/* This is where execution begins [windowed apps] */ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPTSTR szCmdLine, int sw) { char **argv; int argc; char *cmdline; char *bufp; size_t nLen; /* Grab the command line */ bufp = GetCommandLine(); nLen = SDL_strlen(bufp) + 1; cmdline = SDL_stack_alloc(char, nLen); if (cmdline == NULL) { return OutOfMemory(); } SDL_strlcpy(cmdline, bufp, nLen); /* Parse it into argv and argc */ argc = ParseCommandLine(cmdline, NULL); argv = SDL_stack_alloc(char *, argc + 1); if (argv == NULL) { return OutOfMemory(); } ParseCommandLine(cmdline, argv); /* Run the main program */ console_main(argc, argv); /* Hush little compiler, don't you cry... */ return 0; }
// // WinMain function // int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR szCmdLine, int sw) { char **argv; int argc; char *cmdline; // grab the command lien char *text = GetCommandLineA(); cmdline = mystrdup(text); if(!cmdline) { OutOfMemory(); return 0; } // parse into argv, argc argc = Win32_parseCommandLine(cmdline, NULL); argv = (char **)(calloc(argc + 1, sizeof(char *))); if(!argv) { OutOfMemory(); return 0; } Win32_parseCommandLine(cmdline, argv); // run application main program Jag68k_main(argc, argv); free(argv); free(cmdline); return 0; }
int WINAPI G3D_WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR szCmdLine, int sw) { char **argv; int argc; int status; char *cmdline; # ifdef _WIN32_WCE wchar_t *bufp; int nLen; # else char *bufp; size_t nLen; # endif (void)sw; (void)szCmdLine; (void)hInst; (void)hPrev; #ifdef _WIN32_WCE #error WinCE not supported /* nLen = wcslen(szCmdLine) + 128 + 1; bufp = SDL_stack_alloc(wchar_t, nLen * 2); wcscpy(bufp, TEXT("\"")); GetModuleFileName(NULL, bufp + 1, 128 - 3); wcscpy(bufp + wcslen(bufp), TEXT("\" ")); wcsncpy(bufp + wcslen(bufp), szCmdLine, nLen - wcslen(bufp)); nLen = wcslen(bufp) + 1; cmdline = SDL_stack_alloc(char, nLen); if (cmdline == NULL) { return OutOfMemory(); } WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bufp, -1, cmdline, nLen, NULL, NULL); */ #else /* Grab the command line */ bufp = GetCommandLineA(); nLen = strlen(bufp) + 1; cmdline = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * nLen); if (cmdline == NULL) { return OutOfMemory(); } strncpy(cmdline, bufp, nLen); #endif /* Parse it into argv and argc */ argc = ParseCommandLine(cmdline, NULL); argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * (argc + 1)); if (argv == NULL) { return OutOfMemory(); } ParseCommandLine(cmdline, argv); /* Run the main program */ status = main(argc, (const char**)argv); free(argv); free(cmdline); return status; }
static void PrepareData(void){ TCHAR sTmp[5]; if (NumberOfAirspaces==0) return; sNameFilter[0] =_T('\0'); AirspaceSelectInfo = (AirspaceSelectInfo_t*) malloc(sizeof(AirspaceSelectInfo_t) * NumberOfAirspaces); if (AirspaceSelectInfo==NULL) { OutOfMemory(_T(__FILE__),__LINE__); return; } StrIndex = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(NumberOfAirspaces+1)); if (StrIndex==NULL) { OutOfMemory(_T(__FILE__),__LINE__); return; } int index=0; double bearing; double distance; CAirspaceList Airspaces = CAirspaceManager::Instance().GetAllAirspaces(); CAirspaceList::const_iterator it; for (it=Airspaces.begin(); it != Airspaces.end(); ++it) { AirspaceSelectInfo[index].airspace = *it; distance = DISTANCEMODIFY * (*it)->Range(Longitude, Latitude, bearing); if (distance<0) distance=0; AirspaceSelectInfo[index].Distance = distance; AirspaceSelectInfo[index].Direction = bearing; LK_tcsncpy(sTmp, (*it)->Name(), 4); CharUpper(sTmp); AirspaceSelectInfo[index].FourChars = (((unsigned)sTmp[0] & 0xff) << 24) + (((unsigned)sTmp[1] & 0xff) << 16) + (((unsigned)sTmp[2] & 0xff) << 8) + (((unsigned)sTmp[3] & 0xff) ); AirspaceSelectInfo[index].Type = (*it)->Type(); index++; } qsort(AirspaceSelectInfo, UpLimit, sizeof(AirspaceSelectInfo_t), AirspaceNameCompare); }
void GlobalExceptionHandler::newHandler() #ifndef OPENMS_COMPILER_MSVC throw(OutOfMemory) #endif { throw OutOfMemory(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
void* FMallocTBB::Malloc( SIZE_T Size, uint32 Alignment ) { IncrementTotalMallocCalls(); MEM_TIME(MemTime -= FPlatformTime::Seconds()); void* NewPtr = NULL; if( Alignment != DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT ) { Alignment = FMath::Max(Size >= 16 ? (uint32)16 : (uint32)8, Alignment); NewPtr = scalable_aligned_malloc( Size, Alignment ); } else { NewPtr = scalable_malloc( Size ); } if( !NewPtr && Size ) { OutOfMemory(Size, Alignment); } #if UE_BUILD_DEBUG || UE_BUILD_DEVELOPMENT else if (Size) { FMemory::Memset(NewPtr, DEBUG_FILL_NEW, Size); } #endif MEM_TIME(MemTime += FPlatformTime::Seconds()); return NewPtr; }
void PAWN::promote(PIECETYPE promoteType) { switch (promoteType) { case TYPEQUEEN: promotePiece = new QUEEN(whatColor()); break; case TYPEROOK: promotePiece = new ROOK(whatColor()); break; case TYPEBISHOP: promotePiece = new BISHOP(whatColor()); break; case TYPEKNIGHT: promotePiece = new KNIGHT(whatColor()); break; } if (!promotePiece) OutOfMemory(); return; }
/* X=Trans*X : computes IN PLACE the transformation X=Trans*X. X: nxT, Trans: nxn */ void Transform(double *X, double *Trans, int n, int T) { double *Tx; /* buffer for a column vector */ int i, s, t; int Xind, Xstart, Xstop; double sum; Tx = (double *)calloc(n, sizeof(double)); if (Tx == NULL) OutOfMemory(); for (t = 0; t<T; t++) { Xstart = t * n; Xstop = Xstart + n; /* stores in Tx the t-th colum of X transformed by Trans */ for (i = 0; i<n; i++) { sum = 0.0; for (s = i, Xind = Xstart; Xind<Xstop; s += n, Xind++) sum += Trans[s] * X[Xind]; Tx[i] = sum; } /* plugs the transformed vector back in the orignal matrix */ for (i = 0, Xind = Xstart; i< n; i++, Xind++) X[Xind] = Tx[i]; } free(Tx); }
void* PTHeapImpl::allocate(size_t size) { void * p = allocate_(size); if(!p) throw OutOfMemory(); return p; }
/* W = sqrt(inv(cov(X))) */ void ComputeWhitener (double *W, double *X, int n, int T) {//ok double threshold_W = RELATIVE_W_THRESHOLD / sqrt((double) T) ; double *Cov = (double *) calloc(n*n, sizeof(double)) ; double rescale ; int i,j ; if (Cov == NULL) OutOfMemory() ; EstCovMat (Cov, X, n, T) ; printf ("covmat\n"); PrintMat (Cov, n, n) ; printf ("\n"); Diago (Cov, W, n, threshold_W) ; printf ("diago\n"); PrintMat (Cov, n, n) ; printf ("\n"); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { rescale= 1.0 / sqrt (Cov[i+i*n]) ; for (j=0; j< n ; j++) W[i*n+j] = rescale * W[i*n+j] ; } free(Cov);//done }
void *AllocBufmemR (ULONG size, globaldata *g) { ULONG *buffer; while (!(buffer = AllocBufmem (size, g))) OutOfMemory (g); return buffer; }
/* * Retrying AllocVec */ VOID *AllocMemR (ULONG size, ULONG flags, globaldata *g) { UBYTE *buffer; while (!(buffer=AllocVec (size, flags))) { OutOfMemory (g); } return buffer; }
Channel* ChannelRegistry::add(const std::string& channelName) { ND_DEBUG("[ChannelRegistry] Request to add new Channel named %s.\n", channelName.c_str()); if ( exists(channelName) ) throw AlreadyExists(AlreadyExists::msg("channel", channelName)); Channel* channelPtr = new Channel(channelName); if ( !channelPtr ) throw OutOfMemory("ChannelRegistry::autoLoad: Unable to allocate memory for new Channel."); _channels[channelName] = channelPtr; return (channelPtr); }
// // strdup polyfill // static char *mystrdup(const char *instr) { size_t len = strlen(instr) + 1; char *buf = malloc(len); if(!buf) { OutOfMemory(); return NULL; } return strncpy(buf, instr, len); }
void TypeIndexMap::Reset( const uint count ) /******************************************/ { try { _mappingTable.ClearAndReset( count ); Init(count); } // temporary internal testing code. catch (...) { throw OutOfMemory( DEF_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(int) ); } }
ErrorOrResult<GLuint> PathManager::createPaths(rx::GLImplFactory *factory, GLsizei range) { // Allocate client side handles. const GLuint client = mHandleAllocator.allocateRange(static_cast<GLuint>(range)); if (client == HandleRangeAllocator::kInvalidHandle) return OutOfMemory() << "Failed to allocate path handle range."; const auto &paths = factory->createPaths(range); if (paths.empty()) { mHandleAllocator.releaseRange(client, range); return OutOfMemory() << "Failed to allocate path objects."; } for (GLsizei i = 0; i < range; ++i) { const auto impl = paths[static_cast<unsigned>(i)]; const auto id = client + i; mPaths.assign(id, new Path(impl)); } return client; }
/* This is where execution begins [windowed apps] */ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR szCmdLine, int sw) { HINSTANCE handle; char **argv; int argc; char *cmdline; char *bufp; /* AllocConsole(); */ /* Start up DDHELP.EXE before opening any files, so DDHELP doesn't keep them open. This is a hack.. hopefully it will be fixed someday. DDHELP.EXE starts up the first time DDRAW.DLL is loaded. */ handle = LoadLibrary(TEXT("DDRAW.DLL")); if ( handle != NULL ) { FreeLibrary(handle); } /* Grab the command line (use alloca() on Windows) */ bufp = GetCommandLine(); cmdline = (char *)alloca(strlen(bufp)+1); if ( cmdline == NULL ) { return OutOfMemory(); } strcpy(cmdline, bufp); /* Parse it into argv and argc */ argc = ParseCommandLine(cmdline, NULL); argv = (char **)alloca((argc+1)*(sizeof *argv)); if ( argv == NULL ) { return OutOfMemory(); } ParseCommandLine(cmdline, argv); /* Run the main program (after a little SDL initialization) */ return(console_main(argc, argv)); }
void *BasicAlloc(size_t size) { void *newBlock; newBlock = malloc(size); if (newBlock == NULL) if (size != 0) { // We are fried. OutOfMemory(); } if (size != 0) { g_memUsed += _msize(newBlock); } g_maxMemUsage = __max(g_maxMemUsage, g_memUsed); g_numAllocCalls++; return newBlock; }
void Jade( /* Input. Number of samples */ double *B, /* Output. Separating matrix. nbc*nbc */ double *X, /* Input. Data set nbc x nbs */ int nbc, /* Input. Number of sensors */ int nbs ) { double threshold_JD = RELATIVE_JD_THRESHOLD / sqrt((double)nbs); int rots = 1; int i; double *Transf = (double *)calloc(nbc*nbc, sizeof(double)); double *CumTens = (double *)calloc(nbc*nbc*nbc*nbc, sizeof(double)); if (Transf == NULL || CumTens == NULL) OutOfMemory(); /* printf("teste \n"); for (i = 0; i < nbc*nbs; i++){ if (X[i] == X[i]){ printf("teste %lf", X[i]); } }*/ /* Init */ Message0(2, "Init...\n"); Identity(B, nbc); MeanRemoval(X, nbc, nbs); Message0(2, "Whitening...\n"); ComputeWhitener(Transf, X, nbc, nbs); Transform(X, Transf, nbc, nbs); Transform(B, Transf, nbc, nbc); Message0(2, "Estimating the cumulant tensor...\n"); EstCumTens(CumTens, X, nbc, nbs); Message0(2, "Joint diagonalization...\n"); rots = JointDiago(CumTens, Transf, nbc, nbc*nbc, threshold_JD); MessageI(3, "Total number of plane rotations: %6i.\n", rots); MessageF(3, "Size of the total rotation: %10.7e\n", NonIdentity(Transf, nbc)); Message0(2, "Updating...\n"); Transform(X, Transf, nbc, nbs); Transform(B, Transf, nbc, nbc); free(Transf); free(CumTens); }
/* This is where execution begins [windowed apps] */ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR szCmdLine, int sw) { char **argv; int argc; char *cmdline; /* Grab the command line */ TCHAR *text = GetCommandLine(); #if UNICODE cmdline = SDL_iconv_string("UTF-8", "UCS-2-INTERNAL", (char *)(text), (SDL_wcslen(text)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); #else cmdline = SDL_strdup(text); #endif if (cmdline == NULL) { return OutOfMemory(); } /* Parse it into argv and argc */ argc = ParseCommandLine(cmdline, NULL); argv = SDL_stack_alloc(char *, argc + 1); if (argv == NULL) { return OutOfMemory(); } ParseCommandLine(cmdline, argv); /* Run the main program */ console_main(argc, argv); SDL_stack_free(argv); SDL_free(cmdline); /* Hush little compiler, don't you cry... */ return 0; }
/* This is where execution begins [console apps] */ int console_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n; char *bufp, *appname; /* Get the class name from argv[0] */ appname = argv[0]; if ( (bufp=strrchr(argv[0], '\\')) != NULL ) { appname = bufp+1; } else if ( (bufp=strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL ) { appname = bufp+1; } if ( (bufp=strrchr(appname, '.')) == NULL ) n = strlen(appname); else n = (bufp-appname); bufp = (char *)alloca(n+1); if ( bufp == NULL ) { return OutOfMemory(); } strncpy(bufp, appname, n); bufp[n] = '\0'; appname = bufp; /* Load SDL dynamic link library */ if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE) < 0 ) { ShowError("WinMain() error", SDL_GetError()); return(FALSE); } atexit(cleanup_output); atexit(SDL_Quit); #ifndef DISABLE_VIDEO SDL_SetModuleHandle(GetModuleHandle(NULL)); #endif /* !DISABLE_VIDEO */ /* Run the application main() code */ SDL_main(argc, argv); /* Exit cleanly, calling atexit() functions */ exit(0); /* Hush little compiler, don't you cry... */ return(0); }
//============================================================================= void * MemRealloc (void * ptr, size_t bytes, const char file[], int line) { #ifdef USE_MALLOC if (void * result = _realloc_dbg(ptr, bytes, _NORMAL_BLOCK, file, line)) return result; #else REF(file); REF(line); if (!s_heap) s_heap = GetProcessHeap(); if (void * result = HeapReAlloc(s_heap, 0, ptr, bytes)) return result; #endif OutOfMemory(); return NULL; }
void* MemoryPoolManager::allocate() { int address = 0; if(this->head != nullptr) { address = (int)this->head; this->head = (void*) ((Chunk*)this->head)->next; //remove the head from the free list } else { OutOfMemory(); } return (void*) ((Chunk*)address)->getData(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // * GetTraceMonitor( void ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TNewtonTraceMonitor* TNewtonTraceMonitor::GetTraceMonitor( unsigned int inMode ) { TNewtonTraceMonitor* theResult = (TNewtonTraceMonitor*) GetObject( kName ); if (theResult == nil) { // CrŽation de l'objet. theResult = new TNewtonTraceMonitor( inMode ); if (theResult == nil) OutOfMemory(); // Enregistrement. (void) CreateObject( theResult, kName ); } return theResult; }
/* W = sqrt(inv(cov(X))) */ void ComputeWhitener(double *W, double *X, int n, int T) { double threshold_W = RELATIVE_W_THRESHOLD / sqrt((double)T); double *Cov = (double *)calloc(n*n, sizeof(double)); double rescale; int i, j; if (Cov == NULL) OutOfMemory(); EstCovMat(Cov, X, n, T); Diago(Cov, W, n, threshold_W); for (i = 0; i<n; i++) { rescale = 1.0 / sqrt(Cov[i + i*n]); for (j = 0; j< n; j++) W[i + j*n] = rescale * W[i + j*n]; } free(Cov); }
void Shibbs(double *B, /* Output. Separating matrix. nbc*nbc */ double *X, /* Input. Data set nbc x nbs */ int nbc, /* Input. Number of sensors */ int nbs /* Input. Number of samples */ ) { double threshold_JD = RELATIVE_JD_THRESHOLD / sqrt((double)nbs); int rots = 1; double *Transf = (double *)calloc(nbc*nbc, sizeof(double)); double *CumMats = (double *)calloc(nbc*nbc*nbc, sizeof(double)); if (Transf == NULL || CumMats == NULL) OutOfMemory(); /* Init */ Message0(2, "Init...\n"); Identity(B, nbc); MeanRemoval(X, nbc, nbs); Message0(2, "Whitening...\n"); ComputeWhitener(Transf, X, nbc, nbs); Transform(X, Transf, nbc, nbs); Transform(B, Transf, nbc, nbc); while (rots>0) { Message0(2, "Computing cumulant matrices...\n"); EstCumMats(CumMats, X, nbc, nbs); Message0(2, "Joint diagonalization...\n"); rots = JointDiago(CumMats, Transf, nbc, nbc, threshold_JD); MessageI(3, "Total number of plane rotations: %6i.\n", rots); MessageF(3, "Size of the total rotation: %10.7e\n", NonIdentity(Transf, nbc)); Message0(2, "Updating...\n"); Transform(X, Transf, nbc, nbs); Transform(B, Transf, nbc, nbc); } free(Transf); free(CumMats); }
int substr(const char *str1, const char *str2, Bool StripAnsi) { char *tmp1, *tmp2; int toreturn; tmp1 = strdup(str1); tmp2 = strdup(str2); if (tmp1 == NULL || tmp2 == NULL) { delete [] tmp1; delete [] tmp2; OutOfMemory(6); return (CERROR); } strlwr(tmp1); strlwr(tmp2); if (StripAnsi) { stripansi(tmp1); stripansi(tmp2); } const char *result = strstr(tmp1, tmp2); if (result == NULL) { toreturn = CERROR; } else { toreturn = (int) (result - tmp1); } delete [] tmp1; delete [] tmp2; return (toreturn); }
void* FMallocTBB::Realloc( void* Ptr, SIZE_T NewSize, uint32 Alignment ) { IncrementTotalReallocCalls(); MEM_TIME(MemTime -= FPlatformTime::Seconds()) #if UE_BUILD_DEBUG || UE_BUILD_DEVELOPMENT SIZE_T OldSize = 0; if (Ptr) { OldSize = scalable_msize(Ptr); if (NewSize < OldSize) { FMemory::Memset((uint8*)Ptr + NewSize, DEBUG_FILL_FREED, OldSize - NewSize); } } #endif void* NewPtr = NULL; if (Alignment != DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT) { Alignment = FMath::Max(NewSize >= 16 ? (uint32)16 : (uint32)8, Alignment); NewPtr = scalable_aligned_realloc(Ptr, NewSize, Alignment); } else { NewPtr = scalable_realloc(Ptr, NewSize); } #if UE_BUILD_DEBUG || UE_BUILD_DEVELOPMENT if (NewPtr && NewSize > OldSize ) { FMemory::Memset((uint8*)NewPtr + OldSize, DEBUG_FILL_NEW, NewSize - OldSize); } #endif if( !NewPtr && NewSize ) { OutOfMemory(NewSize, Alignment); } MEM_TIME(MemTime += FPlatformTime::Seconds()) return NewPtr; }
unsigned long Bzip2Compressor::compressBlock(char* dst, unsigned long dst_len, char* src, unsigned long src_len) { // Get proper compression level. int plevel = level(); if (plevel < 1) plevel = 1; unsigned compressed_length = dst_len; int rv = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress(dst, &compressed_length, src, src_len, plevel, 0, 0); if (rv == BZ_OK) return compressed_length; if (rv == BZ_MEM_ERROR) throw OutOfMemory(); if (rv == BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL) throw BufferTooShort(dst_len); return 0; }
// put all the pieces for one color at their starting positions on // the board LOCAL void setupPieces ( PIECE *board[][NUMCOLS], PIECECOLOR color, // column in which the non-pawn pieces go int backCol, // column in which the pawns go int pawnCol ) { BOOL f = TRUE; int row; #define NEWPIECE(P, ROWOFFSET, COLOFFSET) \ f = f && \ ((board[ROWOFFSET][COLOFFSET] = new P) != (PIECE *) 0); NEWPIECE(ROOK(color), 0, backCol); NEWPIECE(KNIGHT(color), 1, backCol); NEWPIECE(BISHOP(color), 2, backCol); NEWPIECE(QUEEN(color), 3, backCol); NEWPIECE(KING(color), 4, backCol); NEWPIECE(BISHOP(color), 5, backCol); NEWPIECE(KNIGHT(color), 6, backCol); NEWPIECE(ROOK(color), 7, backCol); for (row = 0; row < NUMROWS; row++) NEWPIECE(PAWN(color), row, pawnCol); if (!f) OutOfMemory(); return; #undef NEWPIECE }