Пример #1
 //BUG BUG Result ought to be dense/sparse/diag according as M is....
 matrix apply(RingHom phi, ConstMatrixView M)
   CoCoA_ASSERT(domain(phi) == RingOf(M));
   matrix NewM(NewDenseMat(codomain(phi), NumRows(M), NumCols(M)));
   for (long i=0; i < NumRows(M); ++i)
     for (long j=0; j < NumCols(M); ++j)
       SetEntry(NewM, i, j, phi(M(i,j)));
   return NewM;
Пример #2
void CNumMat::operator-=(const CNumMat &m)
		throw BPException("gsl_matrix_sub");
Пример #3
const double &CNumMat::operator()(unsigned row, unsigned col) const
	return(*gsl_matrix_ptr(m_mat,row, col));
Пример #4
  // Simple rather than efficient (esp. the call to eval)
  std::vector<RingElem> BM_generic(const SparsePolyRing& P, const ConstMatrixView& pts)
    if (CoeffRing(P) != RingOf(pts)) CoCoA_ERROR(ERR::MixedRings, "Buchberger-Moeller");
    if (NumIndets(P) < NumCols(pts)) CoCoA_ERROR(ERR::IncompatDims, "Buchberger-Moeller");

    const long NumPts = NumRows(pts);
    const long dim = NumCols(pts);
    const ring k = CoeffRing(P);

    vector<RingElem> GB;
    const PPMonoid TT = PPM(P);
    QBGenerator QBG(TT);
    matrix M = NewDenseMat(k, 1, NumPts);
    // Fill first row with 1:
    for (int i=0; i<NumPts; ++i) SetEntry(M,0,i, 1);

    // The next loop removes the last indets from consideration.
    for (int i=dim; i < NumIndets(TT); ++i)

    while (!QBG.myCorners().empty())
      const PPMonoidElem t = QBG.myCorners().front();
      const vector<RingElem> v = eval(t, pts);
      ConstMatrixView NewRow = RowMat(v);
      const matrix a = LinSolve(transpose(M), transpose(NewRow));
      if (IsValidSolution(a))
        RingElem NewGBElem = monomial(P, one(k), t);
        const vector<PPMonoidElem>& QB =  QBG.myQB();
        for (int i=0; i < NumRows(M); ++i)
          NewGBElem -= monomial(P, a(i,0), QB[i]);
        M = NewDenseMat(ConcatVer(M, NewRow));
    return GB;
Пример #5
 // I bet this makes lots of wasteful copies...
 matrix NewDenseMat(ConstMatrixView M)
   const long r = NumRows(M);
   const long c = NumCols(M);
   matrix ans(new DenseMatImpl(RingOf(M), r, c));
   for (long i=0; i < r; ++i)
     for (long j=0; j < c; ++j)
       SetEntry(ans, i, j, M(i, j));
   return ans;
Пример #6
void CNumMat::resize(unsigned rows, unsigned cols)
	assert(rows>0 && cols>0);
		if(NumRows()==rows && NumCols()==cols)
Пример #7
 ideal IdealOfPoints(const SparsePolyRing& P, const ConstMatrixView& M)
   if (CoeffRing(P) != RingOf(M)) CoCoA_ERROR(ERR::MixedRings, "IdealOfPoints");
   if (NumIndets(P) != NumCols(M)) CoCoA_ERROR(ERR::BadMatrixSize, "IdealOfPoints");
   if (DuplicateRows(M)) CoCoA_ERROR("Duplicate points", "IdealOfPoints");
   ideal I(P, std::vector<RingElem>(0));
   if (IsFiniteField(CoeffRing(P)))  I = ideal(P, BM_modp(P, M));
   else if (IsQQ(CoeffRing(P))) I = ideal(P, BM_QQ(P, M));
   // generic case
   else I = ideal(P, BM_generic(P, M));
   return I;
Пример #8
/* CloneSMatrix: return a clone of given Matrix */
SMatrix CloneSMatrix(MemHeap *hmem, SMatrix s, Boolean sharing)
   SMatrix t;  /* the target */

   if (s==NULL) return NULL;
   if (GetUse(s)>0 && sharing) {
      return s;
   t = CreateSMatrix(hmem,NumRows(s),NumCols(s));
   return t;
Пример #9
 bool DuplicateRows(const ConstMatrixView& M)
   const long nrows = NumRows(M);
   const long ncols = NumCols(M);
   for (long i1=0; i1 < nrows; ++i1)
     for (long i2=i1+1; i2 < nrows; ++i2)
       bool NoDifference = true;
       for (long j=0; NoDifference && j < ncols; ++j)
         NoDifference = (M(i1,j) == M(i2,j));
       if (NoDifference) return true;
   return false;
Пример #10
PODVector<CubeTerrain*>* Terrain::GetColumnCubes(CubeTerrain *cube, DIR dir)
    const int dRow[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1,  1};
    const int dCol[8] = {-1, -1,  0,  1, 1, 1, 0, -1};

    uint row = (uint)((int)cube->row + dRow[dir]);
    uint col = (uint)((int)cube->col + dCol[dir]);

    if(row > NumRows() - 1 || col > NumCols() - 1)
        return nullptr;

    return &columnsCubes[row][col];
Пример #11
  std::vector<RingElem> BM_modp(const SparsePolyRing& P, const ConstMatrixView& pts)
    ring Fp = CoeffRing(P);

    const int NumPts = NumRows(pts);
    const int NumVars = NumCols(pts);
    const long p = ConvertTo<long>(characteristic(Fp));
    FF FFp = FFctor(p);
    FFelem** points_p = (FFelem**)malloc(NumPts*sizeof(FFelem*));
    for (int i=0; i < NumPts; ++i)
      points_p[i] = (FFelem*)malloc(NumVars*sizeof(FFelem));
      for (int j=0; j < NumVars; ++j)
        points_p[i][j] = ConvertTo<FFelem>(LeastNNegRemainder(ConvertTo<BigInt>(pts(i,j)), p));
    pp_cmp_PPM = &PPM(P);
    const BM modp = BM_affine_mod_p(NumVars, NumPts, points_p, pp_cmp);
    if (modp == NULL) return std::vector<RingElem>(); // empty list means error

    const int GBsize = modp->GBsize;
    std::vector<RingElem> GB(GBsize);
    vector<long> expv(NumVars);
    for (int i=0; i < GBsize; ++i)
      for (int var = 0; var < NumVars; ++var)
        expv[var] = modp->pp[modp->GB[i]][var];
      RingElem GBelem = monomial(P, 1, expv);
      for (int j=0; j < NumPts; ++j)
        const int c = modp->M[modp->GB[i]][j+NumPts];
        if (c == 0) continue;
        for (int var = 0; var < NumVars; ++var)
          expv[var] = modp->pp[modp->sep[j]][var];
        GBelem += monomial(P, c, expv);
      GB[i] = GBelem;
    return GB;
Пример #12
Файл: HLVRec.c Проект: didw/HTS
/* CheckLRTransP

     determine wheter transition matrix is left-to-right, i.e. no backward transitions
static Boolean CheckLRTransP (SMatrix transP)
   int r,c,N;

   N = NumCols (transP);
   assert (N == NumRows (transP));

   for (r = 1; r <= N; ++r) {
      for (c = 1; c < r; ++c) {
         if (transP[r][c] > LSMALL)
            return FALSE;
      for (c = r+2; c < r; ++c) {
         if (transP[r][c] > LSMALL)
            return FALSE;

   return TRUE;   
Пример #13
  std::vector<RingElem> BM_QQ(const SparsePolyRing& P, const ConstMatrixView& pts_in)
    const long NumPts = NumRows(pts_in);
    const long dim = NumCols(pts_in);
    matrix pts = NewDenseMat(RingQQ(), NumPts, dim);
    for (long i=0; i < NumPts; ++i)
      for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j)
        BigRat q;
        if (!IsRational(q, pts_in(i,j))) throw 999;
        SetEntry(pts,i,j, q);

    // Ensure input pts have integer coords by using
    // scale factors for each indet.
    vector<BigInt> ScaleFactor(dim, BigInt(1));
    for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j)
      for (long i=0; i < NumPts; ++i)
        ScaleFactor[j] = lcm(ScaleFactor[j], ConvertTo<BigInt>(den(pts(i,j))));

    mpz_t **points = (mpz_t**)malloc(NumPts*sizeof(mpz_t*));
    for (long i=0; i < NumPts; ++i)
      points[i] = (mpz_t*)malloc(dim*sizeof(mpz_t));
      for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j) mpz_init(points[i][j]);
      for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j)
        mpz_set(points[i][j], mpzref(ConvertTo<BigInt>(ScaleFactor[j]*pts(i,j))));

    BMGB char0; // these will be "filled in" by BM_affine below
    BM modp;    //
    pp_cmp_PPM = &PPM(P); // not threadsafe!
    BM_affine(&char0, &modp, dim, NumPts, points, pp_cmp); // THIS CALL DOES THE REAL WORK!!!
    pp_cmp_PPM = NULL;
    for (long i=NumPts-1; i >=0 ; --i)
      for (long j=0; j < dim; ++j) mpz_clear(points[i][j]);

    if (modp == NULL) { if (char0 != NULL) BMGB_dtor(char0); CoCoA_ERROR("Something went wrong", "BM_QQ"); }

    // Now extract the answer...
    const int GBsize = char0->GBsize;
    std::vector<RingElem> GB(GBsize);
    const long NumVars = dim;
    vector<long> expv(NumVars); // buffer for creating monomials
    for (int i=0; i < GBsize; ++i)
      BigInt denom(1); // scale factor needed to make GB elem monic.
      for (int var = 0; var < NumVars; ++var)
        expv[var] = modp->pp[modp->GB[i]][var];
        denom *= power(ScaleFactor[var], expv[var]);
      RingElem GBelem = monomial(P, 1, expv);

      for (int j=0; j < NumPts; ++j)
        if (mpq_sgn(char0->GB[i][j])==0) continue;
        BigRat c(char0->GB[i][j]);
        for (int var = 0; var < NumVars; ++var)
          expv[var] = modp->pp[modp->sep[j]][var];
          c *= power(ScaleFactor[var], expv[var]);
        GBelem += monomial(P, c/denom, expv);
      GB[i] = GBelem;
    return GB;
    // ignoring separators for the moment
Пример #14
  int exampleSolver(const std::string file_input,
                    const int prunecut,
                    const int max_concurrency,
                    const int nrhs,
                    const int mb,
                    const int nb,
                    const bool verbose) {
    typedef typename
      Kokkos::Impl::is_space<DeviceSpaceType>::host_mirror_space::execution_space HostSpaceType ;
    const bool detail = false;
    std::cout << "DeviceSpace::  "; DeviceSpaceType::print_configuration(std::cout, detail);
    std::cout << "HostSpace::    ";   HostSpaceType::print_configuration(std::cout, detail);

    typedef Solver<value_type,ordinal_type,size_type,DeviceSpaceType> SolverType;


    int r_val = 0;
    Kokkos::Impl::Timer timer;

    SolverType tacho("Tacho::CholSolver");
    tacho.setBlocksize(mb, nb);

    /// Read from matrix market
    ///     input  - file
    ///     output - AA
    struct {
      size_type *ap;
      ordinal_type *aj;
      value_type *ax;

      value_type *b;
      bool is_allocated;
    } data;

    // non standard initialization and icpc complains
    //= { .ap = NULL, .aj = NULL, .ax = NULL,
    //.b = NULL, .is_allocated = false };

    if (file_input.compare("null") != 0) {
      data.is_allocated = false;
      std::cout << "Solver:: "
                << "Matrix market input is selected"
                << std::endl;

      // matrix market example
      typename SolverType::CrsMatrixBaseHostType AA("AA");
      std::ifstream in;
      if (!in.good()) {
        std::cout << "Failed in open the file: " << file_input << std::endl;
        return -1;
      MatrixMarket::read(AA, in);
      typename SolverType::DenseMatrixBaseHostType BB("BB", AA.NumRows(), nrhs), XX("XX");

      const ordinal_type m = BB.NumRows();
      for (auto rhs=0;rhs<nrhs;++rhs) 
        for (auto i=0;i<m;++i) 
          BB.Value(i, rhs) = ((value_type)rand()/(RAND_MAX));
      //tacho.setProblem(AA, BB, XX);
    } else {
      data.is_allocated = true;
      std::cout << "Solver:: "
                << "user data input is selected"
                << std::endl;

      const ordinal_type m = 12, nnz = 46;

      data.ap = new size_type[m+1]{
        0, 3, 7, 11, 15, 20, 23, 26, 31, 35, 39, 43, 46
      data.aj = new ordinal_type[nnz]{
        0, 1, 2,
        0, 1, 3, 4,  
        0, 2, 4, 5, 
        1, 3, 6, 7, 
        1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 
        2, 5, 8, 
        3, 6, 9, 
        3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 
        4, 5, 8, 10, 
        6, 7, 9, 11, 
        7, 8, 10, 11, 
        9, 10, 11 
      data.ax = new value_type[nnz]{
        10,  1,  1, 
        1, 10,  1,  2, 
        1, 10,  1,  1, 
        1, 10,  1,  1, 
        2,  1, 10,  2,  2, 
        1, 10,  1, 
        1, 10,  2, 
        1,  2, 10,  2,  1, 
        2,  1, 10,  1, 
        2,  2, 10,  2, 
        1,  1, 10,  1, 
        2, 1, 10 

      data.b = new value_type[m*nrhs];

      for (auto rhs=0;rhs<nrhs;++rhs) 
        for (auto i=0;i<m;++i) 
          data.b[i+m*rhs] = ((value_type)rand()/(RAND_MAX));
      typename SolverType::CrsMatrixBaseHostType AA("AA", m, m, nnz);

      // copy user data
      for (auto i=0;i<m;++i) {
        AA.RowPtrBegin(i) = data.ap[i];
        AA.RowPtrEnd(i) = data.ap[i+1];

      for (auto k=0;k<nnz;++k) {
        AA.Col(k) = data.aj[k];
        AA.Value(k) = data.ax[k];
      typename SolverType::DenseMatrixBaseHostType BB("BB", m, nrhs), XX("XX");

      for (auto rhs=0;rhs<nrhs;++rhs)
        for (auto i=0;i<m;++i)
          BB.Value(i, rhs) = data.b[i+m*rhs];
      tacho.setProblem(AA, BB, XX);
    const double t_input = timer.seconds();    
    std::cout << "Solver:: "
              << "input generation = " << t_input << " [sec] "
              << std::endl;

    if (verbose) {
      tacho.getA().showMe(std::cout) << std::endl;
      tacho.getB().showMe(std::cout) << std::endl;
      tacho.getX().showMe(std::cout) << std::endl;

    /// Solver interface
    TACHO_SOLVER_RUN(tacho.reorder(prunecut), t_reorder);
    TACHO_SOLVER_RUN(tacho.analyze(), t_analyze);

    TACHO_SOLVER_RUN(tacho.factorize(), t_factorize);

    TACHO_SOLVER_RUN(tacho.solve(), t_solve);

    double norm, error;
    tacho.check(norm, error);
    /// Print out 
      const auto prec = std::cout.precision();
      const auto AA = tacho.getA();
      const auto UU = tacho.getFlatU();
      const auto HU = tacho.getHierU();

      std::cout << std::scientific;
      std::cout << "Solver:: given    matrix = " << AA.NumRows() << " x " << AA.NumCols() << ", nnz = " << AA.NumNonZeros() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Solver:: factored matrix = " << UU.NumRows() << " x " << UU.NumCols() << ", nnz = " << UU.NumNonZeros() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Solver:: hier     matrix = " << HU.NumRows() << " x " << HU.NumCols() << ", nnz = " << HU.NumNonZeros() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Solver:: "
                << "input generation = " << t_input << " [sec], "
                << std::endl
                << "Solver:: "
                << "reorder          = " << t_reorder << " [sec] "
                << std::endl
                << "Solver:: "
                << "analyze          = " << t_analyze << " [sec] "
                << std::endl
                << "Solver:: "
                << "factorize        = " << t_factorize << " [sec] "
                << std::endl
                << "Solver:: "
                << "solve            = " << t_solve << " [sec] "
                << std::endl
                << "Solver:: "
                << "norm = " << norm << ", error = " << error << ", rel error = " << (error/norm) 
                << std::endl;

      std::cout << std::endl;

    if (data.is_allocated) {
      delete []data.ap;
      delete []data.aj;
      delete []data.ax;
      delete []data.b;
    return r_val;