void MainWindow::OpenImage(const QString &fileName) { QScrollArea* area = new QScrollArea(); ImageWidget* img = new ImageWidget(); // Nur les- und schreibbare Bildformate werden unterstützt if (img->OpenImage(fileName)) { QString shortFileName = ParseFileName(fileName); shortFileName = shortFileName.mid(0, shortFileName.lastIndexOf('.')); // Bild in die ScrollArea laden area->setWidget(img); area->setStyleSheet("background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y0: 1, x2:1, y2: 0, stop: 0.96 #383838, stop: 0.99 #2e2e2e);"); // neuen Tab hinzufügen int index = ui->imagetab->addTab(area, shortFileName); ui->imagetab->setTabToolTip(index, shortFileName); ui->imagetab->setCurrentIndex(index); // schließlich Signalhandler setzen connect(this, SIGNAL(Arguments(QHash<QString,QString>)), img, SLOT(Arguments(QHash<QString,QString>))); connect(this, SIGNAL(Operation(IOperation*,QHash<QString,QString>)), img, SLOT(Operation(IOperation*,QHash<QString,QString>))); connect(this, SIGNAL(Operation(IOperation*,QHash<QString,QString>,OperationType)), img, SLOT(Operation(IOperation*,QHash<QString,QString>,OperationType))); emit Operation(mOperation, GetArgs()); }
SnpRunnable::Operations _SnpRunnableObjectActionHelper::GetOperations() const { SnpRunnable::Operations operations; operations.push_back(Operation("CopySelection", "document containing art", kSnpRunPathContext)); operations.push_back(Operation("PasteClipboard", "document", kSnpRunNewDocumentContext)); return operations; }
COLORREF CALLBACK OpBlitProc(COLORREF dest, COLORREF src, DWORD lParam) { LPRDATA rdPtr = (LPRDATA)lParam; BYTE* srcBytes = (BYTE*)&src; BYTE* destBytes = (BYTE*)&dest; TCHAR* op = rdPtr->b.procOp; float cr = srcBytes[0]*rdPtr->b.procOpSrc; float cg = srcBytes[1]*rdPtr->b.procOpSrc; float cb = srcBytes[2]*rdPtr->b.procOpSrc; //Hardcode *, **, / if(*op=='*'||*op=='/') { cr /= 255.0f; cg /= 255.0f; cb /= 255.0f; } //Prevent division by zero if(*op=='/'||*op=='%') { if(!cr) cr = 0.001f; if(!cg) cg = 0.001f; if(!cb) cb = 0.001f; } Operation(op,destBytes,cr); Operation(op,destBytes+1,cg); Operation(op,destBytes+2,cb); return dest; }
bool DataSpace::InsertKV( char* key, int keylen, char* val, int vallen, bool ops ) { void* pkey = JK_MALLOC( keylen+1 ); void* pval = JK_MALLOC( vallen+1 ); JK_MEMCPY_S(pkey,keylen+1,key,keylen+1); JK_MEMCPY_S(pval,vallen+1,val,vallen+1); if ( m_normalDict.GetElement(pkey) ) { m_normalDict.UpdateElement(pkey, pval ); if ( ops ) { Operation ( LOG_CMD_STRING_UPD, pkey, pval ); Replication ( LOG_CMD_STRING_UPD, key, pval ); } return true; } if ( m_normalDict.AddElement( pkey, pval ) ) { if ( ops ) { Operation ( LOG_CMD_STRING_ADD, pkey, pval ); Replication ( LOG_CMD_STRING_ADD, key, pval ); } return true; } JK_FREE( pkey ); JK_FREE( pval ); return false; }
bool Algorithm::Search_Check() { bool ret = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_rows; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < m_columns; ++j) switch (m_MineMatrix[i][j]) { case ORIGINAL: if (m_Search_NotMine[i][j] ^ m_Search_Mine[i][j]) { if (m_Search_NotMine[i][j]) { AddOperation(Operation(Operation::OPEN, i, j)); NewWaitForIdentify(i, j); } if (m_Search_Mine[i][j]) { m_MineMatrix[i][j] = MINE; AddOperation(Operation(Operation::MARKMINE, i, j)); } ret = true; } break; } return ret; }
SnpRunnable::Operations _SnpRunnableSelectionHelper::GetOperations() const { SnpRunnable::Operations operations; operations.push_back(Operation("IsDocumentSelected", "", kSnpRunNewDocumentContext)); operations.push_back(Operation("IsArtSelected", "", kSnpRunPathContext)); operations.push_back(Operation("IsTextRangeSelected", "", kSnpRunCharactersContext)); operations.push_back(Operation("SelectArtOnLayer", "document", kSnpRunUnitTestDocumentContext)); return operations; }
uint16_t CanonPS::Capture() { uint16_t ptp_error = PTP_RC_GeneralError; if ((ptp_error = Operation(PS_OC_FocusLock, 0, NULL)) != PTP_RC_OK) PTPTRACE2("Focus Lock Error: ", ptp_error); delay(500); if ((ptp_error = Operation(PS_OC_InitiateCaptureInMemory, 0, NULL)) != PTP_RC_OK) PTPTRACE2("Capture Error: ", ptp_error); return ptp_error; }
uint16_t CanonPS::Capture() { uint16_t ptp_error; if ((ptp_error = Operation(PTP_OC_PS_FocusLock, 0, NULL)) != PTP_RC_OK) Message(PSTR("Focus Lock: Error: "), ptp_error); if ((ptp_error = Operation(PTP_OC_PS_InitiateCaptureInMemory, 0, NULL)) != PTP_RC_OK) Message(PSTR("Capture: Error: "), ptp_error); return ptp_error; }
int main(void) { int i; pthread_t handles[1]; Obj *items = malloc(4*sizeof(Obj)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Init_ObjType(&items[i]); } WorkStealQueue q; Init_WorkStealQueue(&q, 2); for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { pthread_create(&handles[i], 0, Stealer, &q); } for (i = 0; i < 4 / 2; i++) { Push(&q, &items[2 * i]); Push(&q, &items[2 * i + 1]); Obj *r; if (Pop(&q, &r)) { Operation(r); } } for (i = 0; i < 4 / 2; i++) { Obj *r; if (Pop(&q, &r)) { Operation(r); } } for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { pthread_join(handles[i], 0); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Check(&items[i]); } free(items); return 0; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { auto implementationA = std::make_shared<ImplementationA>(); auto implementationB = std::make_shared<ImplementationB>(); auto abstractionA = std::make_shared<RefinedAbstractionA>(implementationA); abstractionA->Operation(); auto abstractionB = std::make_shared<RefinedAbstractionB>(implementationB); abstractionB->Operation(); return 0; }
int main(void) { int i; pthread_t handles[nStealers]; int *items = malloc(nItems*sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { Init_ObjType(&items[i]); } Init_WorkStealQueue(INITQSIZE); for (i = 0; i < nStealers; i++) { pthread_create(&handles[i], NULL, Stealer, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < nItems / 2; i++) { Push(&items[2 * i]); Push(&items[2 * i + 1]); int *r; if (Pop(&r)) { Operation(r); } } for (i = 0; i < nItems / 2; i++) { int *r; if (Pop(&r)) { Operation(r); } } for (i = 0; i < nStealers; i++) { pthread_join(handles[i], NULL); } for (i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { Check(&items[i]); } free(items); return 0; }
uint16_t CanonEOS::StartBulb() { uint32_t params[3]; params[0] = 0xfffffff8; params[1] = 0x00001000; params[2] = 0x00000000; Operation(0x911A, 3, params); Operation(0x911B, 0, NULL); Operation(0x9125, 0, NULL); return PTP_RC_OK; }
uint16_t CanonEOS::StopBulb() { uint32_t params[3]; params[0] = 0xffffffff; params[1] = 0x00001000; params[2] = 0x00000000; Operation(0x911A, 3, params); params[0] = 0xfffffffc; Operation(0x911A, 3, params); Operation(0x9126, 0, NULL); Operation(0x911C, 0, NULL); return PTP_RC_OK; }
uint16_t CanonPS::Initialize(bool binit) { uint16_t ptp_error = PTP_RC_GeneralError; if (binit) { if ((ptp_error = Operation(PS_OC_StartShootingMode, 0, NULL)) != PTP_RC_OK) PTPTRACE2("StartShootingMode failed: ", ptp_error); } else { if ((ptp_error = Operation(PS_OC_EndShootingMode, 0, NULL)) != PTP_RC_OK) PTPTRACE2("EndShootingMode failed: ", ptp_error); } return ptp_error; }
uint16_t CanonPS::Initialize(bool binit) { uint16_t ptp_error; if (binit) { if ((ptp_error = Operation(PTP_OC_PS_StartShootingMode, 0, NULL)) != PTP_RC_OK) Message(PSTR("PC Connect mode failed: "), ptp_error); } else { if ((ptp_error = Operation(PTP_OC_PS_EndShootingMode, 0, NULL)) != PTP_RC_OK) Message(PSTR("PC Connect mode failed: "), ptp_error); } return ptp_error; }
void Component::ProcessPrototypes(int paramX1, int paramY1, int paramY2) { auto objectX = factory_->CreatePrototypeX(paramX1); auto objectY = factory_->CreatePrototypeY(paramY1, paramY2); objectX->Operation(); objectY->Action(); }
uint16_t CanonEOS::ResetTransfer(uint32_t object_id) { uint32_t params[1]; params[0] = object_id; return Operation(EOS_OC_ResetTransfer, 1, params); }
UnaryConstraint& UnaryConstraint::addOperation(FloatVar& start, double duration) { operationsVec_.push_back( Operation(start.getLocalIndex(), DurPair(-1, duration))); return *this; }
uint16_t CanonEOS::StopBulb() { uint32_t params[3]; params[0] = 0xffffffff; params[1] = 0x00001000; params[2] = 0x00000000; Operation(0x911A, 3, params); params[0] = 0xfffffffc; Operation(0x911A, 3, params); Operation(0x9126, 0, NULL); delay(50); Operation(0x911C, 0, NULL); delay(50); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *fileSys = New(MyFileSys); void *dec1 = New(ZipDecorator, fileSys); void *dec2 = New(KillVirDecorator, dec1); void *dec3 = New(EncryptDecorator, dec2); Operation(dec3); return 0; }
SnpRunnable::Operations _SnpRunnableTemplate::GetOperations() const { // TODO - edit as required. SnpRunnable::Operations operations; operations.push_back(Operation("Do", "myPreconditions", kSnpRunAnyContext)); // Add a line as above for each operation your snippet wants to advertise to the framework. // Operation(const std::string& name, const std::string& preconditions, eSnpRunContextType unitTestContext) // name - name of the operation // preconditions - description of preconditions to be displayed in SnippetRunner panel // unitTestContext - context you want the framework to automatically set for your snippet during unit test. return operations; }
void *Stealer(void *param) { int i; int *r; for (i = 0; i < nStealAttempts; i++) { if (Steal(&r)) { Operation(r); } } return 0; }
bool DataSpace::RemoveKV(void* key, bool ops ) { if ( m_normalDict.RemoveElement(key) ) { if ( ops ) { Operation ( LOG_CMD_STRING_DEL, key, "" ); Replication ( LOG_CMD_STRING_DEL, key, "" ); } return true; } return false; }
void *Stealer(void *param) { WorkStealQueue *q = (WorkStealQueue*) param; int i; // Obj *r; int r; // r is a position // for (i = 0; i < nStealAttempts; i++) { if (Steal(q, &r)) { Operation(r); } } { if (Steal(q, &r)) { Operation(r); } } return 0; }
void *Stealer(void *param) { WorkStealQueue *q = (WorkStealQueue*) param; int i; Obj *r; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (Steal(q, &r)) { Operation(r); } } return 0; }
Operation ClientChannel::info(InfoCallback *cb, const std::string& subfld) { if(!impl) throw std::logic_error("Dead Channel"); std::tr1::shared_ptr<Infoer> ret(Infoer::build(cb, getChannel())); { Guard G(ret->mutex); getChannel()->getField(ret, subfld); // getField is an oddity as it doesn't have an associated Operation class, // and is thus largely out of our control. (eg. can't cancel) } return Operation(ret); }
void* DataSpace::ListPopRight( char* key, bool ops /*= true */ ) { moly_list_type* pDList = (moly_list_type*)m_normalDict.GetElement( key ); if ( !pDList ) { return NULL; } void* ptemp = pDList->RPop(); if ( ptemp && ops ) { Operation ( LOG_CMD_LIST_RPOP, key, "" ); Replication ( LOG_CMD_LIST_RPOP, key, "" ); } return ptemp; }
MX UnaryMX::create(int op, const MX& x){ /*if(x.isConstant()){ // Constant folding const DMatrix& x_val = x.getConstant(); DMatrix y_val; // Dummy argument DMatrix r_val; casadi_math<DMatrix>::fun(op,x_val,y_val,r_val); return r_val; } else*/ if(operation_checker<F0XChecker>(op) && isZero(x)){ // If identically zero return MX::sparse(x.size1(),x.size2()); } else { // Create a new node return MX::create(new UnaryMX(Operation(op),x)); } }
int Border(const char ch,LinkQueue &head)//判断 界符 { int num = 0; while(Bor[num]) { if(ch==Bor[num]) { return num+20; } num++; } if(!Bor[num]) Operation(ch,head);//非界符 调用运算符判断函数 }
bool DataSpace::UpdateKV( void* key, void* val, int vallen, bool ops /*= true */) { void* pval = JK_MALLOC( vallen+1 ); if ( !pval ) { DISPMSG_ERROR( "malloc memory failed!\n"); return false; } JK_MEMCPY_S(pval,vallen+1,val,vallen+1); if( false == m_normalDict.UpdateElement( key, pval ) ) { JK_FREE( pval ); return false; } if (ops) { Operation(LOG_CMD_STRING_UPD, key, pval); Replication(LOG_CMD_STRING_UPD, key, pval); } return true; }