Пример #1
ReadingIdentifier::Ptr reading_id_parse(meter_protocol_t protocol, const char *string) {
	ReadingIdentifier::Ptr rid;

	switch (protocol) {
			case meter_protocol_d0:
			case meter_protocol_sml:
			case meter_protocol_oms:
				rid = ReadingIdentifier::Ptr(new ObisIdentifier(Obis(string)));

			case meter_protocol_fluksov2: {
				char type[13];
				int channel;

				int ret = sscanf(string, "sensor%u/%12s", &channel, type);
				if (ret != 2) {
					throw vz::VZException("meter-fluksov4 failed");
				rid = ReadingIdentifier::Ptr(new ChannelIdentifier(channel+1));

				//id->channel = channel + 1; /* increment by 1 to distinguish between +0 and -0 */

#if 0
				if (strcmp(type, "consumption") == 0) {
					id->channel *= -1;
				else if (strcmp(type, "power") != 0) {
					throw std::exception("type not found");
					//return ERR;

			case meter_protocol_file:
			case meter_protocol_exec:
			case meter_protocol_s0:
			case meter_protocol_ocr:
			case meter_protocol_modbus:
			case meter_protocol_w1therm:
				rid = ReadingIdentifier::Ptr(new StringIdentifier(string));

			default: /* ignore other protocols which do not provide id's */
				rid = ReadingIdentifier::Ptr(new NilIdentifier());

	return rid;
Пример #2
TEST(Obis, Obis_strparsing) {
	Obis o1(0x1, 0x1, 97, 97, 0xff, 0xff); // 97 = SC_F
	Obis o2("1-1:F.F");
	ASSERT_EQ(o1, o2);

	Obis o3(0x1, 0x1, 96, 98, 0xff, 0xff); // 96 = SC_C, 98 = SC_L
	Obis o4("1-1:C.L");
	ASSERT_EQ(o3, o4);

	Obis o5(0x1, 0x1, 96, 99, 0xff, 0xff); // 96 = SC_C, 99 = SC_P
	Obis o6("1-1:C.P");
	ASSERT_EQ(o5, o6);

	ASSERT_THROW(Obis o7("1-1:x:y"), vz::VZException);
	Obis o8("power-l1");
	ASSERT_EQ(Obis("1-0:21.7"), o8);

Пример #3
bool Obis::isAllNotGiven() const {
	return *this == Obis(); // compare this one with empty one from default constructor
Пример #4
#include "common.h"
#include <VZException.hpp>

#define DC 0xff // not specified/not given
#define SC_C 96 // special character "C" has obis code 96 according to http://www.mayor.de/lian98/doc.de/pdf/vdew-lh-lastgangzaehler-2127b3.pdf
#define SC_F 97
#define SC_L 98
#define SC_P 99

//const Obis::aliases[] = {
static obis_alias_t aliases[] = {
//   A    B    C    D    E    F    alias		description
//   ====================================================================

// general
	{Obis(  1,   0,   1,   7,  DC,  DC), "power",		"Wirkleistung  (Summe)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  21,   7,  DC,  DC), "power-l1",		"Wirkleistung  (Phase 1)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  41,   7,  DC,  DC), "power-l2",		"Wirkleistung  (Phase 2)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  61,   7,  DC,  DC), "power-l3",		"Wirkleistung  (Phase 3)"},

	{Obis(  1,   0,  12,   7,  DC,  DC), "voltage",		"Spannung      (Mittelwert)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  32,   7,  DC,  DC), "voltage-l1",	"Spannung      (Phase 1)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  52,   7,  DC,  DC), "voltage-l2",	"Spannung      (Phase 2)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  72,   7,  DC,  DC), "voltage-l3",	"Spannung      (Phase 3)"},

	{Obis(  1,   0,  11,   7,  DC,  DC), "current",		"Stromstaerke  (Summe)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  31,   7,  DC,  DC), "current-l1",	"Stromstaerke  (Phase 1)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  51,   7,  DC,  DC), "current-l2",	"Stromstaerke  (Phase 2)"},
	{Obis(  1,   0,  71,   7,  DC,  DC), "current-l3",	"Stromstaerke  (Phase 3)"},

	{Obis(  1,   0,  14,   7,   0,  DC), "frequency",		"Netzfrequenz"},
Пример #5
TEST(MeterSML, EMH_basic) {
	char tempfilename[L_tmpnam+1];
	ASSERT_NE(tmpnam_r(tempfilename), (char*)0);
	std::list<Option> options;
	options.push_back(Option("device", tempfilename));
	MeterSML m(options);
	ASSERT_STREQ(m.device(), tempfilename) << "devicename not eq " << tempfilename;
	ASSERT_EQ(0, mkfifo(tempfilename, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR));
	int fd = open(tempfilename, O_RDWR);
	ASSERT_NE(-1, fd);
	ASSERT_NE(-1, m.open());

	// now we can simulate some input by simply writing into fd
	std::vector<Reading> rds;

	// write one good data set
	writes_hex(fd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
	 * manual parsing of input data:
	 * 1B1B1B1B
	 * 01010101
	 * 76 TL Field list of.., len = 6
	 *  07 1. list element, TL Field : octet string, len 6 (why not 7?)
	 *   003600001AFA  =transaction id
	 *  62 00 2nd list element, TL field: u8, val=0 =group id
	 *  62 00 3rd list element, TL field: u8, val=0 =abort on error
	 *  72 4th list element, TL list of, len = 2 =message body
	 *   630101 1st elem, TL u16, val=101 =tag ("public open req")
	 *   76 2nd elem, TL list of, len = 6
	 *    01 opt codepage
	 *    01  opt clientid
	 *    07 str, len 6= 0036044808FE reqFileId
	 *    09 3032323830383136 serverId
	 *    01 opt time
	 *    01 opt version
	 *  63 5th elem, u16, val = 31ED =crc16
	 *  00 6th elem EndOfSMLMsg
	 * 76 list of, len=6
	 *  07 tl octet string, len 6 = 003600001AFB = transaction id
	 *  62 u8, 00 =groupid
	 *  62 u8, 00 =abort on error
	 *  72 list, len=2 = message body
	 *   63 0701 =tag (get list response)
	 *   77 = message body data list with 7 elements
	 *    01 opt clientid
	 *    09 str, len 8 =3032323830383136 serverId
	 *    01 opt listname
	 *    72 actSensorTime
	 *     62 u8, val=01
	 *     65 u32, val=04487D89
	 *    76 valList
	 *     77
	 *      07 str, l 6 =8181C78203FF objName 129-129:xC7... -> error code
	 *      01 opt status
	 *      01 opt valTime
	 *      01 opt unit
	 *      01 opt scaler
	 *      04 str, l3 =454D48 value
	 *      01 opt valueSignature
	 *     77
	 *      07 str, l 6 =0100000000FF objName 1-0:0.0.0*FF
	 *      01
	 *      01
	 *      01
	 *      01
	 *      09 str, l 8 =3032323830383136 "02280816" Eigentumsnr?
	 *      01
	 *     77
	 *      07 str, l 6 =0100010801FF objName 1-0:1.8.1*FF
	 *      63 u16 =0180 status
	 *      01
	 *      62 u8, =1E unit -> Wh
	 *      52 s8, =FF scaler (-> 10⁻1)
	 *      56 signed int len 5 byte 0008D1CF1B
	 *      01
	 *     77
	 *      07 str l 6 =0100010802FF objName 1-0:1.8.2*FF
	 *      63 u16 =0180
	 *      01
	 *      62 u8 =1E
	 *      52 s8 = FF
	 *      56 s int, len 5 byte 0000004E9C
	 *      01
	 *     77
	 *      07 str l 6 =00006001FFFF 0-0:96.1.FF*FF
	 *      01
	 *      01
	 *      01
	 *      01
	 *      0B str l 10 = 30303032323830383136 "0002280816"
	 *      01
	 *     77
	 *      07 str l 6 =0100010700FF objName 1-0:1.7.0*FF
	 *      01
	 *      01
	 *      62 u8 = 1B unit
	 *      52 s8 = FF scaler-> 10⁻1
	 *      55 s int32 = 00000070 -> 112 -> 11.2
	 *      01
	 *    01 opt listSignature
	 *    01 opt actGatewayTime
	 *   63 u16 =D201 crc16
	 *   00 EndOfSMLMsg
	 *  76
	 *   07 str l 6 = 003600001AFC
	 *   62 u8 = 00
	 *   62 u8 = 00
	 *   72
	 *    63 u16 = 0201
	 *    71
	 *     01
	 *   63 u16 = 077A crc
	 *   00 EndOfSMLMsg
	 *  00
	 *  1B1B1B1B
	 *  1A019D37
	// now read 3 readings: (currently the string values get's ignored. See MeterSML::_parse
	EXPECT_EQ(3, m.read(rds, 3));
	// check obis data:
	ReadingIdentifier *p = rds[0].identifier().get();
	double value = rds[0].value();
	EXPECT_LE(abs(14796777.1-value), 0.1);
	ObisIdentifier *o = dynamic_cast<ObisIdentifier*>(p);
	ASSERT_NE((ObisIdentifier*)0, o);
	EXPECT_TRUE(Obis(1, 0, 1, 8, 1, 255)==(o->obis()));

	o = dynamic_cast<ObisIdentifier*>(rds[1].identifier().get());
	ASSERT_NE((ObisIdentifier*)0, o);
	value = rds[1].value();
	EXPECT_EQ(2012.4, value);
	EXPECT_TRUE(Obis(1, 0, 1, 8, 2, 255)==(o->obis()));

	o = dynamic_cast<ObisIdentifier*>(rds[2].identifier().get());
	ASSERT_NE((ObisIdentifier*)0, o);
	value = rds[2].value();
	EXPECT_LE(abs(11.2-value), 0.1);
	EXPECT_TRUE(Obis(1, 0, 1, 7, 0, 255)==(o->obis()));

	EXPECT_EQ(0, m.close());

	EXPECT_EQ(0, close(fd));
	EXPECT_EQ(0, unlink(tempfilename));