    cell_count =
	N_alloc_array_3d(geom->cols, geom->rows, geom->depths, 1, DCELL_TYPE);

    /* First count the number of valid cells and save  
     * each number in a new 3d array. Those numbers are used 
     * to create the linear equation system.*/

    if (cell_type == N_CELL_DIRICHLET) {
	/* include dirichlet cells in the les */
	for (k = 0; k < geom->depths; k++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
		    /*use all non-inactive cells for les creation */
		    if (N_CELL_INACTIVE <
			(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j, k) &&
			(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j,
						    k) < N_MAX_CELL_STATE)
    else {
	/*use only active cell in the les */
	for (k = 0; k < geom->depths; k++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
		    /*count only active cells */
		    if (N_CELL_ACTIVE
			== (int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j, k))


	    "N_assemble_les_3d: number of  used cells %i\n", cell_type_count);

    if (cell_type_count == 0.0)
	    ("Not enough active cells [%i] to create the linear equation system. Check the cell status. Only active cells (value = 1) are used to create the equation system.",

    /* allocate the memory for the linear equation system (les). 
     * Only valid cells are used to create the les. */
    les = N_alloc_les_Ax_b(cell_type_count, les_type);

    index_ij = (int **)G_calloc(cell_type_count, sizeof(int *));
    for (i = 0; i < cell_type_count; i++)
	index_ij[i] = (int *)G_calloc(3, sizeof(int));

    count = 0;
    /*count the number of cells which should be used to create the linear equation system */
    /*save the k, i and j indices and create a ordered numbering */
    for (k = 0; k < geom->depths; k++) {
	for (j = 0; j < geom->rows; j++) {
	    for (i = 0; i < geom->cols; i++) {
		if (cell_type == N_CELL_DIRICHLET) {
		    if (N_CELL_INACTIVE <
			(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j, k) &&
			(int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j,
						    k) < N_MAX_CELL_STATE) {
			N_put_array_3d_d_value(cell_count, i, j, k, count);
			index_ij[count][0] = i;
			index_ij[count][1] = j;
			index_ij[count][2] = k;
				"N_assemble_les_3d: non-inactive cells count %i at pos x[%i] y[%i] z[%i]\n",
				count, i, j, k);
		else if (N_CELL_ACTIVE ==
			 (int)N_get_array_3d_d_value(status, i, j, k)) {
		    N_put_array_3d_d_value(cell_count, i, j, k, count);
		    index_ij[count][0] = i;
		    index_ij[count][1] = j;
		    index_ij[count][2] = k;
			    "N_assemble_les_3d: active cells count %i at pos x[%i] y[%i] z[%i]\n",
			    count, i, j, k);

    G_debug(2, "N_assemble_les_3d: starting the parallel assemble loop");

#pragma omp parallel for private(i, j, k, pos, count) schedule(static)
    for (count = 0; count < cell_type_count; count++) {
	i = index_ij[count][0];
	j = index_ij[count][1];
	k = index_ij[count][2];

	/*create the entries for the */
	N_data_star *items = call->callback(data, geom, i, j, k);

	G_math_spvector *spvect = NULL;

	/*allocate a sprase vector */
	if (les_type == N_SPARSE_LES)
	    spvect = G_math_alloc_spvector(items->count);
	/* initial conditions */

	les->x[count] = N_get_array_3d_d_value(start_val, i, j, k);

	/* the entry in the vector b */
	les->b[count] = items->V;

	/* pos describes the position in the sparse vector.
	 * the first entry is always the diagonal entry of the matrix*/
	pos = 0;

	if (les_type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
	    spvect->index[pos] = count;
	    spvect->values[pos] = items->C;
	else {
	    les->A[count][count] = items->C;
	/* western neighbour, entry is col - 1 */
	if (i > 0) {
	    pos =
		make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, -1, 0, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				  cell_count, status, start_val, items->W,
	/* eastern neighbour, entry col + 1 */
	if (i < geom->cols - 1) {
	    pos = make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 1, 0, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				    cell_count, status, start_val, items->E,
	/* northern neighbour, entry row -1 */
	if (j > 0) {
	    pos =
		make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 0, -1, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				  cell_count, status, start_val, items->N,
	/* southern neighbour, entry row +1 */
	if (j < geom->rows - 1) {
	    pos = make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 0, 1, 0, count, pos, les, spvect,
				    cell_count, status, start_val, items->S,
	/*only for a 7 star entry needed */
	if (items->type == N_7_POINT_STAR || items->type == N_27_POINT_STAR) {
	    /* the upper cell (top), entry depth + 1 */
	    if (k < geom->depths - 1) {
		pos =
		    make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 0, 0, 1, count, pos, les,
				      spvect, cell_count, status, start_val,
				      items->T, cell_type);
	    /* the lower cell (bottom), entry depth - 1 */
	    if (k > 0) {
		pos =
		    make_les_entry_3d(i, j, k, 0, 0, -1, count, pos, les,
				      spvect, cell_count, status, start_val,
				      items->B, cell_type);

	/*How many entries in the les */
	if (les->type == N_SPARSE_LES) {
	    spvect->cols = pos + 1;
	    G_math_add_spvector(les->Asp, spvect, count);

	if (items)


    for (i = 0; i < cell_type_count; i++)


    return les;