Пример #1
 *  ======== registerFxn ========
Int registerFxn(Ptr *userObj, UInt16 remoteProcId)
    Int status;

    if (remoteProcId != srcProc) {
        return (0);
    status = Notify_registerEventSingle(srcProc, INTERRUPT_LINE, EVENTID,
                                  (Notify_FnNotifyCbck)cbFxn, NULL);
    if (status < 0) {
        System_abort("Notify_registerEvent failed\n");

    return (0);
Пример #2
 *  ======== Notify_registerEvent ========
Int Notify_registerEvent(UInt16                 procId,
                         UInt16                 lineId,
                         UInt32                 eventId,
                         Notify_FnNotifyCbck    fnNotifyCbck,
                         UArg                   cbckArg)
    UInt32               strippedEventId = (eventId & 0xFFFF);
    UInt16 clusterId =   ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_getClusterId(procId);
    Int                  status;
    ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_Object        *obj;
    UInt                 modKey;
    List_Handle          eventList;
    ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_EventListener *listener;
    Bool                 listWasEmpty;
    Error_Block          eb;

    Assert_isTrue(procId < ti_sdo_utils_MultiProc_numProcessors &&
                  lineId < ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_numLines, ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_A_invArgument);
    Assert_isTrue(strippedEventId < ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_numEvents,
    Assert_isTrue(ISRESERVED(eventId), ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_A_reservedEvent);


    modKey = Gate_enterModule();

    obj = (ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_Object *)

    Assert_isTrue(obj != NULL, ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_A_notRegistered);

    /* Allocate a new EventListener */
    listener = Memory_alloc(ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_Object_heap(),
                            sizeof(ti_sdo_ipc_Notify_EventListener), 0, &eb);
    if (listener == NULL) {
        /* Listener memory allocation failed.  Leave module gate & return */

        return (Notify_E_MEMORY);

    listener->callback.fnNotifyCbck = (Fxn)fnNotifyCbck;
    listener->callback.cbckArg = cbckArg;

    eventList = List_Object_get(obj->eventList, strippedEventId);

     *  Store whether the list was empty so we know whether to register the
     *  callback
    listWasEmpty = List_empty(eventList);

     *  Need to atomically add to the list using the system gate because
     *  Notify_exec might preempt List_remove.  List_put is atomic.
    List_put(eventList, (List_Elem *)listener);

    if (listWasEmpty) {
         *  Registering this event for the first time.  Need to register the
         *  callback function.
        status = Notify_registerEventSingle(procId, lineId, eventId,
                                            Notify_execMany, (UArg)obj);

        /* Notify_registerEventSingle should always succeed */
        Assert_isTrue(status == Notify_S_SUCCESS,

    status = Notify_S_SUCCESS;


    return (status);
Пример #3
Файл: App.c Проект: yesj/J5_A8
Int App_create(UInt16 remoteProcId)
    Int                 status    =0;
    int                 retStatus =0;
    UInt32              event     =0;
    HeapBufMP_Params    heapParams;
    MessageQ_Params     msgqParams;

    printf("--> App_create:\n");

    /* setting default values */
    Module.remoteProcId = remoteProcId;
    Module.lineId = SystemCfg_LineId;
    Module.eventId = SystemCfg_AppEventId;
    Module.head = 0;
    Module.tail = 0;
    Module.error = 0;
    Module.msgHeap = NULL;
    Module.hostQue = NULL;
    Module.videoQue = MessageQ_INVALIDMESSAGEQ;
    Module.heapId = App_MsgHeapId;
    Module.msgSize = sizeof(App_Msg);

    /* 1. create sync object */
    retStatus = sem_init(&Module.semH, 0, 0);

    if (retStatus == -1) {
        printf("App_create: Failed to create a semaphore\n");
        goto leave;

    /* 2. register notify callback */
    status = Notify_registerEventSingle(Module.remoteProcId, Module.lineId,
        Module.eventId, App_notifyCB, (UArg)&Module);

    if (status < 0) {
        printf("App_create: Host failed to register an event\n");
        goto leave;

    /* 3. wait until remote core has also registered notify callback */
    do {
        status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.remoteProcId, Module.lineId,
            Module.eventId, App_CMD_NOP, TRUE);

        if (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED) {
    } while (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED);

    if (status < 0) {
        printf("App_create: Failed to send event\n");
        goto leave;

    /* 4. create local & shared resources (to be opened by remote processor) */

    /* create heap for messages */

    heapParams.name = App_MsgHeapName;
    heapParams.regionId = App_MsgHeapSrId;
    heapParams.blockSize = 64;
    heapParams.numBlocks = 10;

    Module.msgHeap = HeapBufMP_create(&heapParams);

    if (Module.msgHeap == NULL) {
        printf("App_create: Failed to create a HeapBufMP\n");
        status = -1;
        goto leave;

    /* register heap with MessageQ */
    status = MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(Module.msgHeap), App_MsgHeapId);

    if (status < 0) {
        printf("App_create: Failed to register HeapBufMP with MessageQ\n");
        goto leave;

    /* create local message queue (inbound messages) */

    Module.hostQue = MessageQ_create(App_HostMsgQueName, &msgqParams);

    if (Module.hostQue == NULL) {
        printf("App_create: Failed creating MessageQ\n");
        status = -1;
        goto leave;

    /* 5. send resource ready event */
    status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.remoteProcId, Module.lineId,
        Module.eventId, App_CMD_RESRDY, TRUE);

    if (status < 0) {
        printf("App_create: Failed to send event\n");
        goto leave;

    /* 6. wait for remote resource ready event */
    do {
        event = App_waitForEvent();

        if (event >= App_E_FAILURE) {
            status = -1;
            printf("App_create: Failed waiting for event\n");
            goto leave;
    } while (event != App_CMD_RESRDY);

    /* 7. open remote resources */

    /* open the video message queue */
    status = MessageQ_open(App_VideoMsgQueName, &Module.videoQue);

    if (status < 0) {
        printf("App_create: Failed opening MessageQ\n");
        goto leave;

    /* 8. send application ready event */
    status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.remoteProcId, Module.lineId,
        Module.eventId, App_CMD_READY, TRUE);

    if (status < 0) {
        printf("App_create: Failed to send event\n");
        goto leave;

    /* 9. wait for remote server ready event */
    do {
        event = App_waitForEvent();

        if (event >= App_E_FAILURE) {
            status = -1;
            printf("App_create: Failed waiting for event\n");
            goto leave;
    } while (event != App_CMD_READY);

    printf("App_create: Host is ready\n");
    printf("<-- App_create:\n");
Пример #4
 *  ======== Hello_start ========
 *  1. create semaphore object
 *  2. register notify callback
 *  3. wait until remote core has also registered notify callback
 *  4. create local & shared resources
 *  5. send resource ready event
 *  6. wait for remote resource ready event
 *  7. open remote resources
 *  8. handshake the ready event
Int Hello_start(UInt16 remoteProcId)
    Int                 status;
    UInt32              event;
    SemThread_Params    semParams;
    HeapBufMP_Params    heapParams;
    Error_Block         eb;

    Module.remoteProcId = remoteProcId;

     *  1. create semaphore object
    semParams.mode = SemThread_Mode_COUNTING;

    SemThread_construct(&Module.semS, 0, &semParams, &eb);

    if (Error_check(&eb)) {
        status = -15;
        goto leave;

    Module.semH = SemThread_handle(&Module.semS);

     *  2. register notify callback
    status = Notify_registerEventSingle(Module.remoteProcId, Module.lineId,
        Module.eventId, Hello_notifyCB, (UArg)&Module);

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

     *  3. wait until remote core has also registered notify callback
    do {
        status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.remoteProcId, Module.lineId,
            Module.eventId, App_CMD_NOP, TRUE);

        if (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED) {
            Thread_sleep(1000, &eb);  /* microseconds */
    } while (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED);

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

     *  4. create local & shared resources (to be opened by remote processor)

    /* create heap for rcm messages */
    heapParams.name = Global_RcmClientHeapName;
    heapParams.regionId = 0;
    heapParams.blockSize = 0x200;  /* 512 B */
    heapParams.numBlocks = 8;

    Module.msgHeap = HeapBufMP_create(&heapParams);

    if (Module.msgHeap == NULL) {
        Log_error0("Hello_start: HeapBuf_create() failed");
        status = -1;
        goto leave;

    /* register heap with MessageQ */
    status = MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(Module.msgHeap),

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

     *  5. send resource ready event
    status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.remoteProcId, Module.lineId,
        Module.eventId, App_CMD_RESRDY, TRUE);

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

     *  6. wait for remote resource ready event
    do {
        event = Hello_waitForEvent();

        if (event >= App_E_FAILURE) {
            status = -1;
            goto leave;
    } while (event != App_CMD_RESRDY);

     *  7. open remote resources

     *  8. handshake the ready event
    status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.remoteProcId, Module.lineId,
        Module.eventId, App_CMD_READY, TRUE);

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

    do {
        event = Hello_waitForEvent();

        if (event >= App_E_FAILURE) {
            status = -1;
            goto leave;
    } while (event != App_CMD_READY);

Пример #5
 *  ======== TransportShm_Instance_init ========
Int TransportShm_Instance_init(TransportShm_Object *obj,
        UInt16 procId, const TransportShm_Params *params,
        Error_Block *eb)
    Int            localIndex;
    Int            remoteIndex;
    Int            status;
    Bool           flag;
    UInt32         minAlign;
    ListMP_Params  listMPParams[2];
    Swi_Handle     swiHandle;
    Swi_Params     swiParams;
    Ptr            localAddr;

    swiHandle = TransportShm_Instance_State_swiObj(obj);

     *  Determine who gets the '0' slot in shared memory and who gets
     *  the '1' slot. The '0' slot is given to the lower MultiProc id.
    if (MultiProc_self() < procId) {
        localIndex  = 0;
        remoteIndex = 1;
    else {
        localIndex  = 1;
        remoteIndex = 0;

    if (params->openFlag) {
        /* Open by sharedAddr */
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_OPENDYNAMIC;
        obj->self = (TransportShm_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);

        localAddr = SharedRegion_getPtr(obj->self->gateMPAddr);
        status = GateMP_openByAddr(localAddr, (GateMP_Handle *)&obj->gate);
        if (status < 0) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
    else {
        /* init the gate for ListMP create below */
        if (params->gate != NULL) {
            obj->gate = params->gate;
        else {
            obj->gate = (ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_Handle)GateMP_getDefaultRemote();

        /* Creating using sharedAddr */
        obj->regionId = SharedRegion_getId(params->sharedAddr);

        /* Assert that the buffer is in a valid shared region */
        Assert_isTrue(obj->regionId != SharedRegion_INVALIDREGIONID,

        /* Assert that sharedAddr is cache aligned */
        Assert_isTrue(((UInt32)params->sharedAddr %
                SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId) == 0),

        /* set object's cacheEnabled, type, self */
        obj->cacheEnabled = SharedRegion_isCacheEnabled(obj->regionId);
        obj->objType = ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_ObjType_CREATEDYNAMIC;
        obj->self = (TransportShm_Attrs *)params->sharedAddr;

    /* determine the minimum alignment to align to */
    minAlign = Memory_getMaxDefaultTypeAlign();
    if (SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId) > minAlign) {
        minAlign = SharedRegion_getCacheLineSize(obj->regionId);

     *  Carve up the shared memory.
     *  If cache is enabled, these need to be on separate cache lines.
     *  This is done with minAlign and _Ipc_roundup function.
    obj->other = (TransportShm_Attrs *)((UInt32)(obj->self) +
        (_Ipc_roundup(sizeof(TransportShm_Attrs), minAlign)));

    listMPParams[0].gate = (GateMP_Handle)obj->gate;
    listMPParams[0].sharedAddr = (UInt32 *)((UInt32)(obj->other) +
        (_Ipc_roundup(sizeof(TransportShm_Attrs), minAlign)));

    listMPParams[1].gate = (GateMP_Handle)obj->gate;
    listMPParams[1].sharedAddr = (UInt32 *)((UInt32)(listMPParams[0].sharedAddr)
        + ListMP_sharedMemReq(&listMPParams[0]));

    obj->priority      = params->priority;
    obj->remoteProcId  = procId;

    swiParams.arg0 = (UArg)obj;
                 &swiParams, eb);

    if (params->openFlag == FALSE) {
        obj->localList = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Handle)
        if (obj->localList == NULL) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (2);

        obj->remoteList = (ti_sdo_ipc_ListMP_Handle)
        if (obj->localList == NULL) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (2);
    else {
        /* Open the local ListMP instance */
        status = ListMP_openByAddr(listMPParams[localIndex].sharedAddr,
                                   (ListMP_Handle *)&(obj->localList));

        if (status < 0) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (2);

        /* Open the remote ListMP instance */
        status = ListMP_openByAddr(listMPParams[remoteIndex].sharedAddr,
                                   (ListMP_Handle *)&(obj->remoteList));

        if (status < 0) {
            Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
            return (2);

    /* register the event with Notify */
    status = Notify_registerEventSingle(
                 procId,    /* remoteProcId */
                 0,         /* lineId */
    if (status < 0) {
        Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
        return (3);

    /* Register the transport with MessageQ */
    flag = ti_sdo_ipc_MessageQ_registerTransport(
            TransportShm_Handle_upCast(obj), procId, params->priority);
    if (flag == FALSE) {
        Error_raise(eb, ti_sdo_ipc_Ipc_E_internal, 0, 0);
        return (4);

    if (params->openFlag == FALSE) {
        obj->self->creatorProcId = MultiProc_self();
        obj->self->notifyEventId = TransportShm_notifyEventId;
        obj->self->priority = obj->priority;

        /* Store the GateMP sharedAddr in the Attrs */
        obj->self->gateMPAddr = ti_sdo_ipc_GateMP_getSharedAddr(obj->gate);
        obj->self->flag = TransportShm_UP;

        if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv(obj->self, sizeof(TransportShm_Attrs),
                     Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);
    else {
        obj->other->flag = TransportShm_UP;
        if (obj->cacheEnabled) {
            Cache_wbInv(&(obj->other->flag), minAlign, Cache_Type_ALL, TRUE);

    obj->status = TransportShm_UP;

    return (0);
Пример #6
 *  ======== Server_setup ========
 *  1. create semaphore object
 *  2. register notify callback
 *  3. wait until remote core has also registered notify callback
 *  4. create local & shared resources
 *  5. send resource ready event
 *  6. wait for remote resource ready event
 *  7. open remote resources
 *  8. handshake the ready event
Int Server_setup(Void)
    Int                 status;
    UInt32              event;
    Semaphore_Params    semParams;
    RcmServer_Params    rcmServerP;

    Log_print0(Diags_ENTRY | Diags_INFO, "--> Server_setup:");

     *  1. create semaphore object
    semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_COUNTING;
    Semaphore_construct(&Module.semS, 0, &semParams);
    Module.semH = Semaphore_handle(&Module.semS);

     *  2. register notify callback
    status = Notify_registerEventSingle(Module.hostProcId, Module.lineId,
        Module.eventId, Server_notifyCB, (UArg)&Module);

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

     *  3. wait until remote core has also registered notify callback
    do {
        status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.hostProcId, Module.lineId,
            Module.eventId, App_CMD_NOP, TRUE);

        if (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED) {
            Task_sleep(200);  /* ticks */
    } while (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED);

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

     *  4. create local & shared resources (to be opened by remote processor)

     *  5. send resource ready event
    status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.hostProcId, Module.lineId, Module.eventId,
        App_CMD_RESRDY, TRUE);

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

     *  6. wait for remote resource ready event
    do {
        event = Server_waitForEvent();

        if (event >= App_E_FAILURE) {
            status = -1;
            goto leave;
    } while (event != App_CMD_RESRDY);

     *  7. open remote resources

    /* open the rcm heap */
    status = HeapBufMP_open(Global_RcmClientHeapName, &Module.heapH);

    if (status < 0) {
        Log_error1("Server_setup: HeapBufMP_open() returned error %d",
        goto leave;

    /* register the rcm heap with MessageQ */
    status = MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(Module.heapH), Global_RcmClientHeapId);

    if (status < 0) {
        Log_error1("Server_setup: MessageQ_restierHeap() returned error %d",
        goto leave;

    /* initialize RcmServer create params */
    rcmServerP.fxns.length = Server_fxnTab.length;
    rcmServerP.fxns.elem = Server_fxnTab.elem;

    /* create the RcmServer instance */
    status = RcmServer_create(Global_RcmServerName, &rcmServerP,

    if (status < 0) {
        Log_error1("Server_setup: RcmServer_create() returned error %d",
        goto leave;

    /* start the server */

     *  8. handshake the ready event
    status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.hostProcId, Module.lineId, Module.eventId,
        App_CMD_READY, TRUE);

    if (status < 0) {
        goto leave;

    do {
        event = Server_waitForEvent();

        if (event >= App_E_FAILURE) {
            status = -1;
            goto leave;
    } while (event != App_CMD_READY);

    Log_print1(Diags_EXIT, "<-- Server_setup: %d", (IArg)status);