Пример #1
/* Returns true if the 64-bit register reg64 set by an instruction of the form
 *    add %reg64 %RBASE
 * The instruction checked is the "distance" instruction from the current
 * instruction being looked at by the specified iterator.
static Bool NaClIsAddRbaseToReg64(NaClValidatorState* vstate,
                                  size_t distance,
                                  NaClOpKind reg64) {
  NaClInstState* state;
  const NaClInst* inst;
  int op_1, op_2;
  NaClExpVector* nodes;
  NaClExp* node;
  NaClOpKind reg;
  NaClInstIter* iter = vstate->cur_iter;

  /* Get the corresponding instruction. */
  if (!NaClInstIterHasLookbackStateInline(iter, distance)) return FALSE;
  state = NaClInstIterGetLookbackStateInline(iter, distance);
  inst = NaClInstStateInst(state);
  if (InstAdd != inst->name) return FALSE;
  DEBUG(NaClLog(LOG_INFO, "inst(%d): add rbase: ", (int) distance);
        NaClInstStateInstPrint(NaClLogGetGio(), state));

  /* Extract the values of the two operands for the and. */
  if (!NaClExtractBinaryOperandIndices(state, &op_1, &op_2)) return FALSE;

  /* Extract the destination register of the and. */
  nodes = NaClInstStateExpVector(state);
  node = &nodes->node[op_1];
  if (ExprRegister != node->kind) return FALSE;

  /* Check that destination register matches wanted register. */
  reg = NaClGetExpRegisterInline(node);
  if (reg != reg64) return FALSE;

  /* Check that source register is the base register. */
  return NaClGetExpVectorRegister(nodes, op_2) == vstate->base_register;
Пример #2
/* Print out the given (memory offset) expression node to the given file.
 * Returns the index of the node following the given (indexed) memory offset.
static int NaClPrintDisassembledMemOffset(struct Gio* file,
                                      NaClInstState *state,
                                      int index) {
  NaClExpVector* vector = NaClInstStateExpVector(state);
  int r1_index = index + 1;
  int r2_index = r1_index + NaClExpWidth(vector, r1_index);
  int scale_index = r2_index + NaClExpWidth(vector, r2_index);
  int disp_index = scale_index + NaClExpWidth(vector, scale_index);
  NaClOpKind r1 = NaClGetExpVectorRegister(vector, r1_index);
  NaClOpKind r2 = NaClGetExpVectorRegister(vector, r2_index);
  uint64_t scale = NaClGetExprUnsignedValue(&vector->node[scale_index]);
  int64_t disp = NaClGetExprSignedValue(&vector->node[disp_index]);
  assert(ExprMemOffset == vector->node[index].kind);
  if (r1 != RegUnknown) {
    NaClPrintDisassembledRegKind(file, r1);
  if (r2 != RegUnknown) {
    if (r1 != RegUnknown) {
      gprintf(file, "+");
    NaClPrintDisassembledRegKind(file, r2);
    gprintf(file, "*%d", (uint32_t) scale);
  if (disp != 0) {
    if ((r1 != RegUnknown || r2 != RegUnknown) &&
        !NaClIsExpNegativeConstant(vector, disp_index)) {
      gprintf(file, "+");
    /* Recurse to handle print using format flags. */
    NaClPrintDisassembledExp(file, state, disp_index);
  } else if (r1 == RegUnknown && r2 == RegUnknown) {
    /* be sure to generate case: [0x0]. */
    NaClPrintDisassembledExp(file, state, disp_index);
  gprintf(file, "]");
  return disp_index + NaClExpWidth(vector, disp_index);