Пример #1
 * @brief Generates the 2D topology and establishes the neighbor relationships between MPI processes
 * @param[in, out]      rank		The rank of the calling MPI process
 * @param[in]  		size		The total number of MPI processes available
 * @param[in]  		topSize		The desired topology size (this must match the number of available MPI processes)
 * @param[out] 		neighbors	The list that will be populated with the direct neighbors of the calling MPI process
 * @param[out] 		topIndex	The 2D index that the calling MPI process will have in the topology
 * @param[out]		cartComm	The carthesian MPI communicator
int ApplyTopology(int * rank, int size, const int2 * topSize, int * neighbors, int2 * topIndex, MPI_Comm * cartComm)
	int topologySize = topSize->x * topSize->y;
	int dimSize[2] = {topSize->x, topSize->y};
	int usePeriods[2] = {0, 0}, newCoords[2];
	int oldRank = * rank;
	// The number of MPI processes must fill the topology
	if (size != topologySize)
		OneErrPrintf(* rank == MPI_MASTER_RANK, "Error: The number of MPI processes (%d) doesn't match "
				"the topology size (%d).\n", size, topologySize);
		return STATUS_ERR;

	// Create a carthesian communicator
	MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dimSize, usePeriods, 1, cartComm);

	// Update the rank to be relevant to the new communicator
	MPI_Comm_rank(* cartComm, rank);

	if ((* rank) != oldRank)
		printf("Rank change: from %d to %d\n", oldRank, * rank);

	// Obtain the 2D coordinates in the new communicator
	MPI_Cart_coords(* cartComm, * rank, 2, newCoords);
	* topIndex = make_int2(newCoords[0], newCoords[1]);

	// Obtain the direct neighbor ranks
	MPI_Cart_shift(* cartComm, 0, 1, neighbors + DIR_LEFT, neighbors + DIR_RIGHT);
	MPI_Cart_shift(* cartComm, 1, 1, neighbors + DIR_TOP, neighbors + DIR_BOTTOM);

	// Setting the device here will have effect only for the normal CUDA & MPI version
	SetDeviceAfterInit(* rank);

	return STATUS_OK;
Пример #2
 * @brief Parses the application's command-line arguments
 * @param[in] argc          The number of input arguments
 * @param[in] argv        	The input arguments
 * @param[in] rank          The MPI rank of the calling process
 * @param[in] size          The total number of MPI processes available
 * @param[out] domSize  	The parsed domain size (2D)
 * @param[out] topSize		The parsed topology size (2D)
 * @param[out] useFastSwap	The parsed flag for fast block swap
 * @return		     		The parsing status (STATUS_OK indicates a successful parse)
int ParseCommandLineArguments(int argc, char ** argv, int rank, int size, int2 * domSize, int2 * topSize, int * useFastSwap)
	int canPrint = (rank == MPI_MASTER_RANK);
	int argIdx;

	// If help is requested, all other arguments will be ignored
	if ((FindAndClearArgument("-h", argc, argv) != -1) || (FindAndClearArgument("--help", argc, argv) != -1))
		if (canPrint)

		// This simply prevents the application from continuing 
		return STATUS_ERR;

	// Check if fast swapping was requested
	* useFastSwap = (FindAndClearArgument("-fs", argc, argv) != -1);

	// Topology information must always be present
	argIdx = FindAndClearArgument("-t", argc, argv);
	if (argIdx == -1)
		OneErrPrintf(canPrint, "Error: Could not find the topology information.\n");
		return STATUS_ERR;
		topSize->x = ExtractNumber(argIdx + 1, argc, argv);
		topSize->y = ExtractNumber(argIdx + 2, argc, argv);

		// At least the first topology dimension must be specified
		if (topSize->x <= 0)
			OneErrPrintf(canPrint, "Error: The topology size is invalid (first value: %d)\n", topSize->x);
			return STATUS_ERR;

		// If the second topology dimension is missing, it will default to 1
		if (topSize->y <= 0)
			topSize->y = 1;

	// The domain size information is optional
	argIdx = FindAndClearArgument("-d", argc, argv);
	if (argIdx == -1)
		domSize->x = domSize->y = DEFAULT_DOMAIN_SIZE;
		domSize->x = ExtractNumber(argIdx + 1, argc, argv);
		domSize->y = ExtractNumber(argIdx + 2, argc, argv);

		// At least the first domain dimension must be specified
		if (domSize->x < MIN_DOM_SIZE)
			OneErrPrintf(canPrint, "Error: The local domain size must be at least %d (currently: %d)\n", MIN_DOM_SIZE, domSize->x);
			return STATUS_ERR;
		// If the second domain dimension is missing, it will default to the first dimension's value
		if (domSize->y <= 0)
			domSize->y = domSize->x;

	// At the end, there should be no other arguments that haven't been parsed
	for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
		if (strlen(argv[i]) > 0)
			OneErrPrintf(canPrint, "Error: Unknown argument (\"%s\")\n", argv[i]);
			return STATUS_ERR;

	// If we reach this point, all arguments were parsed successfully
	if (canPrint)
		printf("Topology size: %d x %d\n", topSize->x, topSize->y);
		printf("Local domain size (current node): %d x %d\n", domSize->x, domSize->y);
		printf("Global domain size (all nodes): %d x %d\n", topSize->x * domSize->x, topSize->y * domSize->y);

	return STATUS_OK;