int QGisImporter::getGeometryType(QString const & path) {
  int ret = -1;

  // Well, this code is legacy, but fsck it :-P
  // Should not be compatible GDAL >= 2.0

  // TODO: Anyway, Mapserver code should provide similar mechanisms,
  // I'm probably re-inventing the wheel here.

  OGRDataSourceH  hDS;
  hDS = OGROpen(path.toStdString().c_str(), 0, NULL);
  if(hDS == NULL)
    return -1;

  int layerCount = OGR_DS_GetLayerCount(hDS);

  if (layerCount <= 0) {
    OGRReleaseDataSource( hDS );
    return -1;

  OGRLayerH layer =  OGR_DS_GetLayer (hDS, 0);
  OGRwkbGeometryType geomType = OGR_L_GetGeomType(layer);

  // TODO: Might be a little naïve ...
  switch(geomType) {
    case wkbUnknown:
      ret = -1;
    case wkbPoint:
    case wkbMultiPoint:
      ret = MS_LAYER_POINT;
    case wkbLineString:
    case wkbMultiLineString:
      ret = MS_LAYER_LINE;
    case wkbPolygon:
    case wkbMultiPolygon:
    case wkbGeometryCollection:
      ret = MS_LAYER_POLYGON;
      ret = -1;

  return ret;
Пример #2
int readoutlets(char *outletsds,char *lyrname, int uselayername,int outletslyr,OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRSRaster,int *noutlets, double*& x, double*& y,int*& id)

	// initializing datasoruce,layer,feature, geomtery, spatial reference
    OGRSFDriverH    driver;
    OGRDataSourceH  hDS1;
	OGRLayerH       hLayer1;
	OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn1;
	OGRFieldDefnH   hFieldDefn1;
	OGRFeatureH     hFeature1;
	OGRGeometryH    geometry, line;
	OGRSpatialReferenceH hRSOutlet;
	// register all ogr driver related to OGR

	// open data source
	hDS1 = OGROpen(outletsds, FALSE, NULL );
	if( hDS1 == NULL )
	printf( "Error Opening OGR Data Source .\n" );
	return 1;
    //get layer from layer name
	if(uselayername==1) { hLayer1 = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS1,lyrname);}
		//get layerinfo from layer number
	else { hLayer1 = OGR_DS_GetLayer(hDS1,outletslyr);} // get layerinfo from layername

	if(hLayer1 == NULL)getlayerfail(hDS1,outletsds,outletslyr);
	OGRwkbGeometryType gtype;

	// Test that the type is a point
	if(gtype != wkbPoint)getlayerfail(hDS1,outletsds,outletslyr);

	const char* RasterProjectionName;
	const char* sprs;
	const char* sprso;
	const char* OutletProjectionName;
	int pj_raster,pj_outlet;

	// Spatial reference of outlet
	hRSOutlet = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(hLayer1);
	  pj_raster=OSRIsProjected(hSRSRaster); // find if projected or not
	  if(pj_raster==0) {sprs="GEOGCS";} else { sprs="PROJCS"; }
	  RasterProjectionName = OSRGetAttrValue(hSRSRaster,sprs,0); // get projection name
	  if(pj_outlet==0) {sprso="GEOGCS";} else { sprso="PROJCS"; }
	  OutletProjectionName = OSRGetAttrValue(hRSOutlet,sprso,0);

	//Write warnings where projections may not match
	if(hRSOutlet!=NULL && hSRSRaster!=NULL){
		if (pj_raster==pj_outlet){
			 int rc= strcmp(RasterProjectionName,OutletProjectionName); // compare string
				printf( "Warning: Projection of Outlet feature and Raster data may be different.\n" );
				printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
                printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);
		else {
			  printf( "Warning: Spatial References of Outlet feature and Raster data are different.\n" );
			  printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
              printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);
	else if(hSRSRaster==NULL && hRSOutlet!=NULL) {
		      printf( "Warning: Spatial Reference of Raster is missing.\n" );
              printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);

	else if(hSRSRaster!=NULL && hRSOutlet==NULL) {
	          printf( "Warning: Spatial Reference of Outlet feature is missing.\n" );
			  printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
	else {
	          printf( "Warning: Spatial References of Outlet feature and Raster data are missing.\n" );

	long countPts=0;
	// count number of feature
	// get schema i.e geometry, properties (e.g. ID)
	hFDefn1 = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer1); 
	x = new double[countPts];
	y = new double[countPts];
	int iField;
	int nxy=0;
	id = new int[countPts];
	// loop through each feature and get lat,lon and id information

    while( (hFeature1 = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLayer1)) != NULL ) {

		 //hFeature1=OGR_L_GetFeature(hLayer1,j); // get feature info
		 geometry = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(hFeature1); // get geometry
         x[nxy] = OGR_G_GetX(geometry, 0);
		 y[nxy] =  OGR_G_GetY(geometry, 0);
		 int idfld =OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(hFeature1,"id");
		 if (idfld >= 0)
			hFieldDefn1 = OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn( hFDefn1,idfld); // get field definiton based on index
			if( OGR_Fld_GetType(hFieldDefn1) == OFTInteger ) {
					id[nxy] =OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hFeature1, idfld );} // get id value 
		 else {
		      id[nxy]=1;// if there is no id field         
		 nxy++; // count number of outlets point
		 OGR_F_Destroy( hFeature1 ); // destroy feature
	OGR_DS_Destroy( hDS1); // destroy data source
	return 0;
GDALDatasetH CreateOutputDataset(std::vector<OGRLayerH> ahLayers,
                                 OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
                                 int bGotBounds, OGREnvelope sEnvelop,
                                 GDALDriverH hDriver, const char* pszDstFilename,
                                 int nXSize, int nYSize, double dfXRes, double dfYRes,
                                 int bTargetAlignedPixels,
                                 int nBandCount, GDALDataType eOutputType,
                                 char** papszCreateOptions, std::vector<double> adfInitVals,
                                 int bNoDataSet, double dfNoData)
    int bFirstLayer = TRUE;
    char* pszWKT = NULL;
    GDALDatasetH hDstDS = NULL;
    unsigned int i;

    for( i = 0; i < ahLayers.size(); i++ )
        OGRLayerH hLayer = ahLayers[i];

        if (!bGotBounds)
            OGREnvelope sLayerEnvelop;

            if (OGR_L_GetExtent(hLayer, &sLayerEnvelop, TRUE) != OGRERR_NONE)
                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get layer extent\n");

            /* When rasterizing point layers and that the bounds have */
            /* not been explicitely set, voluntary increase the extent by */
            /* a half-pixel size to avoid missing points on the border */
            if (wkbFlatten(OGR_L_GetGeomType(hLayer)) == wkbPoint &&
                !bTargetAlignedPixels && dfXRes != 0 && dfYRes != 0)
                sLayerEnvelop.MinX -= dfXRes / 2;
                sLayerEnvelop.MaxX += dfXRes / 2;
                sLayerEnvelop.MinY -= dfYRes / 2;
                sLayerEnvelop.MaxY += dfYRes / 2;

            if (bFirstLayer)
                sEnvelop.MinX = sLayerEnvelop.MinX;
                sEnvelop.MinY = sLayerEnvelop.MinY;
                sEnvelop.MaxX = sLayerEnvelop.MaxX;
                sEnvelop.MaxY = sLayerEnvelop.MaxY;

                if (hSRS == NULL)
                    hSRS = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(hLayer);

                bFirstLayer = FALSE;
                sEnvelop.MinX = MIN(sEnvelop.MinX, sLayerEnvelop.MinX);
                sEnvelop.MinY = MIN(sEnvelop.MinY, sLayerEnvelop.MinY);
                sEnvelop.MaxX = MAX(sEnvelop.MaxX, sLayerEnvelop.MaxX);
                sEnvelop.MaxY = MAX(sEnvelop.MaxY, sLayerEnvelop.MaxY);
            if (bFirstLayer)
                if (hSRS == NULL)
                    hSRS = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(hLayer);

                bFirstLayer = FALSE;

    if (dfXRes == 0 && dfYRes == 0)
        dfXRes = (sEnvelop.MaxX - sEnvelop.MinX) / nXSize;
        dfYRes = (sEnvelop.MaxY - sEnvelop.MinY) / nYSize;
    else if (bTargetAlignedPixels && dfXRes != 0 && dfYRes != 0)
        sEnvelop.MinX = floor(sEnvelop.MinX / dfXRes) * dfXRes;
        sEnvelop.MaxX = ceil(sEnvelop.MaxX / dfXRes) * dfXRes;
        sEnvelop.MinY = floor(sEnvelop.MinY / dfYRes) * dfYRes;
        sEnvelop.MaxY = ceil(sEnvelop.MaxY / dfYRes) * dfYRes;

    double adfProjection[6];
    adfProjection[0] = sEnvelop.MinX;
    adfProjection[1] = dfXRes;
    adfProjection[2] = 0;
    adfProjection[3] = sEnvelop.MaxY;
    adfProjection[4] = 0;
    adfProjection[5] = -dfYRes;

    if (nXSize == 0 && nYSize == 0)
        nXSize = (int)(0.5 + (sEnvelop.MaxX - sEnvelop.MinX) / dfXRes);
        nYSize = (int)(0.5 + (sEnvelop.MaxY - sEnvelop.MinY) / dfYRes);

    hDstDS = GDALCreate(hDriver, pszDstFilename, nXSize, nYSize,
                        nBandCount, eOutputType, papszCreateOptions);
    if (hDstDS == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", pszDstFilename);

    GDALSetGeoTransform(hDstDS, adfProjection);

    if (hSRS)
        OSRExportToWkt(hSRS, &pszWKT);
    if (pszWKT)
        GDALSetProjection(hDstDS, pszWKT);

    int iBand;
    /*if( nBandCount == 3 || nBandCount == 4 )
        for(iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++)
            GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hDstDS, iBand + 1);
            GDALSetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand, (GDALColorInterp)(GCI_RedBand + iBand));

    if (bNoDataSet)
        for(iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++)
            GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hDstDS, iBand + 1);
            GDALSetRasterNoDataValue(hBand, dfNoData);

    if (adfInitVals.size() != 0)
        for(iBand = 0; iBand < MIN(nBandCount,(int)adfInitVals.size()); iBand++)
            GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hDstDS, iBand + 1);
            GDALFillRaster(hBand, adfInitVals[iBand], 0);

    return hDstDS;