Пример #1
/* Gets the current value for an attribute. */
static PMC * get_attribute_boxed(PARROT_INTERP, STable *st, void *data, PMC *class_handle, STRING *name, INTVAL hint) {
    P6opaqueREPRData *repr_data = (P6opaqueREPRData *)st->REPR_data;
    INTVAL            slot;

    /* Try the slot allocation first. */
    slot = hint >= 0 && !(repr_data->mi) ? hint :
           try_get_slot(interp, repr_data, class_handle, name);
    if (slot >= 0) {
        if (!repr_data->flattened_stables[slot]) {
            PMC *result = get_pmc_at_offset(data, repr_data->attribute_offsets[slot]);
            if (result) {
                return result;
            else {
                /* Maybe we know how to auto-viv it to a container. */
                if (repr_data->auto_viv_values) {
                    PMC *value = repr_data->auto_viv_values[slot];
                    if (value != NULL) {
                        PMC *cloned = REPR(value)->allocate(interp, STABLE(value));
                        REPR(value)->copy_to(interp, STABLE(value), OBJECT_BODY(value), OBJECT_BODY(cloned));
                        PARROT_GC_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, cloned);
                        set_pmc_at_offset(data, repr_data->attribute_offsets[slot], cloned);
                        return cloned;
                return PMCNULL;
        else {
            /* Need to produce a boxed version of this attribute. */
            STable *st  = repr_data->flattened_stables[slot];
            PMC *result = st->REPR->allocate(interp, st);
            st->REPR->copy_to(interp, st, (char *)data + repr_data->attribute_offsets[slot],
            PARROT_GC_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, result);

            return result;

    /* Otherwise, complain that the attribute doesn't exist. */
    no_such_attribute(interp, "get", class_handle, name);
Пример #2
/* Attribute name introspection. */
static void attr_name(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *nci) {
    PMC * unused;
    PMC    *capture = Parrot_pcc_get_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
    PMC    *self    = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, capture, 0);
    STRING *name    = REPR(self)->box_funcs->get_str(interp, STABLE(self), OBJECT_BODY(self));


    unused = Parrot_pcc_build_call_from_c_args(interp, capture, "S", name);
Пример #3
/* Marks a collectable item (object, type object, STable). */
void MVM_gc_mark_collectable(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMGCWorklist *worklist, MVMCollectable *new_addr) {
    MVMuint16 i;

    MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr->sc);

    if (!(new_addr->flags & (MVM_CF_TYPE_OBJECT | MVM_CF_STABLE))) {
        /* Need to view it as an object in here. */
        MVMObject *new_addr_obj = (MVMObject *)new_addr;

        /* Add the STable to the worklist. */
        MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_obj->st);

        /* If needed, mark it. This will add addresses to the worklist
         * that will need updating. Note that we are passing the address
         * of the object *after* copying it since those are the addresses
         * we care about updating; the old chunk of memory is now dead! */
        if (MVM_GC_DEBUG_ENABLED(MVM_GC_DEBUG_COLLECT) && !STABLE(new_addr_obj))
            MVM_panic(MVM_exitcode_gcnursery, "Found an outdated reference to address %p", new_addr);
        if (REPR(new_addr_obj)->gc_mark)
            REPR(new_addr_obj)->gc_mark(tc, STABLE(new_addr_obj), OBJECT_BODY(new_addr_obj), worklist);
    else if (new_addr->flags & MVM_CF_TYPE_OBJECT) {
        /* Add the STable to the worklist. */
        MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &((MVMObject *)new_addr)->st);
    else if (new_addr->flags & MVM_CF_STABLE) {
        /* Add all references in the STable to the work list. */
        MVMSTable *new_addr_st = (MVMSTable *)new_addr;
        MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->HOW);
        MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->WHAT);
        MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->method_cache);
        for (i = 0; i < new_addr_st->vtable_length; i++)
            MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->vtable[i]);
        for (i = 0; i < new_addr_st->type_check_cache_length; i++)
            MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->type_check_cache[i]);
        if (new_addr_st->container_spec)
            if (new_addr_st->container_spec->gc_mark_data)
                new_addr_st->container_spec->gc_mark_data(tc, new_addr_st, worklist);
        if (new_addr_st->boolification_spec)
            MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->boolification_spec->method);
        if (new_addr_st->invocation_spec) {
            MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->invocation_spec->class_handle);
            MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->invocation_spec->attr_name);
            MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->invocation_spec->invocation_handler);
        MVM_gc_worklist_add(tc, worklist, &new_addr_st->WHO);

        /* If it needs to have its REPR data marked, do that. */
        if (new_addr_st->REPR->gc_mark_repr_data)
            new_addr_st->REPR->gc_mark_repr_data(tc, new_addr_st, worklist);
    else {
        MVM_panic(MVM_exitcode_gcnursery, "Internal error: impossible case encountered in GC marking");
Пример #4
/* Attribute new method. */
static void attr_new(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *nci) {
    PMC * unused;
    PMC    *capture = Parrot_pcc_get_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
    PMC    *type    = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, capture, 0);
    STRING *name    = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, capture, name_str);
    PMC    *self    = REPR(type)->allocate(interp, STABLE(type));


    REPR(self)->box_funcs->set_str(interp, STABLE(self), OBJECT_BODY(self), name);
    unused = Parrot_pcc_build_call_from_c_args(interp, capture, "P", self);
Пример #5
static void process_object(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMHeapSnapshotState *ss,
        MVMHeapSnapshotCollectable *col, MVMObject *obj) {
    process_collectable(tc, ss, col, (MVMCollectable *)obj);
    set_type_index(tc, ss, col, obj->st);
    add_reference_const_cstr(tc, ss, "<STable>",
        get_collectable_idx(tc, ss, (MVMCollectable *)obj->st));
    if (IS_CONCRETE(obj)) {
        /* Use object's gc_mark function to find what it references. */
        /* XXX We'll also add an API for getting better information, e.g.
         * attribute names. */
        if (REPR(obj)->describe_refs)
            REPR(obj)->describe_refs(tc, ss, STABLE(obj), OBJECT_BODY(obj));
        else if (REPR(obj)->gc_mark) {
            REPR(obj)->gc_mark(tc, STABLE(obj), OBJECT_BODY(obj), ss->gcwl);
            process_gc_worklist(tc, ss, NULL);
        if (REPR(obj)->unmanaged_size)
            col->unmanaged_size += REPR(obj)->unmanaged_size(tc, STABLE(obj),
Пример #6
static void Str_say(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
  MVMArgProcContext arg_ctx; arg_ctx.named_used = NULL;
  MVM_args_proc_init(tc, &arg_ctx, callsite, args);
  MVMObject* self     = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 0, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
  MVM_args_proc_cleanup(tc, &arg_ctx);

  MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&self);

  MVMString * self_s = REPR(self)->box_funcs->get_str(tc, STABLE(self), self, OBJECT_BODY(self));
  MVM_string_say(tc, self_s);

  MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 1);
Пример #7
/* KnowHOW.new_type method. Creates a new type with this HOW as its meta-object. */
static void new_type(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
    MVMObject *self, *HOW, *type_object, *BOOTHash, *stash;
    MVMArgInfo repr_arg, name_arg;
    MVMString *repr_name, *name;
    const MVMREPROps *repr_to_use;
    MVMInstance       *instance = tc->instance;

    /* Get arguments. */
    MVMArgProcContext arg_ctx; arg_ctx.named_used = NULL;
    MVM_args_proc_init(tc, &arg_ctx, callsite, args);
    MVM_args_checkarity(tc, &arg_ctx, 1, 1);
    self = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 0, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    repr_arg = MVM_args_get_named_str(tc, &arg_ctx, instance->str_consts.repr, MVM_ARG_OPTIONAL);
    name_arg = MVM_args_get_named_str(tc, &arg_ctx, instance->str_consts.name, MVM_ARG_OPTIONAL);
    MVM_args_proc_cleanup(tc, &arg_ctx);
    if (REPR(self)->ID != MVM_REPR_ID_KnowHOWREPR)
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "KnowHOW methods must be called on object with REPR KnowHOWREPR");

    /* See if we have a representation name; if not default to P6opaque. */
    repr_name = repr_arg.exists ? repr_arg.arg.s : instance->str_consts.P6opaque;
    repr_to_use = MVM_repr_get_by_name(tc, repr_name);

    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&name_arg);

    /* We first create a new HOW instance. */
    HOW = REPR(self)->allocate(tc, STABLE(self));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&HOW);

    /* Create a new type object of the desired REPR. (Note that we can't
     * default to KnowHOWREPR here, since it doesn't know how to actually
     * store attributes, it's just for bootstrapping knowhow's. */
    type_object = repr_to_use->type_object_for(tc, HOW);
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&type_object);

    /* This may move name_arg.arg.s so do it first: */
    REPR(HOW)->initialize(tc, STABLE(HOW), HOW, OBJECT_BODY(HOW));
    /* See if we were given a name; put it into the meta-object if so. */
    name = name_arg.exists ? name_arg.arg.s : instance->str_consts.anon;
    MVM_ASSIGN_REF(tc, &(HOW->header), ((MVMKnowHOWREPR *)HOW)->body.name, name);

    /* Set .WHO to an empty hash. */
    BOOTHash = tc->instance->boot_types.BOOTHash;
    stash = REPR(BOOTHash)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTHash));
    MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&stash);
    MVM_ASSIGN_REF(tc, &(STABLE(type_object)->header), STABLE(type_object)->WHO, stash);

    /* Return the type object. */
    MVM_args_set_result_obj(tc, type_object, MVM_RETURN_CURRENT_FRAME);

    MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 4);
Пример #8

=item C<static STRING* dump_signature(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *so_far, PMC *sub)>

Utility for getting hold of the signature dump for a sub, which aids us in
producing awesomer errors.


static STRING* dump_signature(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *so_far, PMC *sub) {
    STRING * const sig_name  = Parrot_str_new(interp, "signature", 0);
    STRING * const perl_name = Parrot_str_new(interp, "perl", 0);
    STRING * const newline   = Parrot_str_new(interp, "\n", 0);
    PMC    * sig_meth, *sig_obj, *perl_meth, * sig_perl;
    sig_meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, sub, sig_name);
    Parrot_ext_call(interp, sig_meth, "Pi->P", sub, &sig_obj);
    perl_meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, sig_obj, perl_name);
    Parrot_ext_call(interp, perl_meth, "Pi->P", sig_obj, &sig_perl);
    so_far = Parrot_str_concat(interp, so_far,
        REPR(sig_perl)->box_funcs->get_str(interp, STABLE(sig_perl), OBJECT_BODY(sig_perl)));
    so_far = Parrot_str_concat(interp, so_far, newline);
    return so_far;
Пример #9
MVMint64 MVM_coerce_simple_intify(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *obj) {
    /* Handle null and non-concrete case. */
    if (MVM_is_null(tc, obj) || !IS_CONCRETE(obj)) {
        return 0;

    /* Otherwise, guess something appropriate. */
    else {
        const MVMStorageSpec *ss = REPR(obj)->get_storage_spec(tc, STABLE(obj));
        if (ss->can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_INT)
            return REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_int(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));
        else if (ss->can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_NUM)
            return (MVMint64)REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_num(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));
        else if (ss->can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_STR)
            return MVM_coerce_s_i(tc, REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_str(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj)));
        else if (REPR(obj)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMArray)
            return REPR(obj)->elems(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));
        else if (REPR(obj)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMHash)
            return REPR(obj)->elems(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));
            MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "cannot intify this");
Пример #10
static void Str_length(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
  MVMArgProcContext arg_ctx; arg_ctx.named_used = NULL;
  MVM_args_proc_init(tc, &arg_ctx, callsite, args);
  MVMObject* self     = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 0, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
  MVM_args_proc_cleanup(tc, &arg_ctx);

  MVM_gc_root_temp_push(tc, (MVMCollectable **)&self);

  MVMString * self_s = REPR(self)->box_funcs->get_str(tc, STABLE(self), self, OBJECT_BODY(self));

  MVMint64 length = NUM_GRAPHS((MVMString*)self_s);

  MVM_args_set_result_int(tc, length, MVM_RETURN_CURRENT_FRAME);

  MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_n(tc, 1);
Пример #11
/* splice - injects an array into another array at a certain point,
 * possibly replacing any amount of the existing items. This can be
 * done without a copying transaction, by first copying *either the
 * head or tail* (which one's shorter) into position, RTL or LTR
 * depending on which direction it's moving. Note this copying must
 * know *which* copy_index it's attempting to update, so it
 * doesn't double-count the slot copy if the source object matches
 * what's already in the destination slot and two threads notice
 * this at the same time and try to increment copy_index.  This
 * helps elucidate a general principle of all of the transactions
 * applied in these transaction records - each type has a well-
 * defined, monotonic sequence of operations, and a reader or
 * writer can always know whether a given transaction's activity
 * has been recorded for a given cell. */
void MVM_LFA_splice(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMLFArray *toparr, MVMObject *from, MVMuint64 offset, MVMuint64 count) {
    MVMLFA *lfa, *new_lfa, *n;
    MVMObject *nah = NULL;
    MVMuint64 from_elems = REPR(from)->pos_funcs->elems(
        tc, STABLE(from), from, OBJECT_BODY(from));

    new_lfa = MVM_LFA_acquire_lfa(tc);

    new_lfa->copy_item = from;
    new_lfa->copy_start = offset;
    new_lfa->copy_count = count;

    while (1) {
        lfa = MVM_LFA_newest_lfa(tc, toparr);

        new_lfa->start = lfa->start;
        new_lfa->prev_lfa = lfa;

        new_lfa->elems = offset >= lfa->elems
            /* the insertion point is at or past the end of the array,
             * so count is really irrelevant; just assume it's
             * replacing NULLs. */
            ? offset + from_elems
            : lfa->elems - count + from_elems;

        new_lfa->ssize = lfa->ssize;
        if (new_lfa->elems > new_lfa->ssize) {
            /* ugh; need to grow the array *and* splice */
            do { /* XXX don't just blindly double eventually */
                new_lfa->ssize *= 2;
            } while (new_lfa->elems >= new_lfa->ssize);
            new_lfa->slots = calloc(
                new_lfa->ssize, sizeof(MVMObject *));
        else {
            new_lfa->slots = MVM_LFA_SLOTS(lfa);
        /* mark it as a splice */
        new_lfa->slots = (MVMObject **)(
            (uintptr_t)new_lfa->slots | 2);

        /* attempt the cas */
        if (MVM_LFA_attempt_lfa(tc, toparr, lfa, new_lfa, new_lfa->elems - 1))
Пример #12
void MVM_coerce_smart_stringify(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *obj, MVMRegister *res_reg) {
    MVMObject *strmeth;
    const MVMStorageSpec *ss;

    /* Handle null case. */
    if (MVM_is_null(tc, obj)) {
        res_reg->s = tc->instance->str_consts.empty;

    /* If it can unbox as a string, that wins right off. */
    ss = REPR(obj)->get_storage_spec(tc, STABLE(obj));
    if (ss->can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_STR && IS_CONCRETE(obj)) {
        res_reg->s = REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_str(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));

    /* Check if there is a Str method. */
    strmeth = MVM_6model_find_method_cache_only(tc, obj,
    if (!MVM_is_null(tc, strmeth)) {
        /* We need to do the invocation; just set it up with our result reg as
         * the one for the call. */
        MVMObject *code = MVM_frame_find_invokee(tc, strmeth, NULL);
        MVMCallsite *inv_arg_callsite = MVM_callsite_get_common(tc, MVM_CALLSITE_ID_INV_ARG);

        MVM_args_setup_thunk(tc, res_reg, MVM_RETURN_STR, inv_arg_callsite);
        tc->cur_frame->args[0].o = obj;
        STABLE(code)->invoke(tc, code, inv_arg_callsite, tc->cur_frame->args);

    /* Otherwise, guess something appropriate. */
    if (!IS_CONCRETE(obj))
        res_reg->s = tc->instance->str_consts.empty;
    else {
        if (REPR(obj)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMException)
            res_reg->s = ((MVMException *)obj)->body.message;
        else if (ss->can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_INT)
            res_reg->s = MVM_coerce_i_s(tc, REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_int(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj)));
        else if (ss->can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_NUM)
            res_reg->s = MVM_coerce_n_s(tc, REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_num(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj)));
            MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "cannot stringify this");
Пример #13
/* This Parrot-specific addition to the API is used to free an object. */
static void gc_free(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *obj) {
    P6opaqueREPRData *repr_data = (P6opaqueREPRData *)STABLE(obj)->REPR_data;
    INTVAL i;

    /* Cleanup any nested reprs that need it. */
    if (repr_data->gc_cleanup_slots) {
        for (i = 0; repr_data->gc_cleanup_slots[i] >= 0; i++) {
            INTVAL  offset = repr_data->attribute_offsets[repr_data->gc_cleanup_slots[i]];
            STable *st     = repr_data->flattened_stables[repr_data->gc_cleanup_slots[i]];
            st->REPR->gc_cleanup(interp, st, (char *)OBJECT_BODY(obj) + offset);
    if (repr_data->allocation_size && !PObj_flag_TEST(private0, obj))
        Parrot_gc_free_fixed_size_storage(interp, repr_data->allocation_size, PMC_data(obj));
    PMC_data(obj) = NULL;
Пример #14
/* Adds a method into the KnowHOW.HOW method table. */
static void add_knowhow_how_method(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMKnowHOWREPR *knowhow_how,
        char *name, void (*func) (MVMThreadContext *, MVMCallsite *, MVMRegister *)) {
    MVMObject *BOOTCCode, *code_obj, *method_table, *name_str;
    /* Create string for name. */
    name_str = (MVMObject *)MVM_string_ascii_decode_nt(tc,
        tc->instance->VMString, name);
    /* Allocate a BOOTCCode and put pointer in. */
    BOOTCCode = tc->instance->boot_types->BOOTCCode;
    code_obj = REPR(BOOTCCode)->allocate(tc, STABLE(BOOTCCode));
    ((MVMCFunction *)code_obj)->body.func = func;
    /* Add into the table. */
    method_table = knowhow_how->body.methods;
    REPR(method_table)->ass_funcs->bind_key_boxed(tc, STABLE(method_table),
        method_table, OBJECT_BODY(method_table), name_str, code_obj);
Пример #15
void MVM_coerce_smart_stringify(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *obj, MVMRegister *res_reg) {
    MVMObject *strmeth;

    /* Handle null case. */
    if (!obj) {
        res_reg->s = tc->instance->str_consts->empty;

    /* Check if there is a Str method. */
    strmeth = MVM_6model_find_method_cache_only(tc, obj,
    if (strmeth) {
        /* We need to do the invocation; just set it up with our result reg as
         * the one for the call. */
        MVMObject *code = MVM_frame_find_invokee(tc, strmeth);
        tc->cur_frame->return_value   = res_reg;
        tc->cur_frame->return_type    = MVM_RETURN_STR;
        tc->cur_frame->return_address = *(tc->interp_cur_op);
        tc->cur_frame->args[0].o = obj;
        STABLE(code)->invoke(tc, code, get_inv_callsite(), tc->cur_frame->args);

    /* Otherwise, guess something appropriate. */
    if (!IS_CONCRETE(obj))
        res_reg->s = tc->instance->str_consts->empty;
    else {
        MVMStorageSpec ss = REPR(obj)->get_storage_spec(tc, STABLE(obj));
        if (REPR(obj)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMString)
            res_reg->s = (MVMString *)obj;
        else if (ss.can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_STR)
            res_reg->s = REPR(obj)->box_funcs->get_str(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));
        else if (ss.can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_INT)
            res_reg->s = MVM_coerce_i_s(tc, REPR(obj)->box_funcs->get_int(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj)));
        else if (ss.can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_NUM)
            res_reg->s = MVM_coerce_n_s(tc, REPR(obj)->box_funcs->get_num(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj)));
            MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "cannot stringify this");
Пример #16
/* Creates a new serialization context with the specified handle. If any
 * compilation units are waiting for an SC with this handle, removes it from
 * their to-resolve list after installing itself in the appropriate slot. */
MVMObject * MVM_sc_create(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMString *handle) {
    MVMObject   *sc;
    MVMCompUnit *cur_cu;

    /* Allocate. */
    MVMROOT(tc, handle, {
        sc = REPR(tc->instance->SCRef)->allocate(tc, STABLE(tc->instance->SCRef));
        MVMROOT(tc, sc, {
            REPR(sc)->initialize(tc, STABLE(sc), sc, OBJECT_BODY(sc));

            /* Set handle. */
            MVM_ASSIGN_REF(tc, sc, ((MVMSerializationContext *)sc)->body->handle, handle);

            /* Add to weak lookup hash. */
            if (apr_thread_mutex_lock(tc->instance->mutex_sc_weakhash) != APR_SUCCESS)
                MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Unable to lock SC weakhash");
            MVM_string_flatten(tc, handle);
            MVM_HASH_BIND(tc, tc->instance->sc_weakhash, handle, ((MVMSerializationContext *)sc)->body);
            if (apr_thread_mutex_unlock(tc->instance->mutex_sc_weakhash) != APR_SUCCESS)
                MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Unable to unlock SC weakhash");

            /* Visit compilation units that need this SC and resolve it. */
            cur_cu = tc->instance->head_compunit;
            while (cur_cu) {
                if (cur_cu->scs_to_resolve) {
                    MVMuint32 i;
                    for (i = 0; i < cur_cu->num_scs; i++) {
                        MVMString *res = cur_cu->scs_to_resolve[i];
                        if (res && MVM_string_equal(tc, res, handle)) {
                            cur_cu->scs[i] = (MVMSerializationContext *)sc;
                            cur_cu->scs_to_resolve[i] = NULL;
                cur_cu = cur_cu->next_compunit;
Пример #17
void MVM_coerce_smart_stringify(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *obj, MVMRegister *res_reg) {
    MVMObject *strmeth;
    const MVMStorageSpec *ss;

    /* Handle null case. */
    if (MVM_is_null(tc, obj)) {
        res_reg->s = tc->instance->str_consts.empty;

    /* If it can unbox as a string, that wins right off. */
    ss = REPR(obj)->get_storage_spec(tc, STABLE(obj));
    if (ss->can_box & MVM_STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_STR && IS_CONCRETE(obj)) {
        res_reg->s = REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_str(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));

    /* Check if there is a Str method. */
    MVMROOT(tc, obj, {
        strmeth = MVM_6model_find_method_cache_only(tc, obj,
Пример #18
/* Adds a method. */
static void add_method(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
    MVMObject *self, *type_obj, *method, *method_table;
    MVMString *name;
    /* Get arguments. */
    MVMArgProcContext arg_ctx; arg_ctx.named_used = NULL;
    MVM_args_proc_init(tc, &arg_ctx, callsite, args);
    self     = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 0, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    type_obj = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 1, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    name     = MVM_args_get_pos_str(tc, &arg_ctx, 2, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.s;
    method   = MVM_args_get_pos_obj(tc, &arg_ctx, 3, MVM_ARG_REQUIRED).arg.o;
    MVM_args_proc_cleanup(tc, &arg_ctx);
    if (!self || !IS_CONCRETE(self) || REPR(self)->ID != MVM_REPR_ID_KnowHOWREPR)
        MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "KnowHOW methods must be called on object instance with REPR KnowHOWREPR");
    /* Add to method table. */
    method_table = ((MVMKnowHOWREPR *)self)->body.methods;
    REPR(method_table)->ass_funcs->bind_key_boxed(tc, STABLE(method_table),
        method_table, OBJECT_BODY(method_table), (MVMObject *)name, method);
    /* Return added method as result. */
    MVM_args_set_result_obj(tc, method, MVM_RETURN_CURRENT_FRAME);
Пример #19
static void set_str(PARROT_INTERP, STable *st, void *data, STRING *value) {
    CStrBody *body = (CStrBody *) data;
    PMC *old_ctx, *cappy, *meth, *enc_pmc;
    STRING *enc;
    STR_VTABLE *encoding;


    /* Look up "encoding" method. */
    meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, st->WHAT,
        Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "encoding"));
    if (PMC_IS_NULL(meth))
        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION,
            "CStr representation expects an 'encoding' method, specifying the encoding");

    old_ctx = Parrot_pcc_get_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
    cappy   = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_CallContext);
    VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, cappy, st->WHAT);
    Parrot_pcc_invoke_from_sig_object(interp, meth, cappy);
    cappy = Parrot_pcc_get_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
    Parrot_pcc_set_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp), old_ctx);
    enc_pmc = decontainerize(interp, VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, cappy, 0));
    enc = REPR(enc_pmc)->box_funcs->get_str(interp, STABLE(enc_pmc), OBJECT_BODY(enc_pmc));

    if (STRING_equal(interp, enc, Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "utf8")))
        encoding = Parrot_utf8_encoding_ptr;
    else if (STRING_equal(interp, enc, Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "utf16")))
        encoding = Parrot_utf16_encoding_ptr;
    else if (STRING_equal(interp, enc, Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "ascii")))
        encoding = Parrot_ascii_encoding_ptr;
        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION,
            "Unknown encoding passed to CStr representation");

    body->cstr = Parrot_str_to_encoded_cstring(interp, value, encoding);
Пример #20
/* Composes the meta-object. */
static void compose(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *nci) {
    PMC *repr_info_hash, *repr_info, *type_info, *attr_list, *attr_iter, *unused;
    PMC *capture = Parrot_pcc_get_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
    PMC *self    = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, capture, 0);
    PMC *obj     = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, capture, 1);


    /* Do REPR composition. */
    repr_info = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizablePMCArray);
    type_info = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizablePMCArray);
    VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, repr_info, type_info);
    VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, type_info, obj);
    attr_list = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizablePMCArray);
    attr_iter = VTABLE_get_iter(interp, ((KnowHOWREPRInstance *)PMC_data(self))->body.attributes);
    while (VTABLE_get_bool(interp, attr_iter)) {
        PMC *attr = VTABLE_shift_pmc(interp, attr_iter);
        PMC *attr_hash = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Hash);;
        VTABLE_set_string_keyed_str(interp, attr_hash, name_str,
            REPR(attr)->box_funcs->get_str(interp, STABLE(attr), OBJECT_BODY(attr)));
        VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, attr_list, attr_hash);
    VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, type_info, attr_list);
    VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, type_info, Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizablePMCArray));
    repr_info_hash = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Hash);
    VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, repr_info_hash, attribute_str, repr_info);
    REPR(obj)->compose(interp, STABLE(obj), repr_info_hash);
    /* Set up method and type caches. */
    STABLE(obj)->method_cache            = ((KnowHOWREPRInstance *)PMC_data(self))->body.methods;
    STABLE(obj)->mode_flags              = METHOD_CACHE_AUTHORITATIVE;
    STABLE(obj)->type_check_cache_length = 1;
    STABLE(obj)->type_check_cache        = (PMC **)mem_sys_allocate(sizeof(PMC *));
    STABLE(obj)->type_check_cache[0]     = obj;
    unused = Parrot_pcc_build_call_from_c_args(interp, capture, "P", obj);
Пример #21
MVMint64 MVM_proc_spawn(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *argv, MVMString *cwd, MVMObject *env) {
    MVMint64 result = 0, spawn_result = 0;
    uv_process_t *process = calloc(1, sizeof(uv_process_t));
    uv_process_options_t process_options = {0};
    uv_stdio_container_t process_stdio[3];
    int i;

    char   * const      _cwd = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, cwd);
    const MVMuint64     size = MVM_repr_elems(tc, env);
    MVMIter * const     iter = (MVMIter *)MVM_iter(tc, env);
    char              **_env = malloc((size + 1) * sizeof(char *));
    const MVMuint64  arg_size = MVM_repr_elems(tc, argv);
    char             **args = malloc((arg_size + 1) * sizeof(char *));
    MVMRegister        reg;

    i = 0;
    while(i < arg_size) {
        REPR(argv)->pos_funcs.at_pos(tc, STABLE(argv), argv, OBJECT_BODY(argv), i, &reg, MVM_reg_obj);
        args[i++] = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, MVM_repr_get_str(tc, reg.o));
    args[arg_size] = NULL;

    SPAWN(arg_size ? args[0] : NULL);


    i = 0;


    return result;
Пример #22
/* Creates a new type with this HOW as its meta-object. */
static void new_type(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *nci) {
    PMC * unused;
    /* We first create a new HOW instance. */
    PMC *capture = Parrot_pcc_get_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
    PMC *self    = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, capture, 0);
    PMC *HOW     = REPR(self)->allocate(interp, STABLE(self));
    /* See if we have a representation name; if not default to P6opaque. */
    STRING *repr_name = VTABLE_exists_keyed_str(interp, capture, repr_str) ?
        VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, capture, repr_str) :
    /* Create a new type object of the desired REPR. (Note that we can't
     * default to KnowHOWREPR here, since it doesn't know how to actually
     * store attributes, it's just for bootstrapping knowhow's. */
    REPROps *repr_to_use = REPR_get_by_name(interp, repr_name);
    PMC     *type_object = repr_to_use->type_object_for(interp, HOW);
    /* See if we were given a name; put it into the meta-object if so. */
    STRING *name = VTABLE_exists_keyed_str(interp, capture, name_str) ?
        VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, capture, name_str) :


    REPR(HOW)->initialize(interp, STABLE(HOW), OBJECT_BODY(HOW));
    ((KnowHOWREPRInstance *)PMC_data(HOW))->body.name = name;
    /* Set .WHO to an empty hash. */
    STABLE(type_object)->WHO = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Hash);
    PARROT_GC_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, STABLE_PMC(type_object));

    /* Put it into capture to act as return value. */
    unused = Parrot_pcc_build_call_from_c_args(interp, capture, "P", type_object);
Пример #23
void MVM_repr_init(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *obj) {
    if (REPR(obj)->initialize)
        REPR(obj)->initialize(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));
Пример #24
void MVM_coerce_istrue(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *obj, MVMRegister *res_reg,
        MVMuint8 *true_addr, MVMuint8 *false_addr, MVMuint8 flip) {
    MVMint64 result = 0;
    if (!MVM_is_null(tc, obj)) {
        MVMBoolificationSpec *bs = obj->st->boolification_spec;
        switch (bs == NULL ? MVM_BOOL_MODE_NOT_TYPE_OBJECT : bs->mode) {
            case MVM_BOOL_MODE_CALL_METHOD: {
                MVMObject *code = MVM_frame_find_invokee(tc, bs->method, NULL);
                MVMCallsite *inv_arg_callsite = MVM_callsite_get_common(tc, MVM_CALLSITE_ID_INV_ARG);
                if (res_reg) {
                    /* We need to do the invocation, and set this register
                     * the result. Then we just do the call. For the flip
                     * case, just set up special return handler to flip
                     * the register. */
                    MVM_args_setup_thunk(tc, res_reg, MVM_RETURN_INT, inv_arg_callsite);
                    tc->cur_frame->args[0].o = obj;
                    if (flip) {
                        tc->cur_frame->special_return      = flip_return;
                        tc->cur_frame->special_return_data = res_reg;
                    STABLE(code)->invoke(tc, code, inv_arg_callsite, tc->cur_frame->args);
                else {
                    /* Need to set up special return hook. */
                    BoolMethReturnData *data = MVM_malloc(sizeof(BoolMethReturnData));
                    data->true_addr  = true_addr;
                    data->false_addr = false_addr;
                    data->flip       = flip;
                    tc->cur_frame->special_return      = boolify_return;
                    tc->cur_frame->special_return_data = data;
                    MVM_args_setup_thunk(tc, &data->res_reg, MVM_RETURN_INT, inv_arg_callsite);
                    tc->cur_frame->args[0].o = obj;
                    STABLE(code)->invoke(tc, code, inv_arg_callsite, tc->cur_frame->args);
            case MVM_BOOL_MODE_UNBOX_INT:
                result = !IS_CONCRETE(obj) || REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_int(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
            case MVM_BOOL_MODE_UNBOX_NUM:
                result = !IS_CONCRETE(obj) || REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_num(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj)) == 0.0 ? 0 : 1;
                MVMString *str;
                if (!IS_CONCRETE(obj)) {
                    result = 0;
                str = REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_str(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));
                result = MVM_coerce_istrue_s(tc, str);
                MVMString *str;
                MVMint64 chars;
                if (!IS_CONCRETE(obj)) {
                    result = 0;
                str = REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_str(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));

                if (str == NULL || !IS_CONCRETE(str)) {
                    result = 0;

                chars = MVM_string_graphs(tc, str);

                result = chars == 0 ||
                        (chars == 1 && MVM_string_get_grapheme_at_nocheck(tc, str, 0) == 48)
                        ? 0 : 1;
                result = !IS_CONCRETE(obj) ? 0 : 1;
            case MVM_BOOL_MODE_BIGINT:
                result = IS_CONCRETE(obj) ? MVM_bigint_bool(tc, obj) : 0;
            case MVM_BOOL_MODE_ITER:
                result = IS_CONCRETE(obj) ? MVM_iter_istrue(tc, (MVMIter *)obj) : 0;
            case MVM_BOOL_MODE_HAS_ELEMS:
                result = IS_CONCRETE(obj) ? MVM_repr_elems(tc, obj) != 0 : 0;
                MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Invalid boolification spec mode used");

    if (flip)
        result = result ? 0 : 1;

    if (res_reg) {
        res_reg->i64 = result;
    else {
        if (result)
            *(tc->interp_cur_op) = true_addr;
            *(tc->interp_cur_op) = false_addr;
Пример #25
/* Returns the body of a P6bigint, containing the bigint/smallint union, for
 * operations that want to explicitly handle the two. */
static MVMP6bigintBody * get_bigint_body(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *obj) {
    return (MVMP6bigintBody *)REPR(obj)->box_funcs.get_boxed_ref(tc,
        STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj), MVM_REPR_ID_P6bigint);
Пример #26
/* Binds a single argument into the lexpad, after doing any checks that are
 * needed. Also handles any type captures. If there is a sub signature, then
 * re-enters the binder. Returns one of the BIND_RESULT_* codes. */
static INTVAL
Rakudo_binding_bind_one_param(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *lexpad, Rakudo_Signature *signature, Rakudo_Parameter *param,
                              Rakudo_BindVal orig_bv, INTVAL no_nom_type_check, STRING **error) {
    PMC            *decont_value = NULL;
    INTVAL          desired_native;
    Rakudo_BindVal  bv;
    /* Check if boxed/unboxed expections are met. */
    desired_native = param->flags & SIG_ELEM_NATIVE_VALUE;
    if (desired_native == 0 && orig_bv.type == BIND_VAL_OBJ ||
        desired_native == SIG_ELEM_NATIVE_INT_VALUE && orig_bv.type == BIND_VAL_INT ||
        desired_native == SIG_ELEM_NATIVE_NUM_VALUE && orig_bv.type == BIND_VAL_NUM ||
        desired_native == SIG_ELEM_NATIVE_STR_VALUE && orig_bv.type == BIND_VAL_STR)
        /* We have what we want. */
        bv = orig_bv;
    else if (desired_native == 0) {
        /* We need to do a boxing operation. */
        bv.type = BIND_VAL_OBJ;
        bv.val.o = create_box(interp, orig_bv);
    else {
        storage_spec spec;
        decont_value = Rakudo_cont_decontainerize(interp, orig_bv.val.o);
        spec = REPR(decont_value)->get_storage_spec(interp, STABLE(decont_value));
        switch (desired_native) {
            case SIG_ELEM_NATIVE_INT_VALUE:
                if (spec.can_box & STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_INT) {
                    bv.type = BIND_VAL_INT;
                    bv.val.i = REPR(decont_value)->box_funcs->get_int(interp, STABLE(decont_value), OBJECT_BODY(decont_value));
                else {
                    if (error)
                        *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "Cannot unbox argument to '%S' as a native int",
                    return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;
            case SIG_ELEM_NATIVE_NUM_VALUE:
                if (spec.can_box & STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_NUM) {
                    bv.type = BIND_VAL_NUM;
                    bv.val.n = REPR(decont_value)->box_funcs->get_num(interp, STABLE(decont_value), OBJECT_BODY(decont_value));
                else {
                    if (error)
                        *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "Cannot unbox argument to '%S' as a native num",
                    return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;
            case SIG_ELEM_NATIVE_STR_VALUE:
                if (spec.can_box & STORAGE_SPEC_CAN_BOX_STR) {
                    bv.type = BIND_VAL_STR;
                    bv.val.s = REPR(decont_value)->box_funcs->get_str(interp, STABLE(decont_value), OBJECT_BODY(decont_value));
                else {
                    if (error)
                        *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "Cannot unbox argument to '%S' as a native str",
                    return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;
                if (error)
                    *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "Cannot unbox argument to '%S' as a native type",
                return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;
        decont_value = NULL;
    /* By this point, we'll either have an object that we might be able to
     * bind if it passes the type check, or a native value that needs no
     * further checking. */
    if (bv.type == BIND_VAL_OBJ) {
        /* Ensure the value is a 6model object; if not, marshall it to one. */
        if (bv.val.o->vtable->base_type != smo_id) {
            bv.val.o = Rakudo_types_parrot_map(interp, bv.val.o);
            if (bv.val.o->vtable->base_type != smo_id) {
                *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "Unmarshallable foreign language value passed for parameter '%S'",
                return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;

        /* We pretty much always need to de-containerized value, so get it
         * right off. */
        decont_value = Rakudo_cont_decontainerize(interp, bv.val.o);
        /* Skip nominal type check if not needed. */
        if (!no_nom_type_check) {
            PMC *nom_type;
            /* Is the nominal type generic and in need of instantiation? (This
             * can happen in (::T, T) where we didn't learn about the type until
             * during the signature bind). */
            if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_NOMINAL_GENERIC) {
                PMC *HOW = STABLE(param->nominal_type)->HOW;
                PMC *ig  = VTABLE_find_method(interp, HOW, INSTANTIATE_GENERIC_str);
                Parrot_ext_call(interp, ig, "PiPP->P", HOW, param->nominal_type,
                    lexpad, &nom_type);
            else {
                nom_type = param->nominal_type;

            /* If not, do the check. If the wanted nominal type is Mu, then
             * anything goes. */
            if (nom_type != Rakudo_types_mu_get() &&
                    (decont_value->vtable->base_type != smo_id ||
                     !STABLE(decont_value)->type_check(interp, decont_value, nom_type))) {
                /* Type check failed; produce error if needed. */
                if (error) {
                    PMC    * got_how       = STABLE(decont_value)->HOW;
                    PMC    * exp_how       = STABLE(nom_type)->HOW;
                    PMC    * got_name_meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, got_how, NAME_str);
                    PMC    * exp_name_meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, exp_how, NAME_str);
                    STRING * expected, * got;
                    Parrot_ext_call(interp, got_name_meth, "PiP->S", got_how, bv.val.o, &got);
                    Parrot_ext_call(interp, exp_name_meth, "PiP->S", exp_how, nom_type, &expected);
                    *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "Nominal type check failed for parameter '%S'; expected %S but got %S instead",
                                param->variable_name, expected, got);
                /* Report junction failure mode if it's a junction. */
                return junc_or_fail(interp, decont_value);
            /* Also enforce definedness constraints. */
            if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_DEFINEDNES_CHECK) {
                INTVAL defined = IS_CONCRETE(decont_value);
                if (defined && param->flags & SIG_ELEM_UNDEFINED_ONLY) {
                    if (error)
                        *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp,
                            "Parameter '%S' requires a type object, but an object instance was passed",
                    return junc_or_fail(interp, decont_value);
                if (!defined && param->flags & SIG_ELEM_DEFINED_ONLY) {
                    if (error)
                        *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp,
                            "Parameter '%S' requires an instance, but a type object was passed",
                    return junc_or_fail(interp, decont_value);

    /* Do we have any type captures to bind? */
    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(param->type_captures)) {
        Rakudo_binding_bind_type_captures(interp, lexpad, param, bv);

    /* Do a coercion, if one is needed. */
    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(param->coerce_type)) {
        /* Coercing natives not possible - nothing to call a method on. */
        if (bv.type != BIND_VAL_OBJ) {
            *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp,
                "Unable to coerce natively typed parameter '%S'",
            return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;

        /* Only coerce if we don't already have the correct type. */
        if (!STABLE(decont_value)->type_check(interp, decont_value, param->coerce_type)) {
            PMC *coerce_meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, decont_value, param->coerce_method);
            if (!PMC_IS_NULL(coerce_meth)) {
                Parrot_ext_call(interp, coerce_meth, "Pi->P", decont_value, &decont_value);
            else {
                /* No coercion method availale; whine and fail to bind. */
                if (error) {
                    PMC    * got_how       = STABLE(decont_value)->HOW;
                    PMC    * got_name_meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, got_how, NAME_str);
                    STRING * got;
                    Parrot_ext_call(interp, got_name_meth, "PiP->S", got_how, decont_value, &got);
                    *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp,
                            "Unable to coerce value for '%S' from %S to %S; no coercion method defined",
                            param->variable_name, got, param->coerce_method);
                return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;

    /* If it's not got attributive binding, we'll go about binding it into the
     * lex pad. */
    if (!(param->flags & SIG_ELEM_BIND_ATTRIBUTIVE) && !STRING_IS_NULL(param->variable_name)) {
        /* Is it native? If so, just go ahead and bind it. */
        if (bv.type != BIND_VAL_OBJ) {
            switch (bv.type) {
                case BIND_VAL_INT:
                    VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, param->variable_name, bv.val.i);
                case BIND_VAL_NUM:
                    VTABLE_set_number_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, param->variable_name, bv.val.n);
                case BIND_VAL_STR:
                    VTABLE_set_string_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, param->variable_name, bv.val.s);
        /* Otherwise it's some objecty case. */
        else if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_IS_RW) {
            /* XXX TODO Check if rw flag is set; also need to have a
             * wrapper container that carries extra constraints. */
            VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, param->variable_name, bv.val.o);
        else if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_IS_PARCEL) {
            /* Just bind the thing as is into the lexpad. */
            VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, param->variable_name, bv.val.o);
        else {
            /* If it's an array, copy means make a new one and store,
             * and a normal bind is a straightforward binding plus
             * adding a constraint. */
            if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_ARRAY_SIGIL) {
                PMC *bindee = decont_value;
                if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_IS_COPY) {
                    bindee = Rakudo_binding_create_positional(interp,
                        Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizablePMCArray));
                    Rakudo_cont_store(interp, bindee, decont_value, 0, 0);
                VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, param->variable_name, bindee);
            /* If it's a hash, similar approach to array. */
            else if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_HASH_SIGIL) {
                PMC *bindee = decont_value;
                if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_IS_COPY) {
                    bindee = Rakudo_binding_create_hash(interp,
                        Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Hash));
                    Rakudo_cont_store(interp, bindee, decont_value, 0, 0);
                VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, param->variable_name, bindee);
            /* If it's a scalar, we always need to wrap it into a new
             * container and store it, for copy or ro case (the rw bit
             * in the container descriptor takes care of the rest). */
            else {
                PMC *new_cont = Rakudo_cont_scalar_from_descriptor(interp, param->container_descriptor);
                Rakudo_cont_store(interp, new_cont, decont_value, 0, 0);
                VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, param->variable_name, new_cont);

    /* Is it the invocant? If so, also have to bind to self lexical. */
    if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_INVOCANT)
        VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, lexpad, SELF_str, decont_value);

    /* Handle any constraint types (note that they may refer to the parameter by
     * name, so we need to have bound it already). */
    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(param->post_constraints)) {
        PMC * code_type         = Rakudo_types_code_get();
        PMC * const constraints = param->post_constraints;
        INTVAL num_constraints  = VTABLE_elements(interp, constraints);
        INTVAL i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_constraints; i++) {
            /* Check we meet the constraint. */
            PMC *cons_type    = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, constraints, i);
            PMC *accepts_meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, cons_type, ACCEPTS);
            PMC *old_ctx      = Parrot_pcc_get_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
            PMC *cappy        = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_CallContext);
            if (STABLE(cons_type)->type_check(interp, cons_type, code_type))
                    VTABLE_get_attr_keyed(interp, cons_type, code_type, DO_str));
            VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, cappy, cons_type);
            switch (bv.type) {
                case BIND_VAL_OBJ:
                    VTABLE_push_pmc(interp, cappy, bv.val.o);
                case BIND_VAL_INT:
                    VTABLE_push_integer(interp, cappy, bv.val.i);
                case BIND_VAL_NUM:
                    VTABLE_push_float(interp, cappy, bv.val.n);
                case BIND_VAL_STR:
                    VTABLE_push_string(interp, cappy, bv.val.s);
            Parrot_pcc_invoke_from_sig_object(interp, accepts_meth, cappy);
            cappy = Parrot_pcc_get_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp));
            Parrot_pcc_set_signature(interp, CURRENT_CONTEXT(interp), old_ctx);
            if (!VTABLE_get_bool(interp, VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, cappy, 0))) {
                if (error)
                    *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "Constraint type check failed for parameter '%S'",
                return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;

    /* If it's attributive, now we assign it. */
    if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_BIND_ATTRIBUTIVE) {
        INTVAL result = Rakudo_binding_assign_attributive(interp, lexpad, param, bv, decont_value, error);
        if (result != BIND_RESULT_OK)
            return result;

    /* If it has a sub-signature, bind that. */
    if (!PMC_IS_NULL(param->sub_llsig) && bv.type == BIND_VAL_OBJ) {
        /* Turn value into a capture, unless we already have one. */
        PMC *capture = PMCNULL;
        INTVAL result;
        if (param->flags & SIG_ELEM_IS_CAPTURE) {
            capture = decont_value;
        else {
            PMC *meth    = VTABLE_find_method(interp, decont_value, Parrot_str_new(interp, "Capture", 0));
            if (PMC_IS_NULL(meth)) {
                if (error)
                    *error = Parrot_sprintf_c(interp, "Could not turn argument into capture");
                return BIND_RESULT_FAIL;
            Parrot_ext_call(interp, meth, "Pi->P", decont_value, &capture);

        /* Recurse into signature binder. */
        result = Rakudo_binding_bind(interp, lexpad, param->sub_llsig,
                capture, no_nom_type_check, error);
        if (result != BIND_RESULT_OK)
            if (error) {
                /* Note in the error message that we're in a sub-signature. */
                *error = Parrot_str_concat(interp, *error,
                        Parrot_str_new(interp, " in sub-signature", 0));

                /* Have we a variable name? */
                if (!STRING_IS_NULL(param->variable_name)) {
                    *error = Parrot_str_concat(interp, *error,
                            Parrot_str_new(interp, " of parameter ", 0));
                    *error = Parrot_str_concat(interp, *error, param->variable_name);
            return result;

    /* Binding of this parameter was thus successful - we're done. */
    return BIND_RESULT_OK;
Пример #27
static void gc_free(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *obj) {
    CStrBody *body = (CStrBody *) OBJECT_BODY(obj);

    if(IS_CONCRETE(obj) && body->cstr)
Пример #28
/* This Parrot-specific addition to the API is used to free an object. */
static void gc_free(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *obj) {
    gc_cleanup(interp, STABLE(obj), OBJECT_BODY(obj));
    PMC_data(obj) = NULL;
Пример #29
/* Dump a spesh graph into string form, for debugging purposes. */
char * MVM_spesh_dump(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshGraph *g) {
    MVMSpeshBB *cur_bb;
    SpeshGraphSizeStats stats;
    InlineIndexStack inline_stack;
    DumpStr ds;

    stats.total_size = 0;
    stats.inlined_size = 0;
    inline_stack.cur_depth = -1;

    /* Allocate buffer. */
    ds.alloc  = 8192;
    ds.buffer = MVM_malloc(ds.alloc);
    ds.pos    = 0;

    /* Dump name and CUID. */
    append(&ds, "Spesh of '");
    append_str(tc, &ds, g->sf->body.name);
    append(&ds, "' (cuid: ");
    append_str(tc, &ds, g->sf->body.cuuid);
    append(&ds, ", file: ");
    dump_fileinfo(tc, &ds, g->sf);
    append(&ds, ")\n");
    if (g->cs)
        dump_callsite(tc, &ds, g->cs);
    if (!g->cs)
        append(&ds, "\n");

    /* Go over all the basic blocks and dump them. */
    cur_bb = g->entry;
    while (cur_bb) {
        dump_bb(tc, &ds, g, cur_bb, &stats, &inline_stack);
        cur_bb = cur_bb->linear_next;

    /* Dump facts. */
    if (g->facts) {
        append(&ds, "\nFacts:\n");
        dump_facts(tc, &ds, g);

    /* Dump spesh slots. */
    if (g->num_spesh_slots) {
        MVMuint32 i;
        append(&ds, "\nSpesh slots:\n");
        for (i = 0; i < g->num_spesh_slots; i++) {
            MVMCollectable *value = g->spesh_slots[i];
            if (value == NULL)
                appendf(&ds, "    %d = NULL\n", i);
            else if (value->flags & MVM_CF_STABLE)
                appendf(&ds, "    %d = STable (%s)\n", i,
                    MVM_6model_get_stable_debug_name(tc, (MVMSTable *)value));
            else if (value->flags & MVM_CF_TYPE_OBJECT)
                appendf(&ds, "    %d = Type Object (%s)\n", i,
                    MVM_6model_get_debug_name(tc, (MVMObject *)value));
            else {
                MVMObject *obj = (MVMObject *)value;
                MVMuint32 repr_id = REPR(obj)->ID;
                appendf(&ds, "    %d = Instance (%s)", i,
                    MVM_6model_get_debug_name(tc, obj));
                if (repr_id == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMStaticFrame || repr_id == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMCode) {
                    MVMStaticFrameBody *body;
                    char *name_str;
                    char *cuuid_str;
                    if (repr_id == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMCode) {
                        MVMCodeBody *code_body = (MVMCodeBody *)OBJECT_BODY(obj);
                        obj = (MVMObject *)code_body->sf;
                    body = (MVMStaticFrameBody *)OBJECT_BODY(obj);
                    name_str  = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, body->name);
                    cuuid_str = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, body->cuuid);
                    appendf(&ds, " - '%s' (%s)", name_str, cuuid_str);
                appendf(&ds, "\n");

    /* Dump materialization deopt into. */
    dump_deopt_pea(tc, &ds, g);

    append(&ds, "\n");

    /* Print out frame size */
    if (stats.inlined_size)
        appendf(&ds, "Frame size: %u bytes (%u from inlined frames)\n", stats.total_size, stats.inlined_size);
        appendf(&ds, "Frame size: %u bytes\n", stats.total_size);

    return ds.buffer;
Пример #30
/* Drives optimization of a call. */
static void optimize_call(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshGraph *g, MVMSpeshBB *bb,
                          MVMSpeshIns *ins, MVMint32 callee_idx, MVMSpeshCallInfo *arg_info) {
    /* Ensure we know what we're going to be invoking. */
    MVMSpeshFacts *callee_facts = MVM_spesh_get_facts(tc, g, ins->operands[callee_idx]);
    if (callee_facts->flags & MVM_SPESH_FACT_KNOWN_VALUE) {
        MVMObject *code   = callee_facts->value.o;
        MVMObject *target = NULL;
        if (REPR(code)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMCode) {
            /* Already have a code object we know we'll call. */
            target = code;
        else if (STABLE(code)->invocation_spec) {
            /* What kind of invocation will it be? */
            MVMInvocationSpec *is = STABLE(code)->invocation_spec;
            if (!MVM_is_null(tc, is->md_class_handle)) {
                /* Multi-dispatch. Check if this is a dispatch where we can
                 * use the cache directly. */
                MVMRegister dest;
                    STABLE(code), code, OBJECT_BODY(code),
                    is->md_class_handle, is->md_valid_attr_name,
                    is->md_valid_hint, &dest, MVM_reg_int64);
                if (dest.i64) {
                    /* Yes. Try to obtain the cache. */
                        STABLE(code), code, OBJECT_BODY(code),
                        is->md_class_handle, is->md_cache_attr_name,
                        is->md_cache_hint, &dest, MVM_reg_obj);
                    if (!MVM_is_null(tc, dest.o)) {
                        MVMObject *found = MVM_multi_cache_find_spesh(tc, dest.o, arg_info);
                        if (found) {
                            /* Found it. Is it a code object already, or do we
                             * have futher unpacking to do? */
                            if (REPR(found)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMCode) {
                                target = found;
                            else if (STABLE(found)->invocation_spec) {
                                MVMInvocationSpec *m_is = STABLE(found)->invocation_spec;
                                if (!MVM_is_null(tc, m_is->class_handle)) {
                                        STABLE(found), found, OBJECT_BODY(found),
                                        is->class_handle, is->attr_name,
                                        is->hint, &dest, MVM_reg_obj);
                                    if (REPR(dest.o)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMCode)
                                        target = dest.o;
            else if (!MVM_is_null(tc, is->class_handle)) {
                /* Single dispatch; retrieve the code object. */
                MVMRegister dest;
                    STABLE(code), code, OBJECT_BODY(code),
                    is->class_handle, is->attr_name,
                    is->hint, &dest, MVM_reg_obj);
                if (REPR(dest.o)->ID == MVM_REPR_ID_MVMCode)
                    target = dest.o;

        /* If we resolved to something better than the code object, then add
         * the resolved item in a spesh slot and insert a lookup. */
        if (target && target != code && !((MVMCode *)target)->body.is_compiler_stub) {
            MVMSpeshIns *ss_ins = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshIns));
            ss_ins->info        = MVM_op_get_op(MVM_OP_sp_getspeshslot);
            ss_ins->operands    = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, 2 * sizeof(MVMSpeshOperand));
            ss_ins->operands[0] = ins->operands[callee_idx];
            ss_ins->operands[1].lit_i16 = MVM_spesh_add_spesh_slot(tc, g,
                (MVMCollectable *)target);
            MVM_spesh_manipulate_insert_ins(tc, bb, ins->prev, ss_ins);
            /* XXX TODO: Do this differently so we can eliminate the original
             * lookup of the enclosing code object also. */

        /* See if we can point the call at a particular specialization. */
        if (target) {
            MVMCode *target_code  = (MVMCode *)target;
            MVMint32 spesh_cand = try_find_spesh_candidate(tc, target_code, arg_info);
            if (spesh_cand >= 0) {
                /* Yes. Will we be able to inline? */
                MVMSpeshGraph *inline_graph = MVM_spesh_inline_try_get_graph(tc, g,
                    target_code, &target_code->body.sf->body.spesh_candidates[spesh_cand]);
                if (inline_graph) {
                    /* Yes, have inline graph, so go ahead and do it. */
                    /*char *c_name_i = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, target_code->body.sf->body.name);
                    char *c_cuid_i = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, target_code->body.sf->body.cuuid);
                    char *c_name_t = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, g->sf->body.name);
                    char *c_cuid_t = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, g->sf->body.cuuid);
                    printf("Can inline %s (%s) into %s (%s)\n",
                        c_name_i, c_cuid_i, c_name_t, c_cuid_t);
                    MVM_spesh_inline(tc, g, arg_info, bb, ins, inline_graph, target_code);
                else {
                    /* Can't inline, so just identify candidate. */
                    MVMSpeshOperand *new_operands = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, 3 * sizeof(MVMSpeshOperand));
                    if (ins->info->opcode == MVM_OP_invoke_v) {
                        new_operands[0]         = ins->operands[0];
                        new_operands[1].lit_i16 = spesh_cand;
                        ins->operands           = new_operands;
                        ins->info               = MVM_op_get_op(MVM_OP_sp_fastinvoke_v);
                    else {
                        new_operands[0]         = ins->operands[0];
                        new_operands[1]         = ins->operands[1];
                        new_operands[2].lit_i16 = spesh_cand;
                        ins->operands           = new_operands;
                        switch (ins->info->opcode) {
                        case MVM_OP_invoke_i:
                            ins->info = MVM_op_get_op(MVM_OP_sp_fastinvoke_i);
                        case MVM_OP_invoke_n:
                            ins->info = MVM_op_get_op(MVM_OP_sp_fastinvoke_n);
                        case MVM_OP_invoke_s:
                            ins->info = MVM_op_get_op(MVM_OP_sp_fastinvoke_s);
                        case MVM_OP_invoke_o:
                            ins->info = MVM_op_get_op(MVM_OP_sp_fastinvoke_o);
                            MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Spesh: unhandled invoke instruction");