Пример #1
time_t Fill_Time_T(GSM_DateTime DT)
	struct tm timestruct;
	struct tm *now;
	time_t t;

	dbgprintf(NULL, "StartTime: %s\n", OSDate(DT));

	memset(&timestruct, 0, sizeof(timestruct));
	timestruct.tm_year 	= DT.Year - 1900;
	timestruct.tm_mon  	= DT.Month - 1;
	timestruct.tm_mday 	= DT.Day;
	timestruct.tm_hour 	= DT.Hour;
	timestruct.tm_min  	= DT.Minute;
	timestruct.tm_sec  	= DT.Second;

	now = localtime(&t);

	timestruct.tm_isdst = now->tm_isdst;
	timestruct.tm_isdst	= -1;
	/* No time zone information */
	timestruct.tm_gmtoff = now->tm_gmtoff;
	timestruct.tm_zone = now->tm_zone;

	return mktime(&timestruct);
Пример #2
time_t Fill_Time_T(GSM_DateTime DT)
	struct tm tm_starttime;

	dbgprintf(NULL, "StartTime: %s\n", OSDate(DT));

	memset(&tm_starttime, 0, sizeof(tm_starttime));
	tm_starttime.tm_year 	= DT.Year - 1900;
	tm_starttime.tm_mon  	= DT.Month - 1;
	tm_starttime.tm_mday 	= DT.Day;
	tm_starttime.tm_hour 	= DT.Hour;
	tm_starttime.tm_min  	= DT.Minute;
	tm_starttime.tm_sec  	= DT.Second;
	tm_starttime.tm_isdst	= -1;

	return mktime(&tm_starttime);
Пример #3
GSM_Error GSM_ReadFile(const char *FileName, GSM_File *File)
	int 		i = 1000;
	FILE		*file;
	struct stat	fileinfo;

	if (FileName[0] == 0x00) return ERR_UNKNOWN;
	file = fopen(FileName,"rb");
	if (file == NULL) return ERR_CANTOPENFILE;

	File->Buffer 	= NULL;
	File->Used 	= 0;
	while (i == 1000) {
		File->Buffer 	= (unsigned char *)realloc(File->Buffer,File->Used + 1000);
		i 		= fread(File->Buffer+File->Used,1,1000,file);
		File->Used 	= File->Used + i;
	File->Buffer = (unsigned char *)realloc(File->Buffer,File->Used + 1);
	/* Make it 0 terminated, in case it is needed somewhere (we don't count this to length) */
	File->Buffer[File->Used] = 0;

	File->Level = 0;
	File->Protected = FALSE;
	File->Hidden = FALSE;
	File->System = FALSE;
	File->ReadOnly = FALSE; /* @todo TODO get this from permissions? */
	File->Folder = FALSE;

	File->ModifiedEmpty = TRUE;
	if (stat(FileName,&fileinfo) == 0) {
		File->ModifiedEmpty = FALSE;
		dbgprintf(NULL, "File info read correctly\n");
		/* st_mtime is time of last modification of file */
		Fill_GSM_DateTime(&File->Modified, fileinfo.st_mtime);
		dbgprintf(NULL, "FillTime: %s\n", OSDate(File->Modified));

	return ERR_NONE;
Пример #4
gboolean ReadVCALDate(char *Buffer, const char *Start, GSM_DateTime *Date, gboolean *is_date_only)
	char fullstart[200];
	unsigned char datestring[200];

	if (!ReadVCALText(Buffer, Start, datestring, FALSE, NULL)) {
		fullstart[0] = 0;
		strcat(fullstart, Start);
		strcat(fullstart, ";VALUE=DATE");
		if (!ReadVCALText(Buffer, fullstart, datestring, FALSE, NULL)) {
			return FALSE;
		*is_date_only = TRUE;

	if (ReadVCALDateTime(DecodeUnicodeString(datestring), Date)) {
		dbgprintf(NULL, "ReadVCALDateTime is %s\n", OSDate(*Date));
		*is_date_only = FALSE;
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Пример #5
static void cgi_process_each(GSM_StateMachine *s, GSM_SMSMessage*sms) {
	int child_in[2];
	int child_out[2];
	int pid;
	int ret;
	int offset;
	int status;

	child_in[0] = child_in[1] = child_out[0] = child_out[1] = -1; /* invalid fd */

	DecodeUnicode(sms->Text, buffer);
	smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "<< [%s]\n", buffer);

	/* ----------------------------------------------------- now open the pipes */
	if (pipe(child_in)) {
		smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "Unable to open to pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		goto error;
	if (pipe(child_out)) {
		smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "Unable to open from pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		goto error;

	/* ------------------------- Block SIGHUP during the fork - prevents a race */
	//pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signal_set, &old_set);
	//signal(SIGCHLD, cgi_child_end);

	/* ----------------------------------------------------------- fork the cgi */
	pid = fork();
	if(pid < 0) {
		smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "Could not fork: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		// pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_set, NULL);
		goto error;
	if(!pid) {
		/* -------------------------------------------------- child process */
		/* ------------------------------------ move stdout to child_out[1] */
		dup2(child_out[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
		close(child_out[0]);                       /* close unused read end */
		/* -------------------------------------- move stdin to child_in[0] */
		dup2(child_in[0], STDIN_FILENO);
		close(child_in[1]);                       /* close unused write end */
	/* --------------------------------------------------------- parent process */
	close(child_out[1]);                              /* close unused write end */
	close(child_in[0]);                                /* close unused read end */
	smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "Launched CGI script\n");

	/* ----------------------------------------------------------- send headers */
	DecodeUnicode(sms->Number, buffer2);
	cgi_write_header(s, child_in[1], "SMS_FROM", buffer2);
	DecodeUnicode(sms->Name, buffer2);
	cgi_write_header(s, child_in[1], "SMS_NAME", buffer2);
	cgi_write_header(s, child_in[1], "SMS_TIME", OSDate(sms->DateTime));

	/* -------------------------------------------- End headers with empty line */
	cgi_write_helper(s, child_in[1], "\r\n", sizeof("\r\n") - 1);

	/* ----------------------------------------------- now we write the command */
	cgi_write_helper(s, child_in[1], buffer, strlen(buffer));

	close(child_in[1]);                                             /* send EOF */

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------ now we read */
	smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE ">>======== CGI Response ==========\n");
	buffer[0] = '\0';
	offset = 0;
	while((ret = read(child_out[0], buffer + offset, 1)) > 0) {
		offset += ret;
		*(buffer+offset) = '\0';
	smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "%s", buffer);
	smprintf(s, "\n>>================================\n");

	do {
		/* ------------------------------------------------- wait for child to exit */
		if((ret = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG)) == -1) {
			smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE " waitpid failed :(\n");
			goto error;
		if(!ret) {
			smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE " Child is not dead yet ..\n");
		if(!WIFEXITED(status)) {
			if(WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
				smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "killed by signal %d\n", WTERMSIG(status));
			} else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
				smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "stopped by signal %d\n", WSTOPSIG(status));
			} else if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) {
				smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE "continued\n");
	} while(!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status));
	smprintf(s, CGI_ENGINE " Child process exited\n");

	if(buffer[0] != '\0') {
		/* ----------------------------------------------- prepare response */
		memset(&smsSendBuffer, 0, sizeof(smsSendBuffer));   /* reset memory */
		smsSendBuffer.Location = 1;
		smsSendBuffer.Class = 1;
		smsSendBuffer.PDU = SMS_Submit;
		smsSendBuffer.Coding = SMS_Coding_Default_No_Compression;
		CopyUnicodeString(smsSendBuffer.Number, sms->Number);
		EncodeUnicode(smsSendBuffer.Text, buffer, strlen(buffer));
		/* -------------------------------------------------- send response */
		error = GSM_SendSMS(s, &smsSendBuffer);


	GSM_DeleteSMS(s, sms);