Пример #1
void tDataSourcesDialog::ResetGlobal()
    QString sourceSelectionString;
    tPilotController* pPilotDevice = 0;
    if( tProductSettings::Instance().AutopilotAllowed() )
        pPilotDevice = tGlobal<tPilotManager>::Instance()->GetActivePilotController();

    bool resetAPFirst(false);
    if ( pPilotDevice != 0 && 
         pPilotDevice->GotHeartbeatFromPilotComputer() &&
         pPilotDevice->CommandInterfaceReady() && 
         pPilotDevice->GetCommandInterface()->GetMode() != tPilotCommandInterface::PILOT_MODE_STANDBY )
        sourceSelectionString = tr("Autopilot must be in standby mode before performing a global reset.");
        resetAPFirst = true;
        sourceSelectionString = tr("This will reset all source selections and all instances on all networked units. Are you sure you want to do this?");

    if( confirmationDialog( tr("Global Reset Data Sources"), sourceSelectionString, resetAPFirst ) )
        QTimer::singleShot( 0, m_pSourceSelection, SLOT(GlobalResetSourceSelections()) );
        OnItemSelectionChanged( m_pTreeView->currentIndex() ); // Update the SK's
Пример #2
void tDataSourcesDialog::ResetLocal()
    if(confirmationDialog( tr("Local Reset Data Sources"), 
        tr("This will revert all local source selections on this unit back to the global selection. Are you sure you want to do this?")))
        OnItemSelectionChanged( m_pTreeView->currentIndex() ); // Update the SK's
void CRepositoryFilterView::HandleNmClick(LPNMTREEVIEW pNmHdr)
    //this is only needed so that we can tell if they clicked on
    //an item that is already selected
    if ( pNmHdr->action == TVC_BYMOUSE )
        unsigned nFlags;
        HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.HitTest(pNmHdr->ptDrag, &nFlags);
        ATLTRACE(_T("NM_CLICK(%0x)\n"), hItem );

            TVITEM item;
            item.mask = TVIF_HANDLE;
            item.hItem = hItem;
            if ( m_Tree.GetItem(&item))
                CComPtr<CTreeNode> tn = (CTreeNode *)item.lParam;
                OnItemSelectionChanged(tn, true );
Пример #4
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnNewSelection(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    OnItemSelectionChanged((CTreeNode *)wParam, (bool)(lParam != 0));
    return 0;
Пример #5
//! Defines the work for constructor
void tDataSourcesDialog::Init( const QList<tDataFilter*>& filters, tDataType selDataType /* = DATA_TYPE_INVALID*/, int selInstance /* = 0*/, tDataCategory selCategory /* = DATA_CATEGORY_INVALID*/, const QString& title /* = QString()*/ )
    setWindowTitle( title );

    // grab the screen size so we can adapt to it
    QSize screenResolution = tProductSettings::Instance().ScreenResolution();

    m_pDataModel = new tDataSourceTreeModel( *m_pSourceSelection->GetSourceSettings(), filters );

    m_pTreeView = new tTreeView( this );
    m_pTreeView->setModel( m_pDataModel );
    m_pTreeView->setHeaderHidden( true );
    m_pTreeView->setTextElideMode( Qt::ElideMiddle );

    if ( tProductSettings::Instance().ProductSupportsTouch() )
        int largeIconSize = style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_LargeIconSize );
        m_pTreeView->setIconSize( QSize(largeIconSize, largeIconSize) ); 

        QHeaderView* pHeaderView = m_pTreeView->header();
        if ( m_pDataModel->columnCount() == tDataSourceTreeItem::Columns_Count )
            pHeaderView->setResizeMode( tDataSourceTreeItem::Columns_Icon, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
        pHeaderView->setResizeMode( tDataSourceTreeItem::Columns_Name, QHeaderView::Stretch );
        pHeaderView->setStretchLastSection( false );
        // This is creating the padding about the menu icon.
        // Remove it if it's too much.

    if( tUiSettings::Instance()->ShowTouchToolTips() )
        m_pTreeView->setToolTip( tr("Tap-and-hold for more options.") );
        if( tProductSettings::Instance().ProductSupportsMenuKey() == false )
            // Kiwi
            m_pTreeView->setToolTip( tr("Press and hold pages for more options.") );
            m_pTreeView->setToolTip( tr("Press %1 for more options.").arg(BUTTON_HTML(tNOSStyle::FP_ButtonImageMENU, "MENU")) );

    if( tProductSettings::Instance().ProductSupportsMenuKey() == false )
        // only KIWI at the moment
        m_pTreeView->setProperty( "RemapLongPressPagesToMenuKey", true );

    m_SelectedSource = tDataId(); // invalid data
    m_SelectedData = DATA_TYPE_INVALID;
    m_SelectedInstance = -1;

    // Status bar
    m_pValue = new QLabel("");

    m_pWidgetLayout = new QGridLayout();
    m_pWidgetLayout->addWidget( m_pValue );

    m_pDialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
    m_pDialogLayout->addWidget( m_pTreeView );

    if (screenResolution.height() > 240)
        //Group box
        m_pGroupBox1 = new QGroupBox( "" );
        m_pGroupBox1->setLayout( m_pWidgetLayout );
        m_pDialogLayout->addWidget( m_pGroupBox1  );
        m_pDialogLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 3 );
        m_pDialogLayout->addLayout( m_pWidgetLayout );
    setLayout( m_pDialogLayout );

    // if we have a SKB keys don't have focus, else hide keys 
    m_NumKeys = 0;



    //todo - check whether we can call this directly instead of signals/slots
    Connect( this, SIGNAL( CloseRequested() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );

    Connect( this, SIGNAL(ShowSimnetAutoSelectionConfirmation( QWidget* )),
        m_pDataSourceMonitor, SLOT(ShowSimnetAutoSelectionConfirmation( QWidget* )), Qt::QueuedConnection );

    Connect( m_pTreeView, SIGNAL( ItemSelectionChanged( const QModelIndex & ) ), this, SLOT( OnItemSelectionChanged( const QModelIndex & ) ) );
    Connect( m_pTreeView, SIGNAL( activated( const QModelIndex& ) ), this, SLOT( OnItemClicked( const QModelIndex& ) ) );

    Connect( m_pDataModel, SIGNAL( ModelAboutToBeRefreshed() ), this, SLOT( OnModelAboutToBeRefreshed() ) );
    Connect( m_pDataModel, SIGNAL( ModelRefreshed() ), this, SLOT( OnModelRefreshed() ) );

    QModelIndex selIndex;
    if( selDataType != DATA_TYPE_INVALID )
        selIndex = m_pDataModel->FindSelectedData( selDataType, selInstance );
    else if( selCategory != DATA_CATEGORY_INVALID )
        selIndex = m_pDataModel->FindCategory( selCategory );
        selIndex = m_pDataModel->index( 0, 0 );
    m_pTreeView->setCurrentIndex( selIndex );
    //m_pTreeView->addAction( m_pEngineNumSetAct );
    OnItemSelectionChanged( selIndex );

    m_TimerId = startTimer( 1000 );
Пример #6
void SVisualLoggerLogsList::OnFiltersChanged()
	FVisualLogDevice::FVisualLogEntryItem LogEntry = CurrentLogEntry;