/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
int32 CFE_ES_ShellOutputCommand(char * CmdString, char *Filename)
    int32 Result;
    int32 ReturnCode = CFE_SUCCESS;
    int32 fd;
    int32 FileSize;
    int32 CurrFilePtr;
    uint32 i;
    /* the extra 1 added for the \0 char */
    char CheckCmd [CFE_ES_CHECKSIZE + 1];
    char Cmd [CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_CMD];
    char OutputFilename [OS_MAX_PATH_LEN];

    /* Use default filename if not provided */
    if (Filename[0] == '\0')
        strncpy(OutputFilename, CFE_ES_DEFAULT_SHELL_FILENAME, OS_MAX_PATH_LEN);
        strncpy(OutputFilename, Filename, OS_MAX_PATH_LEN);

    /* Make sure string is null terminated */
    OutputFilename[OS_MAX_PATH_LEN - 1] = '\0';

    /* Remove previous version of output file */

    fd = OS_creat(OutputFilename, OS_READ_WRITE);

    if (fd < OS_FS_SUCCESS)
        Result = OS_FS_ERROR;

        CheckCmd[CFE_ES_CHECKSIZE]  = '\0';
        strncpy(Cmd,CmdString, CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_CMD);
        /* We need to check if this command is directed at ES, or at the 
        operating system */
        if (strncmp(CheckCmd,"ES_",CFE_ES_CHECKSIZE) == 0)
            /* This list can be expanded to include other ES functionality */
            if ( strncmp(Cmd,CFE_ES_LIST_APPS_CMD,strlen(CFE_ES_LIST_APPS_CMD) )== 0)
                Result = CFE_ES_ListApplications(fd);
            else if ( strncmp(Cmd,CFE_ES_LIST_TASKS_CMD,strlen(CFE_ES_LIST_TASKS_CMD) )== 0)
                Result = CFE_ES_ListTasks(fd);
            else if ( strncmp(Cmd,CFE_ES_LIST_RESOURCES_CMD,strlen(CFE_ES_LIST_RESOURCES_CMD) )== 0)
                Result = CFE_ES_ListResources(fd);

            /* default if there is not an ES command that matches */
                Result = CFE_ES_ERR_SHELL_CMD;
                CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("There is no ES Shell command that matches %s \n",Cmd);

        /* if the command is not directed at ES, pass it through to the 
        * underlying OS */
            Result = OS_ShellOutputToFile(Cmd,fd);

        /* seek to the end of the file to get it's size */
        FileSize = OS_lseek(fd,0,OS_SEEK_END);

        if (FileSize == OS_FS_ERROR)
            CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("OS_lseek call failed from CFE_ES_ShellOutputCmd 1\n");
            Result =  OS_FS_ERROR;

        /* We want to add 3 characters at the end of the telemetry,'\n','$','\0'.
         * To do this we need to make sure there are at least 3 empty characters at
         * the end of the last CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT so we don't over write any data. If 
         * the current file has only 0,1, or 2 free spaces at the end, we want to 
         * make the file longer to start a new tlm packet of size CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT.
         * This way we will get a 'blank' packet with the correct 3 characters at the end.

            /* if we are within 2 bytes of the end of the packet*/
            if ( FileSize % CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT > (CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT - 3))
                /* add enough bytes to start a new packet */
                for (i = 0; i < CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT - (FileSize % CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT) + 1 ; i++)
                    OS_write(fd," ",1);
                /* we are exactly at the end */
                if( FileSize % CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT == 0)
                    OS_write(fd," ",1);

            /* seek to the end of the file again to get it's new size */
            FileSize = OS_lseek(fd,0,OS_SEEK_END);

            if (FileSize == OS_FS_ERROR)
                CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("OS_lseek call failed from CFE_ES_ShellOutputCmd 2\n");
                Result =  OS_FS_ERROR;

                /* set the file back to the beginning */

                /* start processing the chunks. We want to have one packet left so we are sure this for loop
                * won't run over */
                for (CurrFilePtr=0; CurrFilePtr < (FileSize - CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT); CurrFilePtr += CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT)
                    OS_read(fd, CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket.ShellOutput, CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT);

                    /* Send the packet */
                    CFE_SB_TimeStampMsg((CFE_SB_Msg_t *) &CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket);
                    CFE_SB_SendMsg((CFE_SB_Msg_t *) &CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket);
                    /* delay to not flood the pipe on large messages */

                /* finish off the last portion of the file */
                /* over write the last packet with spaces, then it will get filled
               * in with the correct info below. This assures that the last non full
               * part of the packet will be spaces */
                for (i =0; i < CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT; i++)
                    CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket.ShellOutput[i] = ' ';
                OS_read(fd, CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket.ShellOutput, ( FileSize - CurrFilePtr));

                /* From our check above, we are assured that there are at least 3 free
                 * characters to write our data into at the end of this last packet 
                 * The \n assures we are on a new line, the $ gives us our prompt, and the 
                 * \0 assures we are null terminalted.

                CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket.ShellOutput[ CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT - 3] = '\n';
                CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket.ShellOutput[ CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT - 2] = '$';
                CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket.ShellOutput[ CFE_ES_MAX_SHELL_PKT - 1] = '\0';

                /* Send the last packet */
                CFE_SB_TimeStampMsg((CFE_SB_Msg_t *) &CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket);
                CFE_SB_SendMsg((CFE_SB_Msg_t *) &CFE_ES_TaskData.ShellPacket);
                /* Close the file descriptor */
            } /* if FilseSize == OS_FS_ERROR */
        } /* if FileSeize == OS_FS_ERROR */
    }/* if fd < OS_FS_SUCCESS */

    if (Result != OS_SUCCESS && Result != CFE_SUCCESS )
        ReturnCode = CFE_ES_ERR_SHELL_CMD;
        CFE_ES_WriteToSysLog("OS_ShellOutputToFile call failed from CFE_ES_ShellOutputCommand\n");
        ReturnCode = CFE_SUCCESS;
    return ReturnCode;
Пример #2
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Name: OS_ShellOutputToFile
    Purpose: Takes a shell command in and writes the output of that command to the specified file
    Returns: OS_FS_ERROR if the command was not executed properly
             OS_FS_ERR_INVALID_FD if the file descriptor passed in is invalid
             OS_SUCCESS if success
int32 OS_ShellOutputToFile(char* Cmd, int32 OS_fd)
    int32              cmdFd;
    int32              tmpFd;
    rtems_status_code  rtemsRc;;
    int32              ReturnCode = OS_SUCCESS;
    int32              fileStatus;
    int32              bytesRead;
    int32              bytesWritten;
    char               readBuffer[256];
    char               outputFileName[OS_MAX_PATH_LEN + OS_SHELL_TMP_FILE_EXT_LEN];
    char               localCmd[OS_MAX_CMD_LEN]; 

    /* Make sure the file descriptor is legit before using it */
    if (OS_fd < 0 || OS_fd >= OS_MAX_NUM_OPEN_FILES || OS_FDTable[OS_fd].IsValid == FALSE)
        ReturnCode = OS_FS_ERR_INVALID_FD;
        ** Create a file to write the command to (or write over the old one) 
        if (cmdFd < OS_FS_SUCCESS)
            ReturnCode = OS_FS_ERROR;
            ** Write the command to the buffer

            ** This function passes in an open file descriptor to write the shell
            **  command output. The RTEMS shell script API expects a filename, not
            **  a file descriptor. So in addition to the temporary file for the shell input,
            **  we need to create a temporary file for the command output, then it has
            **  to be copied to the open file.  

            ** copy the shell command buffer to the file 
            fileStatus = OS_write(cmdFd, localCmd, strlen(localCmd));
            if ( fileStatus == strlen(localCmd) )
               ** Close the file

               ** Spawn a task to execute the shell command
               rtemsRc =  rtems_shell_script ( 
                         FALSE,       /* Do not append output to file */
                         TRUE,        /* Wait for shell task to complete */
                         FALSE        /* Echo output */ 
               ** Now we have the temporary file with the output 
               if((tmpFd = OS_open(outputFileName, OS_READ_ONLY,0)) == OS_FS_ERROR)
                  printf("OSAL:Could not open %s for reading\n",outputFileName);
                  ReturnCode = OS_FS_ERROR; 
                  while((bytesRead = OS_read(tmpFd, readBuffer, 256)) > 0)
                     bytesWritten = OS_write(OS_fd, readBuffer, bytesRead);
                  ** Remove the temporary output file
                  fileStatus = OS_remove(outputFileName); 
                 ReturnCode = OS_FS_ERROR;
        ** Remove the temporary shell input file
        fileStatus = OS_remove(OS_SHELL_CMD_INPUT_FILE_NAME); 
    return ReturnCode;

}/* end OS_ShellOutputToFile */
Пример #3
** ParseXmlFile
** Parse an XML file
static boolean ParseXmlFile(const char* FilePathName,
                            XML_StartElementHandler StartElementHandler,
                            XML_EndElementHandler   EndElementHandler)

   int      FileHandle;
   int32    ReadStatus;
   boolean  Done;
   boolean  ParseErr  = FALSE;
   boolean  RetStatus = FALSE;

   XML_Parser XmlParser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
   if (! XmlParser) {
      CFE_EVS_SendEvent(TBLMGR_CREATE_ERR_EID, CFE_EVS_ERROR, "Failed to allocate memory for XML parser");
   else {

      XML_SetElementHandler(XmlParser, StartElementHandler, EndElementHandler);

      FileHandle = OS_open(FilePathName, OS_READ_ONLY, 0);
      if (FileHandle >= 0) {

         Done = FALSE;

         while (!Done) {

            ReadStatus = OS_read(FileHandle, TblFileBuff, TBLMGR_BUFFSIZE);

            if ( ReadStatus == OS_FS_ERROR )
               CFE_EVS_SendEvent(TBLMGR_FILE_READ_ERR_EID, CFE_EVS_ERROR, "File read error, EC = 0x%08X",ReadStatus);
               Done = TRUE;
               ParseErr = TRUE;
            else if ( ReadStatus == 0 ) /* EOF reached */
                Done = TRUE;
            else {

               /* ReadStatus contains number of bytes read */
               if (XML_Parse(XmlParser, TblFileBuff, ReadStatus, Done) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) {

                  CFE_EVS_SendEvent(TBLMGR_PARSE_ERR_EID, CFE_EVS_ERROR, "Parse error at line %l, error code = %s",
                  Done = TRUE;
                  ParseErr = TRUE;

               } /* End if valid parse */
            } /* End if valid fread */
         } /* End file read loop */

         RetStatus = !ParseErr;

      } /* End if file opened */
          CFE_EVS_SendEvent(TBLMGR_FILE_OPEN_ERR_EID, CFE_EVS_ERROR, "File open error for %s, Error = %d",
                            FilePathName, FileHandle );


   } /* end if parser allocated */

   return RetStatus;

} /* End ParseXmlFile() */