Пример #1
char *strdup(const char *String)
	char *Copy = (char *)OS_Malloc(strlen(String) + 1);
	if (Copy != NULL)
		strcpy(Copy, String);
	return Copy;
Пример #2
INLINE Status OS_MessageMulticastSend(const OS_List* slots_qhd_l_p, OS_Message* msg_p,
                                      const OS_TimeMs timeout, const OS_MessagePrio priority)
OS_Message* msg_inst_p = OS_NULL;
Status s = S_OK;
    if (OS_NULL != msg_p) {
        if (OS_NULL != slots_qhd_l_p) {
            OS_ListItem* iter_li_p = OS_ListItemNextGet((OS_ListItem*)&OS_ListItemLastGet(slots_qhd_l_p));
            while (OS_DELAY_MAX != OS_ListItemValueGet(iter_li_p)) {
                const OS_QueueHd slot_qhd = (OS_QueueHd)OS_ListItemValueGet(iter_li_p);
                iter_li_p = OS_ListItemNextGet(iter_li_p);
                if (OS_DELAY_MAX != OS_ListItemValueGet(iter_li_p)) { // if the next item is present...
                    if (OS_TRUE != OS_SignalIs(msg_p)) { // ...and it isn't a signal...
                        const Size msg_size = sizeof(OS_Message) + msg_p->size;
                        msg_inst_p = OS_Malloc(msg_size); // ...make an instance of the message.
                        OS_MemCpy(msg_inst_p, msg_p, msg_size);
                IF_STATUS(s = OS_QueueSend(slot_qhd, &msg_p, timeout, priority)) {
                    if (OS_NULL != msg_inst_p) {
                    return s;
                if (OS_NULL != msg_inst_p) {
                    msg_p = msg_inst_p;
        } else { s = S_INVALID_PTR; }
Пример #3
OS_Message* OS_MessageCreate(const OS_MessageId id, const OS_MessageData data_p, const OS_MessageSize size, const OS_TimeMs timeout)
OS_Message* msg_p = OS_Malloc(size + sizeof(OS_Message));

    if (OS_NULL != msg_p) {
        OS_MemCpy(msg_p->data, data_p, size);
        msg_p->id   = id;
        msg_p->size = size;
        msg_p->src  = OS_TaskGet();
    return msg_p;
Пример #4
Status OS_StorageItemCreate(const void* data_p, const U16 size, OS_StorageItem** item_pp)
    if (OS_NULL == item_pp) { return S_INVALID_PTR; }
    OS_StorageItem* item_p = OS_Malloc(sizeof(OS_StorageItem));
    if (OS_NULL == item_p) { return S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
    item_p->mutex = OS_MutexCreate();
    if (OS_NULL == item_p->mutex) { return S_INVALID_PTR; }
    *item_pp = item_p;
    item_p->data_p  = (void*)data_p;
    item_p->size    = size;
    item_p->owners  = 1;
    return S_OK;
Пример #5
static BalloonChunk *
   BalloonChunk *chunk;

   /* allocate memory, fail if unable */
   chunk = OS_Malloc(sizeof *chunk);
   if (chunk == NULL) {
      return NULL;

   /* initialize */
   OS_MemZero(chunk, sizeof *chunk);

   return chunk;
Пример #6
 * Function: tid_t OS_TaskCreate(uint32_t  _stack_size, void *_ip, uint8 _priority)
 * This routine creates a new thread and returns the TCB created
tid_t OS_TaskCreate(uint32_t *_stackaddr, uint32_t  _stacksize, void *_ip, void *_arg, uint8_t _priority)
    OS_task_t *task;
    OS_Node_t *n;

  //  DEBUG ("(_stackaddr=%p, _stacksize=%p, _ip=%p, _arg=%p, priority=%d)",
   //     _stackaddr, _stacksize, _ip, _arg, _priority);

    ASSERT (_priority <= SCHED_MIN_PRIORITY);

    /* get a free thread control block */
    n = (OS_Node_t *) OS_ListGetNode (&tcb_list);

    /* assert that we really have a free tcb */
    ASSERT (n != NULL);
    if (n == NULL) return -1;

    task = GET_ELEMENT(OS_task_t, n, node);
    TRACE (task->tid, "d");
    KTRACE (KTRACE_CREATE, task->tid, _priority);

    /*  Stablish the thread stack */
    if (_stackaddr == NULL)
        if (_stacksize < CONFIG_ERCOS_MIN_STACK) _stacksize = CONFIG_ERCOS_MIN_STACK;
        _stackaddr = OS_Malloc (_stacksize);
    } else {
        ASSERT (_stacksize >= CONFIG_ERCOS_MIN_STACK);
    task->stack.size = _stacksize;
    task->stack.addr = (uint8_t *)_stackaddr;

    /*  Fill the stack with the 0x5a mark */
//    unsigned i;
//    DEBUG ("Stack @ %p, %p bytes", _stackaddr, _stacksize);
//   for (i = 0; i < _stacksize; i++) ((uint8_t *) _stackaddr)[i] = 0x5a;

    /*  Init the new thread context */
    ercos_hal_hwcontext_init (&(task->context), task->stack.addr, task->stack.size, 0, OS_ThreadWrapper);

    /*  Stablish the thread status  */
    task->status = TS_READY;

    /*  Stablish the thread entry point  */
    task->entry_point = _ip;
    task->arg = _arg;

    /*  Init the pointer to the catched mutex   */
    task->pmutex =(OS_Mutex_t*) NULL;

    /*  Set the thread base and temporal priorities   */
    task->priority = _priority;
    task->base_priority = _priority;

    /*  Add the task to the correspond sched queue  */

    return task->tid;