vector<Observation> Localization::findGreenObjects(vector<observationBlob>& blobs, string id) { vector<Observation> ob; if ( isUsable(blobs) ) { for(int i = 0; i < blobs.size(); i++ ){ observationBlob blob = blobs[i]; if ( blob.Area() > 30 ) { double angleLeft, angleRight ; ( blob.Left() > 1 ) ? angleLeft = getAngle(blob.Left()) : angleLeft = Observation::InvalidBearing ; ( blob.Right() < 159 ) ? angleRight = getAngle(blob.Right()) : angleRight = Observation::InvalidBearing ; Observation observation = Observation(id, map, observationVariance, angleLeft, angleRight); ob.push_back(observation); blob.setInUse(); if ( !isUsable(blobs) ) { return ob; } } } } return ob; }
void ObservationBuffer::bufferCloud(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud& cloud){ Stamped<btVector3> global_origin; //create a new observation on the list to be populated observation_list_.push_front(Observation()); //check whether the origin frame has been set explicitly or whether we should get it from the cloud string origin_frame = sensor_frame_ == "" ? cloud.header.frame_id : sensor_frame_; try{ //given these observations come from sensors... we'll need to store the origin pt of the sensor Stamped<btVector3> local_origin(btVector3(0, 0, 0), cloud.header.stamp, origin_frame); tf_.transformPoint(global_frame_, local_origin, global_origin); observation_list_.front().origin_.x = global_origin.getX(); observation_list_.front().origin_.y = global_origin.getY(); observation_list_.front().origin_.z = global_origin.getZ(); //make sure to pass on the raytrace/obstacle range of the observation buffer to the observations the costmap will see observation_list_.front().raytrace_range_ = raytrace_range_; observation_list_.front().obstacle_range_ = obstacle_range_; sensor_msgs::PointCloud global_frame_cloud; //transform the point cloud tf_.transformPointCloud(global_frame_, cloud, global_frame_cloud); global_frame_cloud.header.stamp = cloud.header.stamp; //now we need to remove observations from the cloud that are below or above our height thresholds sensor_msgs::PointCloud& observation_cloud = observation_list_.front().cloud_; unsigned int cloud_size = global_frame_cloud.points.size(); observation_cloud.points.resize(cloud_size); unsigned int point_count = 0; //copy over the points that are within our height bounds for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cloud_size; ++i){ if(global_frame_cloud.points[i].z <= max_obstacle_height_ && global_frame_cloud.points[i].z >= min_obstacle_height_){ observation_cloud.points[point_count++] = global_frame_cloud.points[i]; } } //resize the cloud for the number of legal points observation_cloud.points.resize(point_count); observation_cloud.header.stamp = cloud.header.stamp; observation_cloud.header.frame_id = global_frame_cloud.header.frame_id; } catch(TransformException& ex){ //if an exception occurs, we need to remove the empty observation from the list observation_list_.pop_front(); ROS_ERROR("TF Exception that should never happen for sensor frame: %s, cloud frame: %s, %s", sensor_frame_.c_str(), cloud.header.frame_id.c_str(), ex.what()); return; } //if the update was successful, we want to update the last updated time last_updated_ = ros::Time::now(); //we'll also remove any stale observations from the list purgeStaleObservations(); }
vector<Observation> Localization::getCornerMarkers(vector<observationBlob>& topBlobs, vector<observationBlob>& bottomBlobs, string id) { vector<Observation> ob; if ( isUsable(topBlobs) && isUsable(bottomBlobs) ){ for( int i = 0; i < topBlobs.size(); i++ ){ for ( int j = 0; j < bottomBlobs.size(); j++ ){ observationBlob& bottom = bottomBlobs[j]; observationBlob& top = topBlobs[i]; // process blob: add the marker only if there isn't a significant gap between them double topL = static_cast<double>(top.Bottom() - top.Top()); double topW = static_cast<double>(top.Right() - top.Left()); double bottomL = static_cast<double>(bottom.Bottom() - bottom.Top()); double bottomW = static_cast<double>(bottom.Right() - bottom.Left()); double eps = 0.5; if (blobOnTopOf(top, bottom) && (bottom.Top() - top.Bottom() < ( topL + bottomL )/2 )) { //cout << "Corner blob found" << endl; int avgLeft = ( top.Left() + bottom.Left() ) / 2 ; int avgRight = ( top.Right() + bottom.Right() ) / 2 ; //int avgCenter = ( avgLeft + avgRight ) / 2 ; //cout << "avgLeft: " << avgLeft << ", avgRight: " << avgRight << /*", avgCenter: " << avgCenter << */endl; //double angleCenter = getAngle(avgCenter); double angleLeft, angleRight ; ( avgLeft > 5 ) ? angleLeft = getAngle(avgLeft) : angleLeft = Observation::InvalidBearing ; ( avgRight < 155 ) ? angleRight = getAngle(avgRight) : angleRight = Observation::InvalidBearing ; //cout << "angleLeft: " << angleLeft << ", angleRight: " << angleRight << /*", avgCenter: " << angleCenter <<*/ endl; Observation observation = Observation(id, map, //angleCenter, observationVariance, angleLeft, angleRight); ob.push_back(observation); top.setInUse(); bottom.setInUse(); if ( !isUsable(topBlobs) || !isUsable(bottomBlobs) ){ return ob; } } } } } return ob; }
vector<Observation> Localization::getRoomMarkers(vector<observationBlob>& topBlobs, vector<observationBlob>& middleBlobs, vector<observationBlob>& bottomBlobs, string id) { vector<Observation> ob; if ( isUsable(topBlobs) && isUsable(middleBlobs) && isUsable(bottomBlobs) ){ for( int i = 0; i < topBlobs.size(); i++ ) { for ( int k = 0; k < middleBlobs.size(); k++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < bottomBlobs.size(); j++ ) { observationBlob& top = topBlobs[i]; observationBlob& middle = middleBlobs[k]; observationBlob& bottom = bottomBlobs[j]; if ( !top.Used() && !middle.Used() && !bottom.Used() ){ if (blobOnTopOf(top, middle) && blobOnTopOf(middle,bottom)) { int avgLeft = ( top.Left() + middle.Left() + bottom.Left() ) / 3 ; int avgRight = ( top.Right() + middle.Right() + bottom.Right() ) / 3 ; //int avgCenter = ( avgLeft + avgRight ) / 2 ; //double angleCenter = getAngle(avgCenter); double angleLeft, angleRight ; ( avgLeft > 5 ) ? angleLeft = getAngle(avgLeft) : angleLeft = Observation::InvalidBearing ; ( avgRight < 155 ) ? angleRight = getAngle(avgRight) : angleRight = Observation::InvalidBearing ; Observation observation = Observation(id, map, //angleCenter, observationVariance, angleLeft, angleRight); ob.push_back(observation); top.setInUse(); middle.setInUse(); bottom.setInUse(); if ( !isUsable(topBlobs) || !isUsable(middleBlobs) || !isUsable(bottomBlobs) ) return ob; } } } } } } return ob; }
Observation TimestampMergeFilter::getMergedObs(){ Observation result; vector<float> sortedBids; vector<float> sortedOffers; if(distance(m_buffer.begin(), m_buffer.end()) > 1){ for(forward_list<Observation>::iterator it = m_buffer.begin(); it != m_buffer.end(); it++){ sortedBids.push_back(*it->bid); sortedOffers.push_back(*it->offer); } //sort buffers sort(sortedBids.begin(), sortedBids.end()); sort(sortedOffers.begin(), sortedOffers.end()); float* medOffer = new float(StatsUtils::median(sortedOffers)); float* medBid = new float(StatsUtils::median(sortedBids)); result = Observation( m_buffer.front().symbol, m_buffer.front().date, m_buffer.front().time, medOffer, medBid, m_buffer.front().mode ); //cleanup delete m_buffer.front().bid; delete m_buffer.front().offer; for(forward_list<Observation>::iterator it = ++m_buffer.begin(); it != m_buffer.end(); it++) it->deleteAll(); } else{ result = m_buffer.front(); } return result; }
/// Init & triangulate landmark observations from validated 3-view correspondences void triangulate( SfM_Data & sfm_data, const std::shared_ptr<Regions_Provider> & regions_provider) { openMVG::tracks::STLMAPTracks map_tracksCommon; openMVG::tracks::TracksBuilder tracksBuilder; tracksBuilder.Build(triplets_matches); tracksBuilder.Filter(3); tracksBuilder.ExportToSTL(map_tracksCommon); matching::PairWiseMatches().swap(triplets_matches); // Generate new Structure tracks sfm_data.structure.clear(); // Fill sfm_data with the computed tracks (no 3D yet) Landmarks & structure = sfm_data.structure; IndexT idx(0); for (tracks::STLMAPTracks::const_iterator itTracks = map_tracksCommon.begin(); itTracks != map_tracksCommon.end(); ++itTracks, ++idx) { const tracks::submapTrack & track = itTracks->second; structure[idx] = Landmark(); Observations & obs =; for (tracks::submapTrack::const_iterator it = track.begin(); it != track.end(); ++it) { const size_t imaIndex = it->first; const size_t featIndex = it->second; const Vec2 pt = regions_provider->>GetRegionPosition(featIndex); obs[imaIndex] = Observation(pt, featIndex); } } // Triangulate them using a robust triangulation scheme SfM_Data_Structure_Computation_Robust structure_estimator(true); structure_estimator.triangulate(sfm_data); }
vector<Observation> Localization::getEnteranceMarkers(vector<observationBlob>& blobs, string id) { vector<Observation> ob; if ( isUsable(blobs) ) { for(int i = 0; i < blobs.size(); i++ ){ observationBlob blob = blobs[i]; // process blobs: check the length/width ratio. should be close to 2:1. just to be sure 1.5:1 double d = static_cast<double>( blob.Bottom() - blob.Top() ) / ( blob.Right() - blob.Left() ); if ( d > 1.75 ) { //double angleCenter = getAngle((blob.Right() + blob.Left()) / 2); double angleLeft, angleRight ; ( blob.Left() > 1 ) ? angleLeft = getAngle(blob.Left()) : angleLeft = Observation::InvalidBearing ; ( blob.Right() < 159 ) ? angleRight = getAngle(blob.Right()) : angleRight = Observation::InvalidBearing ; Observation observation = Observation(id, map, //angleCenter, observationVariance, angleLeft, angleRight); ob.push_back(observation); blob.setInUse(); if ( !isUsable(blobs) ) { return ob; } } } } return ob; }