static void InitWaveScope() { WORD i, j; BitmapT *bm; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { memset(&[i], 0, sizeof(WaveScopeChanT));[i].bm = NewBitmap(64, 64, 1); } for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 128; j++) { WORD index = (i << 8) | j; WORD x = (j * (i + 1)) >> 4; wavescope.multab[index] = x; } for (; j < 255; j++) { WORD index = (i << 8) | j; WORD x = ((255 - j) * (i + 1)) >> 4; wavescope.multab[index] = x; } } bm = NewBitmap(64, 32, 1); BlitterLineSetup(bm, 0, LINE_EOR, LINE_ONEDOT); BlitterLine(32, 0, 1, 31); BlitterLine(32, 0, 63, 31); BlitterFill(bm, 0); WaitBlitter(); ((BYTE *)bm->planes[0])[4] = 0x80; wavescope.spans = bm; }
static void Init() { WORD i; screen[0] = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH); screen[1] = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH); custom->dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_BLITTER; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Area2D flare_area = { 0, i * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE }; flare[i] = NewBitmap(SIZE, SIZE, DEPTH); BitmapCopyArea(flare[i], 0, 0, flares, &flare_area); } carry = NewBitmap(SIZE + 16, SIZE, 2); cp = NewCopList(50); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) BitmapClear(screen[i]); CopInit(cp); CopSetupGfxSimple(cp, MODE_LORES, DEPTH, X(0), Y(0), WIDTH, HEIGHT); CopSetupBitplanes(cp, bplptr, screen[active], DEPTH); CopLoadPal(cp, flares->palette, 0); CopEnd(cp); CopListActivate(cp); custom->dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_RASTER; }
static void Load() { screen[0] = NewBitmap(WIDTH * 2, HEIGHT * 2, DEPTH, FALSE); screen[1] = NewBitmap(WIDTH * 2, HEIGHT * 2, DEPTH, FALSE); texture = LoadTGA("data/texture-16-1.tga", PM_CMAP, MEMF_PUBLIC); uvmap = ReadFile("data/uvmap.bin", MEMF_PUBLIC); }
static void Load() { WORD i; screen[0] = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH); screen[1] = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH); for (i = 0; i < PNUM; i++) greeting[i].bitmap = LoadILBMCustom(greeting[i].filename, BM_DISPLAYABLE); background = LoadILBMCustom("data/neons.ilbm", BM_DISPLAYABLE|BM_LOAD_PALETTE); palette[0] = background->palette; palette[1] = LoadPalette("data/greet_moods.ilbm"); palette[2] = LoadPalette("data/greet_rno.ilbm"); PositionGreetings(); }
void SavePixmap(Pixmap* px, char* name) { Bitmap* b =NewBitmap(px->width,px->height,px->bitsPerPixel); b->data=(char*)px->data; SaveBitmap(b,name); b->data=NULL; DeleteBitmap(b); }
static void Load() { screen = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH); cp = NewCopList(100); CopInit(cp); CopSetupGfxSimple(cp, MODE_LORES, DEPTH, X(0), Y(0), WIDTH, HEIGHT); CopSetupBitplanes(cp, NULL, screen, DEPTH); CopSetRGB(cp, 0, 0x000); CopSetRGB(cp, 1, 0xfff); CopEnd(cp); }
static void Load() { screen = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH, FALSE); cp = NewCopList(100); CopInit(cp); CopMakePlayfield(cp, NULL, screen, DEPTH); CopMakeDispWin(cp, X(0), Y(0), WIDTH, HEIGHT); CopSetRGB(cp, 0, 0x000); CopSetRGB(cp, 1, 0xfff); CopEnd(cp); }
static void Load() { screen = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH + 1); palette = LoadPalette("boxes-pal.ilbm"); anim = LoadFile("running.bin", MEMF_PUBLIC); Log("Animation has %ld frames %ld x %ld.\n", (LONG)anim->count, (LONG)anim->width, (LONG)anim->height); { WORD i; for (i = 0; i < anim->count; i++) anim->frame[i] = (APTR)anim->frame[i] + (LONG)anim; } }
static void Load() { screen = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH, FALSE); cp = NewCopList(100); nullspr = NewSprite(0, FALSE); pointer = CloneSystemPointer(); CopInit(cp); CopMakePlayfield(cp, NULL, screen, DEPTH); CopMakeDispWin(cp, X(0), Y(0), WIDTH, HEIGHT); CopMakeSprites(cp, sprptr, nullspr); CopEnd(cp); CopInsSet32(sprptr[0], pointer->data); UpdateSpritePos(pointer, X(0), Y(0)); }
static void Init() { scroll = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT + 16, 1); custom->dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_BLITTER; BitmapClear(scroll); line_start = text; cp[0] = MakeCopperList(0); cp[1] = MakeCopperList(1); CopListActivate(cp[active]); custom->dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_RASTER; }
static void Load() { screen = NewBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH); bitmap = LoadILBM("data/sprites4.ilbm"); cp = NewCopList(100); CopInit(cp); CopSetupGfxSimple(cp, MODE_LORES, DEPTH, X(0), Y(0), WIDTH, HEIGHT); CopSetupBitplanes(cp, NULL, screen, DEPTH); CopLoadPal(cp, bitmap->palette, 16); CopSetupSprites(cp, sprptr); CopEnd(cp); sprite[0] = NewSpriteFromBitmap(19, bitmap, 0, 0); sprite[1] = NewSpriteFromBitmap(24, bitmap, 0, 19); sprite[2] = NewSpriteFromBitmap(42, bitmap, 0, 43); UpdateSprite(sprite[0], X(0), Y(113)); UpdateSprite(sprite[1], X(0), Y(110)); UpdateSprite(sprite[2], X(0), Y(101)); }
static void Load() { screen = NewBitmap(320, 256, 1, FALSE); bitmap = LoadILBM("data/sprites4.ilbm", TRUE); cp = NewCopList(100); CopInit(cp); CopMakePlayfield(cp, NULL, screen, screen->depth); CopMakeDispWin(cp, X(0), Y(0), screen->width, screen->height); CopLoadPal(cp, bitmap->palette, 16); CopMakeSprites(cp, sprptr, nullspr); CopEnd(cp); sprite[0] = NewSpriteFromBitmap(19, bitmap, 0, 0); sprite[1] = NewSpriteFromBitmap(24, bitmap, 0, 19); sprite[2] = NewSpriteFromBitmap(42, bitmap, 0, 43); UpdateSpritePos(sprite[0], X(0), Y(113)); UpdateSpritePos(sprite[1], X(0), Y(110)); UpdateSpritePos(sprite[2], X(0), Y(101)); nullspr = NewSprite(0, FALSE); }
static void Init() { { LONG lines = ReadLineCounter(); pixmap = PixmapFromPNG(image, MEMF_PUBLIC); lines = ReadLineCounter() - lines; Log("Png decoding took %ld raster lines.\n", (LONG)lines); } bitmap = NewBitmap(pixmap->width, pixmap->height, 4); bitmap->palette = PaletteFromPNG(image); { LONG lines = ReadLineCounter(); c2p_1x1_4(pixmap->pixels, bitmap->planes[0], pixmap->width, pixmap->height, bitmap->bplSize); lines = ReadLineCounter() - lines; Log("Chunky to planar took %ld raster lines.\n", (LONG)lines); } cp = NewCopList(100); { WORD w = bitmap->width; WORD h = bitmap->height; WORD xs = X((320 - w) / 2); WORD ys = Y((256 - h) / 2); CopInit(cp); CopSetupGfxSimple(cp, MODE_LORES, bitmap->depth, xs, ys, w, h); CopSetupBitplanes(cp, NULL, bitmap, bitmap->depth); CopLoadPal(cp, bitmap->palette, 0); CopEnd(cp); CopListActivate(cp); EnableDMA(DMAF_RASTER); } }
__regargs BitmapT *LoadILBM(const char *filename, BOOL interleaved) { BitmapT *bitmap = NULL; PaletteT *palette = NULL; IffFileT iff; if (OpenIff(&iff, filename)) { if (iff.header.type == ID_ILBM) { BOOL compression = FALSE; while (ParseChunk(&iff)) { BitmapHeaderT bmhd; switch (iff.chunk.type) { case ID_BMHD: ReadChunk(&iff, &bmhd); bitmap = NewBitmap(bmhd.w, bmhd.h, bmhd.nPlanes, interleaved); compression = bmhd.compression; break; case ID_CMAP: palette = NewPalette(iff.chunk.length / sizeof(ColorT)); ReadChunk(&iff, palette->colors); break; case ID_BODY: { BYTE *data = MemAlloc(iff.chunk.length, MEMF_PUBLIC); LONG size = iff.chunk.length; ReadChunk(&iff, data); if (compression) { LONG newSize = bitmap->bplSize * bitmap->depth; BYTE *uncompressed = MemAlloc(newSize, MEMF_PUBLIC); UnRLE(data, size, uncompressed); MemFree(data, size); data = uncompressed; size = newSize; } if (!interleaved) Deinterleave(data, bitmap); else memcpy(bitmap->planes[0], data, bitmap->bplSize * bitmap->depth); MemFree(data, size); } break; default: SkipChunk(&iff); break; } } if (bitmap) bitmap->palette = palette; } CloseIff(&iff); } else { Log("File '%s' missing.\n", filename); } return bitmap; }
void PBTabPanel::RecountNewPosition() { if (GetLeft() >= 0 && GetTop() >= 0 && GetWidth() > 0 && GetHeight() > 0) { MarkAsChanged(); } if (m_pActiveTab != NULL) { free(m_pActiveTab); m_pActiveTab = NULL; } if (m_pInactiveTab != NULL) { free(m_pInactiveTab); m_pInactiveTab = NULL; } m_pActiveTab = GetResource("tab_active", NULL); m_pInactiveTab = GetResource("tab_inactive", NULL); if (m_pActiveTab == NULL || m_pInactiveTab == NULL) { m_pActiveTab = NewBitmap(68, 26); m_pInactiveTab = NewBitmap(68, 26); memset(m_pActiveTab->data, 0xff, m_pActiveTab->height * m_pActiveTab->scanline); memset(m_pInactiveTab->data, 0xaa, m_pInactiveTab->height * m_pInactiveTab->scanline); } switch(m_Alignment) { case ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM: GetGraphics()->RotateBitmap(&m_pActiveTab, ROTATE0); GetGraphics()->RotateBitmap(&m_pInactiveTab, ROTATE0); SetWindowPos(0, m_pParent->GetHeight() - m_pActiveTab->height, m_pParent->GetWidth(), m_pActiveTab->height); // SetLeft(0); // SetTop(m_pParent->GetHeight() - m_pActiveTab->height); // SetWidth(m_pParent->GetWidth()); // SetHeight(m_pActiveTab->height); m_Length = m_pParent->GetWidth(); m_X = GetLeft() + HIDESPACE; m_Y = GetTop() - 2; m_ShiftX = m_pActiveTab->width - HIDESPACE; m_ShiftY = 0; break; case ALIGNMENT_LEFT: GetGraphics()->RotateBitmap(&m_pActiveTab, ROTATE90); GetGraphics()->RotateBitmap(&m_pInactiveTab, ROTATE90); SetWindowPos(0, 0, m_pActiveTab->width, m_pParent->GetHeight()); // SetLeft(0); // SetTop(0); // SetWidth(m_pActiveTab->width); // SetHeight(m_pParent->GetHeight()); m_Length = m_pParent->GetHeight(); m_X = GetLeft() + 2; m_Y = GetTop() + HIDESPACE; m_ShiftX = 0; m_ShiftY = m_pActiveTab->height - HIDESPACE; break; case ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: GetGraphics()->RotateBitmap(&m_pActiveTab, ROTATE270); GetGraphics()->RotateBitmap(&m_pInactiveTab, ROTATE270); SetWindowPos(m_pParent->GetWidth() - m_pActiveTab->width, 0, m_pActiveTab->width, m_pParent->GetHeight()); // SetLeft(m_pParent->GetWidth() - m_pActiveTab->width); // SetTop(0); // SetWidth(m_pActiveTab->width); // SetHeight(m_pParent->GetHeight()); m_Length = m_pParent->GetHeight(); m_X = GetLeft() - 2; m_Y = GetTop() + HIDESPACE; m_ShiftX = 0; m_ShiftY = m_pActiveTab->height - HIDESPACE; break; case ALIGNMENT_TOP: GetGraphics()->RotateBitmap(&m_pActiveTab, ROTATE180); GetGraphics()->RotateBitmap(&m_pInactiveTab, ROTATE180); SetWindowPos(0, 0, m_pParent->GetWidth(), m_pActiveTab->height); // SetLeft(0); // SetTop(0); // SetWidth(m_pParent->GetWidth()); // SetHeight(m_pActiveTab->height); m_Length = m_pParent->GetWidth(); m_X = GetLeft() + HIDESPACE; m_Y = GetTop() + 2; m_ShiftX = m_pActiveTab->width - HIDESPACE; m_ShiftY = 0; break; } RecountViewTabs(); MarkAsChanged(); }
Bitmap* ReadPCXFile (const Collection* A) /* Read a bitmap from a PCX file */ { PCXHeader* P; Bitmap* B; unsigned char* L; Pixel* Px; unsigned MaxIdx = 0; unsigned X, Y; /* Get the file name */ const char* Name = NeedAttrVal (A, "name", "read pcx file"); /* Open the file */ FILE* F = fopen (Name, "rb"); if (F == 0) { Error ("Cannot open PCX file `%s': %s", Name, strerror (errno)); } /* Read the PCX header */ P = ReadPCXHeader (F, Name); /* Dump the header if requested */ if (Verbosity > 0) { DumpPCXHeader (P, Name); } /* Create the bitmap */ B = NewBitmap (P->Width, P->Height); /* Copy the name */ SB_CopyStr (&B->Name, Name); /* Allocate memory for the scan line */ L = xmalloc (P->Width); /* Read the pixel data */ Px = B->Data; if (P->Planes == 1) { /* This is either monochrome or indexed */ if (P->BPP == 1) { /* Monochrome */ for (Y = 0, Px = B->Data; Y < P->Height; ++Y) { unsigned I; unsigned char Mask; /* Read the plane */ ReadPlane (F, P, L); /* Create pixels */ for (X = 0, I = 0, Mask = 0x01; X < P->Width; ++Px) { Px->Index = (L[I] & Mask) != 0; if (Mask == 0x80) { Mask = 0x01; ++I; } else { Mask <<= 1; } } } } else { /* One plane with 8bpp is indexed */ for (Y = 0, Px = B->Data; Y < P->Height; ++Y) { /* Read the plane */ ReadPlane (F, P, L); /* Create pixels */ for (X = 0; X < P->Width; ++X, ++Px) { if (L[X] > MaxIdx) { MaxIdx = L[X]; } Px->Index = L[X]; } } } /* One plane means we have a palette which is either part of the header ** or follows. */ if (P->PalInfo == 0) { /* Create the monochrome palette */ B->Pal = NewMonochromePalette (); } else { unsigned Count; unsigned I; unsigned char Palette[256][3]; unsigned long EndPos; /* Determine the current file position */ unsigned long CurPos = FileGetPos (F); /* Seek to the end of the file */ (void) fseek (F, 0, SEEK_END); /* Get this position */ EndPos = FileGetPos (F); /* There's a palette if the old location is 769 bytes from the end */ if (EndPos - CurPos == sizeof (Palette) + 1) { /* Seek back */ FileSetPos (F, CurPos); /* Check for palette marker */ if (Read8 (F) != 0x0C) { Error ("Invalid palette marker in PCX file `%s'", Name); } } else if (EndPos == CurPos) { /* The palette is in the header */ FileSetPos (F, 16); /* Check the maximum index for safety */ if (MaxIdx > 15) { Error ("PCX file `%s' contains more than 16 indexed colors " "but no extra palette", Name); } } else { Error ("Error in PCX file `%s': %lu bytes at end of pixel data", Name, EndPos - CurPos); } /* Read the palette. We will just read what we need. */ Count = MaxIdx + 1; ReadData (F, Palette, Count * sizeof (Palette[0])); /* Create the palette from the data */ B->Pal = NewPalette (Count); for (I = 0; I < Count; ++I) { B->Pal->Entries[I].R = Palette[I][0]; B->Pal->Entries[I].G = Palette[I][1]; B->Pal->Entries[I].B = Palette[I][2]; B->Pal->Entries[I].A = 0; } } } else { /* 3 or 4 planes are RGB or RGBA (don't know if this exists) */ for (Y = 0, Px = B->Data; Y < P->Height; ++Y) { /* Read the R plane and move the data */ ReadPlane (F, P, L); for (X = 0; X < P->Width; ++X, ++Px) { Px->C.R = L[X]; } /* Read the G plane and move the data */ ReadPlane (F, P, L); for (X = 0; X < P->Width; ++X, ++Px) { Px->C.G = L[X]; } /* Read the B plane and move the data */ ReadPlane (F, P, L); for (X = 0; X < P->Width; ++X, ++Px) { Px->C.B = L[X]; } /* Either read the A plane or clear it */ if (P->Planes == 4) { ReadPlane (F, P, L); for (X = 0; X < P->Width; ++X, ++Px) { Px->C.A = L[X]; } } else { for (X = 0; X < P->Width; ++X, ++Px) { Px->C.A = 0; } } } } /* Close the file */ fclose (F); /* Free memory for the scan line */ xfree (L); /* Free the PCX header */ FreePCXHeader (P); /* Return the bitmap */ return B; }