Пример #1
 *                   OGRIntersectPointPolygon()
 * Instead of using ring orientation we count the number of parts the
 * point falls in. If odd the point is in the polygon, if 0 or even
 * then the point is in a hole or completely outside.
 * Returns TRUE is point is inside polygon, FALSE otherwise
 * Adapted version of msIntersectPointPolygon() from MapServer's mapsearch.c
GBool OGRIntersectPointPolygon(OGRPoint *poPoint, OGRPolygon *poPoly)
    GBool status = FALSE;

    for( int i = 0; i<OGR_NUM_RINGS(poPoly); i++ )
        if (OGRPointInRing(poPoint, OGR_GET_RING(poPoly, i)))
            /* ok, the point is in a line */
            status = !status;

    return status;
Пример #2
int OGRGetCentroid(OGRPolygon *poPoly, OGRPoint *poCentroid)
    int i,j;
    double cent_weight_x=0.0, cent_weight_y=0.0;
    double len, total_len=0;

    for(i=0; i<OGR_NUM_RINGS(poPoly); i++) 
        double x1, y1, x2, y2;
        OGRLinearRing *poRing = OGR_GET_RING(poPoly, i);

        x2 = poRing->getX(0);
        y2 = poRing->getY(0);

        for(j=1; j<poRing->getNumPoints(); j++) 
            x1 = x2;
            y1 = y2;
            x2 = poRing->getX(j);
            y2 = poRing->getY(j);

            len = sqrt( pow((x2-x1),2) + pow((y2-y1),2) );
            cent_weight_x += len * ((x1 + x2)/2.0);
            cent_weight_y += len * ((y1 + y2)/2.0);
            total_len += len;

    if(total_len == 0)

    poCentroid->setX( cent_weight_x / total_len );
    poCentroid->setY( cent_weight_y / total_len );
    return OGRERR_NONE;
Пример #3
int OGRPolygonLabelPoint(OGRPolygon *poPoly, OGRPoint *poLabelPoint)
    double        slope;
    OGRRawPoint   point1, point2;
    int           i, j, k, nfound;
    double        x, y, *xintersect, temp;
    double        hi_y, lo_y;
    int           wrong_order, n;
    double        len, max_len=0;
    double        skip;
    OGREnvelope   oEnv;

    if (poPoly == NULL)
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;


    poLabelPoint->setX((oEnv.MaxX + oEnv.MinX)/2.0);
    poLabelPoint->setY((oEnv.MaxY + oEnv.MinY)/2.0);

    //if(get_centroid(p, lp, &miny, &maxy) == -1) return(-1);

    if(OGRIntersectPointPolygon(poLabelPoint, poPoly) == TRUE) /* cool, done */
        return OGRERR_NONE;

    /* do it the hard way - scanline */

    skip = (oEnv.MaxY - oEnv.MinY)/NUM_SCANLINES;

    for(j=0; j<OGR_NUM_RINGS(poPoly); j++) 
        /* count total number of points */
        n += OGR_GET_RING(poPoly, j)->getNumPoints();

    xintersect = (double *)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
    if (xintersect == NULL)
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    for(k=1; k<=NUM_SCANLINES; k++) 
        /* sample the shape in the y direction */
        y = oEnv.MaxY - k*skip; 

        /* need to find a y that won't intersect any vertices exactly */  
        hi_y = y - 1; /* first initializing lo_y, hi_y to be any 2 pnts on either side of lp->y */
        lo_y = y + 1;
        for(j=0; j<OGR_NUM_RINGS(poPoly); j++) 
            OGRLinearRing *poRing = OGR_GET_RING(poPoly,j);

            if((lo_y < y) && (hi_y >= y)) 
                break; /* already initialized */
            for(i=0; i < poRing->getNumPoints(); i++) 
                if((lo_y < y) && (hi_y >= y)) 
                    break; /* already initialized */
                if(poRing->getY(i) < y)
                    lo_y = poRing->getY(i);
                if(poRing->getY(i) >= y)
                    hi_y = poRing->getY(i);

        for(j=0; j<OGR_NUM_RINGS(poPoly); j++) 
            OGRLinearRing *poRing = OGR_GET_RING(poPoly,j);

            for(i=0; i < poRing->getNumPoints(); i++) 
                if((poRing->getY(i) < y) && 
                   ((y - poRing->getY(i)) < (y - lo_y)))
                    lo_y = poRing->getY(i);
                if((poRing->getY(i) >= y) && 
                   ((poRing->getY(i) - y) < (hi_y - y)))
                    hi_y = poRing->getY(i);

        if(lo_y == hi_y) 
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
            y = (hi_y + lo_y)/2.0;    
        nfound = 0;
        for(j=0; j<OGR_NUM_RINGS(poPoly); j++)   /* for each line */
            OGRLinearRing *poRing = OGR_GET_RING(poPoly,j);
            point1.x = poRing->getX(poRing->getNumPoints()-1);
            point1.y = poRing->getY(poRing->getNumPoints()-1);

            for(i=0; i < poRing->getNumPoints(); i++) 
                point2.x = poRing->getX(i);
                point2.y = poRing->getY(i);
                if(EDGE_CHECK(point1.y, y, point2.y) == CLIP_MIDDLE) 
                    if(point1.y == point2.y)
                        continue; /* ignore horizontal edges */
                        slope = (point2.x - point1.x) / (point2.y - point1.y);
                    x = point1.x + (y - point1.y)*slope;
                    xintersect[nfound++] = x;
                } /* End of checking this edge */
                point1 = point2;  /* Go on to next edge */
        } /* Finished the scanline */
        /* First, sort the intersections */
            wrong_order = 0;
            for(i=0; i < nfound-1; i++) 
                if(xintersect[i] > xintersect[i+1]) 
                    wrong_order = 1;
                    SWAP(xintersect[i], xintersect[i+1], temp);
        } while(wrong_order);
        /* Great, now find longest span */
        point1.y = point2.y = y;
        for(i=0; i < nfound; i += 2) 
            point1.x = xintersect[i];
            point2.x = xintersect[i+1];
            /* len = length(point1, point2); */
            len = ABS((point2.x - point1.x));
            if(len > max_len) 
                max_len = len;
                poLabelPoint->setX( (point1.x + point2.x)/2 );
                poLabelPoint->setY( y );


    /* __TODO__ Bug 673
     * There seem to be some polygons for which the label is returned
     * completely outside of the polygon's MBR and this messes the 
     * file bounds, etc.
     * Until we find the source of the problem, we'll at least validate
     * the label point to make sure that it overlaps the polygon MBR.
    if( poLabelPoint->getX() < oEnv.MinX
        || poLabelPoint->getY() < oEnv.MinY
        || poLabelPoint->getX() > oEnv.MaxX
        || poLabelPoint->getY() > oEnv.MaxY )
        // Reset label coordinates to center of MBR, just in case
        poLabelPoint->setX((oEnv.MaxX + oEnv.MinX)/2.0);
        poLabelPoint->setY((oEnv.MaxY + oEnv.MinY)/2.0);

        // And return an error
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    if(max_len > 0)
        return OGRERR_NONE;
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;